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de.charite.compbio.jannovar.cmd.annotate_vcf.JannovarAnnotateVCFOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package de.charite.compbio.jannovar.cmd.annotate_vcf;

import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.UncheckedJannovarException;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.cmd.CommandLineParsingException;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.cmd.JannovarAnnotationOptions;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.cmd.JannovarBaseOptions;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.filter.facade.PedigreeFilterOptions;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.filter.facade.ThresholdFilterOptions;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.vardbs.generic_tsv.GenericTSVAnnotationOptions;
import de.charite.compbio.jannovar.vardbs.generic_vcf.GenericVCFAnnotationOptions;
import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.impl.Arguments;
import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

 * Options for annotating VCF files
 * @author Manuel Holtgrewe
public class JannovarAnnotateVCFOptions extends JannovarAnnotationOptions {

	 * Path to dbSNP VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathVCFDBSNP = null;
	 * Prefix to use for dbSNP VCF INFO Fields
	public String prefixDBSNP = null;
	 * Path to the reference FAI-indexed FASTA file (required for dbSNP/ExAC/UK10K-based annotation
	public String pathFASTARef = null;
	 * Path to ExAC VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathVCFExac;
	 * Prefix to use for ExAC VCF INFO Fields
	public String prefixExac;
	 * Path to gnomAD exomes VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathVCFGnomadExomes;
	 * Prefix to use for gnomAD exomes INFO fields
	public String prefixGnomadExomes;
	 * Path to gnomAD genomes VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathVCFGnomadGenomes;
	 * Prefix to use for gnomAD genomes INFO fields
	public String prefixGnomadGenomes;
	 * Path to UK10K VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathVCFUK10K;
	 * Prefix to use for UK10K VCF INFO Fields
	public String prefixUK10K;
	 * Path to thousand genomes VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathThousandGenomes;
	 * Prefix to use for thousand genomes VCF INFO Fields
	public String prefixThousandGenomes;
	 * Path to ClinVar VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathClinVar;
	 * Prefix to use for ClinVar VCF INFO Fields
	public String prefixClinVar;
	 * Path to COSMIC VCF file to use for the annotation
	public String pathCosmic;
	 * Prefix to use for COSMIC VCF INFO Fields
	public String prefixCosmic;
	 * Path to pedigree file
	public String pathPedFile;
	 * Whether or not to perform compatible inheritance mode annotation with the assumption that the single individual
	 * is the affected index.
	public boolean annotateAsSingletonPedigree;
	 * Whether or not to use threshold-based filters
	public boolean useThresholdFilters;
	 * Whether or not to use the advanced pedigree filters (mainly useful for de novo variants)
	public boolean useAdvancedPedigreeFilters;
	 * Whether or not to escape ANN field
	private boolean escapeAnnField = true;
	 * Path to input VCF file
	private String pathInputVCF = null;
	 * Interval to annotate
	private String interval = "";
	 * Path to output VCF file
	private String pathOutputVCF = null;
	 * Threshold filter: minimal coverage at a site for heterozygous calls
	private int threshFiltMinGtCovHet;

	 * Threshold filter: minimal coverage at a site for homozygous calls
	private int threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt;

	 * Threshold filter: maximal coverage at a site for any call
	private int threshFiltMaxCov;

	 * Threshold filter: minimal genotype for calls
	private int threshFiltMinGtGq;

	 * Threshold filter: minimal alternative allele fraction for heterozygous calls
	private double threshFiltMinGtAafHet;

	 * Threshold filter: maximal alternative allele fraction for heterozygous calls
	private double threshFiltMaxGtAafHet;

	 * Threshold filter: minimal alternative allele fraction for homozygous alternative calls
	private double threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt;

	 * Threshold filter: maximal alternative allele fraction for homozygous ref calls
	private double threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef;

	 * Threshold filter: ignore variants that have more than this number of hom. occurences in ExAC
	private int threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt;

	 * Threshold filter: ignore variants that have more than this number of hom. occurences in thousand genomes.
	private int threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt;

	 * Threshold filter: maximal allele frequency for autosomal dominant inheritance mode
	private double threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd;

