de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.MplAstVisitorTest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Minecraft Programming Language (MPL): A language for easy development of command block
* applications including an IDE.
* © Copyright (C) 2016 Adrodoc55
* This file is part of MPL.
* MPL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MPL. If not, see
* .
* Minecraft Programming Language (MPL): Eine Sprache für die einfache Entwicklung von Commandoblock
* Anwendungen, inklusive einer IDE.
* © Copyright (C) 2016 Adrodoc55
* Diese Datei ist Teil von MPL.
* MPL ist freie Software: Sie können diese unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License,
* wie von der Free Software Foundation, Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder späteren
* veröffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
* MPL wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nützlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG,
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package de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast;
import static de.adrodoc55.TestBase.$Enum;
import static de.adrodoc55.TestBase.$boolean;
import static de.adrodoc55.TestBase.$oneOf;
import static de.adrodoc55.TestBase.listOf;
import static de.adrodoc55.TestBase.some;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplBreak;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplBreakpoint;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplCommand;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplContinue;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplIf;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplNotify;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplProcess;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplProgram;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplSkip;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplStart;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplStop;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplWaitfor;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.MplTestBase.$MplWhile;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplNotify.NOTIFY;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.Conditional.CONDITIONAL;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.Conditional.INVERT;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.Conditional.UNCONDITIONAL;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.Mode.CHAIN;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.Mode.IMPULSE;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.ReferencingCommand.REF;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.compilation.CompilerOptions.CompilerOption.TRANSMITTER;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import java.util.List;
import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.Dependable;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplBreakpoint;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplCommand;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplIf;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplNotify;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplStart;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.MplStop;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.loop.MplBreak;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.loop.MplContinue;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.loop.MplWhile;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.program.MplProgram;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.chain.CommandChain;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.Mode;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.ChainLink;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.Command;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.InternalCommand;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.InvertingCommand;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.MplSkip;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.NormalizingCommand;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.ReferencingCommand;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand;
public abstract class MplAstVisitorTest {
protected MplAstVisitorImpl underTest;
public void before() {
underTest = newUnderTest();
protected abstract MplAstVisitorImpl newUnderTest();
protected abstract String getOnCommand(String ref);
protected abstract String getOffCommand(String ref);
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ____ _ _
// / ___| | |_ __ _ _ __ | |_
// \___ \ | __|/ _` || '__|| __|
// ___) || |_| (_| || | | |_
// |____/ \__|\__,_||_| \__|
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_unconditional_Start() {
// given:
MplStart mplStart = some($MplStart()//
Mode mode = mplStart.getMode();
boolean needsRedstone = mplStart.getNeedsRedstone();
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(
"/execute @e[name=" + mplStart.getProcess() + "] ~ ~ ~ " + getOnCommand("~ ~ ~"), mode,
false, needsRedstone));
public void test_conditional_Start() {
// given:
MplStart mplStart = some($MplStart()//
Mode mode = mplStart.getMode();
boolean needsRedstone = mplStart.getNeedsRedstone();
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(
"/execute @e[name=" + mplStart.getProcess() + "] ~ ~ ~ " + getOnCommand("~ ~ ~"), mode,
true, needsRedstone));
public void test_invert_Start() {
// given:
Mode modeForInverting = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplStart mplStart = some($MplStart()//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return modeForInverting;
Mode mode = mplStart.getMode();
boolean needsRedstone = mplStart.getNeedsRedstone();
// when:
// then:
new InvertingCommand(modeForInverting), //
new InternalCommand(
"/execute @e[name=" + mplStart.getProcess() + "] ~ ~ ~ " + getOnCommand("~ ~ ~"), mode,
true, needsRedstone));
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ____ _
// / ___| | |_ ___ _ __
// \___ \ | __|/ _ \ | '_ \
// ___) || |_| (_) || |_) |
// |____/ \__|\___/ | .__/
// |_|
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_unconditional_Stop() {
// given:
MplStop mplStop = some($MplStop()//
Mode mode = mplStop.getMode();
boolean needsRedstone = mplStop.getNeedsRedstone();
