neuroflow.playground.Sequences.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package neuroflow.playground
import neuroflow.application.plugin.Notation._
import neuroflow.application.plugin.Extensions._
import neuroflow.core.Activators.Double._
import neuroflow.core._
import neuroflow.dsl._
import scala.math._
* @author bogdanski
* @since 07.07.16
object Sequences {
def apply = {
The LSTM is able to learn the function cos(10x) -> sin(10x)
as a sequence with input dimension = 1 (time step by time step).
def cosine2sine = {
import neuroflow.nets.cpu.LSTMNetwork._
implicit val weights = WeightBreeder[Double].random(-0.2, 0.2)
val stepSize = 0.1
val xsys = Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).map(x => (->(cos(10 * x)), ->(sin(10 * x))))
val f = Tanh
val net = Network(Vector(1) :: Dense(5, f) :: Dense(1, f) :: SquaredError(),
Settings[Double](iterations = 5000, learningRate = { case (_, _) => 0.2 }, approximation = Some(FiniteDifferences(1E-9))))
val res = net.evaluate(
Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).zip(res).foreach { case (l, r) => println(s"$l, ${r.toScalaVector.head}") }
Simply learn to map from x -> { 0.5 | x < 0.8, 1.0 | >= 0.8 }
it looks like this: ________‾‾
def linear2Step = {
import neuroflow.nets.cpu.LSTMNetwork._
implicit val breeder = neuroflow.core.WeightBreeder[Double].random(-5.0, 5.0)
val stepSize = 0.01
val xsys = Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).map(x => (->(x),->(if (x < 0.8) 0.5 else 1.0)))
val f = Sigmoid
val net = Network(Vector(1) :: Dense(3, f) :: Dense(3, f) :: Dense(1, f) :: SquaredError(),
Settings[Double](iterations = 5000, learningRate = { case _ => 0.2 },
approximation = Some(FiniteDifferences(1E-12)),
lossFuncOutput = Some(LossFuncOutput(file = Some("/Users/felix/Downloads/class-out-3.txt")))))
val res = net.evaluate(
Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).zip(res).foreach { case (l, r) => println(s"$l, ${r.toScalaVector.head}") }
Simply learn to map from x -> (sin(10x), cos(10x))
def linear2cosineSine = {
import neuroflow.nets.cpu.LSTMNetwork._
implicit val breeder = neuroflow.core.WeightBreeder[Double].random(-1.0, 1.0)
val stepSize = 0.1
val xsys = Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).map(x => (->(x), ->(sin(10 * x), cos(10 * x))))
val f = Tanh
val net = Network(Vector(1) :: Dense(7, f) :: Dense(7, f) :: Dense(2, f) :: SquaredError(),
Settings[Double](iterations = 5000, learningRate = { case _ => 0.5 }, approximation = Some(FiniteDifferences(1E-9))))
val res = net.evaluate(
Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).zip(res).foreach { case (l, r) => println(s"$l, ${r.toScalaVector.head}") }
Range.Double(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).zip(res).foreach { case (l, r) => println(s"$l, ${r.toScalaVector.tail.head}") }
Feeds the net with the input sequence sin(10x) from -1 to 0
followed by cos(3x) from 0 to 1. The first sine wave gets class ->(-1, 1),
the second cosine wave gets class ->(1, -1). The input is partitioned.
The task is to infer the correct class for both waves.