	 * Threshold filter: maximal allele frequency for autosomal recessive inheritance mode
	private double threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr;

	 * Enable off target filter
	private boolean offTargetFilterEnabled;

	 * Count UTR as off-target
	private boolean offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget;

	 * Count intronic splice region (non-consensus) as off-target
	private boolean offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget;

	 * Whether or not to consider "OneParentGtFiltered" GT-wise filter for applying "AllAffGtFiltered" FILTER, important
	 * for het. comp. inheritance mode compatibililty annotation.
	private boolean oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected;

	 * Whether or not to use the variant-wise (AllAffGtFiltered, MaxFreqAd, MaxFreqAr, and OffExome) and genotype-wise
	 * filters (MaxCov, MinCovHet, MinCovHomAlt, MinGq, MinAafHet, MaxAafHet, MinAafHomAlt, MinAafHomRef) in inheritance
	 * mode compatibility annotation.
	private boolean inheritanceAnnoUseFilters;

	 * Whether or not to enable the "parent GT is filtered" GT filter, default is true.
	private boolean useParentGtIsFiltered;

	 * Maximal support of alternative allele in parent for de novo variant.
	private Integer threshDeNovoParentAd2;

	 * Configuration for annotation with BED files.
	private List bedAnnotationOptions = new ArrayList<>();

	 * Column of contig name in dbNSFP.
	private int dbNsfpColContig;

	 * Column of contig name in dbNSFP.
	private int dbNsfpColPosition;

	 * Prefix for dbNSFP annotations.
	private String prefixDbNsfp;

	 * Configuration for annotation with dbNSFP.
	private String pathDbNsfp;

	 * Fields to annotate with from dbNSFP.
	private List columnsDbNsfp = new ArrayList<>();

	 * Configuration for annotation with generic TSV files.
	private List tsvAnnotationOptions = new ArrayList<>();

	 * Configuration for annotation with VCF files.
	private List vcfAnnotationOptions = new ArrayList<>();

	 * Setup {@link ArgumentParser}
	 * @param subParsers {@link Subparsers} to setup
	public static void setupParser(Subparsers subParsers) {
		BiFunction handler = (argv, args) -> {
			try {
				return new AnnotateVCFCommand(argv, args);
			} catch (CommandLineParsingException e) {
				throw new UncheckedJannovarException("Could not parse command line", e);

		Subparser subParser = subParsers.addParser("annotate-vcf", true).help("annotate VCF files")
			.setDefault("cmd", handler);
		subParser.description("Perform annotation of a single VCF file");

		ArgumentGroup requiredGroup = subParser.addArgumentGroup("Required arguments");
		requiredGroup.addArgument("-i", "--input-vcf").help("Path to input VCF file")
		requiredGroup.addArgument("-o", "--output-vcf").help("Path to output VCF file")
		requiredGroup.addArgument("-d", "--database").help("Path to database .ser file")

		ArgumentGroup annotationGroup = subParser
			.addArgumentGroup("Annotation Arguments (optional)");
		requiredGroup.addArgument("--interval").help("Interval with regions to annotate (optional)")
			.help("Pedigree file to use for Mendelian inheritance annotation").required(false);
			.help("Annotate VCF file with single individual as singleton pedigree (singleton assumed to be affected)")
			"Path to FAI-indexed reference FASTA file, required for dbSNP/ExAC/UK10K-based annotation");
			.help("Path to dbSNP VCF file, activates dbSNP annotation").required(false);
		annotationGroup.addArgument("--dbsnp-prefix").help("Prefix for dbSNP annotations")
			.help("Path to ExAC VCF file, activates ExAC annotation").required(false);
		annotationGroup.addArgument("--exac-prefix").help("Prefix for ExAC annotations")
			.help("Path to gnomAD exomes VCF file, activates gnomAD exomes annotation")
			.help("Prefix for ExgnomAD exomes AC annotations").setDefault("GNOMAD_EXOMES_")
			.help("Path to gnomAD genomes VCF file, activates gnomAD genomes annotation")
			.help("Prefix for ExgnomAD genomes AC annotations").setDefault("GNOMAD_GENOMES_")
			.help("Path to UK10K VCF file, activates UK10K annotation").required(false);
		annotationGroup.addArgument("--uk10k-prefix").help("Prefix for UK10K annotations")
			.help("Path to thousand genomes VCF file, activates thousand genomes annotation")
		annotationGroup.addArgument("--g1k-prefix").help("Prefix for thousand genomes annotations")
			.help("Path to ClinVar file, activates ClinVar annotation").required(false);
		annotationGroup.addArgument("--clinvar-prefix").help("Prefix for ClinVar annotations")
			.help("Path to COSMIC file, activates COSMIC annotation").required(false);
		annotationGroup.addArgument("--cosmic-prefix").help("Prefix for COSMIC annotations")
			.help("If one parent's genotype is affected, apply OneParentGtFiltered filter to child")
			.help("Use filters in inheritance mode annotation").setDefault(false)

