org.postgresql.core.QueryExecutor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2003, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Copyright (c) 2004, Open Cloud Limited.
package org.postgresql.core;
import org.postgresql.PGNotification;
import org.postgresql.copy.CopyOperation;
import org.postgresql.core.v3.TypeTransferModeRegistry;
import org.postgresql.jdbc.AutoSave;
import org.postgresql.jdbc.BatchResultHandler;
import org.postgresql.jdbc.EscapeSyntaxCallMode;
import org.postgresql.jdbc.PreferQueryMode;
import org.postgresql.util.HostSpec;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Abstracts the protocol-specific details of executing a query.
* Every connection has a single QueryExecutor implementation associated with it. This object
* provides:
* - factory methods for Query objects ({@link #createSimpleQuery(String)} and
* {@link #createQuery(String, boolean, boolean, String...)})
- execution methods for created Query objects (
* {@link #execute(Query, ParameterList, ResultHandler, int, int, int)} for single queries and
* {@link #execute(Query[], ParameterList[], BatchResultHandler, int, int, int)} for batches of queries)
- a fastpath call interface ({@link #createFastpathParameters} and {@link #fastpathCall}).
* Query objects may represent a query that has parameter placeholders. To provide actual values for
* these parameters, a {@link ParameterList} object is created via a factory method (
* {@link Query#createParameterList}). The parameters are filled in by the caller and passed along
* with the query to the query execution methods. Several ParameterLists for a given query might
* exist at one time (or over time); this allows the underlying Query to be reused for several
* executions, or for batch execution of the same Query.
* In general, a Query created by a particular QueryExecutor may only be executed by that
* QueryExecutor, and a ParameterList created by a particular Query may only be used as parameters
* to that Query. Unpredictable things will happen if this isn't done.
* @author Oliver Jowett ([email protected])
public interface QueryExecutor extends TypeTransferModeRegistry {
* Flag for query execution that indicates the given Query object is unlikely to be reused.
* Flag for query execution that indicates that resultset metadata isn't needed and can be safely
* omitted.
* Flag for query execution that indicates that a resultset isn't expected and the query executor
* can safely discard any rows (although the resultset should still appear to be from a
* resultset-returning query).
* Flag for query execution that indicates a forward-fetch-capable cursor should be used if
* possible.
* Flag for query execution that indicates the automatic BEGIN on the first statement when outside
* a transaction should not be done.
* Flag for query execution when we don't really want to execute, we just want to get the
* parameter metadata for the statement.
* Flag for query execution used by generated keys where we want to receive both the ResultSet and
* associated update count from the command status.
* Force this query to be described at each execution. This is done in pipelined batches where we
* might need to detect mismatched result types.
* Flag to disable batch execution when we expect results (generated keys) from a statement.
* @deprecated in PgJDBC 9.4 as we now auto-size batches.
* Flag for query execution to avoid using binary transfer.
* Execute the query via simple 'Q' command (not parse, bind, exec, but simple execute).
* This sends query text on each execution, however it supports sending multiple queries
* separated with ';' as a single command.
int MAX_SAVE_POINTS = 1000;
* Flag indicating that when beginning a transaction, it should be read only.
* Execute a Query, passing results to a provided ResultHandler.
* @param query the query to execute; must be a query returned from calling
* {@link #wrap(List)} on this QueryExecutor object.
* @param parameters the parameters for the query. Must be non-null
if the query
* takes parameters. Must be a parameter object returned by
* {@link org.postgresql.core.Query#createParameterList()}.
* @param handler a ResultHandler responsible for handling results generated by this query
* @param maxRows the maximum number of rows to retrieve
* @param fetchSize if QUERY_FORWARD_CURSOR is set, the preferred number of rows to retrieve
* before suspending
* @param flags a combination of QUERY_* flags indicating how to handle the query.
* @throws SQLException if query execution fails
void execute(Query query, @Nullable ParameterList parameters, ResultHandler handler, int maxRows,
int fetchSize, int flags) throws SQLException;
* Execute a Query with adaptive fetch, passing results to a provided ResultHandler.
* @param query the query to execute; must be a query returned from calling
* {@link #wrap(List)} on this QueryExecutor object.
