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* Copyright 2000-2009 DFKI GmbH.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* This file is part of MARY TTS.
* MARY TTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import marytts.signalproc.filter.BandPassFilter;
import marytts.util.math.MathUtils;
import marytts.util.signal.SignalProcUtils;
* Quality Control Component for Voice Import Tool to perform 'Sensibility check' on Data. It identifies some suspicious labels in
* label files generated from Automatic Labeling
* @author Sathish Chandra Pammi
public class QualityControl extends VoiceImportComponent {
private DatabaseLayout db;
private int progress;
protected String featsExt = ".pfeats";
protected String labExt = ".lab";
private PrintWriter outFileWriter;
private PrintWriter priorityFileWriter;
private Map fricativeThresholds;
private ArrayList silenceEnergyList;
private double sileceThreshold;
private TreeMap allProblems;
private TreeMap priorityProblems;
private String unit;
private String baseN;
public final String FEATUREDIR = "QualityControl.featureDir";
public final String LABELDIR = "QualityControl.labelDir";
public final String OUTFILE = "QualityControl.outputFile";
public final String PRIORFILE = "QualityControl.outPriorityFile";
public final String MLONGPHN = "QualityControl.markUnusuallyLongPhone";
public final String MHSILEGY = "QualityControl.markHighSILEnergy";
public final String MHFREQEGY = "QualityControl.markFricativeHighFreqEnergy";
public final String MUNVOICEDVOWEL = "QualityControl.markUnvoicedVowel";
public final String getName() {
return "QualityControl";
protected void initialiseComp() {
File unitfeatureDir = new File(getProp(FEATUREDIR));
if (!unitfeatureDir.exists()) {
throw new Error(FEATUREDIR + " " + getProp(FEATUREDIR) + " does not exist; ");
File unitlabelDir = new File(getProp(LABELDIR));
if (!unitlabelDir.exists()) {
throw new Error(LABELDIR + " " + getProp(LABELDIR) + " does not exist; ");
public SortedMap getDefaultProps(DatabaseLayout db) {
this.db = db;
if (props == null) {
props = new TreeMap();
props.put(FEATUREDIR, db.getProp(db.ROOTDIR) + "phonefeatures" + System.getProperty("file.separator"));
props.put(LABELDIR, db.getProp(db.ROOTDIR) + "phonelab" + System.getProperty("file.separator"));
props.put(OUTFILE, db.getProp(db.ROOTDIR) + "QualityControl_Problems.txt");
props.put(PRIORFILE, db.getProp(db.ROOTDIR) + "QualityControl_Priority.txt");
props.put(MLONGPHN, "true");
props.put(MHSILEGY, "true");
props.put(MHFREQEGY, "true");
props.put(MUNVOICEDVOWEL, "true");
return props;
protected void setupHelp() {
props2Help = new TreeMap();
props2Help.put(FEATUREDIR, "directory containing the phone features.");
props2Help.put(LABELDIR, "directory containing the phone labels");
props2Help.put(OUTFILE, "Output file which shows suspicious alignments");
props2Help.put(PRIORFILE, "Output file which shows sorted suspicious aligned basenames according to a priority");
props2Help.put(MLONGPHN, "if true, Mark Unusually long Phone");
props2Help.put(MHSILEGY, "if true, Mark Higher Silence Energy");
props2Help.put(MHFREQEGY, "if true, Mark High-Frequency Energy for a Fricative is very low");
props2Help.put(MUNVOICEDVOWEL, "if true, Unvoiced Vowels");
* Do the computations required by this component.