		ArgumentGroup dbNsfpAnnotationGroup = subParser
			.addArgumentGroup("Annotation with dbNSFP (experimental; optional)");
		dbNsfpAnnotationGroup.addArgument("--dbnsfp-tsv").help("Patht to dbNSFP TSV file")
			.help("Column index of contig in dbNSFP").setDefault(1);
			.help("Column index of position in dbNSFP").setDefault(2);
		dbNsfpAnnotationGroup.addArgument("--dbnsfp-prefix").help("Prefix for dbNSFP annotations")
			.help("Columns from dbDSFP file to use for annotation").action(Arguments.append());

		ArgumentGroup bedAnnotationGroup = subParser
			.addArgumentGroup("BED-based Annotation (experimental; optional)");
			.help("Add BED file to use for annotating. The value must be of the format "
				+ "\"pathToBed:infoField:description[:colNo]\".")

		ArgumentGroup vcfAnnotationGroup = subParser
			.addArgumentGroup("Generic VCF-based Annotation (experimental; optional)");
			.help("Add VCF file to use for annotating. The value must be of the format "
				+ "\"pathToVfFile:prefix:field1,field2,field3\".")

		ArgumentGroup tsvAnnotationGroup = subParser
			.addArgumentGroup("TSV-based Annotation (experimental; optional)");
			.help("Add TSV file to use for annotating. The value must be of the format "
				+ "\"pathToTsvFile:oneBasedOffset:colContig:colStart:colEnd:colRef(or=0):"
				+ "colAlt(or=0):isRefAnnotated(R=yes,A=no):colValue:fieldType:fieldName:fieldDescription:"
				+ "accumulationStrategy\".")

		ArgumentGroup threshFilterGroup = subParser
			.addArgumentGroup("Threshold-filter related arguments");
		threshFilterGroup.addArgument("--use-threshold-filters").help("Use threshold-based filters")
		ThresholdFilterOptions threshDefaults = ThresholdFilterOptions.buildDefaultOptions();
			.help("Minimal coverage for het. call").setDefault(threshDefaults.getMinGtCovHet())
			.help("Minimal coverage for hom. alt calls")
			.help("Maximal coverage for a sample").setDefault(threshDefaults.getMaxCov())
			.help("Minimal genotype call quality").setDefault(threshDefaults.getMinGtGq())
			.help("Minimal het. call alternate allele fraction")
			.help("Maximal het. call alternate allele fraction")
			.help("Minimal hom. alt call alternate allele fraction")
			.help("Maximal hom. ref call alternate allele fraction")
			.help("Maximal allele fraction for autosomal dominant inheritance mode")
			.help("Maximal allele fraction for autosomal recessive inheritance mode")
			.help("Maximal count in homozygous state in ExAC before ignoring")
			.help("Maximal count in homozygous state in ExAC before ignoring")
		PedigreeFilterOptions pedDefaults = PedigreeFilterOptions.buildDefaultOptions();
			.help("Use advanced pedigree-based filters (mainly useful for de novo variants)")
			.help("Maximal support of alternative allele in parent for de novo variants.")

