com.yodlee.sdk.api.CobrandApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2019 Yodlee, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license information.
package com.yodlee.sdk.api;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.yodlee.api.model.AbstractModelComponent;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.enums.CobrandNotificationEventType;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.request.CobrandLoginRequest;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.request.CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.request.UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.response.CobrandLoginResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.response.CobrandNotificationResponse;
import com.yodlee.api.model.cobrand.response.CobrandPublicKeyResponse;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.exception.ApiException;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.util.ApiUtils;
import com.yodlee.sdk.api.validators.CobrandValidator;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiCallback;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiClient;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiContext;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.ApiResponse;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.CallContext;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.HttpMethod;
import com.yodlee.sdk.client.Pair;
import com.yodlee.sdk.configuration.cobrand.CobrandConfiguration;
import com.yodlee.sdk.context.CobrandContext;
import com.yodlee.sdk.context.Context;
import okhttp3.Call;
public class CobrandApi extends AbstractApi {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CobrandApi.class);
private static final String PARAM_EVENT_NAME = "eventName";
private final CobrandConfiguration cobrandConfiguration;
public CobrandApi() {
this(null, null);
public CobrandApi(CobrandConfiguration cobrandConfiguration) {
this(null, cobrandConfiguration);
public CobrandApi(Context> context, CobrandConfiguration cobrandConfiguration) {
this.cobrandConfiguration = cobrandConfiguration;
* Cobrand Login The cobrand login service authenticates a cobrand.
* Cobrand session in the response includes the cobrand session token (cobSession)
* which is used in subsequent API calls like registering or signing in the user.
* The idle timeout for a cobrand session is 2 hours and the absolute timeout is 24 hours. This service can be
* invoked to create a new cobrand session token.
* Note: This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable
* only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
* The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
* @param cobrandLoginRequest cobrandLoginRequest (required)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link CobrandLoginResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public ApiResponse cobrandLogin(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.required}") CobrandLoginRequest cobrandLoginRequest) throws ApiException {"Cobrand cobrandLogin API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateCobrandLogin(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), cobrandLoginRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildCobrandLoginContext(cobrandLoginRequest);
ApiResponse cobrandLoginResponse =
callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), CobrandLoginResponse.class);
String cobSession = cobrandLoginResponse.getData().getSession().getCobSession();
CobrandContext cobrandContext = new CobrandContext(cobSession, cobrandConfiguration);
setContext(cobrandContext);"Cobrand cobrandLogin API execution ended and set the CobrandContext");
return cobrandLoginResponse;
* Cobrand Login The cobrand login service authenticates a cobrand.
* Cobrand session in the response includes the cobrand session token (cobSession)
* which is used in subsequent API calls like registering or signing in the user.
* The idle timeout for a cobrand session is 2 hours and the absolute timeout is 24 hours. This service can be
* invoked to create a new cobrand session token.
* Note: This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable
* only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
* The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
* @param cobrandLoginRequest cobrandLoginRequest (required)
* @param apiCallBack {@link ApiCallback}<{@link CobrandLoginResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
public void cobrandLoginAsync(@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.required}") CobrandLoginRequest cobrandLoginRequest,
ApiCallback apiCallBack) throws ApiException {"Cobrand cobrandLoginAsync API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateCobrandLogin(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), cobrandLoginRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildCobrandLoginContext(cobrandLoginRequest);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), CobrandLoginResponse.class, apiCallBack);
private CallContext buildCobrandLoginContext(CobrandLoginRequest cobrandLoginRequest) throws ApiException {
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_LOGIN, HttpMethod.POST, cobrandLoginRequest);
ApiClient apiClient = getApiClient();
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Cobrand Logout The cobrand logout service is used to log out the cobrand.
* This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
* Note: This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable
* only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
* @return null
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API
public ApiResponse cobrandLogout() throws ApiException {"Cobrand Logout API execution started");
CallContext callContext = buildCobrandLogoutContext();
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), null);
* Cobrand Logout The cobrand logout service is used to log out the cobrand.
* This service does not return a response. The HTTP response code is 204 (Success with no content).
* Note: This endpoint is deprecated for customers using the API Key-based authentication and is applicable
* only to customers who use the SAML-based authentication.