* @throws Exception
* Exception
* @return true on success, false on failure
public boolean compute() throws Exception {
String wavDir = db.getProp(db.WAVDIR);
String voiceName = db.getProp(db.VOICENAME);
progress = 0;
int bnlLengthIn = bnl.getLength();
System.out.println("Searching for Suspicious Alignments (Labels) in " + bnlLengthIn + " utterances....");
Map fricativeHash = createHashMaps();
if (getProp(MHFREQEGY).equals("true")) {
fricativeThresholds = getFricativeThresholds(fricativeHash);
if (getProp(MHSILEGY).equals("true")) {
sileceThreshold = getSilenceThreshold();
allProblems = new TreeMap();
priorityProblems = new TreeMap();
for (int i = 0; i < bnl.getLength(); i++) {
progress = 50 + (50 * i / bnl.getLength());
System.out.println("Identified Suspicious Alignments (Labels) written into " + getProp(OUTFILE) + " file.");
System.out.println("A List of base names sorted according to an associated cost value and written into "
+ getProp(OUTFILE) + " file, Which will be useful for Manual Correction.");
System.out.println(".... Done.");
return true;
* Take Each Base File and identifies any suspicious-alignments
* @param basename
* basename
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private void findSuspiciousAlignments(String basename) throws IOException, Exception {
BufferedReader labels;
BufferedReader features;
String wavDir = db.getProp(db.WAVDIR);
String voiceName = db.getProp(db.VOICENAME);
int cost = 0;
AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(wavDir + "/" + basename + ".wav"));
if (!ais.getFormat().getEncoding().equals(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED)) {
ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, ais);
float samplingRate = ais.getFormat().getSampleRate();
double[] signal = new AudioDoubleDataSource(ais).getAllData();
labels = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(getProp(LABELDIR) + basename + labExt)),
features = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(getProp(FEATUREDIR) + basename
+ featsExt)), "UTF-8"));
String line;
int ph_VC_idx = -1; // Vowel-Consonent Index
int ph_Ctype_idx = -1;
// Skip label file header:
while ((line = labels.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.startsWith("#"))
break; // line starting with "#" marks end of header
// Skip features file header:
for (int lineCount = 0; (line = features.readLine()) != null; lineCount++) {
if (line.startsWith("ph_vc")) {
ph_VC_idx = lineCount - 1;
if (line.startsWith("ph_ctype")) {
ph_Ctype_idx = lineCount - 1;
if (line.trim().equals(""))
break; // empty line marks end of header
boolean correct = true;
double startTimeStamp = 0.0;
double endTimeStamp = 0.0;
boolean isFricative = false;
int unitIndex = 0;
String labelUnit;
while (correct) {
line = labels.readLine();
labelUnit = null;
if (line != null) {
List labelUnitData = getLabelUnitData(line);
labelUnit = (String) labelUnitData.get(2);
unitIndex = Integer.parseInt((String) labelUnitData.get(1));
endTimeStamp = Double.parseDouble((String) labelUnitData.get(0));
line = features.readLine();
String featureUnit = getFeatureUnit(line);
if (featureUnit == null)
throw new IOException("Incomplete feature file: " + basename);
// when featureUnit is the empty string, we have found an empty line == end of feature section
if ("".equals(featureUnit) && labelUnit == null) {
// we have reached the end in both labels and features
if (!featureUnit.equals(labelUnit)) {
// label and feature unit do not match
System.err.println("Non-matching units found: feature unit '" + featureUnit + "' vs. label unit '" + labelUnit
+ "' ( in basename: " + basename + ")");
baseN = basename;
unit = labelUnit;
double phoneDuration = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
String currentProblem = "";
if (phoneDuration > 1 && !labelUnit.equals("_") && getProp(MLONGPHN).equals("true")) {
currentProblem = labelUnit + "\t" + startTimeStamp + "\t" + endTimeStamp + "\tUnusually Long Phone";
cost += 4;
if (isFricative(line, ph_Ctype_idx) && phoneDuration > 0 && getProp(MHFREQEGY).equals("true")) {