		ArgumentGroup offTargetGroup = subParser.addArgumentGroup("Exome on/off target filters");
			.help("Enable filter for on/off-target based on effect impact").setDefault(false)
			.help("Make UTR count as off-target (default is to count UTR as on-target)")
			.help("Make intronic (non-consensus site) splice region count as off-target (default is to count as on-target)")

		ArgumentGroup optionalGroup = subParser.addArgumentGroup("Other, optional Arguments");
			.help("Disable escaping of INFO/ANN field in VCF output").dest("escape_ann_field")
		optionalGroup.addArgument("--show-all").help("Show all effects").setDefault(false)
			.help("Disable shifting towards 3' of transcript").dest("3_prime_shifting")
			.help("Enable usage of 3 letter amino acid codes").setDefault(false)


	public void setFromArgs(Namespace args) throws CommandLineParsingException {

		interval = args.getString("interval");
		escapeAnnField = args.getBoolean("escape_ann_field");
		pathInputVCF = args.getString("input_vcf");
		pathOutputVCF = args.getString("output_vcf");
		pathPedFile = args.getString("pedigree_file");
		annotateAsSingletonPedigree = args.getBoolean("annotate_as_singleton_pedigree");

		pathFASTARef = args.getString("ref_fasta");
		pathVCFDBSNP = args.getString("dbsnp_vcf");
		prefixDBSNP = args.getString("dbsnp_prefix");
		pathVCFExac = args.getString("exac_vcf");
		prefixExac = args.getString("exac_prefix");
		pathVCFGnomadExomes = args.getString("gnomad_exomes_vcf");
		prefixGnomadExomes = args.getString("gnomad_exomes_prefix");
		pathVCFGnomadGenomes = args.getString("gnomad_genomes_vcf");
		prefixGnomadGenomes = args.getString("gnomad_genomes_prefix");
		pathThousandGenomes = args.getString("g1k_vcf");
		prefixThousandGenomes = args.getString("g1k_prefix");
		pathVCFUK10K = args.getString("uk10k_vcf");
		prefixUK10K = args.getString("uk10k_prefix");
		pathClinVar = args.getString("clinvar_vcf");
		prefixClinVar = args.getString("clinvar_prefix");
		pathCosmic = args.getString("cosmic_vcf");
		prefixCosmic = args.getString("cosmic_prefix");
		oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected = args
		inheritanceAnnoUseFilters = args.getBoolean("inheritance_anno_use_filters");
		useParentGtIsFiltered = args.getBoolean("use_parent_gt_is_filtered");

		dbNsfpColContig = args.getInt("dbnsfp_col_contig");
		dbNsfpColPosition = args.getInt("dbnsfp_col_position");
		prefixDbNsfp = args.getString("dbnsfp_prefix");
		pathDbNsfp = args.getString("dbnsfp_tsv");
		if (args.getList("dbnsfp_columns") != null) {
			for (Object o : args.getList("dbnsfp_columns")) {
				final String s = (String) o;
				for (String s2 : s.split(",")) {
					if (!DbNsfpFields.DBNSFP_FIELDS.containsKey(s2)) {
						throw new RuntimeException(
							"Unknown field from dbNSFP or not yet supported: " + s);
					} else {

		if (args.getList("bed_annotation") != null) {
			for (Object o : args.getList("bed_annotation")) {
				final String s = (String) o;

		if (args.getList("tsv_annotation") != null) {
			for (Object o : args.getList("tsv_annotation")) {
				final String s = (String) o;

		if (args.getList("vcf_annotation") != null) {
			for (Object o : args.getList("vcf_annotation")) {
				final String s = (String) o;

		useThresholdFilters = args.getBoolean("use_threshold_filters");
		threshFiltMinGtCovHet = args.getInt("gt_thresh_filt_min_cov_het");
		threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt = args.getInt("gt_thresh_filt_min_cov_hom_alt");
		threshFiltMaxCov = args.getInt("gt_thresh_filt_max_cov");
		threshFiltMinGtGq = args.getInt("gt_thresh_filt_min_gq");
		threshFiltMinGtAafHet = args.getDouble("gt_thresh_filt_min_aaf_het");
		threshFiltMaxGtAafHet = args.getDouble("gt_thresh_filt_max_aaf_het");
		threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt = args.getDouble("gt_thresh_filt_min_aaf_hom_alt");
		threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef = args.getDouble("gt_thresh_filt_max_aaf_hom_ref");
		threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd = args.getDouble("var_thresh_max_allele_freq_ad");
		threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr = args.getDouble("var_thresh_max_allele_freq_ar");
		threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt = args.getInt("var_thresh_max_hom_alt_exac");
		threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt = args.getInt("var_thresh_max_hom_alt_g1k");
		useAdvancedPedigreeFilters = args.getBoolean("use_advanced_pedigree_filters");

