Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import de.adorsys.ledgers.postings.api.domain.LedgerAccountBO;
import de.adorsys.ledgers.postings.api.domain.LedgerBO;
import de.adorsys.ledgers.postings.api.service.LedgerService;
import de.adorsys.ledgers.util.exception.PostingModuleException;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriBuilder;
public class LedgerController {
private final Principal principal;
private final LedgerService ledgerService;
public LedgerController(Principal principal, LedgerService ledgerService) {
this.principal = principal;
this.ledgerService = ledgerService;
* Creates a new Ledger.
* @param ledger Ledger object
* @return void response with HttpStatus 201 if successful
@PostMapping(path = "/ledgers")
public ResponseEntity newLedger(LedgerBO ledger, UriBuilder uri) {
LedgerBO newLedger = ledgerService.newLedger(ledger);
URI location = uri.path(newLedger.getId()).build();
return ResponseEntity.created(location).build();
@GetMapping(path = "/ledgers/{id}")
public ResponseEntity findLedgerById(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
LedgerBO ledger = ledgerService.findLedgerById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundRestException(id));
return ResponseEntity.ok(ledger);
* Find the ledger with the given name.
* @param ledgerName name of corresponding Ledger
* @return Ledger object
@GetMapping(path = "/ledgers", params = {"ledgerName"})
public ResponseEntity findLedgerByName(@RequestParam(name = "ledgerName") String ledgerName) {
LedgerBO ledger = ledgerService.findLedgerByName(ledgerName).orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundRestException(ledgerName));
return ResponseEntity.ok(ledger);
* Create a new Ledger account.
* While creating a ledger account, the parent hat to be specified.
* @param ledgerAccount Ledger account
* @return Void response with 201 HttpStatus if successful
@PostMapping(path = "/accounts")
public ResponseEntity newLedgerAccount(@RequestBody LedgerAccountBO ledgerAccount, UriBuilder uri) {
LedgerAccountBO newLedgerAccount = ledgerService.newLedgerAccount(ledgerAccount, principal.getName());
URI location = uri.path(newLedgerAccount.getId()).build();
return ResponseEntity.created(location).build();
@GetMapping(path = "/accounts/{id}")
public ResponseEntity findLedgerAccountById(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
try {
LedgerAccountBO la = ledgerService.findLedgerAccountById(id);
return ResponseEntity.ok(la);
} catch (PostingModuleException e) {
throw new NotFoundRestException(id);
* Find the ledger account with the given ledger name and account name and reference date.
* @param ledgerName name of ledger
* @param accountName name of account
* @return Ledger Account
@GetMapping(path = "/accounts", params = {"ledgerName", "accountName"})
public ResponseEntity findLedgerAccountByName(
@RequestParam(name = "ledgerName") String ledgerName,
@RequestParam(name = "accountName") String accountName) {
LedgerBO ledger = new LedgerBO();
return ledgerAccount(ledger, accountName);
* Find the ledger account with the given name
* @param accountName name of corresponding account
* @return Ledger account
@GetMapping(path = "/ledgers/{ledgerId}/accounts", params = {"accountName"})
public ResponseEntity findLedgerAccount(
@PathVariable("ledgerId") String ledgerId,
@RequestParam(name = "accountName") String accountName) {
LedgerBO ledger = new LedgerBO();
return ledgerAccount(ledger, accountName);
private ResponseEntity ledgerAccount(LedgerBO ledger, String accountName) {
LedgerAccountBO ledgerAccount = ledgerService.findLedgerAccount(ledger, accountName);
return ResponseEntity.ok(ledgerAccount);