* @param parameters the parameters for the query. Must be non-null
if the query
* takes parameters. Must be a parameter object returned by
* {@link org.postgresql.core.Query#createParameterList()}.
* @param handler a ResultHandler responsible for handling results generated by this query
* @param maxRows the maximum number of rows to retrieve
* @param fetchSize if QUERY_FORWARD_CURSOR is set, the preferred number of rows to retrieve
* before suspending
* @param flags a combination of QUERY_* flags indicating how to handle the query.
* @param adaptiveFetch state of adaptiveFetch to use during execution
* @throws SQLException if query execution fails
void execute(Query query, @Nullable ParameterList parameters, ResultHandler handler, int maxRows,
int fetchSize, int flags, boolean adaptiveFetch) throws SQLException;
* Execute several Query, passing results to a provided ResultHandler.
* @param queries the queries to execute; each must be a query returned from calling
* {@link #wrap(List)} on this QueryExecutor object.
* @param parameterLists the parameter lists for the queries. The parameter lists correspond 1:1
* to the queries passed in the queries
array. Each must be non-
* null
if the corresponding query takes parameters, and must be a parameter
* object returned by {@link Query#createParameterList()} created by
* the corresponding query.
* @param handler a ResultHandler responsible for handling results generated by this query
* @param maxRows the maximum number of rows to retrieve
* @param fetchSize if QUERY_FORWARD_CURSOR is set, the preferred number of rows to retrieve
* before suspending
* @param flags a combination of QUERY_* flags indicating how to handle the query.
* @throws SQLException if query execution fails
void execute(Query[] queries, @Nullable ParameterList[] parameterLists,
BatchResultHandler handler, int maxRows,
int fetchSize, int flags) throws SQLException;
* Execute several Query with adaptive fetch, passing results to a provided ResultHandler.
* @param queries the queries to execute; each must be a query returned from calling
* {@link #wrap(List)} on this QueryExecutor object.
* @param parameterLists the parameter lists for the queries. The parameter lists correspond 1:1
* to the queries passed in the queries
array. Each must be non-
* null
if the corresponding query takes parameters, and must be a parameter
* object returned by {@link Query#createParameterList()} created by
* the corresponding query.
* @param handler a ResultHandler responsible for handling results generated by this query
* @param maxRows the maximum number of rows to retrieve
* @param fetchSize if QUERY_FORWARD_CURSOR is set, the preferred number of rows to retrieve
* before suspending
* @param flags a combination of QUERY_* flags indicating how to handle the query.
* @param adaptiveFetch state of adaptiveFetch to use during execution
* @throws SQLException if query execution fails
void execute(Query[] queries, @Nullable ParameterList[] parameterLists,
BatchResultHandler handler, int maxRows,
int fetchSize, int flags, boolean adaptiveFetch) throws SQLException;
* Fetch additional rows from a cursor.
* @param cursor the cursor to fetch from
* @param handler the handler to feed results to
* @param fetchSize the preferred number of rows to retrieve before suspending
* @param adaptiveFetch state of adaptiveFetch to use during fetching
* @throws SQLException if query execution fails
void fetch(ResultCursor cursor, ResultHandler handler, int fetchSize, boolean adaptiveFetch) throws SQLException;
* Create an unparameterized Query object suitable for execution by this QueryExecutor. The
* provided query string is not parsed for parameter placeholders ('?' characters), and the
* {@link Query#createParameterList} of the returned object will always return an empty
* ParameterList.
* @param sql the SQL for the query to create
* @return a new Query object
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
Query createSimpleQuery(String sql) throws SQLException;
boolean isReWriteBatchedInsertsEnabled();
CachedQuery createQuery(String sql, boolean escapeProcessing, boolean isParameterized,
String @Nullable ... columnNames)
throws SQLException;
Object createQueryKey(String sql, boolean escapeProcessing, boolean isParameterized,
String @Nullable ... columnNames);
CachedQuery createQueryByKey(Object key) throws SQLException;
CachedQuery borrowQueryByKey(Object key) throws SQLException;
CachedQuery borrowQuery(String sql) throws SQLException;
CachedQuery borrowCallableQuery(String sql) throws SQLException;
CachedQuery borrowReturningQuery(String sql, String @Nullable [] columnNames) throws SQLException;
void releaseQuery(CachedQuery cachedQuery);
* Wrap given native query into a ready for execution format.
