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// Copyright (c) ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.zeroc.IceInternal;
final class TcpEndpointI extends IPEndpointI
public TcpEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance, String ho, int po, sourceAddr, int ti,
String conId, boolean co)
super(instance, ho, po, sourceAddr, conId);
_timeout = ti;
_compress = co;
public TcpEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance)
_timeout = _instance.defaultTimeout();
_compress = false;
public TcpEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance, com.zeroc.Ice.InputStream s)
super(instance, s);
_timeout = s.readInt();
_compress = s.readBool();
// Return the endpoint information.
public com.zeroc.Ice.EndpointInfo getInfo()
com.zeroc.Ice.TCPEndpointInfo info = new com.zeroc.Ice.TCPEndpointInfo()
public short type()
return TcpEndpointI.this.type();
public boolean datagram()
return TcpEndpointI.this.datagram();
public boolean secure()
return info;
// Return the timeout for the endpoint in milliseconds. 0 means
// non-blocking, -1 means no timeout.
public int timeout()
return _timeout;
// Return a new endpoint with a different timeout value, provided
// that timeouts are supported by the endpoint. Otherwise the same
// endpoint is returned.
public EndpointI timeout(int timeout)
if(timeout == _timeout)
return this;
return new TcpEndpointI(_instance, _host, _port, _sourceAddr, timeout, _connectionId, _compress);
// Return true if the endpoints support bzip2 compress, or false
// otherwise.
public boolean compress()
return _compress;
// Return a new endpoint with a different compression value,
// provided that compression is supported by the
// endpoint. Otherwise the same endpoint is returned.
public EndpointI compress(boolean compress)
if(compress == _compress)
return this;
return new TcpEndpointI(_instance, _host, _port, _sourceAddr, _timeout, _connectionId, compress);
// Return true if the endpoint is datagram-based.
public boolean datagram()
return false;
// Return a server side transceiver for this endpoint, or null if a
// transceiver can only be created by an acceptor.
public Transceiver transceiver()
return null;
// Return an acceptor for this endpoint, or null if no acceptors
// is available.
public Acceptor acceptor(String adapterName)
return new TcpAcceptor(this, _instance, _host, _port);
public TcpEndpointI endpoint(TcpAcceptor acceptor)
int port = acceptor.effectivePort();
if(port == _port)
return this;
return new TcpEndpointI(_instance, _host, port, _sourceAddr, _timeout, _connectionId, _compress);
public String options()
// WARNING: Certain features, such as proxy validation in Glacier2,
// depend on the format of proxy strings. Changes to toString() and
// methods called to generate parts of the reference string could break
// these features. Please review for all features that depend on the
// format of proxyToString() before changing this and related code.
String s = super.options();
if(_timeout == -1)
s += " -t infinite";
s += " -t " + _timeout;
s += " -z";
return s;
// Compare endpoints for sorting purposes
public int compareTo(EndpointI obj) // From java.lang.Comparable
if(!(obj instanceof TcpEndpointI))
return type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1;
TcpEndpointI p = (TcpEndpointI)obj;
if(this == p)
return 0;
if(_timeout < p._timeout)
return -1;
else if(p._timeout < _timeout)
return 1;
if(!_compress && p._compress)
return -1;
else if(!p._compress && _compress)
return 1;
return super.compareTo(obj);
public void streamWriteImpl(com.zeroc.Ice.OutputStream s)
public int hashInit(int h)
h = super.hashInit(h);
h = HashUtil.hashAdd(h, _timeout);
h = HashUtil.hashAdd(h, _compress);
return h;
protected boolean checkOption(String option, String argument, String endpoint)
if(super.checkOption(option, argument, endpoint))
return true;
case 't':
if(argument == null)
throw new com.zeroc.Ice.EndpointParseException("no argument provided for -t option in endpoint " +
_timeout = -1;
_timeout = Integer.parseInt(argument);
if(_timeout < 1)
throw new com.zeroc.Ice.EndpointParseException("invalid timeout value `" + argument +
"' in endpoint " + endpoint);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
throw new com.zeroc.Ice.EndpointParseException("invalid timeout value `" + argument +
"' in endpoint " + endpoint);
return true;
case 'z':
if(argument != null)
throw new com.zeroc.Ice.EndpointParseException("unexpected argument `" + argument +
"' provided for -z option in " + endpoint);
_compress = true;
return true;
return false;
protected Connector createConnector( addr, NetworkProxy proxy)
return new TcpConnector(_instance, addr, proxy, _sourceAddr, _timeout, _connectionId);
protected IPEndpointI createEndpoint(String host, int port, String connectionId)
return new TcpEndpointI(_instance, host, port, _sourceAddr, _timeout, connectionId, _compress);
private int _timeout;
private boolean _compress;