com.yodlee.sdk.api.AccountsApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2019 Yodlee, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license information.
package com.yodlee.sdk.api;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.validation.constraints.Digits;
import javax.validation.constraints.Max;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.yodlee.api.model.AbstractModelComponent;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.enums.ItemAccountStatus;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.request.CreateAccountRequest;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.request.EvaluateAddressRequest;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.request.UpdateAccountRequest;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.AccountBalanceResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.AccountMigrationResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.AccountResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.AssociatedAccountsResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.CreatedAccountResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.account.response.EvaluateAddressResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.enums.Container;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.exception.ApiException;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.util.ApiUtils;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.validators.AccountsValidator;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.validators.AccountsValidator.HistoricalBalancesIntervalValue;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.validators.AccountsValidator.IncludeParameterValue;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiCallback;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiClient;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiContext;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiResponse;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.CallContext;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.HttpMethod;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.Pair;
import com.yodlee.sdk.context.Context;
import okhttp3.Call;
public class AccountsApi extends AbstractApi {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccountsApi.class);
private static final String PARAM_TOP = "top";
private static final String PARAM_SKIP = "skip";
private static final String PARAM_INTERVAL = "interval";
private static final String PARAM_INCLUDE_CF = "includeCF";
private static final String PARAM_FROM_DATE = "fromDate";
private static final String PARAM_TO_DATE = "toDate";
private static final String PARAM_STATUS = "status";
private static final String PARAM_REQUEST_ID = "requestId";
private static final String PARAM_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_ID = "providerAccountId";
private static final String PARAM_INCLUDE = "include";
private static final String PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID = "accountId";
private static final String PARAM_CONTAINER = "container";
public AccountsApi(Context> context) {
* Get Account Details
* The get account details service provides detailed information of an account.
* Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter
* and response.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param include profile, holder, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh (optional)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse getAccount(//
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAccount API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateGetAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, include);
CallContext callContext = buildGetAccountContext(accountId, include, null);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountResponse.class);
* Get Account Details with request Headers.
* The get account details service provides detailed information of an account.
* Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter
* and response.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param include profile, holder, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh (optional)
* @param headers Map of headers key-value pair e.g (Accept-Encoding, gzip) (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse getAccount(//
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include, //
Map headers) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAccountwithGzip API execution started");
String contentEncodingValue = headers.get(ApiConstants.ACCEPT_ENCODING);
AccountsValidator.validateGetAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, include);
CallContext callContext = buildGetAccountContext(accountId, include, contentEncodingValue);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountResponse.class);
* Get Account Details
* The get account details service provides detailed information of an account.
* Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter
* and response.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param include profile, holder, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh (optional)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link AccountResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void getAccountAsync(//
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include, ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAccountAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateGetAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, include);
CallContext callContext = buildGetAccountContext(accountId, include, null);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), AccountResponse.class, apiCallback);
private CallContext buildGetAccountContext(long accountId, IncludeParameterValue[] include, String contentEncoding)
throws ApiException {
String endPoint =
replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, String.valueOf(accountId));
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endPoint, HttpMethod.GET, null);
if (include != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_INCLUDE, ApiUtils.convertArrayToString(include)));
if (contentEncoding != null) {
apiContext.addHeaderParam(ApiConstants.ACCEPT_ENCODING, contentEncoding);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Get Accounts The get accounts service provides information about accounts added by the user.
* By default, this service returns information for active and to be closed accounts.
* If requestId is provided, the accounts that are updated in the context of the requestId will be provided in the
* response.
* Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter
* and response.
* @param accountId Comma separated accountIds (optional)
* @param container bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/reward/bill/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities
* (optional)
* @param include profile, holder, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh (optional)
* @param providerAccountId Comma separated providerAccountIds (optional)
* @param requestId The unique identifier that returns contextual data (optional)
* @param status Comma separated values ACTIVE/INACTIVE/TO_BE_CLOSED/CLOSED (optional)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse getAllAccounts(//
@Size(min = 0, max = 100, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.length.invalid}") Long[] accountId, //
Container container, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include, //
@Size(min = 0,
max = 100,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.length.invalid}") Long[] providerAccountId, //
String requestId, //
ItemAccountStatus[] status) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAllAccounts API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateGetAllAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, container, include,
providerAccountId, requestId, status);
CallContext callContext =
buildAllAccountsContext(accountId, container, include, providerAccountId, requestId, status, null);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountResponse.class);
* Get All Accounts with Gzip Header
* Get Accounts The get accounts service provides information about accounts added by the user.
