com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.luceneserver.doc.LoadedDocValues Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2020 Yelp Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.luceneserver.doc;
import com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.grpc.SearchResponse;
import com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.grpc.SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue;
import com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.grpc.SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.Vector;
import com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.grpc.SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.Vector.Builder;
import com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.luceneserver.geo.GeoPoint;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
import org.apache.lucene.geo.GeoEncodingUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.index.BinaryDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedSetDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
* Container class for loading and holding doc values for a field. Abstracts loaded values as a
* list. The various implementations of this class use the lucene segment doc values accessors to
* load the data for that field.
* These are used during field data retrieval when building a search response, and provided to
* scripts during execution.
All implementations must define setDocId to advance the doc values accessor to the provided
* segment document. All implementations must also define toFieldValue, which provides a {@link
* com.yelp.nrtsearch.server.grpc.SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue} containing the doc value data for a
* given index in the list.
All implementations throw an IllegalStateException when trying to get a value when there are
* no values for the field. All implementations throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to
* access an invalid index.
* @param the loaded doc values type. This could be a simple boxed primitive, or something more
* complex like a {@link GeoPoint}.
public abstract class LoadedDocValues extends AbstractList {
// long decoders
private static final LongFunction BOOL_DECODER = (longValue) -> longValue == 1;
private static final LongFunction INT_DECODER = (longValue) -> (int) longValue;
private static final LongFunction LONG_DECODER = (longValue) -> longValue;
private static final LongFunction FLOAT_DECODER =
(longValue) -> Float.intBitsToFloat((int) longValue);
private static final LongFunction SORTED_FLOAT_DECODER =
(longValue) -> NumericUtils.sortableIntToFloat((int) longValue);
private static final LongFunction DOUBLE_DECODER = Double::longBitsToDouble;
private static final LongFunction SORTED_DOUBLE_DECODER =
private static final LongFunction DATE_DECODER = Instant::ofEpochMilli;
private static final LongFunction GEO_POINT_DECODER =
(longValue) ->
new GeoPoint(
GeoEncodingUtils.decodeLatitude((int) (longValue >> 32)),
GeoEncodingUtils.decodeLongitude((int) longValue));
// BytesRef decoders
// copy the target buffer, as the original BytesRef buffer will be reused
private static final Function BYTES_REF_DECODER = BytesRef::deepCopyOf;
private static final Function STRING_DECODER = BytesRef::utf8ToString;
// Gson decoder to deserilize string to objects
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
public abstract void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException;
public abstract SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index);
public abstract static class SingleNumericValue extends LoadedDocValues {
private final NumericDocValues docValues;
private final LongFunction decoder;
private T value;
SingleNumericValue(NumericDocValues docValues, LongFunction decoder) {
this.docValues = docValues;
this.decoder = decoder;
public void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docValues.advanceExact(docID)) {
value = decoder.apply(docValues.longValue());
} else {
value = null;
public T get(int index) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No doc values for document");
} else if (index != 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No doc value for index: " + index);
return value;
public int size() {
return value == null ? 0 : 1;
public T getValue() {
return get(0);
public static final class SingleBoolean extends SingleNumericValue {
public SingleBoolean(NumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, BOOL_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setBooleanValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SingleInteger extends SingleNumericValue {
public SingleInteger(NumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, INT_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setIntValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SingleLong extends SingleNumericValue {
public SingleLong(NumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, LONG_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setLongValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SingleFloat extends SingleNumericValue {
public SingleFloat(NumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, FLOAT_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setFloatValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SingleDouble extends SingleNumericValue {
public SingleDouble(NumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, DOUBLE_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setDoubleValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SingleDateTime extends SingleNumericValue {
public SingleDateTime(NumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, DATE_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
long epochMs = get(index).toEpochMilli();
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setLongValue(epochMs).build();
public abstract static class SortedNumericValues extends LoadedDocValues {
private final SortedNumericDocValues docValues;
private final LongFunction decoder;
private final ArrayList values = new ArrayList<>();
SortedNumericValues(SortedNumericDocValues docValues, LongFunction decoder) {
this.docValues = docValues;
this.decoder = decoder;
public void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docValues.advanceExact(docID)) {
int count = docValues.docValueCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
public T get(int index) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No doc values for document");
} else if (index < 0 || index >= values.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No doc value for index: " + index);
return values.get(index);
public int size() {
return values.size();
public static final class SortedBooleans extends SortedNumericValues {
public SortedBooleans(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, BOOL_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setBooleanValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SortedIntegers extends SortedNumericValues {
