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* Copyright (C) 2015 Asterios Raptis
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import de.alpharogroup.model.api.ClassCache;
import de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet;
import de.alpharogroup.model.api.Model;
* This class parses expressions to lookup or set a value on the object that is given.
* The supported expressions are: "property": This could be a bean property with get and set
* method. Or if a map is given as an object it will be lookup with the property as a key when there
* is not get method for that property.
"property1.property2": Both properties are
* looked up as described above. If property1 evaluates to null then if there is a setMethod (or if
* it is a map) and the Class of the property has a default constructor then the object will be
* constructed and set on the object.
"property.index": If the property is a List or
* Array then the second property can be a index on that list like: 'mylist.0' this expression will
* also map on a getProperty(index) or setProperty(index,value) methods. If the object is a List
* then the list will grow automatically if the index is greater than the size
Index or
* map properties can also be written as: "property[index]" or "property[key]"
* Note that the property resolver by default provides access to private members and
* methods. If guaranteeing encapsulation of the target objects is a big concern, you should
* consider using an alternative implementation.
Note: If a property
* evaluates to an instance of {@link Model} then the expression should use '.object' to work with
* its value.
* @author jcompagner
public final class PropertyResolver
private static class DefaultClassCache implements ClassCache
private final ConcurrentHashMap, Map> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(
public Map get(Class> clz)
return map.get(clz);
public void put(Class> clz, Map values)
map.put(clz, values);
private final static ConcurrentHashMap applicationToClassesToGetAndSetters = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(
private final static int CREATE_NEW_VALUE = 1;
private static final String GET = "get";
private static final String IS = "is";
private final static int RESOLVE_CLASS = 2;
private final static int RETURN_NULL = 0;
* Clean up cache for this app.
* @param application
* the application
public static void destroy(Object application)
* @param clz
* @param expression
* @return introspected field
private static Field findField(final Class> clz, final String expression)
Field field = null;
field = clz.getField(expression);
catch (final Exception e)
Class> tmp = clz;
while (tmp != null && tmp != Object.class)
final Field[] fields = tmp.getDeclaredFields();
for (final Field aField : fields)
if (aField.getName().equals(expression))
return aField;
tmp = tmp.getSuperclass();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot find field " + clz + "." + expression);
return field;
* @param clz
* @param expression
* @return The method for the expression null if not found
private final static Method findGetter(final Class> clz, final String expression)
final String name = Character.toUpperCase(expression.charAt(0)) + expression.substring(1);
Method method = null;
method = clz.getMethod(GET + name, (Class[])null);
catch (final Exception ignored)
if (method == null)
method = clz.getMethod(IS + name, (Class[])null);
catch (final Exception e)
log.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot find getter " + clz + "." + expression);
return method;
private final static Method findMethod(final Class> clz, String expression)
if (expression.endsWith("()"))
expression = expression.substring(0, expression.length() - 2);
Method method = null;
method = clz.getMethod(expression, (Class[])null);
catch (final Exception e)
log.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot find method " + clz + "." + expression);
return method;
private static ClassCache getClassesToGetAndSetters()
final Object key = PropertyResolver.class;
ClassCache result = applicationToClassesToGetAndSetters.get(key);
if (result == null)
final ClassCache tmpResult = applicationToClassesToGetAndSetters.putIfAbsent(key,
result = new DefaultClassCache());
if (tmpResult != null)
result = tmpResult;
return result;
private final static GetAndSet getGetAndSetter(String exp, final Class> clz)
final ClassCache classesToGetAndSetters = getClassesToGetAndSetters();
Map getAndSetters = classesToGetAndSetters.get(clz);
if (getAndSetters == null)
getAndSetters = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(8);
classesToGetAndSetters.put(clz, getAndSetters);
GetAndSet getAndSetter = getAndSetters.get(exp);
if (getAndSetter == null)
Method method = null;
Field field = null;
if (exp.startsWith("["))
// if expression begins with [ skip method finding and use it as
// a key/index lookup on a map.