* By default, this service returns information for active and to be closed accounts.
* If requestId is provided, the accounts that are updated in the context of the requestId will be provided in the
* response.
* Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter
* and response.
* @param accountId Comma separated accountIds (optional)
* @param container bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/reward/bill/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities
* (optional)
* @param include profile, holder, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh (optional)
* @param providerAccountId Comma separated providerAccountIds (optional)
* @param requestId The unique identifier that returns contextual data (optional)
* @param status Comma separated values ACTIVE/INACTIVE/TO_BE_CLOSED/CLOSED (optional)
* @param headers Map of headers key-value pair e.g (Accept-Encoding, gzip) (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse getAllAccounts(//
@Size(min = 0, max = 100, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.length.invalid}") Long[] accountId, //
Container container, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include, //
@Size(min = 0,
max = 100,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.length.invalid}") Long[] providerAccountId, //
String requestId, //
ItemAccountStatus[] status, //
Map headers) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAllAccounts API execution started");
String contentEncodingValue = headers.get(ApiConstants.ACCEPT_ENCODING);
AccountsValidator.validateGetAllAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, container, include,
providerAccountId, requestId, status);
CallContext callContext =
buildAllAccountsContext(accountId, container, include, providerAccountId, requestId, status, contentEncodingValue);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountResponse.class);
* Get Accounts The get accounts service provides information about accounts added by the user.
* By default, this service returns information for active and to be closed accounts.
* If requestId is provided, the accounts that are updated in the context of the requestId will be provided in the
* response.
* Note : fullAccountNumber is deprecated and is replaced with fullAccountNumberList in include parameter
* and response.
* @param accountId Comma separated accountIds (optional)
* @param container bank/creditCard/investment/insurance/loan/reward/bill/realEstate/otherAssets/otherLiabilities
* (optional)
* @param include profile, holder, fullAccountNumberList, paymentProfile, autoRefresh (optional)
* @param providerAccountId Comma separated providerAccountIds (optional)
* @param requestId The unique identifier that returns contextual data (optional)
* @param status Comma separated values ACTIVE/INACTIVE/TO_BE_CLOSED/CLOSED (optional)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link AccountResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void getAllAccountsAsync(//
@Size(min = 0, max = 100, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.length.invalid}") Long[] accountId, //
Container container, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include, //
@Size(min = 0,
max = 100,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.length.invalid}") Long[] providerAccountId, //
String requestId, //
ItemAccountStatus[] status, ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAllAccountsAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateGetAllAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, container, include,
providerAccountId, requestId, status);
CallContext callContext =
buildAllAccountsContext(accountId, container, include, providerAccountId, requestId, status, null);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), AccountResponse.class, apiCallback);
private CallContext buildAllAccountsContext(Long[] accountId, //
Container container, //
IncludeParameterValue[] include, //
Long[] providerAccountId, //
String requestId, //
ItemAccountStatus[] status, //
String contentEncoding) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.ACCOUNTS, HttpMethod.GET, null);
if (accountId != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, ApiUtils.convertArrayToString(accountId)));
if (container != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_CONTAINER,;
if (include != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_INCLUDE, ApiUtils.convertArrayToString(include)));
if (providerAccountId != null) {
new Pair(PARAM_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_ID, ApiUtils.convertArrayToString(providerAccountId)));
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(requestId)) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_REQUEST_ID, requestId));
if (status != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_STATUS, ApiUtils.convertArrayToString(status)));
if (contentEncoding != null) {
apiContext.addHeaderParam(ApiConstants.ACCEPT_ENCODING, contentEncoding);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Get Historical Balances The historical balances service is used to retrieve the historical balances for an
* account or a user.