* @param queries list of queries in native to database syntax
* @return query object ready for execution by this query executor
Query wrap(List queries);
* Prior to attempting to retrieve notifications, we need to pull any recently received
* notifications off of the network buffers. The notification retrieval in ProtocolConnection
* cannot do this as it is prone to deadlock, so the higher level caller must be responsible which
* requires exposing this method.
* @throws SQLException if and error occurs while fetching notifications
void processNotifies() throws SQLException;
* Prior to attempting to retrieve notifications, we need to pull any recently received
* notifications off of the network buffers. The notification retrieval in ProtocolConnection
* cannot do this as it is prone to deadlock, so the higher level caller must be responsible which
* requires exposing this method. This variant supports blocking for the given time in millis.
* @param timeoutMillis number of milliseconds to block for
* @throws SQLException if and error occurs while fetching notifications
void processNotifies(int timeoutMillis) throws SQLException;
// Fastpath interface.
* Create a new ParameterList implementation suitable for invoking a fastpath function via
* {@link #fastpathCall}.
* @param count the number of parameters the fastpath call will take
* @return a ParameterList suitable for passing to {@link #fastpathCall}.
* @deprecated This API is somewhat obsolete, as one may achieve similar performance
* and greater functionality by setting up a prepared statement to define
* the function call. Then, executing the statement with binary transmission of parameters
* and results substitutes for a fast-path function call.
ParameterList createFastpathParameters(int count);
* Invoke a backend function via the fastpath interface.
* @param fnid the OID of the backend function to invoke
* @param params a ParameterList returned from {@link #createFastpathParameters} containing the
* parameters to pass to the backend function
* @param suppressBegin if begin should be suppressed
* @return the binary-format result of the fastpath call, or null
if a void result
* was returned
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs while executing the fastpath call
* @deprecated This API is somewhat obsolete, as one may achieve similar performance
* and greater functionality by setting up a prepared statement to define
* the function call. Then, executing the statement with binary transmission of parameters
* and results substitutes for a fast-path function call.
byte @Nullable [] fastpathCall(int fnid, ParameterList params, boolean suppressBegin)
throws SQLException;
* Issues a COPY FROM STDIN / COPY TO STDOUT statement and returns handler for associated
* operation. Until the copy operation completes, no other database operation may be performed.
* Implemented for protocol version 3 only.
* @param sql input sql
* @param suppressBegin if begin should be suppressed
* @return handler for associated operation
* @throws SQLException when initializing the given query fails
CopyOperation startCopy(String sql, boolean suppressBegin) throws SQLException;
* @return the version of the implementation
int getProtocolVersion();
* Sets the oids that should be received using binary encoding.
* @param useBinaryForOids The oids to request with binary encoding.
void setBinaryReceiveOids(Set useBinaryForOids);
* Sets the oids that should be sent using binary encoding.
* @param useBinaryForOids The oids to send with binary encoding.
void setBinarySendOids(Set useBinaryForOids);
* Returns true if server uses integer instead of double for binary date and time encodings.
* @return the server integer_datetime setting.
boolean getIntegerDateTimes();
* @return the host and port this connection is connected to.
HostSpec getHostSpec();
* @return the user this connection authenticated as.
String getUser();
* @return the database this connection is connected to.
String getDatabase();
* Sends a query cancellation for this connection.
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong.
void sendQueryCancel() throws SQLException;
* Return the process ID (PID) of the backend server process handling this connection.
* @return process ID (PID) of the backend server process handling this connection
int getBackendPID();
* Abort at network level without sending the Terminate message to the backend.
void abort();
* Close this connection cleanly.
void close();
* Check if this connection is closed.
* @return true iff the connection is closed.
boolean isClosed();
* Return the server version from the server_version GUC.
* Note that there's no requirement for this to be numeric or of the form x.y.z. PostgreSQL
* development releases usually have the format x.ydevel e.g. 9.4devel; betas usually x.ybetan
* e.g. 9.4beta1. The --with-extra-version configure option may add an arbitrary string to this.