		offTargetFilterEnabled = args.getBoolean("enable_off_target_filter");
		offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget = args.getBoolean("utr_is_off_target");
		offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget = args.getBoolean("intronic_splice_is_off_target");

		if (pathFASTARef == null && (pathVCFDBSNP != null || pathVCFExac != null
			|| pathVCFUK10K != null || pathClinVar != null || pathCosmic != null
			|| pathVCFGnomadExomes != null || pathVCFGnomadGenomes != null || pathDbNsfp != null
			|| !tsvAnnotationOptions.isEmpty() || !vcfAnnotationOptions.isEmpty()))
			throw new CommandLineParsingException(
				"Command --ref-fasta required when using dbSNP, ExAC, UK10K, ClinVar, or COSMIC annotations.");

	public String getInterval() {
		return interval;

	public void setInterval(String interval) {
		this.interval = interval;

	public String getPathInputVCF() {
		return pathInputVCF;

	public void setPathInputVCF(String pathInputVCF) {
		this.pathInputVCF = pathInputVCF;

	public String getPathOutputVCF() {
		return pathOutputVCF;

	public void setPathOutputVCF(String pathOutputVCF) {
		this.pathOutputVCF = pathOutputVCF;

	public boolean isEscapeAnnField() {
		return escapeAnnField;

	public void setEscapeAnnField(boolean escapeAnnField) {
		this.escapeAnnField = escapeAnnField;

	public String getPathVCFDBSNP() {
		return pathVCFDBSNP;

	public void setPathVCFDBSNP(String pathVCFDBSNP) {
		this.pathVCFDBSNP = pathVCFDBSNP;

	public String getPrefixDBSNP() {
		return prefixDBSNP;

	public void setPrefixDBSNP(String prefixDBSNP) {
		this.prefixDBSNP = prefixDBSNP;

	public String getPathFASTARef() {
		return pathFASTARef;

	public void setPathFASTARef(String pathFASTARef) {
		this.pathFASTARef = pathFASTARef;

	public String getPathVCFExac() {
		return pathVCFExac;

	public void setPathVCFExac(String pathVCFExac) {
		this.pathVCFExac = pathVCFExac;

	public String getPrefixExac() {
		return prefixExac;

	public void setPrefixExac(String prefixExac) {
		this.prefixExac = prefixExac;

	public String getPathVCFUK10K() {
		return pathVCFUK10K;

	public void setPathVCFUK10K(String pathVCFUK10K) {
		this.pathVCFUK10K = pathVCFUK10K;

	public String getPrefixUK10K() {
		return prefixUK10K;

	public void setPrefixUK10K(String prefixUK10K) {
		this.prefixUK10K = prefixUK10K;

	public String getPathClinVar() {
		return pathClinVar;

	public void setPathClinVar(String pathClinVar) {
		this.pathClinVar = pathClinVar;

	public String getPrefixClinVar() {
		return prefixClinVar;

	public void setPrefixClinVar(String prefixClinVar) {
		this.prefixClinVar = prefixClinVar;

	public String getPathCosmic() {
		return pathCosmic;

	public void setPathCosmic(String pathCosmic) {
		this.pathCosmic = pathCosmic;

	public String getPrefixCosmic() {
		return prefixCosmic;

	public void setPrefixCosmic(String prefixCosmic) {
		this.prefixCosmic = prefixCosmic;

	public String getPathVCFGnomadExomes() {
		return pathVCFGnomadExomes;

	public void setPathVCFGnomadExomes(String pathVCFGnomadExomes) {
		this.pathVCFGnomadExomes = pathVCFGnomadExomes;

	public String getPrefixGnomadExomes() {
		return prefixGnomadExomes;