* Historical balances are daily (D), weekly (W), and monthly (M).
* The interval input should be passed as D, W, and M to retrieve the desired historical balances. The default
* interval is daily (D).
* When no account id is provided, historical balances of the accounts that are active, to be closed, and closed are
* provided in the response.
* If the fromDate and toDate are not passed, the last 90 days of data will be provided.
* The date field in the response denotes the date for which the balance is requested.
* includeCF needs to be sent as true if the customer wants to return carried forward balances
* for a date when the data is not available.
* asofDate field in the response denotes the date as of which the balance was updated for that account.
* When there is no balance available for a requested date and if includeCF is sent as true, the previous
* date for which the balance is available is provided in the response. When there is no previous
* balance available, no data will be sent.
* @param accountId accountId (optional)
* @param toDate toDate for balance retrieval (optional)
* @param fromDate from date for balance retrieval (optional)
* @param includeCF Consider carry forward logic for missing balances (optional)
* @param interval D-daily, W-weekly or M-monthly (optional)
* @param skip skip (Min 0) (optional)
* @param top top (Max 500) (optional)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse getHistoricalBalances(//
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") Long accountId, Date toDate, //
Date fromDate, //
Boolean includeCF, //
HistoricalBalancesIntervalValue interval, //
@Min(value = 0, message = "{accounts.param.skip.invalid}") Integer skip, //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{}") //
@Max(value = 500, message = "{}") Integer top) throws ApiException {"Accounts getHistoricalBalances API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateGetHistoricalBalances(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, toDate, fromDate,
includeCF, interval, skip, top);
CallContext callContext =
buildGetHistoricalBalancesContext(accountId, toDate, fromDate, includeCF, interval, skip, top);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse.class);
* Get Historical Balances The historical balances service is used to retrieve the historical balances for an
* account or a user.
* Historical balances are daily (D), weekly (W), and monthly (M).
* The interval input should be passed as D, W, and M to retrieve the desired historical balances. The default
* interval is daily (D).
* When no account id is provided, historical balances of the accounts that are active, to be closed, and closed are
* provided in the response.
* If the fromDate and toDate are not passed, the last 90 days of data will be provided.
* The date field in the response denotes the date for which the balance is requested.
* includeCF needs to be sent as true if the customer wants to return carried forward balances
* for a date when the data is not available.
* asofDate field in the response denotes the date as of which the balance was updated for that account.
* When there is no balance available for a requested date and if includeCF is sent as true, the previous
* date for which the balance is available is provided in the response. When there is no previous
* balance available, no data will be sent.
* @param accountId accountId (optional)
* @param toDate toDate for balance retrieval (optional)
* @param fromDate from date for balance retrieval (optional)
* @param includeCF Consider carry forward logic for missing balances (optional)
* @param interval D-daily, W-weekly or M-monthly (optional)
* @param skip skip (Min 0) (optional)
* @param top top (Max 500) (optional)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void getHistoricalBalancesAsync(
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") Long accountId, Date toDate, //
Date fromDate, //
Boolean includeCF, //
HistoricalBalancesIntervalValue interval, //
@Min(value = 0, message = "{accounts.param.skip.invalid}") Integer skip, //
@Min(value = 1, message = "{}") //
@Max(value = 500, message = "{}") Integer top,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts getHistoricalBalancesAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateGetHistoricalBalances(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, toDate, fromDate,
includeCF, interval, skip, top);
CallContext callContext =
buildGetHistoricalBalancesContext(accountId, toDate, fromDate, includeCF, interval, skip, top);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), AccountHistoricalBalancesResponse.class,
private CallContext buildGetHistoricalBalancesContext(Long accountId, Date toDate, //
Date fromDate, //
Boolean includeCF, //
HistoricalBalancesIntervalValue interval, //
Integer skip, //
Integer top) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.GET_HISTORICAL_BALANCES, HttpMethod.GET, null);
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(ApiConstants.YYYY_MM_DD);
if (accountId != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId.toString()));
if (toDate != null) {
String formattedFromDate = formatter.format(toDate);
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_TO_DATE, formattedFromDate));
if (fromDate != null) {
String formattedFromDate = formatter.format(fromDate);
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_FROM_DATE, formattedFromDate));
if (includeCF != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_INCLUDE_CF, includeCF.toString()));
if (interval != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_INTERVAL,;
if (skip != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_SKIP, skip.toString()));
if (top != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_TOP, top.toString()));
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Add Manual Account The add account service is used to add manual accounts.