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(
"/execute @e[name=" + mplStop.getProcess() + "] ~ ~ ~ " + getOffCommand("~ ~ ~"), mode,
false, needsRedstone));
public void test_conditional_Stop() {
// given:
MplStop mplStop = some($MplStop()//
Mode mode = mplStop.getMode();
boolean needsRedstone = mplStop.getNeedsRedstone();
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(
"/execute @e[name=" + mplStop.getProcess() + "] ~ ~ ~ " + getOffCommand("~ ~ ~"), mode,
true, needsRedstone));
public void test_invert_Stop() {
// given:
Mode modeForInvering = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplStop mplStop = some($MplStop()//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return modeForInvering;
Mode mode = mplStop.getMode();
boolean needsRedstone = mplStop.getNeedsRedstone();
// when:
// then:
new InvertingCommand(modeForInvering),
new InternalCommand(
"/execute @e[name=" + mplStop.getProcess() + "] ~ ~ ~ " + getOffCommand("~ ~ ~"), mode,
true, needsRedstone));
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _ _ _ _ __
// | \ | | ___ | |_ (_) / _| _ _
// | \| | / _ \ | __|| || |_ | | | |
// | |\ || (_) || |_ | || _|| |_| |
// |_| \_| \___/ \__||_||_| \__, |
// |___/
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_unconditional_Notify() {
// given:
MplNotify mplNotify = some($MplNotify()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand("/execute @e[name=" + mplNotify.getProcess() + NOTIFY + "] ~ ~ ~ "
+ getOnCommand("~ ~ ~")), //
new InternalCommand("/kill @e[name=" + mplNotify.getProcess() + NOTIFY + "]"));
public void test_conditional_Notify() {
// given:
MplNotify mplNotify = some($MplNotify()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand("/execute @e[name=" + mplNotify.getProcess() + NOTIFY + "] ~ ~ ~ "
+ getOnCommand("~ ~ ~"), true), //
new InternalCommand("/kill @e[name=" + mplNotify.getProcess() + NOTIFY + "]", true));
public void test_invert_Notify() {
// given:
Mode mode = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplNotify mplNotify = some($MplNotify()//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return mode;
// when:
// then:
new InvertingCommand(mode), //
new InternalCommand("/execute @e[name=" + mplNotify.getProcess() + NOTIFY + "] ~ ~ ~ "
+ getOnCommand("~ ~ ~"), true), //
new InternalCommand("/kill @e[name=" + mplNotify.getProcess() + NOTIFY + "]", true));
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ____ _ _ _
// | __ ) _ __ ___ __ _ | | __ _ __ ___ (_) _ __ | |_
// | _ \ | '__|/ _ \ / _` || |/ /| '_ \ / _ \ | || '_ \ | __|
// | |_) || | | __/| (_| || < | |_) || (_) || || | | || |_
// |____/ |_| \___| \__,_||_|\_\| .__/ \___/ |_||_| |_| \__|
// |_|
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_when_visiting_a_breakpoint_the_breakpoint_process_is_added() {
// given:
MplBreakpoint mplBreakpoint = some($MplBreakpoint()//
MplProgram program = some($MplProgram());
// when:
// then:
Condition condition = new Condition() {
public boolean matches(CommandChain value) {
return "breakpoint".equals(value.getName());
assertThat(underTest.chains).haveExactly(1, condition);
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ___ __ _____ _ _____ _
// |_ _| / _| |_ _|| |__ ___ _ __ | ____|| | ___ ___
// | | | |_ | | | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ | _| | |/ __| / _ \
// | | | _| _ _ _ | | | | | || __/| | | | _ _ _ | |___ | |\__ \| __/
// |___||_| (_)(_)(_) |_| |_| |_| \___||_| |_| (_)(_)(_) |_____||_||___/ \___|
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_If_modifier_gelten_fuer_condition() {
// given:
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withConditional($oneOf(UNCONDITIONAL, CONDITIONAL))//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition(), mplIf.getMode(), mplIf.isConditional(),
mplIf.getNeedsRedstone()) //
public void test_If_modifier_mit_invert_gelten_fuer_condition() {
// given:
Mode mode = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return mode;
// when:
// then:
new InvertingCommand(mode),
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition(), mplIf.getMode(), true, mplIf.getNeedsRedstone()) //
public void test_If_then_mit_skip_wirft_exception() {
// given:
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
Exception act = null;
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
act = ex;
// then:
assertThat(act.getMessage()).isEqualTo("If cannot contain skip");
public void test_If_else_mit_skip_wirft_exception() {
// given:
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
Exception act = null;
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
act = ex;
// then:
assertThat(act.getMessage()).isEqualTo("If cannot contain skip");
public void test_If_mit_nur_einem_then_wird_zu_einem_conditional() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_nur_einem_else_wird_zu_einem_invert() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_nur_einem_then_wird_zu_einem_invert() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_nur_einem_else_wird_zu_einem_conditional() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_then_und_else_wird_zu_conditional_und_invert() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 2} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_meheren_then___erster_conditional_andere_SuccessCount_1() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 2} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_meheren_then___alle_SuccessCount_0() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 5} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_meheren_else___alle_SuccessCount_0() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 5} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_meheren_else___erster_conditional_andere_SuccessCount_1() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 2} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_meheren_then_und_else() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3))//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
// then
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 2} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone()), //
// else