	public void setPrefixGnomadExomes(String prefixGnomadExomes) {
		this.prefixGnomadExomes = prefixGnomadExomes;

	public String getPathVCFGnomadGenomes() {
		return pathVCFGnomadGenomes;

	public void setPathVCFGnomadGenomes(String pathVCFGnomadGenomes) {
		this.pathVCFGnomadGenomes = pathVCFGnomadGenomes;

	public String getPrefixGnomadGenomes() {
		return prefixGnomadGenomes;

	public void setPrefixGnomadGenomes(String prefixGnomadGenomes) {
		this.prefixGnomadGenomes = prefixGnomadGenomes;

	public boolean isAnnotateAsSingletonPedigree() {
		return annotateAsSingletonPedigree;

	public void setAnnotateAsSingletonPedigree(boolean annotateAsSingletonPedigree) {
		this.annotateAsSingletonPedigree = annotateAsSingletonPedigree;

	public String getPathPedFile() {
		return pathPedFile;

	public void setPathPedFile(String pathPedFile) {
		this.pathPedFile = pathPedFile;

	public boolean isUseThresholdFilters() {
		return useThresholdFilters;

	public void setUseThresholdFilters(boolean useThresholdFilters) {
		this.useThresholdFilters = useThresholdFilters;

	public int getThreshFiltMinGtCovHet() {
		return threshFiltMinGtCovHet;

	public void setThreshFiltMinGtCovHet(int threshFiltMinGtCovHet) {
		this.threshFiltMinGtCovHet = threshFiltMinGtCovHet;

	public int getThreshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt() {
		return threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt;

	public void setThreshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt(int threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt) {
		this.threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt = threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt;

	public int getThreshFiltMaxCov() {
		return threshFiltMaxCov;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxCov(int threshFiltMaxCov) {
		this.threshFiltMaxCov = threshFiltMaxCov;

	public int getThreshFiltMinGtGq() {
		return threshFiltMinGtGq;

	public void setThreshFiltMinGtGq(int threshFiltMinGtGq) {
		this.threshFiltMinGtGq = threshFiltMinGtGq;

	public double getThreshFiltMinGtAafHet() {
		return threshFiltMinGtAafHet;

	public void setThreshFiltMinGtAafHet(double threshFiltMinGtAafHet) {
		this.threshFiltMinGtAafHet = threshFiltMinGtAafHet;

	public double getThreshFiltMaxGtAafHet() {
		return threshFiltMaxGtAafHet;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxGtAafHet(double threshFiltMaxGtAafHet) {
		this.threshFiltMaxGtAafHet = threshFiltMaxGtAafHet;

	public double getThreshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt() {
		return threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt;

	public void setThreshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt(double threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt) {
		this.threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt = threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt;

	public double getThreshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef() {
		return threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef(double threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef) {
		this.threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef = threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef;

	public double getThreshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd() {
		return threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd(double threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd) {
		this.threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd = threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAD(double threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd) {
		this.threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd = threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd;

	public double getThreshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr() {
		return threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr(double threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr) {
		this.threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr = threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAR(double threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr) {
		this.threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr = threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr;

	public boolean isOffTargetFilterEnabled() {
		return offTargetFilterEnabled;

	public void setOffTargetFilterEnabled(boolean offTargetFilterEnabled) {
		this.offTargetFilterEnabled = offTargetFilterEnabled;

	public boolean isOffTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget() {
		return offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget;

	public void setOffTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget(boolean offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget) {
		this.offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget = offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget;

	public boolean isOffTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget() {
		return offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget;

	public void setOffTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget(
		boolean offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget) {
		this.offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget = offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget;

	public boolean isOneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected() {
		return oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected;

	public void setOneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected(boolean oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected) {
		this.oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected = oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected;

	public boolean isInheritanceAnnoUseFilters() {
		return inheritanceAnnoUseFilters;

	public void setInheritanceAnnoUseFilters(boolean inheritanceAnnoUseFilters) {
		this.inheritanceAnnoUseFilters = inheritanceAnnoUseFilters;

