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* finAPI RESTful Services
* finAPI RESTful Services
* OpenAPI spec version: v1.64.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* Do not edit the class manually.
package io.swagger.client.model;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Arrays;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
* Container for bank connection update parameters
@ApiModel(description = "Container for bank connection update parameters")
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2019-02-05T12:19:21.458Z")
public class UpdateBankConnectionParams {
private Long bankConnectionId = null;
private String bankingPin = null;
private Boolean storePin = false;
private Boolean importNewAccounts = false;
private Boolean skipPositionsDownload = false;
private Boolean loadOwnerData = false;
private String challengeResponse = null;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams bankConnectionId(Long bankConnectionId) {
this.bankConnectionId = bankConnectionId;
return this;
* Bank connection identifier
* @return bankConnectionId
@ApiModelProperty(example = "1", required = true, value = "Bank connection identifier")
public Long getBankConnectionId() {
return bankConnectionId;
public void setBankConnectionId(Long bankConnectionId) {
this.bankConnectionId = bankConnectionId;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams bankingPin(String bankingPin) {
this.bankingPin = bankingPin;
return this;
* Online banking PIN. Any symbols are allowed. Max length: 170. If a PIN is stored in the bank connection, then this field may remain unset. If finAPI's web form is not required and the field is set though then it will always be used (even if there is some other PIN stored in the bank connection). If you want the user to enter a PIN in finAPI's web form even when a PIN is stored, then just set the field to any value, so that the service recognizes that you wish to use the web form flow.
* @return bankingPin
@ApiModelProperty(example = "123456", value = "Online banking PIN. Any symbols are allowed. Max length: 170. If a PIN is stored in the bank connection, then this field may remain unset. If finAPI's web form is not required and the field is set though then it will always be used (even if there is some other PIN stored in the bank connection). If you want the user to enter a PIN in finAPI's web form even when a PIN is stored, then just set the field to any value, so that the service recognizes that you wish to use the web form flow.")
public String getBankingPin() {
return bankingPin;
public void setBankingPin(String bankingPin) {
this.bankingPin = bankingPin;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams storePin(Boolean storePin) {
this.storePin = storePin;
return this;
* Whether to store the PIN. If the PIN is stored, it is not required to pass the PIN again when updating this bank connection or when executing orders (like money transfers). Default is false. <br/><br/>NOTES:<br/> - before you set this field to true, please regard the 'pinsAreVolatile' flag of this connection's bank;<br/> - this field is ignored in case when the user will need to use finAPI's web form. The user will be able to decide whether to store the PIN or not in the web form, depending on the 'pinStorageAvailableInWebForm' setting (see Client Configuration).
* @return storePin
@ApiModelProperty(example = "true", value = "Whether to store the PIN. If the PIN is stored, it is not required to pass the PIN again when updating this bank connection or when executing orders (like money transfers). Default is false.
NOTES: - before you set this field to true, please regard the 'pinsAreVolatile' flag of this connection's bank; - this field is ignored in case when the user will need to use finAPI's web form. The user will be able to decide whether to store the PIN or not in the web form, depending on the 'pinStorageAvailableInWebForm' setting (see Client Configuration).")
public Boolean isStorePin() {
return storePin;
public void setStorePin(Boolean storePin) {
this.storePin = storePin;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams importNewAccounts(Boolean importNewAccounts) {
this.importNewAccounts = importNewAccounts;
return this;
* Whether new accounts that have not yet been imported will be imported or not. Default is false. <br/><br/>NOTES:<br/>• For best performance of the bank connection update, you should not enable this flag unless you really expect new accounts to be available in the connection. It is recommended to let your users tell you through your application when they want the service to look for new accounts.<br/>• If you have imported a bank connection using specific <code>accountTypeIds</code> (e.g. <code>1,2</code> to import checking and saving accounts), you would import all other accounts (e.g. security accounts or credit cards) by setting <code>importNewAccounts</code> to <code>true</code>. To avoid importing account types that you are not interested in, make sure this field is undefined or set to false.
* @return importNewAccounts
@ApiModelProperty(example = "false", value = "Whether new accounts that have not yet been imported will be imported or not. Default is false.
NOTES: • For best performance of the bank connection update, you should not enable this flag unless you really expect new accounts to be available in the connection. It is recommended to let your users tell you through your application when they want the service to look for new accounts. • If you have imported a bank connection using specific accountTypeIds (e.g. 1,2 to import checking and saving accounts), you would import all other accounts (e.g. security accounts or credit cards) by setting importNewAccounts to true. To avoid importing account types that you are not interested in, make sure this field is undefined or set to false.")