boolean isFHEnergy = isFricativeHighEnergy(signal, samplingRate, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, labelUnit);
if (!isFHEnergy) {
currentProblem = labelUnit + "\t" + startTimeStamp + "\t" + endTimeStamp
+ "\tFricative High-Frequency Energy is very low";
cost += 3;
if (labelUnit.equals("_") && phoneDuration > 0 && getProp(MHSILEGY).equals("true")) {
boolean isSILHEnergy = isSilenceHighEnergy(signal, samplingRate, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp);
if (isSILHEnergy) {
currentProblem = labelUnit + "\t" + startTimeStamp + "\t" + endTimeStamp + "\tHigherEnergy for a Silence";
cost += 1;
if (isVowel(line, ph_VC_idx) && phoneDuration > 0 && getProp(MUNVOICEDVOWEL).equals("true")) {
boolean isVV = isVowelVoiced(signal, samplingRate, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp);
if (!isVV) {
currentProblem = labelUnit + "\t" + startTimeStamp + "\t" + endTimeStamp + "\tUn-Voiced Vowel";
cost += 2;
if (!"".equals(currentProblem)) {
if (allProblems.containsKey(basename)) {
ArrayList arrList = (ArrayList) allProblems.get(basename);
allProblems.put(basename, arrList);
} else {
ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList();
allProblems.put(basename, arrList);
if (priorityProblems.containsKey(basename)) {
Integer problemCost = (Integer) priorityProblems.get(basename);
problemCost = problemCost + cost;
priorityProblems.put(basename, problemCost);
} else {
Integer problemCost = new Integer(cost);
// problemCost = 0;
priorityProblems.put(basename, problemCost);
startTimeStamp = endTimeStamp;
* It helps to calculate Thresholds by storing all Energy values in to hash.
* @return fricativeHash
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private Map createHashMaps() throws IOException, Exception {
Map fricativeHash = new HashMap();
silenceEnergyList = new ArrayList();
for (int baseCnt = 0; baseCnt < bnl.getLength(); baseCnt++) {
progress = (50 * baseCnt / bnl.getLength());
String baseName = bnl.getName(baseCnt);
BufferedReader labels;
BufferedReader features;
String wavDir = db.getProp(db.WAVDIR);
String voiceName = db.getProp(db.VOICENAME);
AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(wavDir + "/" + baseName + ".wav"));
if (!ais.getFormat().getEncoding().equals(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED)) {
ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, ais);
float samplingRate = ais.getFormat().getSampleRate();
double[] signal = new AudioDoubleDataSource(ais).getAllData();
labels = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(new File(getProp(LABELDIR) + baseName + labExt)), "UTF-8"));
features = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(getProp(FEATUREDIR) + baseName
+ featsExt)), "UTF-8"));
String line;
int ph_VC_idx = -1; // Vowel-Consonent Index
int ph_Ctype_idx = -1;
// Skip label file header:
while ((line = labels.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.startsWith("#"))
break; // line starting with "#" marks end of header
// Skip features file header:
for (int lineCount = 0; (line = features.readLine()) != null; lineCount++) {
if (line.startsWith("ph_ctype")) {
ph_Ctype_idx = lineCount - 1;
if (line.trim().equals(""))
break; // empty line marks end of header
boolean correct = true;
double startTimeStamp = 0.0;
double endTimeStamp = 0.0;
boolean isFricative = false;
int unitIndex = 0;
String labelUnit;
while (correct) {
line = labels.readLine();
labelUnit = null;
if (line != null) {
List labelUnitData = getLabelUnitData(line);
labelUnit = (String) labelUnitData.get(2);
unitIndex = Integer.parseInt((String) labelUnitData.get(1));
endTimeStamp = Double.parseDouble((String) labelUnitData.get(0));
line = features.readLine();
String featureUnit = getFeatureUnit(line);
if (featureUnit == null)
throw new IOException("Incomplete feature file: " + baseName);
// when featureUnit is the empty string, we have found an empty line == end of feature section
if ("".equals(featureUnit) && labelUnit == null) {
// we have reached the end in both labels and features
if (!featureUnit.equals(labelUnit)) {
// label and feature unit do not match