* The response of add account service includes the account name , account number and Yodlee generated account
* id.
* All manual accounts added will be included as part of networth calculation by default.
* Add manual account support is available for bank, card, investment, insurance, loan and bills container only.
* @param accountParam accountParam (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link CreatedAccountResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse createManualAccount(
@NotNull(message = "{accounts.manualAccountInfo.required}") CreateAccountRequest accountParam)
throws ApiException {"Accounts createManualAccount API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateCreateManualAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountParam);
CallContext callContext = buildcreateManualAccountContext(accountParam);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), CreatedAccountResponse.class);
* Add Manual Account The add account service is used to add manual accounts.
* The response of add account service includes the account name , account number and Yodlee generated account
* id.
* All manual accounts added will be included as part of networth calculation by default.
* Add manual account support is available for bank, card, investment, insurance, loan and bills container only.
* @param accountParam accountParam (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link CreatedAccountResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void createManualAccountAsync(
@NotNull(message = "{accounts.manualAccountInfo.required}") CreateAccountRequest accountParam,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts createManualAccountAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateCreateManualAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountParam);
CallContext callContext = buildcreateManualAccountContext(accountParam);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), CreatedAccountResponse.class, apiCallback);
private CallContext buildcreateManualAccountContext(CreateAccountRequest accountParam) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.ACCOUNTS, HttpMethod.POST, accountParam);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Update Account The update account service is used to update manual and aggregated accounts.
* The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
* Update manual account support is available for bank, card, investment, insurance, loan, bills, otherAssets,
* otherLiabilities and realEstate containers only.
* Note: A real estate account update is only supported for manual valuation.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param accountRequest accountRequest (required)
* @return null
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse updateAccount(
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId, //
@NotNull(message = "{accounts.accountInfo.required}") UpdateAccountRequest accountRequest)
throws ApiException {"Accounts updateAccount API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateUpdateAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, accountRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildUpdateAccountContext(accountId, accountRequest);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), null);
* Update Account The update account service is used to update manual and aggregated accounts.
* The HTTP response code is 204 (Success without content).
* Update manual account support is available for bank, card, investment, insurance, loan, bills, otherAssets,
* otherLiabilities and realEstate containers only.
* Note: A real estate account update is only supported for manual valuation.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param accountRequest accountRequest (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void updateAccountAsync(
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId, //
@NotNull(message = "{accounts.accountInfo.required}") UpdateAccountRequest accountRequest,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts updateAccountAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateUpdateAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, accountRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildUpdateAccountContext(accountId, accountRequest);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildUpdateAccountContext(long accountId, //
UpdateAccountRequest accountRequest) throws ApiException {
String endpoint =
replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, String.valueOf(accountId));
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endpoint, HttpMethod.PUT, accountRequest);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Delete Account The delete account service allows an account to be deleted.
* This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @return null
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse deleteAccount(
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId)
throws ApiException {"Accounts deleteAccount API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateDeleteAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId);
CallContext callContext = buildDeleteAccountContext(accountId);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), null);
* Delete Account The delete account service allows an account to be deleted.
* This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void deleteAccountAsync(
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.invalid}") long accountId,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts deleteAccountAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateDeleteAccount(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId);
CallContext callContext = buildDeleteAccountContext(accountId);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildDeleteAccountContext(long accountId) throws ApiException {
String endpoint =
replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, String.valueOf(accountId));
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endpoint, HttpMethod.DELETE, null);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Use this service to validate the address before adding the real estate account.
* If the address is valid, the service will return the complete address information.
