de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.placement.MplProgramPlacer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Minecraft Programming Language (MPL): A language for easy development of command block
* applications including an IDE.
* © Copyright (C) 2016 Adrodoc55
* This file is part of MPL.
* MPL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MPL. If not, see
* .
* Minecraft Programming Language (MPL): Eine Sprache für die einfache Entwicklung von Commandoblock
* Anwendungen, inklusive einer IDE.
* © Copyright (C) 2016 Adrodoc55
* Diese Datei ist Teil von MPL.
* MPL ist freie Software: Sie können diese unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License,
* wie von der Free Software Foundation, Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder späteren
* veröffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
* MPL wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nützlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG,
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package de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.placement;
import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.compilation.CompilerOptions.CompilerOption.DELETE_ON_UNINSTALL;
import static de.kussm.direction.Direction.EAST;
import static de.kussm.direction.Directions.$;
import static java.util.Comparator.naturalOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.coordinate.Coordinate3D;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.coordinate.Direction3D;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.coordinate.Orientation3D;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.chain.ChainContainer;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.chain.CommandBlockChain;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.chain.CommandChain;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.Command;
import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.compilation.CompilerOptions;
import de.kussm.chain.Chain;
import de.kussm.chain.ChainLinkType;
import de.kussm.direction.Directions;
import de.kussm.position.Position;
* @author Adrodoc55
public class MplProgramPlacer extends MplChainPlacer {
private final int[] occupied;
private Position size;
public MplProgramPlacer(ChainContainer container, CompilerOptions options) {
super(container, options);
int size = container.getChains().size() + 2;
this.occupied = new int[size];
public List place() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
List chains = new ArrayList<>(container.getChains());
// start with the longest chain
chains.sort((o1, o2) -> {
return, o2.getCommands().size()) * -1;
while (true) {
try {
for (CommandChain chain : chains) {
} catch (NotEnoughSpaceException ex) {
return this.chains;
private void addChain(CommandChain chain) throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
Coordinate3D start = findStart(chain);
CommandBlockChain materialized = generateFlat(chain, start, newTemplate(getSize().getX()));
private void increaseSize() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
Coordinate3D max = container.getMax();
Orientation3D o = getOrientation();
Direction3D a = o.getA();
Direction3D b = o.getB();
int maxA = max.get(a.getAxis());
int maxB = max.get(b.getAxis());
int x = getSize().getX();
int y = getSize().getY();
if (x < maxA || maxA < 0) {
size = + 1, y);
} else if (y < maxB || maxB < 0) {
size =, y + 1);
} else {
throw new NotEnoughSpaceException();
* Returns the current size to place the program. This is an exclusive, zero based
* {@link Position}, so (1, 1) refers to a 1 block size.
* @return the current size to place the program
* @throws NotEnoughSpaceException if the maximum coordinate is to small to place the entire
* program
protected Position getSize() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
if (size == null) {
size = calculateInitialSize();
return size;
private Position calculateInitialSize() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
Orientation3D orientation = getOrientation();
Direction3D a = orientation.getA();
Direction3D b = orientation.getB();
int maxA = container.getMax().get(a.getAxis());
int maxB = container.getMax().get(b.getAxis());
if (maxA >= 0 && maxB >= 0) {
return, maxB);
if (maxB >= 0) {
int minA = estimateMinA();
return, maxB);
int minA;
if (maxA >= 0) {
minA = maxA;
} else {
minA = estimateMinA();
int minB = 0;
while (true) {
int currentA = minA;
for (CommandChain c : container.getChains()) {
minB = Math.max(minB, getMinB(c, newTemplate(currentA)));
minB = Math.max(maxB, getMinUnInstallB());
if (minA < minB) {
return, minB);
private int getMinUnInstallB() {
return (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(getUnInstallLength()));
* Estimates the minimal length in the a direction required to place all chains efficiently.
* @return the minimal length in the a direction
private int estimateMinA() {
int unInstallLength = getUnInstallLength();
int longestProcessLength = container.getChains().stream()//
.map(chain -> chain.getCommands().size())//
int longestChainLength = Math.max(unInstallLength, longestProcessLength);
int sqrtLength = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(longestChainLength));
return Math.max(sqrtLength, getLongestSuccessiveConditionalCount() + 3);
private int getUnInstallLength() {
int installLength = 3 + container.getChains().size()//
+ container.getInstall().getCommands().size()//
+ container.getUninstall().getCommands().size();
return installLength;
* Finds the next free starting coordinate for this chain. This method takes all chains that have
* been added to {@link #chains} into account. Therefore the starting coordinate is guaranteed to
* allow a valid placement of the chain without leaving the boundaries of {@link #getSize()}.
