de.choffmeister.auth.akkahttp.Authenticator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package de.choffmeister.auth.akkahttp
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive1
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.RouteDirectives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives._
import akka.pattern.after
import de.choffmeister.auth.akkahttp.util.SimpleScheduler
import de.choffmeister.auth.common.JsonWebToken
import de.choffmeister.auth.common.JsonWebToken._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Success
class Authenticator[Auth](
realm: String,
bearerTokenSecret: Array[Byte],
fromUsernamePassword: (String, String) => Future[Option[Auth]],
fromBearerToken: JsonWebToken => Future[Option[Auth]])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext) extends SecurityDirectives {
def apply(): Directive1[Auth] = {
bearerToken(acceptExpired = false).recover { rejs =>
basic().recover(rejs2 => reject(rejs ++ rejs2: _*))
def basic(minDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None): AuthenticationDirective[Auth] = {
authenticateOrRejectWithChallenge[BasicHttpCredentials, Auth] {
case Some(BasicHttpCredentials(username, password)) =>
val auth = fromUsernamePassword(username, password)
val delayedAuth = minDelay match {
case None => auth
case Some(delay) =>
val delayed = after[Option[Auth]](delay, SimpleScheduler.instance)(Future(None))
val promise = Promise[Option[Auth]]()
auth.onComplete {
case Success(Some(user)) => promise.success(Some(user))
case _ => delayed.onComplete(_ => promise.success(None))
delayedAuth map {
case Some(user) => grant(user)
case None => deny
case None => Future(deny)
def bearerToken(acceptExpired: Boolean = false): AuthenticationDirective[Auth] = {
def resolve(token: JsonWebToken): Future[AuthenticationResult[Auth]] = fromBearerToken(token).map {
case Some(user) => grant(user)
case None => deny(None)
authenticateOrRejectWithChallenge[OAuth2BearerToken, Auth] {
case Some(OAuth2BearerToken(tokenStr)) =>, bearerTokenSecret) match {
case Right(token) => resolve(token)
case Left(Expired(token)) if acceptExpired => resolve(token)
case Left(error) => Future(deny(Some(error)))
case None => Future(deny(Some(Missing)))
private def grant(user: Auth) = AuthenticationResult.success(user)
private def deny = AuthenticationResult.failWithChallenge(createBasicChallenge)
private def deny(error: Option[Error]) = AuthenticationResult.failWithChallenge(createBearerTokenChallenge(error))
private def createBasicChallenge: HttpChallenge = {
HttpChallenge("Basic", realm)
private def createBearerTokenChallenge(error: Option[Error]): HttpChallenge = {
val desc = error match {
case None => None
case Some(Missing) => None
case Some(Malformed) => Some("The access token is malformed")
case Some(InvalidSignature) => Some("The access token has been manipulated")
case Some(Incomplete) => Some("The token must at least contain the iat and exp claim")
case Some(Expired(_)) => Some("The access token expired")
case Some(UnsupportedAlgorithm(algo)) => Some(s"The signature algorithm $algo is not supported")
case Some(Unknown) => Some("An unknown error occured")
val params = desc match {
case Some(msg) => Map("error" -> "invalid_token", "error_description" -> msg)
case None => Map.empty[String, String]
HttpChallenge("Bearer", realm, params)
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