* The response will contain multiple addresses if the user-provided input matches with multiple entries in the
* vendor database.
* In the case of multiple matches, the user can select the appropriate address from the list and then invoke the
* add account service with the complete address.
* Note: Yodlee recommends to use this service before adding the real estate account to avoid failures.
* @param evaluateAddressRequest (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link EvaluateAddressResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse evaluateAddress(
@NotNull(message = "{evaluateAddress.address.required}") EvaluateAddressRequest evaluateAddressRequest)
throws ApiException {"Evaluate Address API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateEvaluateAddress(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), evaluateAddressRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildEvaluateAddressContext(evaluateAddressRequest);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), EvaluateAddressResponse.class);
* Use this service to validate the address before adding the real estate account.
* If the address is valid, the service will return the complete address information.
* The response will contain multiple addresses if the user-provided input matches with multiple entries in the
* vendor database.
* In the case of multiple matches, the user can select the appropriate address from the list and then invoke the
* add account service with the complete address.
* Note: Yodlee recommends to use this service before adding the real estate account to avoid failures.
* @param evaluateAddressRequest (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void evaluateAddressAsync(
@NotNull(message = "{evaluateAddress.address.required}") EvaluateAddressRequest evaluateAddressRequest,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Evaluate Address Async API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateEvaluateAddress(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), evaluateAddressRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildEvaluateAddressContext(evaluateAddressRequest);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildEvaluateAddressContext(EvaluateAddressRequest evaluateAddressRequest) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.EVALUATE_ADDRESS, HttpMethod.POST, evaluateAddressRequest);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Migrate Accounts
* This service is associated with the open banking (OB) flow.
* Before invoking this service, display all the associated accounts to the user by calling the GET
* /associatedAccounts API.
* The migrate accounts API treats the user's consent acceptance to initiate account migration. Invoking this
* service indicates that the user has given the consent to access the associated account information from the
* financial institution.
* If an existing provider supports bank, card, and loan accounts, and chose only to provide bank and card through
* OB APIs, a new providerAccountId for OB will be created.
* The bank and card account information will be moved to the new providerAccountId. The loan account will be
* retained in the existing provider account.
* This service returns the OB providerId and the OB providerAccountId. Note that, as part of this process, there is
* a possibility of one or more providerAccounts getting merged.
* The update or delete actions will not be allowed for the providerAccounts involved in the migration process until
* the user completes the authorization on the OB provider.
* The oauthMigrationEligibilityStatus attribute in the GET /accounts API response indicates the accounts included
* in the migration process.
* @param providerAccountId (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountMigrationResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse migrateAccounts(
@Digits(integer = 11,
fraction = 0,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.invalid}") long providerAccountId)
throws ApiException {"Accounts migrateAccounts API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateMigrateAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), providerAccountId);
CallContext callContext = buildMigrateAccountsContext(providerAccountId);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountMigrationResponse.class);
* Migrate Accounts
* This service is associated with the open banking (OB) flow.
* Before invoking this service, display all the associated accounts to the user by calling the GET
* /associatedAccounts API.
* The migrate accounts API treats the user's consent acceptance to initiate account migration. Invoking this
* service indicates that the user has given the consent to access the associated account information from the
* financial institution.
* If an existing provider supports bank, card, and loan accounts, and chose only to provide bank and card through
* OB APIs, a new providerAccountId for OB will be created.
* The bank and card account information will be moved to the new providerAccountId. The loan account will be
* retained in the existing provider account.
* This service returns the OB providerId and the OB providerAccountId. Note that, as part of this process, there is
* a possibility of one or more providerAccounts getting merged.
* The update or delete actions will not be allowed for the providerAccounts involved in the migration process until
* the user completes the authorization on the OB provider.
* The oauthMigrationEligibilityStatus attribute in the GET /accounts API response indicates the accounts included
* in the migration process.