System.err.println("Non-matching units found: feature file '" + featureUnit + "' vs. label file '"
+ labelUnit + "' (in Basename: " + baseName + " Unit: " + labelUnit + " )");
if (isFricative(line, ph_Ctype_idx) && getProp(MHFREQEGY).equals("true")) {
double fricEnergy = getFricativeEnergy(signal, samplingRate, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, labelUnit);
if (fricativeHash.containsKey(featureUnit)) {
ArrayList arrList = (ArrayList) fricativeHash.get(featureUnit);
arrList.add(new Double(fricEnergy));
fricativeHash.put(featureUnit, arrList);
} else {
ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList();
arrList.add(new Double(fricEnergy));
fricativeHash.put(featureUnit, arrList);
double phoneDuration = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
if (labelUnit.equals("_") && phoneDuration > 0 && getProp(MHSILEGY).equals("true")) {
double silEnergy = getSilenceEnergy(signal, samplingRate, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp);
silenceEnergyList.add(new Double(silEnergy));
return fricativeHash;
* Create a HashMap which contains indivisual fricative Thresholds
* @param fricativeHash
* fricativeHash
* @return HashMap which contains indivisual fricative Thresholds
private Map getFricativeThresholds(Map fricativeHash) {
Map hashThresholds = new HashMap();
for (Iterator it = fricativeHash.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
ArrayList arr = (ArrayList) e.getValue();
double[] arrVal = listToArray(arr);
double meanVal = MathUtils.mean(arrVal);
double stDev = MathUtils.standardDeviation(arrVal, 1);
Double threshold = (Double) (meanVal - (1.5 * stDev));
* if(threshold.doubleValue() < 0) threshold = (Double) (meanVal - (1.5 * stDev));
hashThresholds.put((String) e.getKey(), (Double) threshold);
return hashThresholds;
* Calculating Silence Energy Threshold Level
* @return Silence Threshold
private double getSilenceThreshold() {
double[] arrVal = listToArray(silenceEnergyList);
double meanVal = MathUtils.mean(arrVal);
double stDev = MathUtils.standardDeviation(arrVal, 1);
return (meanVal + (1.5 * stDev));
* Identifies If Silence has more Energy
* @param signal
* signal
* @param samplingRate
* samplingRate
* @param startTimeStamp
* startTimeStamp
* @param endTimeStamp
* endTimeStamp
* @return true if silence segment more energy, else false
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private boolean isSilenceHighEnergy(double[] signal, float samplingRate, double startTimeStamp, double endTimeStamp)
throws IOException, Exception {
boolean isSILHEnergy = false;
float duration = signal.length / samplingRate;
double phoneDur = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
int segmentStartIndex = (int) (startTimeStamp * samplingRate);
int segmentEndIndex = (int) (endTimeStamp * samplingRate);
if (segmentEndIndex > signal.length) {
segmentEndIndex = signal.length;
int segmentSize = segmentEndIndex - segmentStartIndex;
double[] phoneSegment = new double[segmentSize];
System.arraycopy(signal, segmentStartIndex, phoneSegment, 0, segmentSize);
double silenceEnergy = SignalProcUtils.getEnergy(phoneSegment);
if (silenceEnergy > sileceThreshold)
isSILHEnergy = true;
return isSILHEnergy;
* Calculate Silence Energy
* @param signal
* signal
* @param samplingRate
* samplingRate
* @param startTimeStamp
* startTimeStamp
* @param endTimeStamp
* endTimeStamp
* @return SignalProcUtils.getEnergy(phoneSegment)
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private double getSilenceEnergy(double[] signal, float samplingRate, double startTimeStamp, double endTimeStamp)
throws IOException, Exception {
boolean isSILHEnergy = false;
float duration = signal.length / samplingRate;
double phoneDur = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
int segmentStartIndex = (int) (startTimeStamp * samplingRate);
int segmentEndIndex = (int) (endTimeStamp * samplingRate);
if (segmentEndIndex > signal.length) {
segmentEndIndex = signal.length;
int segmentSize = segmentEndIndex - segmentStartIndex;
double[] phoneSegment = new double[segmentSize];
System.arraycopy(signal, segmentStartIndex, phoneSegment, 0, segmentSize);