* @param apiCallBack {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If fail to call the API
public void cobrandLogoutAsync(ApiCallback apiCallBack) throws ApiException {"Cobrand cobrandLogoutAsync API execution started");
CallContext callContext = buildCobrandLogoutContext();
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallBack);
private CallContext buildCobrandLogoutContext() throws ApiException {
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_LOGOUT, HttpMethod.POST, null);
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Subscribe Event The subscribe events service is used to subscribe to an event for receiving notifications.
* The callback URL, where the notification will be posted should be provided to this service.
* Customers can subscribe to REFRESH,DATA_UPDATES and AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES event.
* Notes:
* This service is not available in developer sandbox/test environment and will be made available for testing in
* your dedicated environment, once the contract is signed.
* The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
* @param eventName event Name (required)
* @param eventRequest event Request (required)
* @return null
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi createSubscriptionNotificationEvent}
public ApiResponse createSubscriptionEvent(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.param.eventName.required}") CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,//
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest.required}") CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest eventRequest)
throws ApiException {"Cobrand createSubscriptionEvent API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateCreateSubscriptionEvent(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), eventName, eventRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildCreateSubscriptionEventContext(eventName, eventRequest);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), null);
* Subscribe Event The subscribe events service is used to subscribe to an event for receiving notifications.
* The callback URL, where the notification will be posted should be provided to this service.
* Customers can subscribe to REFRESH,DATA_UPDATES and AUTO_REFRESH_UPDATES event.
* Notes:
* This service is not available in developer sandbox/test environment and will be made available for testing in
* your dedicated environment, once the contract is signed.
* The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
* @param eventName event Name (required)
* @param eventRequest event Request (required)
* @param apiCallBack {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi createSubscriptionNotificationEventAsync}
public void createSubscriptionEventAsync(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.param.eventName.required}") CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,//
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest.required}") CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest eventRequest,
ApiCallback apiCallBack) throws ApiException {"Cobrand createSubscriptionEventAsync API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateCreateSubscriptionEvent(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), eventName, eventRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildCreateSubscriptionEventContext(eventName, eventRequest);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallBack);
private CallContext buildCreateSubscriptionEventContext(CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,
CreateCobrandNotificationEventRequest eventRequest) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
String endPoint = replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_CONFIG_NOTIFICATIONS_EVENTS_EVENT_NAME,
PARAM_EVENT_NAME, eventName.toString());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endPoint, HttpMethod.POST, eventRequest);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Update Subscription The update events service is used to update the callback URL.
* Note: The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
* @param eventName event Name (required)
* @param eventRequest event Request (required)
* @return null
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi updateSubscribedNotificationEvent}
public ApiResponse updateSubscribedEvent(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.param.eventName.required}") CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest.required}") UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest eventRequest)
throws ApiException {"Cobrand updateSubscribedEvent API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateUpdateSubscribedEvent(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), eventName, eventRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildUpdateSubscribedEventContext(eventName, eventRequest);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), null);
* Update Subscription The update events service is used to update the callback URL.
* Note: The content type has to be passed as application/json for the body parameter.
* @param eventName event Name (required)
* @param eventRequest event Request (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi updateSubscribedNotificationEventAsync}
public void updateSubscribedEventAsync(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.param.eventName.required}") CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest.required}") UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest eventRequest,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Cobrand updateSubscribedEventAsync API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateUpdateSubscribedEvent(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), eventName, eventRequest);
CallContext callContext = buildUpdateSubscribedEventContext(eventName, eventRequest);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildUpdateSubscribedEventContext(CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,
UpdateCobrandNotificationEventRequest eventRequest) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
String endPoint = replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_CONFIG_NOTIFICATIONS_EVENTS_EVENT_NAME,
PARAM_EVENT_NAME, eventName.toString());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endPoint, HttpMethod.PUT, eventRequest);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Delete Subscription The delete events service is used to unsubscribe from an events service.
* @param eventName event Name (required)
* @return null
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi deleteSubscribedNotificationEvent}
public ApiResponse deleteSubscribedEvent(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.param.eventName.required}") CobrandNotificationEventType eventName)
throws ApiException {"Cobrand deleteSubscribedEvent API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateDeleteSubscribedEvent(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), eventName);
CallContext callContext = buildDeleteSubscribedEventContext(eventName);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), null);
* Delete Subscription The delete events service is used to unsubscribe from an events service.