* @param providerAccountId (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void migrateAccountsAsync(
@Digits(integer = 11,
fraction = 0,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.invalid}") long providerAccountId,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts migrateAccountsAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateMigrateAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), providerAccountId);
CallContext callContext = buildMigrateAccountsContext(providerAccountId);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildMigrateAccountsContext(long providerAccountId) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endpoint, HttpMethod.PUT, null);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Associated Accounts
* Yodlee classifies providers into credential-based aggregation and Open Banking (OB) providers.
* This service is associated with the OB aggregation flow. As part of the OB solution, financial institutions may
* merge their subsidiaries and provide data as a single OB provider.
* Before the OB solution, this data was aggregated with different provider IDs.
* This service accepts the providerAccountId and returns all accounts of the associated providerAccounts that
* belong to the subsidiary of the financial institution.
* This data should be displayed to the user to let them select the accounts that they wish to provide consent to
* share account data.
* @param providerAccountId (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AssociatedAccountsResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse getAssociatedAccounts(
@Digits(integer = 11,
fraction = 0,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.invalid}") long providerAccountId)
throws ApiException {"Accounts getAssociatedAccounts API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateAssociatedAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), providerAccountId);
CallContext callContext = buildAssociatedAccountsContext(providerAccountId);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AssociatedAccountsResponse.class);
* Associated Accounts
* Yodlee classifies providers into credential-based aggregation and Open Banking (OB) providers.
* This service is associated with the OB aggregation flow. As part of the OB solution, financial institutions may
* merge their subsidiaries and provide data as a single OB provider.
* Before the OB solution, this data was aggregated with different provider IDs.
* This service accepts the providerAccountId and returns all accounts of the associated providerAccounts that
* belong to the subsidiary of the financial institution.
* This data should be displayed to the user to let them select the accounts that they wish to provide consent to
* share account data.
* @param providerAccountId (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void getAssociatedAccountsAsync(
@Digits(integer = 11,
fraction = 0,
message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.invalid}") long providerAccountId,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAssociatedAccountsAsync API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateAssociatedAccounts(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), providerAccountId);
CallContext callContext = buildAssociatedAccountsContext(providerAccountId);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildAssociatedAccountsContext(long providerAccountId) throws ApiException {
String endpoint = replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.ASSOCIATED_ACCOUNTS_PROVIDERACCOUNTID,
PARAM_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_ID, String.valueOf(providerAccountId));
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endpoint, HttpMethod.GET, null);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Latest Balance
* The latest balances service provides the latest account balance by initiating a new balance refresh request.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param providerAccountId providerAccountId (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link AccountBalanceResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse
getAccountBalance(@Size(min = 0, max = 10, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.length.invalid}") //
@NotEmpty(message = "{accounts.param.accountId.required}") Long[] accountId,//
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.invalid}")//
@NotNull(message = "{providerAccounts.param.providerAccountId.required}") long providerAccountId)
throws ApiException {"Accounts getAccountBal API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateAccountBalance(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, providerAccountId);
CallContext callContext = buildAccountBalanceContext(accountId, providerAccountId);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), AccountBalanceResponse.class);
* Latest Balance
* The latest balances service provides the latest account balance by initiating a new balance refresh request.
* @param accountId accountId (required)
* @param providerAccountId providerAccountId (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link AccountBalanceResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void getAccountBalanceAsync(@Size(min = 0, max = 10, message = "{accounts.param.accountId.length.invalid}") //
@NotEmpty(message = "{accounts.param.accountId.required}") Long[] accountId,//
@Digits(integer = 11, fraction = 0, message = "{accounts.param.providerAccountId.invalid}")//
@NotNull(message = "{providerAccounts.param.providerAccountId.required}")//
long providerAccountId, ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Accounts getAccountBal API execution started");
AccountsValidator.validateAccountBalance(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), accountId, providerAccountId);
CallContext callContext = buildAccountBalanceContext(accountId, providerAccountId);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), AccountBalanceResponse.class, apiCallback);
private CallContext buildAccountBalanceContext(Long[] accountId, long providerAccountId) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.ACCOUNT_BALANCE, HttpMethod.GET, null);
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, ApiUtils.convertArrayToString(accountId)));
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_ID, String.valueOf(providerAccountId)));
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
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