neuroflow.playground.Sinusoidal.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package neuroflow.playground
import neuroflow.core.Activator._
import neuroflow.core._
import neuroflow.nets.DynamicNetwork._
import shapeless._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* @author bogdanski
* @since 22.01.16
object Sinusoidal {
Here the goal is to predict the shape of sin(10*x).
The net will be trained with the exact function values drawn from the interval [0.0 : 0.8],
and the task is to continue (or predict) the next values from the interval ]0.8 : 4.0]
based solely on learned history. This is achieved through a time window and self-feeding traversal.
Feel free to read this article for the full story:
implicit val wp = FFN.WeightProvider(-0.2, 0.2)
def apply = {
val fn = Tanh
val group = 4
val sets = Settings(verbose = true, learningRate = 10.0, precision = 1E-9, iterations = 1000, specifics = Some(Map("τ" -> 0.25, "c" -> 0.25)))
val net = Network(Input(3) :: Hidden(5, fn) :: Hidden(3, fn) :: Output(1, fn) :: HNil, sets)
val sinusoidal = Range.Double(0.0, 0.8, 0.05).grouped(group) => => (k, Math.sin(10 * k))))
val xsys = => (s.dropRight(1).map(_._2), s.takeRight(1).map(_._2)))
val xs =
val ys =
net.train(xs, ys)
val initial = Range.Double(0.0, 0.15, 0.05) => (p._1, xs.head(p._2)))
val result = predict(net, xs.head, 0.15, initial)
result.foreach(r => println(s"${r._1}, ${r._2}"))
@tailrec def predict[T <: FeedForwardNetwork](net: T, last: Seq[Double], i: Double,
results: Seq[(Double, Double)]): Seq[(Double, Double)] = {
if (i < 4.0) {
val score = net.evaluate(last).head
predict(net, last.drop(1) :+ score, i + 0.05, results :+ (i, score))
} else results