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// Copyright (c) ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.zeroc.IceInternal;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
public final class Util
static String
createThreadName(final com.zeroc.Ice.Properties properties, final String name)
String threadName = properties.getProperty("Ice.ProgramName");
if(threadName.length() > 0)
threadName += "-";
threadName = threadName + name;
return threadName;
static ThreadFactory
createThreadFactory(final com.zeroc.Ice.Properties properties, final String name)
return new java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory()
public Thread newThread(Runnable r)
Thread t = new Thread(r);
if(properties.getProperty("Ice.ThreadPriority").length() > 0)
t.setPriority(Util.getThreadPriorityProperty(properties, "Ice"));
return t;
public static Instance
getInstance(com.zeroc.Ice.Communicator communicator)
com.zeroc.Ice.CommunicatorI p = (com.zeroc.Ice.CommunicatorI)communicator;
return p.getInstance();
public static ProtocolPluginFacade
getProtocolPluginFacade(com.zeroc.Ice.Communicator communicator)
return new ProtocolPluginFacadeI(communicator);
// Given a path name, first try to open it as a class path resource (the path is
// treated as absolute). If that fails, fall back to the file system. Returns null
// if the file does not exist and raises IOException if an error occurs.
public static
openResource(ClassLoader cl, String path)
// Calling getResourceAsStream on the class loader means all paths are absolute,
// whereas calling it on the class means all paths are relative to the class
// unless the path has a leading forward slash. We call it on the class loader.
// getResourceAsStream returns null if the resource can't be found.
// stream = null;
stream = cl.getResourceAsStream(path);
catch(IllegalArgumentException ex)
// With JDK-7 this can happen if the result url (base url + path) produces a
// malformed url for an URLClassLoader. For example the code in following
// comment will produce this exception under Windows.
// URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {new URL("http://localhost:8080/")});
// in = Util.openResource(cl, "c:\\foo.txt");
if(stream == null)
{ f = new;
stream = new;
catch(java.lang.SecurityException ex)
// Ignore - a security manager may forbid access to the local file system.
return stream;
public static Class>
findClass(String className, ClassLoader cl)
throws LinkageError
// Try to load the class using the given class loader (if any). If that fails (or
// none is provided), we try to load the class a few more ways before giving up.
// Calling Class.forName() doesn't always work. For example, if Ice.jar is installed
// as an extension (in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext), calling Class.forName(name) uses the
// extension class loader, which will not look in CLASSPATH for the target class.
Class> c = null;
if(cl != null)
c = loadClass(className, cl);
// Try using the current thread's class loader.
if(c == null)
cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if(cl != null)
c = loadClass(className, cl);
catch(SecurityException ex)
// Try using Class.forName().
if(c == null)
c = Class.forName(className);
catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
// Ignore
// Fall back to the system class loader (which knows about CLASSPATH).
if(c == null)
cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
if(cl != null)
c = loadClass(className, cl);
catch(SecurityException ex)
return c;
private static Class>
loadClass(String className, ClassLoader cl)
if(cl != null)
return cl.loadClass(className);
catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
// Ignore
return null;
public static int
getThreadPriorityProperty(com.zeroc.Ice.Properties properties, String prefix)
String pri = properties.getProperty(prefix + ".ThreadPriority");
if(pri.equals("MIN_PRIORITY") || pri.equals("java.lang.Thread.MIN_PRIORITY"))
return java.lang.Thread.MIN_PRIORITY;
else if(pri.equals("NORM_PRIORITY") || pri.equals("java.lang.Thread.NORM_PRIORITY"))
return java.lang.Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
else if(pri.equals("MAX_PRIORITY") || pri.equals("java.lang.Thread.MAX_PRIORITY"))
return java.lang.Thread.MAX_PRIORITY;
return Integer.parseInt(pri);
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
return java.lang.Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
private static String fixKwd(String name)
// Keyword list. *Must* be kept in alphabetical order. Note that checkedCast and uncheckedCast
// are not Java keywords, but are in this list to prevent illegal code being generated if
// someone defines Slice operations with that name.
final String[] keywordList =
"abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch",
"char", "checkedCast", "class", "clone", "const", "continue", "default", "do",
"double", "else", "enum", "equals", "extends", "false", "final", "finalize",
"finally", "float", "for", "getClass", "goto", "hashCode", "if",
"implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long",
"native", "new", "notify", "notifyAll", "null", "package", "private",
"protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch",
"synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "toString", "transient",
"true", "try", "uncheckedCast", "void", "volatile", "wait", "while"
boolean found = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(keywordList, name) >= 0;
return found ? "_" + name : name;
// Return true if we're running on Android.
public static boolean isAndroid()
return System.getProperty("").startsWith("Dalvik");