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classes.de.datasecs.hydra.client.Client$Builder.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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2 ? ? ? host Ljava/lang/String; port I useUDT Z useUDP connectAfterSetup
workerThreads options Ljava/util/Map; Signature CLjava/util/Map;
attributeKeys ?Ljava/util/Map; useEpoll protocol ,Lde/datasecs/hydra/shared/protocol/Protocol; B(Ljava/lang/String;ILde/datasecs/hydra/shared/protocol/Protocol;)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Builder InnerClasses )Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; ,(Z)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; ,(I)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; option ](Lio/netty/channel/ChannelOption;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder;
channelOption Lio/netty/channel/ChannelOption; value Ljava/lang/Object; LocalVariableTypeTable %Lio/netty/channel/ChannelOption; TT; i(Lio/netty/channel/ChannelOption;TT;)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; attribute Y(Lio/netty/util/AttributeKey;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; attributeKey Lio/netty/util/AttributeKey; !Lio/netty/util/AttributeKey; e(Lio/netty/util/AttributeKey;TT;)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; addSessionListener k(Lde/datasecs/hydra/shared/handler/listener/HydraSessionListener;)Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/Client$Builder; sessionListener @Lde/datasecs/hydra/shared/handler/listener/HydraSessionListener; build (()Lde/datasecs/hydra/client/HydraClient; setUpClient workerGroup !Lio/netty/channel/EventLoopGroup; connectFactory $Ljava/util/concurrent/ThreadFactory; e Ljava/lang/InterruptedException; epoll bootstrap Lio/netty/bootstrap/Bootstrap; channel Lio/netty/channel/Channel;
StackMapTable ? ? ?
SourceFile Client.java I ? > < ? : java/util/HashMap @ A D A 7 8 9 : G H ; < = < ? ? ? F < ? d ? j i ? ? ? io/netty/bootstrap/Bootstrap &io/netty/channel/nio/NioEventLoopGroup .io/netty/channel/socket/nio/NioDatagramChannel t ? -io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultThreadFactory connect I ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? *io/netty/channel/epoll/EpollEventLoopGroup I ? )io/netty/channel/epoll/EpollSocketChannel ,io/netty/channel/socket/nio/NioSocketChannel ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BootstrapMethods ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?