exp = exp.substring(1, exp.length() - 1);
else if (exp.endsWith("()"))
// if expression ends with (), don't test for setters just skip
// directly to method finding.
method = findMethod(clz, exp);
method = findGetter(clz, exp);
if (method == null)
if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clz))
final int index = Integer.parseInt(exp);
getAndSetter = new ListGetSet(index);
catch (final NumberFormatException ex)
// can't parse the exp as an index, maybe the exp was a
// method.
method = findMethod(clz, exp);
if (method != null)
getAndSetter = new MethodGetAndSet(method,
MethodGetAndSet.findSetter(method, clz), null);
field = findField(clz, exp);
if (field != null)
getAndSetter = new FieldGetAndSetter(field);
throw new RuntimeException("The expression '" + exp
+ "' is neither an index nor is it a method or field for the list "
+ clz);
else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clz))
getAndSetter = new MapGetSet(exp);
else if (clz.isArray())
final int index = Integer.parseInt(exp);
getAndSetter = new ArrayGetSet(clz.getComponentType(), index);
catch (final NumberFormatException ex)
if (exp.equals("length") || exp.equals("size"))
getAndSetter = new ArrayLengthGetSet();
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse the expression '" + exp
+ "' as an index for an array lookup");
field = findField(clz, exp);
if (field == null)
method = findMethod(clz, exp);
if (method == null)
final int index = exp.indexOf('.');
if (index != -1)
final String propertyName = exp.substring(0, index);
final String propertyIndex = exp.substring(index + 1);
final int parsedIndex = Integer.parseInt(propertyIndex);
// if so then it could be a getPropertyIndex(int)
// and setPropertyIndex(int, object)
final String name = Character.toUpperCase(
propertyName.charAt(0)) + propertyName.substring(1);
method = clz.getMethod(GET + name, new Class[] { int.class });
getAndSetter = new ArrayPropertyGetSet(method, parsedIndex);
catch (final Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("No get method defined for class: "
+ clz + " expression: " + propertyName);
// We do not look for a public FIELD because
// that is not good programming with beans patterns
throw new RuntimeException("No get method defined for class: " + clz
+ " expression: " + exp);
getAndSetter = new MethodGetAndSet(method,
MethodGetAndSet.findSetter(method, clz), null);
getAndSetter = new FieldGetAndSetter(field);
field = findField(clz, exp);
getAndSetter = new MethodGetAndSet(method, MethodGetAndSet.findSetter(method, clz),
getAndSetters.put(exp, getAndSetter);
return getAndSetter;
* @param expression
* @param start
* @return next dot index
private static int getNextDotIndex(final String expression, final int start)
boolean insideBracket = false;
for (int i = start; i < expression.length(); i++)
final char ch = expression.charAt(i);
if (ch == '.' && !insideBracket)
return i;
else if (ch == '[')
insideBracket = true;
else if (ch == ']')
insideBracket = false;
return -1;
* Just delegating the call to the original getObjectAndGetSetter passing the object type as
* parameter.
* @param expression
* the expression
* @param object
* the object
* @param tryToCreateNull
* the try to create null
* @return {@link ObjectAndGetSetter}
private static ObjectAndGetSetter getObjectAndGetSetter(final String expression,
final Object object, int tryToCreateNull)
return getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object, tryToCreateNull, object.getClass());
* Receives the class parameter also, since this method can resolve the type for some
* expression, only knowing the target class
* @param expression
* @param object
* @param tryToCreateNull
* @param clz
* @return {@link ObjectAndGetSetter}
private static ObjectAndGetSetter getObjectAndGetSetter(final String expression,
final Object object, final int tryToCreateNull, Class> clz)
String expressionBracketsSeperated = replaceAll(expression, "[", ".[").toString();
int index = getNextDotIndex(expressionBracketsSeperated, 0);
while (index == 0 && expressionBracketsSeperated.startsWith("."))