return SignalProcUtils.getEnergy(phoneSegment);
* Writing all suspicious labels to a File
* @throws IOException
* IOException
private void writeProblemstoFile() throws IOException {
outFileWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(getProp(OUTFILE))));
for (int i = 0; i < bnl.getLength(); i++) {
String baseName = bnl.getName(i);
if (allProblems.containsKey(baseName)) {
// outFileWriter.println(baseName);
ArrayList arrList = (ArrayList) allProblems.get(baseName);
for (Iterator it = arrList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String eachProblem = (String);
outFileWriter.println(baseName + "\t" + eachProblem);
// outFileWriter.println("");
* Writing all priority problems to a file
* @throws IOException
* IOException
private void writePrioritytoFile() throws IOException {
priorityFileWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(getProp(PRIORFILE))));
TreeSet set = new TreeSet(new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object obj, Object obj1) {
int vcomp = ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) obj1).getValue()).compareTo(((Map.Entry) obj).getValue());
if (vcomp != 0)
return vcomp;
return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) obj).getKey()).compareTo(((Map.Entry) obj1).getKey());
for (Iterator i = set.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
priorityFileWriter.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue());
// System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue());
* Identifies if Fricative has more higher frequency Energy
* @param signal
* signal
* @param samplingRate
* samplingRate
* @param startTimeStamp
* startTimeStamp
* @param endTimeStamp
* endTimeStamp
* @param unitName
* unitName
* @return true if the segment more energy in higher freq. region, else false
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private boolean isFricativeHighEnergy(double[] signal, float samplingRate, double startTimeStamp, double endTimeStamp,
String unitName) throws IOException, Exception {
boolean isFHighEnergy = true;
float duration = signal.length / samplingRate;
double phoneDur = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
int segmentStartIndex = (int) (startTimeStamp * samplingRate);
int segmentEndIndex = (int) (endTimeStamp * samplingRate);
if (segmentEndIndex > signal.length) {
segmentEndIndex = signal.length;
int segmentSize = segmentEndIndex - segmentStartIndex;
double[] phoneSegment = new double[segmentSize];
System.arraycopy(signal, segmentStartIndex, phoneSegment, 0, segmentSize);
BandPassFilter filter = new BandPassFilter(0.25, 0.49);
double[] highFreqSamples = filter.apply(phoneSegment);
double higherFreqEnergy = SignalProcUtils.getEnergy(highFreqSamples);
Double cutofEnergy = (Double) fricativeThresholds.get(unitName);
// System.out.println("High Freq. Energy : "+ unitName + " Energy : "+ higherFreqEnergy + "-- Threshold : "+
// cutofEnergy.doubleValue());
if (higherFreqEnergy < cutofEnergy.doubleValue())
isFHighEnergy = false;
return isFHighEnergy;
* To get Fricative High-Freq Energy
* @param signal
* signal
* @param samplingRate
* samplingRate
* @param startTimeStamp
* startTimeStamp
* @param endTimeStamp
* endTimeStamp
* @param unitName
* unitName
* @return Fricative High-Freq Energy
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private double getFricativeEnergy(double[] signal, float samplingRate, double startTimeStamp, double endTimeStamp,
String unitName) throws IOException, Exception {
float duration = signal.length / samplingRate;
double phoneDur = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
int segmentStartIndex = (int) (startTimeStamp * samplingRate);
int segmentEndIndex = (int) (endTimeStamp * samplingRate);
if (segmentEndIndex > signal.length) {
segmentEndIndex = signal.length;
int segmentSize = segmentEndIndex - segmentStartIndex;
double[] phoneSegment = new double[segmentSize];
System.arraycopy(signal, segmentStartIndex, phoneSegment, 0, segmentSize);
BandPassFilter filter = new BandPassFilter(0.25, 0.49);
double[] highFreqSamples = filter.apply(phoneSegment);