public Boolean isImportNewAccounts() {
return importNewAccounts;
public void setImportNewAccounts(Boolean importNewAccounts) {
this.importNewAccounts = importNewAccounts;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams skipPositionsDownload(Boolean skipPositionsDownload) {
this.skipPositionsDownload = skipPositionsDownload;
return this;
* Whether to skip the download of transactions and securities or not. If set to true, then finAPI will download just the accounts list with the accounts' information (like account name, number, holder, etc), as well as the accounts' balances (if possible), but skip the download of transactions and securities. Default is false.<br/><br/>NOTES:<br/>• If you skip the download of transactions and securities during an import or update, you can still download them on a later update (though you might not get all positions at a later point, because the date range in which the bank servers provide this data is usually limited). However, once finAPI has downloaded the transactions or securities for the first time, you will not be able to go back to skipping the download of transactions and securities! In other words: Once you make your first request with <code>skipPositionsDownload=false</code> for a certain bank connection, you will no longer be able to make a request with <code>skipPositionsDownload=true</code> for that same bank connection.<br/>• If this bank connection is updated via finAPI's automatic batch update, then transactions and security positions <u>will</u> be downloaded in any case!<br/>• For security accounts, skipping the downloading of the securities might result in the account's balance also not being downloaded.<br/><br/><b>This flag is currently not guaranteed to work for all banks!</b>
* @return skipPositionsDownload
@ApiModelProperty(example = "false", value = "Whether to skip the download of transactions and securities or not. If set to true, then finAPI will download just the accounts list with the accounts' information (like account name, number, holder, etc), as well as the accounts' balances (if possible), but skip the download of transactions and securities. Default is false.
NOTES: • If you skip the download of transactions and securities during an import or update, you can still download them on a later update (though you might not get all positions at a later point, because the date range in which the bank servers provide this data is usually limited). However, once finAPI has downloaded the transactions or securities for the first time, you will not be able to go back to skipping the download of transactions and securities! In other words: Once you make your first request with skipPositionsDownload=false for a certain bank connection, you will no longer be able to make a request with skipPositionsDownload=true for that same bank connection. • If this bank connection is updated via finAPI's automatic batch update, then transactions and security positions will be downloaded in any case! • For security accounts, skipping the downloading of the securities might result in the account's balance also not being downloaded.
This flag is currently not guaranteed to work for all banks!")
public Boolean isSkipPositionsDownload() {
return skipPositionsDownload;
public void setSkipPositionsDownload(Boolean skipPositionsDownload) {
this.skipPositionsDownload = skipPositionsDownload;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams loadOwnerData(Boolean loadOwnerData) {
this.loadOwnerData = loadOwnerData;
return this;
* Whether to load/refresh information about the bank connection owner(s) - see field 'owners'. Default value is 'false'. Note that owner data is NOT loaded/refreshed during finAPI's automatic bank connection update.
* @return loadOwnerData
@ApiModelProperty(example = "false", value = "Whether to load/refresh information about the bank connection owner(s) - see field 'owners'. Default value is 'false'. Note that owner data is NOT loaded/refreshed during finAPI's automatic bank connection update.")
public Boolean isLoadOwnerData() {
return loadOwnerData;
public void setLoadOwnerData(Boolean loadOwnerData) {
this.loadOwnerData = loadOwnerData;
public UpdateBankConnectionParams challengeResponse(String challengeResponse) {
this.challengeResponse = challengeResponse;
return this;
* Challenge response. This field should be set only when the previous attempt of update the bank connection failed with HTTP code 510, i.e. the bank sent a challenge for the user for an additional authentication. In this case, this field must contain the response to the bank's challenge. Note that in the context of finAPI's web form flow, finAPI will automatically deal with getting the challenge response from the user via the web form.
* @return challengeResponse
@ApiModelProperty(example = "0123", value = "Challenge response. This field should be set only when the previous attempt of update the bank connection failed with HTTP code 510, i.e. the bank sent a challenge for the user for an additional authentication. In this case, this field must contain the response to the bank's challenge. Note that in the context of finAPI's web form flow, finAPI will automatically deal with getting the challenge response from the user via the web form.")
public String getChallengeResponse() {
return challengeResponse;
public void setChallengeResponse(String challengeResponse) {
this.challengeResponse = challengeResponse;
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
UpdateBankConnectionParams updateBankConnectionParams = (UpdateBankConnectionParams) o;
return Objects.equals(this.bankConnectionId, updateBankConnectionParams.bankConnectionId) &&
Objects.equals(this.bankingPin, updateBankConnectionParams.bankingPin) &&
Objects.equals(this.storePin, updateBankConnectionParams.storePin) &&
Objects.equals(this.importNewAccounts, updateBankConnectionParams.importNewAccounts) &&
Objects.equals(this.skipPositionsDownload, updateBankConnectionParams.skipPositionsDownload) &&
Objects.equals(this.loadOwnerData, updateBankConnectionParams.loadOwnerData) &&
Objects.equals(this.challengeResponse, updateBankConnectionParams.challengeResponse);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(bankConnectionId, bankingPin, storePin, importNewAccounts, skipPositionsDownload, loadOwnerData, challengeResponse);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("class UpdateBankConnectionParams {\n");
sb.append(" bankConnectionId: ").append(toIndentedString(bankConnectionId)).append("\n");
sb.append(" bankingPin: ").append(toIndentedString(bankingPin)).append("\n");
sb.append(" storePin: ").append(toIndentedString(storePin)).append("\n");
sb.append(" importNewAccounts: ").append(toIndentedString(importNewAccounts)).append("\n");
sb.append(" skipPositionsDownload: ").append(toIndentedString(skipPositionsDownload)).append("\n");
sb.append(" loadOwnerData: ").append(toIndentedString(loadOwnerData)).append("\n");
sb.append(" challengeResponse: ").append(toIndentedString(challengeResponse)).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
* Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
* (except the first line).
private String toIndentedString(java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return "null";
return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n ");