// eat dots at the beginning of the expression since they will confuse
// later steps
expressionBracketsSeperated = expressionBracketsSeperated.substring(1);
index = getNextDotIndex(expressionBracketsSeperated, 0);
int lastIndex = 0;
Object value = object;
String exp = expressionBracketsSeperated;
while (index != -1)
exp = expressionBracketsSeperated.substring(lastIndex, index);
if (exp.length() == 0)
exp = expressionBracketsSeperated.substring(index + 1);
GetAndSet getAndSetter = null;
getAndSetter = getGetAndSetter(exp, clz);
catch (final RuntimeException ex)
// expression by it self can't be found. try to find a
// setPropertyByIndex(int,value) method
index = getNextDotIndex(expressionBracketsSeperated, index + 1);
if (index != -1)
final String indexExpression = expressionBracketsSeperated.substring(lastIndex,
getAndSetter = getGetAndSetter(indexExpression, clz);
exp = expressionBracketsSeperated.substring(lastIndex);
Object newValue = null;
if (value != null)
newValue = getAndSetter.getValue(value);
if (newValue == null)
if (tryToCreateNull == CREATE_NEW_VALUE)
newValue = getAndSetter.newValue(value);
if (newValue == null)
return null;
else if (tryToCreateNull == RESOLVE_CLASS)
clz = getAndSetter.getTargetClass();
return null;
value = newValue;
if (value != null)
// value can be null if we are in the RESOLVE_CLASS
clz = value.getClass();
lastIndex = index + 1;
index = getNextDotIndex(expressionBracketsSeperated, lastIndex);
if (index == -1)
exp = expressionBracketsSeperated.substring(lastIndex);
final GetAndSet getAndSetter = getGetAndSetter(exp, clz);
return new ObjectAndGetSetter(getAndSetter, value);
* Gets the property class.
* @param
* the generic type
* @param expression
* the expression
* @param clz
* the class
* @return class of the target Class property expression
* @throws RuntimeException
* if class cannot be resolved
public static Class getPropertyClass(final String expression, final Class> clz)
final ObjectAndGetSetter setter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, null, RESOLVE_CLASS,
if (setter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No Class returned for expression: " + expression
+ " for getting the target class of: " + clz);
return (Class)setter.getTargetClass();
* Gets the property class.
* @param expression
* the expression
* @param object
* the object
* @return class of the target property object
* @throws RuntimeException
* if the cannot be resolved
public final static Class> getPropertyClass(final String expression, final Object object)
final ObjectAndGetSetter setter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object, RESOLVE_CLASS);
if (setter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Null object returned for expression: " + expression
+ " for getting the target class of: " + object);
return setter.getTargetClass();
* Gets the property field.
* @param expression
* the expression
* @param object
* the object
* @return Field for the property expression
* @throws RuntimeException
* if there is no such field
public final static Field getPropertyField(final String expression, final Object object)
final ObjectAndGetSetter setter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object, RESOLVE_CLASS);
if (setter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Null object returned for expression: " + expression
+ " for getting the target class of: " + object);
return setter.getField();
* Gets the property getter.
* @param expression
* the expression
* @param object
* the object
* @return Getter method for the property expression
* @throws RuntimeException
* if there is no getter method
public final static Method getPropertyGetter(final String expression, final Object object)
final ObjectAndGetSetter setter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object, RESOLVE_CLASS);
if (setter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Null object returned for expression: " + expression
+ " for getting the target class of: " + object);
return setter.getGetter();
* Gets the property setter.
* @param expression
* the expression
* @param object
* the object
* @return Setter method for the property expression
* @throws RuntimeException
* if there is no setter method
public final static Method getPropertySetter(final String expression, final Object object)
final ObjectAndGetSetter setter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object, RESOLVE_CLASS);
if (setter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Null object returned for expression: " + expression
+ " for getting the target class of: " + object);
return setter.getSetter();
* Looks up the value from the object with the given expression. If the expression, the object
* itself or one property evaluates to null then a null will be returned.