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 6} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 8} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 10} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_meheren_then_und_else() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3))//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
// then
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 5} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone()), //
// else
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 7} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 9} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 11} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_conditional_im_then() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(CONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_conditional_im_then___kein_normalizer() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(CONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_invert_im_then() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand()//
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InvertingCommand(then1.getMode()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}",
true), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 5} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_conditional_im_else() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(CONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_mit_invert_im_else() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand()//
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InvertingCommand(else1.getMode()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}",
true), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 6} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_conditional_im_then() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(CONDITIONAL));
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_invert_im_then() {
// given:
MplCommand then1 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand then2 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand then3 = some($MplCommand()//
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(then1, then2, then3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 1} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then1.getCommand(), then1.getMode(), true, then1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InvertingCommand(then1.getMode()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 4} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}",
true), //
new InternalCommand(then2.getCommand(), then2.getMode(), true, then2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 6} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}"), //
new InternalCommand(then3.getCommand(), then3.getMode(), true, then3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_conditional_im_else() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(CONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_conditional_im_else___kein_normalizer() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(CONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone())//
public void test_If_not_mit_invert_im_else() {
// given:
MplCommand else1 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand else2 = some($MplCommand()//
MplCommand else3 = some($MplCommand()//
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withElseParts(listOf(else1, else2, else3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(else1.getCommand(), else1.getMode(), true, else1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InvertingCommand(else1.getMode()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}",
true), //
new InternalCommand(else2.getCommand(), else2.getMode(), true, else2.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 5} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(else3.getCommand(), else3.getMode(), true, else3.getNeedsRedstone())//
* if: /mplIf
* then (
* if: /outer
* then (
* /innerThen
* ) else (
* /innerElse
* )
* )
public void test_If_mit_kleinem_nested_then() {
// given:
MplCommand innerThen = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand innerElse = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf outer = some($MplIf()//
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(outer.getCondition(), true), //
new InternalCommand(innerThen.getCommand(), innerThen.getMode(), true,
innerThen.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}",
true), //
new InternalCommand(innerElse.getCommand(), innerElse.getMode(), true,
* if: /mplIf
* then (
* /outerThen1
* if: /outerThen2
* then (
* /innerThen1
* ) else (
* /innerElse1
* )
* /outerThen3
* )
public void test_If_mit_nested_then() {
// given:
MplCommand outer1 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand innerThen = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplCommand innerElse = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf outer2 = some($MplIf()//
MplCommand outer3 = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplIf mplIf = some($MplIf()//
.withThenParts(listOf(outer1, outer2, outer3)));
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(mplIf.getCondition()), //
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new InternalCommand(outer1.getCommand(), outer1.getMode(), true, outer1.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 2} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(outer2.getCondition(), true), //
new InternalCommand(innerThen.getCommand(), innerThen.getMode(), true,
innerThen.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 5} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 3} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}",
true), //
new InternalCommand(innerElse.getCommand(), innerElse.getMode(), true,
innerElse.getNeedsRedstone()), //
new InternalCommand("/testforblock ${this - 8} chain_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:1}"), //
new InternalCommand(outer3.getCommand(), outer3.getMode(), true, outer3.getNeedsRedstone())//
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// __ __ _ _ _
// \ \ / /| |__ (_)| | ___
// \ \ /\ / / | '_ \ | || | / _ \
// \ V V / | | | || || || __/
// \_/\_/ |_| |_||_||_| \___|
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_While_mit_skip_wirft_exception() {
// given:
MplWhile mplIf = some($MplWhile()//
// when:
Exception act = null;