public SortedIntegers(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, INT_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setIntValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SortedLongs extends SortedNumericValues {
public SortedLongs(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, LONG_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setLongValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SortedFloats extends SortedNumericValues {
public SortedFloats(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, SORTED_FLOAT_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setFloatValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SortedDoubles extends SortedNumericValues {
public SortedDoubles(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, SORTED_DOUBLE_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setDoubleValue(get(index)).build();
// Even single points use SortedNumericDocValues, since they are LatLonDocValuesFields
public static final class SingleLocation extends SortedNumericValues {
public SingleLocation(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, GEO_POINT_DECODER);
public GeoPoint getValue() {
return get(0);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
GeoPoint point = get(index);
LatLng latLon =
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setLatLngValue(latLon).build();
public double arcDistance(double lat, double lon) {
return getValue().arcDistance(lat, lon);
public static final class Locations extends SortedNumericValues {
public Locations(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, GEO_POINT_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
GeoPoint point = get(index);
LatLng latLon =
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setLatLngValue(latLon).build();
public double arcDistance(double lat, double lon) {
// backward compatible with ES
// assume we actually only have 1 location while declared as multivalued
return get(0).arcDistance(lat, lon);
public static final class SortedDateTimes extends SortedNumericValues {
public SortedDateTimes(SortedNumericDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, DATE_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
long epochMs = get(index).toEpochMilli();
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setLongValue(epochMs).build();
public static final class ObjectJsonDocValues extends LoadedDocValues {
private final BinaryDocValues docValues;
private List value;
public ObjectJsonDocValues(BinaryDocValues docValues) {
this.docValues = docValues;
public void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docValues.advanceExact(docID)) {
String jsonString = STRING_DECODER.apply(docValues.binaryValue());
ListValue.Builder builder = ListValue.newBuilder();
JsonFormat.parser().merge(jsonString, builder);
value =
.map(e -> e.getStructValue())
} else {
value = null;
public Struct get(int index) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No doc values for document");
try {
return value.get(index);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
Struct struct = get(index);
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setStructValue(struct).build();
public int size() {
return value == null ? 0 : value.size();
public abstract static class SingleBinaryBase extends LoadedDocValues {
private final BinaryDocValues docValues;
private final Function decoder;
private T value;
public SingleBinaryBase(BinaryDocValues docValues, Function decoder) {
this.docValues = docValues;
this.decoder = decoder;
public void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docValues.advanceExact(docID)) {
value = decoder.apply(docValues.binaryValue());
} else {
value = null;
public T get(int index) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No doc values for document");
} else if (index != 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No doc value for index: " + index);
return value;
public int size() {
return value == null ? 0 : 1;
public T getValue() {
return get(0);
public static final class SingleBinary extends SingleBinaryBase {
public SingleBinary(BinaryDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, BYTES_REF_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder()
public static final class SingleString extends SingleBinaryBase {
public SingleString(BinaryDocValues docValues) {
super(docValues, STRING_DECODER);
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setTextValue(get(index)).build();
public static final class SortedStrings extends LoadedDocValues {
private final SortedSetDocValues docValues;
private final ArrayList values = new ArrayList<>();
public SortedStrings(SortedSetDocValues docValues) {
this.docValues = docValues;
public void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docValues.advanceExact(docID)) {
long ord = docValues.nextOrd();
while (ord != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
ord = docValues.nextOrd();
public SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder().setTextValue(get(index)).build();
public String get(int index) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No doc values for document");
} else if (index < 0 || index >= values.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No doc value for index: " + index);
return values.get(index);
public int size() {
return values.size();
public static final class SingleVector extends LoadedDocValues {
private final BinaryDocValues docValues;
private VectorType value;
public SingleVector(BinaryDocValues docValues) {
this.docValues = docValues;
* Set method to set the lucene level doc id to lookup value from index and initialize the
* loaded doc value index by loading vector data
public void setDocId(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docValues.advanceExact(docID)) {
value = decodeBytesRefToVectorType(docValues.binaryValue());
} else {
value = null;
/** Decodes binary doc value to float array and wraps it into a VectorType */
private static VectorType decodeBytesRefToVectorType(BytesRef bytesRef) {
float[] floats = new float[bytesRef.length / Float.BYTES];
FloatBuffer fb =
ByteBuffer.wrap(bytesRef.bytes, bytesRef.offset, bytesRef.length).asFloatBuffer();
return new VectorType(floats);
/** Provide field value containing the doc value data for a given index */
public FieldValue toFieldValue(int index) {
VectorType vector = get(index);
Builder vectorBuilder = Vector.newBuilder();
for (float value : vector.getVectorData()) {
return SearchResponse.Hit.FieldValue.newBuilder()
public VectorType get(int index) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No doc values for document");
} else if (index != 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No doc value for index: " + index);
return value;
public int size() {
return value == null ? 0 : 1;
public VectorType getValue() {
return get(0);