* @param expression
* The expression string with the property to be lookup.
* @param object
* The object which is evaluated.
* @return The value that is evaluated. Null something in the expression evaluated to null.
public final static Object getValue(final String expression, final Object object)
if (expression == null || expression.equals("") || object == null)
return object;
final ObjectAndGetSetter getter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object, RETURN_NULL);
if (getter == null)
return null;
return getter.getValue();
* Replace all occurrences of one string replaceWith another string.
* @param s
* The string to process
* @param searchFor
* The value to search for
* @param replaceWith
* The value to searchFor replaceWith
* @return The resulting string with searchFor replaced with replaceWith
public static CharSequence replaceAll(final CharSequence s, final CharSequence searchFor,
CharSequence replaceWith)
if (s == null)
return null;
// If searchFor is null or the empty string, then there is nothing to
// replace, so returning s is the only option here.
if ((searchFor == null) || "".equals(searchFor))
return s;
// If replaceWith is null, then the searchFor should be replaced with
// nothing, which can be seen as the empty string.
if (replaceWith == null)
replaceWith = "";
final String searchString = searchFor.toString();
// Look for first occurrence of searchFor
int matchIndex = search(s, searchString, 0);
if (matchIndex == -1)
// No replace operation needs to happen
return s;
// Allocate a AppendingStringBuffer that will hold one replacement
// with a
// little extra room.
int size = s.length();
final int replaceWithLength = replaceWith.length();
final int searchForLength = searchFor.length();
if (replaceWithLength > searchForLength)
size += (replaceWithLength - searchForLength);
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(size + 16);
int pos = 0;
// Append text up to the match
buffer.append(s.subSequence(pos, matchIndex));
// Add replaceWith text
// Find next occurrence, if any
pos = matchIndex + searchForLength;
matchIndex = search(s, searchString, pos);
while (matchIndex != -1);
// Add tail of s
buffer.append(s.subSequence(pos, s.length()));
// Return processed buffer
return buffer;
private static int search(final CharSequence s, final String searchString, final int pos)
if (s instanceof String)
return ((String)s).indexOf(searchString, pos);
else if (s instanceof StringBuffer)
return ((StringBuffer)s).indexOf(searchString, pos);
else if (s instanceof StringBuilder)
return ((StringBuilder)s).indexOf(searchString, pos);
return s.toString().indexOf(searchString, pos);
* Sets the {@link ClassCache} for the given application.
* If the Application is null then it will be the default if no application is found. So if you
* want to be sure that your {@link ClassCache} is handled in all situations then call this
* method twice with your implementations. One time for the application and the second time with
* null.
* @param application
* to use or null if the default must be set.
* @param classCache
* the class cache
public static void setClassCache(final Object application, final ClassCache classCache)
if (application != null)
applicationToClassesToGetAndSetters.put(application, classCache);
applicationToClassesToGetAndSetters.put(PropertyResolver.class, classCache);
* Set the value on the object with the given expression. If the expression can't be evaluated
* then a RuntimeException will be thrown. If a null object is encountered then it will try to
* generate it by calling the default constructor and set it on the object.
* The value will be tried to convert to the right type with the given converter.
* @param expression
* The expression string with the property to be set.
* @param object
* The object which is evaluated to set the value on.
* @param value
* The value to set.
* @throws RuntimeException
* is thrown if expression is empty or the object is null or the setter could not be
* found
public final static void setValue(final String expression, final Object object,
final Object value)
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(expression))
throw new RuntimeException(
"Empty expression setting value: " + value + " on object: " + object);
if (object == null)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Attempted to set property value on a null object. Property expression: "
+ expression + " Value: " + value);
final ObjectAndGetSetter setter = getObjectAndGetSetter(expression, object,
if (setter == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Null object returned for expression: " + expression
+ " for setting value: " + value + " on: " + object);
* Utility class: instantiation not allowed.
private PropertyResolver()