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
act = ex;
// then:
assertThat(act.getMessage()).isEqualTo("while cannot contain skip");
public void test_While_repeat_modifier_gelten_fuer_condition() {
// given:
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withConditional($oneOf(UNCONDITIONAL, CONDITIONAL))//
// when:
// then:
new Command(mplWhile.getCondition(), mplWhile)//
public void test_While_repeat_modifier_mit_invert_gelten_fuer_condition() {
// given:
Mode mode = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return mode;
// when:
// then:
new InvertingCommand(mode), //
new Command(mplWhile.getCondition(), mplWhile)//
public void test_repeat_While_unconditional_modifier_gelten_fuer_init_command() {
// given:
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + 1}"), mplWhile)//
public void test_repeat_While_conditional_modifier_erzeugt_conditional_jump() {
// given:
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
// when:
// then:
int ref = underTest.commands.size() - 3;
if (underTest.options.hasOption(TRANSMITTER)) {
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + 3}"), mplWhile), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + " + ref + "}"), true)//
public void test_repeat_While_invert_modifier_erzeugt_invert_jump() {
// given:
Mode mode = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return mode;
// when:
// then:
int ref = underTest.commands.size() - 1;
if (underTest.options.hasOption(TRANSMITTER)) {
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + " + ref + "}"), mplWhile), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + 1}"), true)//
public void test_repeat_unconditional_modifier_gelten_fuer_init_command() {
// given:
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null)//
// when:
// then:
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + 1}"), mplWhile)//
public void test_repeat_conditional_modifier_erzeugt_conditional_jump() {
// given:
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null)//
// when:
// then:
int ref = underTest.commands.size() - 3;
if (underTest.options.hasOption(TRANSMITTER)) {
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + 3}"), mplWhile), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + " + ref + "}"), true)//
public void test_repeat_invert_modifier_erzeugt_invert_jump() {
// given:
Mode mode = some($Enum(Mode.class));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null)//
.withPrevious(new Dependable() {
public boolean canBeDependedOn() {
return true;
public Mode getModeForInverting() {
return mode;
// when:
// then:
int ref = underTest.commands.size() - 1;
if (underTest.options.hasOption(TRANSMITTER)) {
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + " + ref + "}"), mplWhile), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new InternalCommand(getOnCommand("${this + 1}"), true)//
public void test_While_mit_Waitfor_hat_korrekte_Referenzen_zum_Ende() {
// given:
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
// when:
// then:
int ref = underTest.commands.size() - 1;
if (underTest.options.hasOption(TRANSMITTER)) {
int jumpIndex = 3;
ReferencingCommand jump = (ReferencingCommand) underTest.commands.get(jumpIndex);
assertThat(jumpIndex + jump.getRelative()).isEqualTo(ref);
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ____ _
// | __ ) _ __ ___ __ _ | | __
// | _ \ | '__|/ _ \ / _` || |/ /
// | |_) || | | __/| (_| || <
// |____/ |_| \___| \__,_||_|\_\
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
private int findFirstReciever(List chainLinks) {
for (int i = 0; i < chainLinks.size(); i++) {
ChainLink chainLink = chainLinks.get(i);
if (isReciever(chainLink)) {
return i;
return -1;
private int findSecondReciever(List chainLinks) {
int startIndex = findFirstReciever(chainLinks) + 1;
for (int i = startIndex; i < chainLinks.size(); i++) {
ChainLink chainLink = chainLinks.get(i);
if (isReciever(chainLink)) {
return i;
return -1;
private int findLastReciever(List chainLinks) {
for (int i = chainLinks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ChainLink chainLink = chainLinks.get(i);
if (isReciever(chainLink)) {
return i;
return -1;
private boolean isReciever(ChainLink chainLink) {
if (underTest.options.hasOption(TRANSMITTER)) {
if (chainLink instanceof MplSkip) {
return true;
} else {
if (chainLink instanceof Command && ((Command) chainLink).getMode() == IMPULSE) {
return true;
return false;
public void test_unconditional_Break() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile());
MplBreak mplBreak = some($MplBreak()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplBreak));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int exit = findLastReciever(commands);
int beforeBreak = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeBreak + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), mplBreak.getMode(), false,
mplBreak.getNeedsRedstone(), exit - (beforeBreak + 1)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeBreak + 2))//
assertThat(commands.size()).isBetween(3, 4);
public void test_conditional_Break() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile());
MplBreak mplBreak = some($MplBreak()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplBreak));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int exit = findLastReciever(commands);
int beforeBreak = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeBreak + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), mplBreak.getMode(), true,
mplBreak.getNeedsRedstone(), exit - (beforeBreak + 1)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeBreak + 2)), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, 1)//
public void test_invert_Break() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile());
MplBreak mplBreak = some($MplBreak()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplBreak));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int exit = findLastReciever(commands);
int beforeBreak = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeBreak + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), mplBreak.getMode(), true,
mplBreak.getNeedsRedstone(), 4), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, exit - (beforeBreak + 3)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeBreak + 4))//