* Don't use this string for logic, only use it when displaying the server version to the user.
* Prefer getServerVersionNum() for all logic purposes.
* @return the server version string from the server_version guc
String getServerVersion();
* Retrieve and clear the set of asynchronous notifications pending on this connection.
* @return an array of notifications; if there are no notifications, an empty array is returned.
* @throws SQLException if and error occurs while fetching notifications
PGNotification[] getNotifications() throws SQLException;
* Retrieve and clear the chain of warnings accumulated on this connection.
* @return the first SQLWarning in the chain; subsequent warnings can be found via
* SQLWarning.getNextWarning().
@Nullable SQLWarning getWarnings();
* Get a machine-readable server version.
* This returns the value of the server_version_num GUC. If no such GUC exists, it falls back on
* attempting to parse the text server version for the major version. If there's no minor version
* (e.g. a devel or beta release) then the minor version is set to zero. If the version could not
* be parsed, zero is returned.
* @return the server version in numeric XXYYZZ form, eg 090401, from server_version_num
int getServerVersionNum();
* Get the current transaction state of this connection.
* @return a ProtocolConnection.TRANSACTION_* constant.
TransactionState getTransactionState();
* Returns whether the server treats string-literals according to the SQL standard or if it uses
* traditional PostgreSQL escaping rules. Versions up to 8.1 always treated backslashes as escape
* characters in string-literals. Since 8.2, this depends on the value of the
* {@code standard_conforming_strings} server variable.
* @return true if the server treats string literals according to the SQL standard
boolean getStandardConformingStrings();
* @return true if we are going to quote identifier provided in the returning array default is true
boolean getQuoteReturningIdentifiers();
* Returns backend timezone in java format.
* @return backend timezone in java format.
@Nullable TimeZone getTimeZone();
* @return the current encoding in use by this connection
Encoding getEncoding();
* Returns application_name connection property.
* @return application_name connection property
String getApplicationName();
boolean isColumnSanitiserDisabled();
EscapeSyntaxCallMode getEscapeSyntaxCallMode();
PreferQueryMode getPreferQueryMode();
AutoSave getAutoSave();
void setAutoSave(AutoSave autoSave);
boolean willHealOnRetry(SQLException e);
* By default, the connection resets statement cache in case deallocate all/discard all
* message is observed.
* This API allows to disable that feature for testing purposes.
* @param flushCacheOnDeallocate true if statement cache should be reset when "deallocate/discard" message observed
void setFlushCacheOnDeallocate(boolean flushCacheOnDeallocate);
* @return the ReplicationProtocol instance for this connection.
ReplicationProtocol getReplicationProtocol();
void setNetworkTimeout(int milliseconds) throws IOException;
int getNetworkTimeout() throws IOException;
// Expose parameter status to PGConnection
Map getParameterStatuses();
@Nullable String getParameterStatus(String parameterName);
* Get fetch size computed by adaptive fetch size for given query.
* @param adaptiveFetch state of adaptive fetch, which should be used during retrieving
* @param cursor Cursor used by resultSet, containing query, have to be able to cast to
* Portal class.
* @return fetch size computed by adaptive fetch size for given query passed inside cursor
int getAdaptiveFetchSize(boolean adaptiveFetch, ResultCursor cursor);
* Get state of adaptive fetch inside QueryExecutor.
* @return state of adaptive fetch inside QueryExecutor
boolean getAdaptiveFetch();
* Set state of adaptive fetch inside QueryExecutor.
* @param adaptiveFetch desired state of adaptive fetch
void setAdaptiveFetch(boolean adaptiveFetch);
* Add query to adaptive fetch cache inside QueryExecutor.
* @param adaptiveFetch state of adaptive fetch used during adding query
* @param cursor Cursor used by resultSet, containing query, have to be able to cast to
* Portal class.
void addQueryToAdaptiveFetchCache(boolean adaptiveFetch, ResultCursor cursor);
* Remove query from adaptive fetch cache inside QueryExecutor
* @param adaptiveFetch state of adaptive fetch used during removing query
* @param cursor Cursor used by resultSet, containing query, have to be able to cast to
* Portal class.
void removeQueryFromAdaptiveFetchCache(boolean adaptiveFetch, ResultCursor cursor);