double higherFreqEnergy = SignalProcUtils.getEnergy(highFreqSamples);
return higherFreqEnergy;
* Identifies The Given Segment is Voiced or Non-Voiced
* @param signal
* signal
* @param samplingRate
* samplingRate
* @param startTimeStamp
* startTimeStamp
* @param endTimeStamp
* endTimeStamp
* @return true if the segment is Voiced, else false
* @throws IOException
* IOException
* @throws Exception
* Exception
private boolean isVowelVoiced(double[] signal, float samplingRate, double startTimeStamp, double endTimeStamp)
throws IOException, Exception {
boolean isVoiced = true;
float duration = signal.length / samplingRate;
double phoneDur = endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
int segmentStartIndex = (int) (startTimeStamp * samplingRate);
int segmentEndIndex = (int) (endTimeStamp * samplingRate);
if (segmentEndIndex > signal.length) {
segmentEndIndex = signal.length;
int segmentSize = segmentEndIndex - segmentStartIndex;
double[] phoneSegment = new double[segmentSize];
System.arraycopy(signal, segmentStartIndex, phoneSegment, 0, segmentSize);
// isVoiced = SignalProcUtils.getVoicing(phoneSegment, (int)samplingRate);
int noFrames = 1, noVoicedFrames = 0;
int frameSize = (int) (Double.valueOf(db.getProp(db.SAMPLINGRATE).trim()).intValue() * 0.020f); // 20 ms
for (int i = 0; i < (phoneSegment.length - frameSize); i += frameSize) {
double[] frameSegment = new double[frameSize];
System.arraycopy(phoneSegment, i, frameSegment, 0, frameSize);
boolean isFrameVoiced = SignalProcUtils.getVoicing(phoneSegment, (int) samplingRate, 0.22f);
if (isFrameVoiced) {
double normalisedVoice = (double) noVoicedFrames / (double) noFrames;
if (normalisedVoice < 0.22 && noFrames > 3) {
// System.out.println("Basename: "+baseN+" Unit: "+unit+" "+startTimeStamp+" "+endTimeStamp+" No. of Frames: "+noFrames+" No. of Voiced Frames: "+noVoicedFrames+" Actual: "+isVoiced);
isVoiced = false;
return isVoiced;
* To get Label Unit DATA (time stamp, index, phone unit)
* @param line
* line
* @return ArrayList contains time stamp, index and phone unit
* @throws IOException
* IOException
private ArrayList getLabelUnitData(String line) throws IOException {
if (line == null)
return null;
ArrayList unitData = new ArrayList();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line.trim());
// the first token is the time
// the second token is the unit index
// the third token is the phone
return unitData;
* Double ArrayList to double array conversion
* @param array
* ArrayList
* @return double array
private double[] listToArray(ArrayList array) {
double[] doubleArray = new double[array.size()];
Iterator it = array.iterator();
for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++) {
Double tempDouble = (Double);
doubleArray[i] = tempDouble.doubleValue();
return doubleArray;
* To get Phone Unit from Feature Vector
* @param line
* line
* @return String phone unit
* @throws IOException
* IOException
private String getFeatureUnit(String line) throws IOException {
if (line == null)
return null;
if (line.trim().equals(""))
return ""; // empty line -- signal end of section
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line.trim());
// The expect that the first token in each line is the label
return st.nextToken();
* To know phone unit in Feature Vector is Vowel or not
* @param line
* line
* @param ph_VC_idx
* ph_VC_idx
* @return true if phone unit in Feature Vector is Vowel, else false
private boolean isVowel(String line, int ph_VC_idx) {
boolean isVowel = false;
String[] feats = line.split(" ");
if (feats[ph_VC_idx].equals("+")) {
isVowel = true;
return isVowel;
* To know phone unit in Feature Vector is Fricative or not
* @param line
* line
* @param ph_Ctype_idx
* ph_Ctype_idx
* @return true if phone unit in Feature Vector is Fricative, else false
private boolean isFricative(String line, int ph_Ctype_idx) {
boolean isFricative = false;
String[] feats = line.split(" ");
if (feats[ph_Ctype_idx].equals("f")) {
isFricative = true;
return isFricative;
public int getProgress() {
return progress;
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