public void test_nested_Break_stops_all_inner_loops() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand()//
MplWhile innerWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null));
MplWhile outerWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null)//
MplBreak mplBreak = some($MplBreak()//
innerWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplBreak));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int outerEntry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int innerEntry = findSecondReciever(commands);
int outerExit = findLastReciever(commands);
int beforeBreak = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeBreak + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), mplBreak.getMode(), false,
mplBreak.getNeedsRedstone(), outerExit - (beforeBreak + 1)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, innerEntry - (beforeBreak + 2)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, outerEntry - (beforeBreak + 3))//
// @formatter:off
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ____ _ _
// / ___| ___ _ __ | |_ (_) _ __ _ _ ___
// | | / _ \ | '_ \ | __|| || '_ \ | | | | / _ \
// | |___| (_) || | | || |_ | || | | || |_| || __/
// \____|\___/ |_| |_| \__||_||_| |_| \__,_| \___|
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @formatter:on
public void test_unconditional_Continue_without_condition() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null));
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), mplContinue.getMode(), false,
mplContinue.getNeedsRedstone(), entry - (beforeContinue + 1)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 2))//
assertThat(commands.size()).isBetween(3, 4);
public void test_unconditional_Continue_with_condition() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile());
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int exit = findLastReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new Command(mplWhile.getCondition(), mplContinue), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 2)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 3)), //
new InvertingCommand(CHAIN), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, exit - (beforeContinue + 5)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 6))//
assertThat(commands.size()).isBetween(7, 8);
public void test_conditional_Continue_without_condition() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null));
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int doNothing = findSecondReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 1)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 2)), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-3, IMPULSE, false), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, doNothing - (beforeContinue + 4))//
public void test_conditional_Continue_with_condition() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile());
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int exit = findLastReciever(commands);
int doNothing = findSecondReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new NormalizingCommand(), //
new Command(mplWhile.getCondition(), true), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 3)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 4)), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-4, CHAIN, true), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-4, CHAIN, false, true), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, exit - (beforeContinue + 7)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 8)), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-8, CHAIN, false), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, doNothing - (beforeContinue + 10))//
public void test_invert_Continue_without_condition() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null));
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int doNothing = findSecondReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, doNothing - (beforeContinue + 1)), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-2, IMPULSE, false), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 3)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 4))//
public void test_invert_Continue_with_condition() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand().withConditional(UNCONDITIONAL));
MplWhile mplWhile = some($MplWhile());
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
mplWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int entry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int exit = findLastReciever(commands);
int doNothing = findSecondReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, doNothing - (beforeContinue + 1)), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-2, IMPULSE, false), //
new Command(mplWhile.getCondition(), true), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 4)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 5)), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-6, IMPULSE, false), //
new ReferencingTestforSuccessCommand(-4, CHAIN, false, true), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, exit - (beforeContinue + 8)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, entry - (beforeContinue + 9))//
public void test_nested_Continue_stops_all_inner_loops() {
// given:
MplCommand command = some($MplCommand()//
MplWhile innerWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null));
MplWhile outerWhile = some($MplWhile()//
.withCondition((String) null)//
MplContinue mplContinue = some($MplContinue()//
innerWhile.setChainParts(listOf(command, mplContinue));
// when:
// then:
List commands = underTest.commands;
int outerEntry = findFirstReciever(commands);
int innerEntry = findSecondReciever(commands);
int beforeContinue = commands.indexOf(new Command(command.getCommand(), command));
commands = commands.subList(beforeContinue + 1, commands.size());
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), mplContinue.getMode(), false,
mplContinue.getNeedsRedstone(), innerEntry - (beforeContinue + 1)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOffCommand(REF), true, outerEntry - (beforeContinue + 2)), //
new ReferencingCommand(getOnCommand(REF), true, outerEntry - (beforeContinue + 3))//
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