def cosineSineClassifier = {
import neuroflow.nets.cpu.LSTMNetwork._
implicit val breeder = neuroflow.core.WeightBreeder[Double].random(-1.0, 1.0)
val stepSize = 0.01
val a = Range.Double.inclusive(-1.0, 0.0, stepSize).map(x => (->(sin(10 * x)), ∞[Double](2))).dropRight(1) :+ (->(sin(0.0)), ->(-1.0, 1.0))
val b = Range.Double.inclusive(0.0, 1.0, stepSize).map(x => (->(cos(3 * x)), ∞[Double](2))).dropRight(1) :+ (->(cos(3 * 1.0)), ->(1.0, -1.0))
val all = a ++ b
val f = Tanh
val net = Network(Vector(1) :: Dense(3, f) :: Dense(2, f) :: SquaredError(),
Settings[Double](iterations = 500 ,
learningRate = { case _ => 0.2 },
partitions = Some(Set(a.indices.last)),
approximation = Some(FiniteDifferences(1E-9))))
val resA = net.evaluate(
println("sin(10x) classified as: " + resA)
val resB = net.evaluate(
println("cos(3x) classified as: " + resB)
[main] INFO neuroflow.nets.LSTMNetwork - [23.02.2017 00:49:42:592] Taking step 498 - Mean Error 0,00175740 - Error Vector 0.0018376699960378448 0.001677134755030868
[main] INFO neuroflow.nets.LSTMNetwork - [23.02.2017 00:49:42:835] Taking step 499 - Mean Error 0,00175292 - Error Vector 0.0018329138945172479 0.0016729262855594948
[main] INFO neuroflow.nets.LSTMNetwork - [23.02.2017 00:49:43:092] Took 500 iterations of 500 with Mean Error = 0,00175
sin(10x) classified as: Vector(-0.9493479343178891, 0.9487560367367897)
cos(3x) classified as: Vector(0.9669737809893943, -0.9733254272618534)
Learn to map between sequences of random points ρ in 3-dimensional space.
def randomPointMapping = {
import neuroflow.nets.cpu.LSTMNetwork._
implicit val breeder = neuroflow.core.WeightBreeder[Double].random(-1.0, 1.0)
val xs = (1 to 9) map (_ => ρ[Double](3))
val ys = (1 to 9) map (_ => ρ[Double](3))
val net = Network(Vector(3) :: Dense(6, Tanh) :: Dense(3, Tanh) :: SquaredError(),
Settings[Double](iterations = 2000,
learningRate = { case _ => 0.5 },
approximation = Some(FiniteDifferences(1E-9)),
lossFuncOutput = Some(LossFuncOutput(file = Some("/Users/felix/Downloads/lstm.txt"))),
partitions = Some(Π(3, 3))))
net.train(xs, ys)
val res = net.evaluate(xs)
Learn to classify sequences of { random k-dimensional points ρ } of length n in c-dimensional space.
def randomPointClassifier = {
import neuroflow.nets.cpu.LSTMNetwork._
implicit val breeder = neuroflow.core.WeightBreeder[Double].random(-1.0, 1.0)
val (c, n, k) = (5, 5, 3)
val all = (0 until c).flatMap { cc =>
(0 until n).map { _ => (ρ[Double](k, -1, 1), ζ[Double](c).toScalaVector.updated(cc, 1.0)) }
val f = Tanh
val net = Network(Vector(k) :: Dense(10, f) :: Dense(c, f) :: SquaredError(),
Settings[Double](iterations = 2500,
learningRate = { case _ => 0.2 },
partitions = Some(Π(c, n)),
lossFuncOutput = Some(LossFuncOutput(file = Some("/Users/felix/Downloads/pointClass.txt"))),
regularization = Some(KeepBest),
approximation = Some(FiniteDifferences(1E-9))))
net.train(, {
case (cc, i) =>
val r = net.evaluate(cc).last
println("Output: " + r)
println(s"=> Sequence $i classified as: " + r.toScalaVector.indexOf(r.max))
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.LSTMNetwork - [23.04.2017 19:16:41:440] Took 2500 iterations of 2500 with Mean Error = 0,00627
Output: Vector(0.997040423435206, -4.590490092286079E-5, -0.004605740213031075, 0.00261220359017088, -0.0017413567613687158)
=> Sequence 0 classified as: 0
Output: Vector(1.071491277156774E-4, 0.9831717566342068, -0.002822027763940553, 2.3490440628572322E-4, 0.0010624255933687325)
=> Sequence 1 classified as: 1
Output: Vector(0.0038463572958436056, 0.003784631391708203, 0.9984168892025419, -0.0039054093575030544, 0.0015923679095303461)
=> Sequence 2 classified as: 2
Output: Vector(0.0012638933038391165, 6.153782639458701E-4, 0.001291913669050634, 0.9729163477295679, 3.7413391908397115E-5)
=> Sequence 3 classified as: 3
Output: Vector(4.734361962596784E-4, 0.003221400105633605, 4.7379989671534695E-4, 0.00210168383572951, 0.9945902671032996)
=> Sequence 4 classified as: 4
[success] Total time: 1192 s, completed 23.04.2017 19:16:42