* @param eventName event Name (required)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback} (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi deleteSubscribedNotificationEventAsync}
public void deleteSubscribedEventAsync(
@NotNull(message = "{cobrand.param.eventName.required}") CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Cobrand deleteSubscribedEventAsync API execution started");
CobrandValidator.validateDeleteSubscribedEvent(this, ApiUtils.getMethodName(), eventName);
CallContext callContext = buildDeleteSubscribedEventContext(eventName);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), apiCallback);
private CallContext buildDeleteSubscribedEventContext(CobrandNotificationEventType eventName) throws ApiException {
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
String endPoint = replacePathVariable(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_CONFIG_NOTIFICATIONS_EVENTS_EVENT_NAME,
PARAM_EVENT_NAME, eventName.toString());
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(endPoint, HttpMethod.DELETE, null);
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Get Public Key The get public key service provides the customer the public key that should be used to encrypt the
* user credentials before sending it to Yodlee.
* This endpoint is useful only for PKI enabled.
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link CobrandPublicKeyResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi getPublicEncryptionKey}
public ApiResponse getPublicKey() throws ApiException {"Cobrand getPublicKey API execution started");
CallContext callContext = buildGetPublicKeyContext();
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), CobrandPublicKeyResponse.class);
* Get Public Key The get public key service provides the customer the public key that should be used to encrypt the
* user credentials before sending it to Yodlee.
* This endpoint is useful only for PKI enabled.
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link CobrandPublicKeyResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi getPublicEncryptionKeyAsync}
public void getPublicKeyAsync(ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Cobrand getPublicKeyAsync API execution started");
CallContext callContext = buildGetPublicKeyContext();
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), CobrandPublicKeyResponse.class, apiCallback);
private CallContext buildGetPublicKeyContext() throws ApiException {
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_PUBLIC_KEY, HttpMethod.GET, null);
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
* Get Subscribed Events The get events service provides the list of events for which consumers subscribed
* to receive notifications.
* @param eventName event Name (optional)
* @return {@link ApiResponse}<{@link CobrandNotificationResponse}>
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi getSubscribedNotificationEvents}
public ApiResponse getSubscribedEvents(CobrandNotificationEventType eventName)
throws ApiException {"Cobrand getPublicKey API execution started");
CallContext callContext = buildGetSubscribedEventsContext(eventName);
return callContext.getApiClient().execute(callContext.getCall(), CobrandNotificationResponse.class);
* Get Subscribed Events The get events service provides the list of events for which consumers subscribed
* to receive notifications.
* @param eventName event Name (optional)
* @param apiCallback {@link ApiCallback}<{@link CobrandNotificationResponse}> (required)
* @throws ApiException If the input validation fails or API call fails, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the
* response body
* @deprecated Refer {@link ConfigsApi getSubscribedNotificationEventsAsync}
public void getSubscribedEventsAsync(CobrandNotificationEventType eventName,
ApiCallback apiCallback) throws ApiException {"Cobrand getPublicKeyAsync API execution started");
CallContext callContext = buildGetSubscribedEventsContext(eventName);
callContext.getApiClient().executeAsync(callContext.getCall(), CobrandNotificationResponse.class, apiCallback);
private CallContext buildGetSubscribedEventsContext(CobrandNotificationEventType eventName) throws ApiException {
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(ApiEndpoint.COBRAND_CONFIG_NOTIFICATIONS_EVENTS, HttpMethod.GET, null);
if (eventName != null) {
apiContext.addQueryParam(new Pair(PARAM_EVENT_NAME,;
ApiClient apiClient = getContext().getApiClient(getRequestHeaderMap());
Call call = apiClient.buildCall(apiContext, requestListener());
return new CallContext(apiClient, call);
private ApiClient getApiClient() {
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.addHeader(ApiConstants.COBRAND_NAME, cobrandConfiguration.getName());
apiClient.addHeader(ApiConstants.API_VERSION, cobrandConfiguration.getApiVersion());
if (cobrandConfiguration.getLocale() != null) {
apiClient.addHeader(ApiConstants.LOCALE, cobrandConfiguration.getLocale());
if (cobrandConfiguration.getSocketTimeout() != null) {
if (cobrandConfiguration.getReadTimeout() != null) {
if (cobrandConfiguration.getWriteTimeout() != null) {
return apiClient;
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