	public boolean isUseAdvancedPedigreeFilters() {
		return useAdvancedPedigreeFilters;

	public void setUseAdvancedPedigreeFilters(boolean useAdvancedPedigreeFilters) {
		this.useAdvancedPedigreeFilters = useAdvancedPedigreeFilters;

	public List getBedAnnotationOptions() {
		return bedAnnotationOptions;

	public void setBedAnnotationOptions(List bedAnnotationOptions) {
		this.bedAnnotationOptions = bedAnnotationOptions;

	public Integer getThreshDeNovoParentAd2() {
		return threshDeNovoParentAd2;

	public void setThreshDeNovoParentAd2(Integer threshDeNovoParentAd2) {
		this.threshDeNovoParentAd2 = threshDeNovoParentAd2;

	public String getPrefixDbNsfp() {
		return prefixDbNsfp;

	public void setPrefixDbNsfp(String prefixDbNsfp) {
		this.prefixDbNsfp = prefixDbNsfp;

	public String getPathDbNsfp() {
		return pathDbNsfp;

	public void setPathDbNsfp(String pathDbNsfp) {
		this.pathDbNsfp = pathDbNsfp;

	public List getColumnsDbNsfp() {
		return columnsDbNsfp;

	public void setColumnsDbNsfp(List columnsDbNsfp) {
		this.columnsDbNsfp = columnsDbNsfp;

	public List getTsvAnnotationOptions() {
		return tsvAnnotationOptions;

	public void setTsvAnnotationOptions(List tsvAnnotationOptions) {
		this.tsvAnnotationOptions = tsvAnnotationOptions;

	public int getDbNsfpColContig() {
		return dbNsfpColContig;

	public void setDbNsfpColContig(int dbNsfpColContig) {
		this.dbNsfpColContig = dbNsfpColContig;

	public int getDbNsfpColPosition() {
		return dbNsfpColPosition;

	public void setDbNsfpColPosition(int dbNsfpColPosition) {
		this.dbNsfpColPosition = dbNsfpColPosition;

	public List getVcfAnnotationOptions() {
		return vcfAnnotationOptions;

	public void setVcfAnnotationOptions(List vcfAnnotationOptions) {
		this.vcfAnnotationOptions = vcfAnnotationOptions;

	public boolean isUseParentGtIsFiltered() {
		return useParentGtIsFiltered;

	public void setUseParentGtIsFiltered(boolean useParentGtIsFiltered) {
		this.useParentGtIsFiltered = useParentGtIsFiltered;

	public String getPathThousandGenomes() {
		return pathThousandGenomes;

	public void setPathThousandGenomes(String pathThousandGenomes) {
		this.pathThousandGenomes = pathThousandGenomes;

	public String getPrefixThousandGenomes() {
		return prefixThousandGenomes;

	public void setPrefixThousandGenomes(String prefixThousandGenomes) {
		this.prefixThousandGenomes = prefixThousandGenomes;

	public int getThreshFiltMaxExacHomAlt() {
		return threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxExacHomAlt(int threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt) {
		this.threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt = threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt;

	public int getThreshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt() {
		return threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt;

	public void setThreshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt(int threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt) {
		this.threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt = threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt;