* @param chain the {@link CommandChain} to search a start for
* @return a free coordinate to start the chain placement at
* @throws NotEnoughSpaceException if the current size is to small to place the chain
protected Coordinate3D findStart(CommandChain chain) throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
Position size = getSize();
int minB = getMinB(chain, newTemplate(size.getX()));
while (true) {
Coordinate3D start = findStart(minB);
LinkedHashMap placed = place(chain, start, newTemplate(size.getX()));
int startB = start.get(getOrientation().getB());
int actualB = getMaxY(placed.keySet());
minB = startB + actualB;
if (minB <= size.getY()) {
return start;
* Finds the next free starting coordinate for a chain with the given height in the b direction.
* @param b the height of the chain
* @return a free coordinate to start the chain placement at
* @throws NotEnoughSpaceException if the current size is to small to place the chain
protected Coordinate3D findStart(int b) throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
Orientation3D orientation = getOrientation();
Direction3D cDir = orientation.getC();
Coordinate3D bPos = orientation.getB().toCoordinate();
Coordinate3D cPos = cDir.toCoordinate();
Position size = getSize();
for (int c = 0; c < occupied.length; c++) {
int totalB = occupied[c] + b;
if (totalB <= size.getY()) {
return cPos.mult(c).plus(bPos.mult(occupied[c]));
throw new NotEnoughSpaceException();
* Returns the minimal height in the b direction needed to place the chain along the template
* disregarding forbidden transmitter and receiver positions.
* @param chain the {@link CommandChain} to place
* @param template along which the chain will be placed
* @return the minimal height in the b direction
* @throws NotEnoughSpaceException if the template is too small
protected int getMinB(CommandChain chain, Directions template) throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
Chain chainLinkChain = toChainLinkChain(chain.getCommands());
LinkedHashMap placed = place(chainLinkChain, template);
Set keySet = placed.keySet();
return getMaxY(keySet) + 1; // +1 because y is zero based, but we want the actual height
* Returns the greatest y value of the given {@link Position}s.
* @param positions {@link Collection} of {@link Position}s
* @return the greatest y value
protected int getMaxY(Collection positions) {
return -> p.getY()).max(naturalOrder()).orElse(0);
protected void occupyBlocks(CommandBlockChain materialized) {
Orientation3D orientation = getOrientation();
Direction3D b = orientation.getB();
Direction3D c = orientation.getC();
Coordinate3D max = materialized.getBoundaries(orientation);
int maxB = max.get(b.getAxis());
int maxC = max.get(c.getAxis());
occupied[Math.abs(maxC)] = Math.abs(maxB) + 1;
private void addUnInstallation() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
// move all chains by 1 block, if installation or uninstallation is added.
// if there is at least one process, both installation and unistallation will be added.
if (!container.getChains().isEmpty()//
|| !getInstall().getCommands().isEmpty()//
|| !getUninstall().getCommands().isEmpty()) {
for (CommandBlockChain chain : chains) {
* This method generates both installation uninstallation of the program at (0, 0, 0) and adds
* them to {@link #chains}. The resulting chains are in the same flat plane.
* @throws NotEnoughSpaceException if the current size is to small to generate install or
* uninstall
* @see #generateFlat(CommandChain, Coordinate3D, Directions)
protected void generateUnInstall() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
CommandChain uninstall = getPopulatedUninstall();
Command deleteOnUninstall = null;
if (options.hasOption(DELETE_ON_UNINSTALL)) {
deleteOnUninstall = new Command();
if (!uninstall.getCommands().isEmpty()) {
Coordinate3D start = getOrientation().getB().toCoordinate();
Directions template = newUninstallTemplate();
CommandBlockChain generated = generateFlat(uninstall, start, template);
CommandChain install = getPopulatedInstall();
if (!install.getCommands().isEmpty()) {
Coordinate3D start = new Coordinate3D();
Directions template = newInstallTemplate();
CommandBlockChain generated = generateFlat(install, start, template);
if (deleteOnUninstall != null) {
private Directions newInstallTemplate() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
return $(EAST.repeat(Math.abs(getUninstallA())), newTemplate(getInstallA()));
private Directions newUninstallTemplate() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
return newTemplate(getUninstallA());
private int getInstallA() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
// Bei ungerader Größe hat install einen Block weniger, da install effektiv 2 Reihen mehr hat.
return getSize().getX() / 2;
private int getUninstallA() throws NotEnoughSpaceException {
return getSize().getX() - getInstallA();
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