	public String toString() {
		return "JannovarAnnotateVCFOptions [escapeAnnField=" + escapeAnnField + ", pathInputVCF="
			+ pathInputVCF + ", interval=" + interval + ", pathOutputVCF=" + pathOutputVCF
			+ ", pathVCFDBSNP=" + pathVCFDBSNP + ", prefixDBSNP=" + prefixDBSNP
			+ ", pathFASTARef=" + pathFASTARef + ", pathVCFExac=" + pathVCFExac
			+ ", prefixExac=" + prefixExac + ", pathVCFGnomadExomes=" + pathVCFGnomadExomes
			+ ", prefixGnomadExomes=" + prefixGnomadExomes + ", pathVCFGnomadGenomes="
			+ pathVCFGnomadGenomes + ", prefixGnomadGenomes=" + prefixGnomadGenomes
			+ ", pathVCFUK10K=" + pathVCFUK10K + ", prefixUK10K=" + prefixUK10K
			+ ", pathThousandGenomes=" + pathThousandGenomes + ", prefixThousandGenomes="
			+ prefixThousandGenomes + ", pathClinVar=" + pathClinVar + ", prefixClinVar="
			+ prefixClinVar + ", pathCosmic=" + pathCosmic + ", prefixCosmic=" + prefixCosmic
			+ ", pathPedFile=" + pathPedFile + ", annotateAsSingletonPedigree="
			+ annotateAsSingletonPedigree + ", useThresholdFilters=" + useThresholdFilters
			+ ", useAdvancedPedigreeFilters=" + useAdvancedPedigreeFilters
			+ ", threshFiltMinGtCovHet=" + threshFiltMinGtCovHet + ", threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt="
			+ threshFiltMinGtCovHomAlt + ", threshFiltMaxCov=" + threshFiltMaxCov
			+ ", threshFiltMinGtGq=" + threshFiltMinGtGq + ", threshFiltMinGtAafHet="
			+ threshFiltMinGtAafHet + ", threshFiltMaxGtAafHet=" + threshFiltMaxGtAafHet
			+ ", threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt=" + threshFiltMinGtAafHomAlt
			+ ", threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef=" + threshFiltMaxGtAafHomRef
			+ ", threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt=" + threshFiltMaxExacHomAlt
			+ ", threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt=" + threshFiltMaxThousandGenomesHomAlt
			+ ", threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd=" + threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAd
			+ ", threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr=" + threshFiltMaxAlleleFrequencyAr
			+ ", offTargetFilterEnabled=" + offTargetFilterEnabled
			+ ", offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget=" + offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget
			+ ", offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget="
			+ offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget + ", oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected="
			+ oneParentGtFilteredFiltersAffected + ", inheritanceAnnoUseFilters="
			+ inheritanceAnnoUseFilters + ", useParentGtIsFiltered=" + useParentGtIsFiltered
			+ ", threshDeNovoParentAd2=" + threshDeNovoParentAd2 + ", bedAnnotationOptions="
			+ bedAnnotationOptions + ", dbNsfpColContig=" + dbNsfpColContig
			+ ", dbNsfpColPosition=" + dbNsfpColPosition + ", prefixDbNsfp=" + prefixDbNsfp
			+ ", pathDbNsfp=" + pathDbNsfp + ", columnsDbNsfp=" + columnsDbNsfp
			+ ", tsvAnnotationOptions=" + tsvAnnotationOptions + ", vcfAnnotationOptions="
			+ vcfAnnotationOptions + "]";

	 * Configuration for annotation with BED file.
	public static class BedAnnotationOptions {

		 * Path to BED file
		private final String pathBed;
		 * Label to use for INFO field.
		private final String infoField;
		 * Description to use for INFO field.
		private final String description;
		 * 0-based column to write into VCF file, if any, -1 for none
		private final int colNo;

		public BedAnnotationOptions(String pathBed, String infoField, String description) {
			this(pathBed, infoField, description, -1);

		public BedAnnotationOptions(String pathBed, String infoField, String description,
									int colNo) {
			this.pathBed = pathBed;
			this.infoField = infoField;
			this.description = description;
			this.colNo = colNo;

		 * Construct new BED annotation from command line option value.

* The value must have the format: pathToBed:infoField:description[:colNo] *

* * @param strValue String to parse from * @return Constructed {@link BedAnnotationOptions} from the given string value. */ public static BedAnnotationOptions parseFrom(String strValue) { String tokens[] = strValue.split(":", 4); if (tokens.length < 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse BED annotation from " + strValue); } else if (tokens.length == 3) { return new BedAnnotationOptions(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]); } else { return new BedAnnotationOptions(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], Integer.parseInt(tokens[3])); } } public String getPathBed() { return pathBed; } public int getColNo() { return colNo; } public String getInfoField() { return infoField; } public String getDescription() { return description; } @Override public String toString() { return "BedAnnotationOptions [pathBed=" + pathBed + ", colNo=" + colNo + ", infoField=" + infoField + ", description=" + description + "]"; } } }

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