marytts.machinelearning.SFFS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010 DFKI GmbH.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* This file is part of MARY TTS.
* MARY TTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package marytts.machinelearning;
import marytts.util.math.MathUtils;
import marytts.util.math.Regression;
import Jama.Matrix;
* Sequential Floating Forward Search(SFFS) for selection of features Ref: Pudil, P., J. Novovičová, and J. Kittler. 1994.
* Floating search methods in feature selection. Pattern Recogn. Lett. 15, no. 11: 1119-1125.
* (
* @author marcela
public class SFFS {
protected boolean interceptTerm = true;
protected boolean logSolution = false;
protected int solutionSize = 1;
* Sequential Floating Forward Search(SFFS) for selection of features
* @param solSize
* : size of the solution (default = 1)
* @param b0
* : if true include interceptTerm or b0 in the linear equation (default = true)
* @param logSol
* : if true use log(independent variable) (default = false)
public SFFS(int solSize, boolean b0, boolean logSol) {
interceptTerm = b0;
logSolution = logSol;
solutionSize = solSize;
public void trainModel(String[] lingFactors, String featuresFile, int numFeatures, double percentToTrain, SoP sop)
throws Exception {
int d = solutionSize; // desired size of the solution
int D = 0; // maximum deviation allowed with respect to d
int cols = lingFactors.length;
int indVariable = cols; // the last column is the independent variable
int rows = numFeatures;
int rowIniTrain = 0;
int percentVal = (int) (Math.floor((numFeatures * percentToTrain)));
int rowEndTrain = percentVal - 1;
int rowIniTest = percentVal;
int rowEndTest = percentVal + (numFeatures - percentVal - 1) - 1;
System.out.println("Number of points: " + rows + "\nNumber of points used for training from " + rowIniTrain + " to "
+ rowEndTrain + "(Total train=" + (rowEndTrain - rowIniTrain) + ")\nNumber of points used for testing from "
+ rowIniTest + " to " + rowEndTest + "(Total test=" + (rowEndTest - rowIniTest) + ")");
System.out.println("Number of linguistic factors: " + cols);
System.out.println("Max number of selected features in SFFS: " + (d + D));
if (interceptTerm)
System.out.println("Using intercept Term for regression");
System.out.println("No intercept Term for regression");
if (logSolution)
System.out.println("Using log(val) as independent variable" + "\n");
System.out.println("Using independent variable without log()" + "\n");
// copy indexes of column features
int Y[] = new int[lingFactors.length];
int X[] = {};
for (int j = 0; j < lingFactors.length; j++)
Y[j] = j;
// we need to remove from Y the column features that have mean 0.0
System.out.println("Checking and removing columns with mean=0.0");
Y = checkMeanColumns(featuresFile, Y, lingFactors);
int selectedCols[] = sequentialForwardFloatingSelection(featuresFile, indVariable, lingFactors, X, Y, d, D, rowIniTrain,
rowEndTrain, sop);
System.out.println("Correlation original val / predicted val = " + sop.getCorrelation()
+ "\nRMSE (root mean square error) = " + sop.getRMSE());
Regression reg = new Regression();
System.out.println("\nNumber points used for training=" + (rowEndTrain - rowIniTrain));
reg.predictValues(featuresFile, cols, selectedCols, interceptTerm, rowIniTrain, rowEndTrain);
System.out.println("\nNumber points used for testing=" + (rowEndTest - rowIniTest));
reg.predictValues(featuresFile, cols, selectedCols, interceptTerm, rowIniTest, rowEndTest);
public int[] sequentialForwardFloatingSelection(String dataFile, int indVariable, String[] features, int X[], int Y[], int d,
int D, int rowIni, int rowEnd, SoP sop) throws Exception {
int indVarColNumber = features.length; // the last column is the independent variable
int ms; // most significant
int ls; // least significant
double forwardJ[] = new double[3];
forwardJ[0] = 0.0; // least significance X_k+1
forwardJ[1] = 0.0; // significance of X_k
forwardJ[2] = 0.0; // most significance of X_k+1
double backwardJ[] = new double[3];
backwardJ[0] = 0.0; // least significance X_k-1
backwardJ[1] = 0.0; // significance X_k
backwardJ[2] = 0.0; // most significance of X_k-1
int k = X.length;
boolean condSFS = true; // Forward condition to be able to select from Y a most new significant feature
boolean condSBS = true; // Backward condition: X has to have at least two elements to be able to select the least
// significant in X
double corX = 0.0;
double improvement;
while (k < d + D && condSFS) {
// we need at least 1 feature in Y to continue
if (Y.length > 1) {
// Step 1. (Inclusion)
// given X_k create X_k+1 : add the most significant feature of Y to X
System.out.println("ForwardSelection k=" + k + " remaining features=" + Y.length);
ms = sequentialForwardSelection(dataFile, features, indVarColNumber, X, Y, forwardJ, rowIni, rowEnd);
System.out.format("corXplusy=%.4f corX=%.4f\n", forwardJ[2], forwardJ[1]);
corX = forwardJ[2];
System.out.println("Most significant new feature to add: " + features[ms]);
// add index to selected and remove it form Y
X = MathUtils.addIndex(X, ms);
Y = MathUtils.removeIndex(Y, ms);
k = k + 1;
// continue with a SBG step
condSBS = true;
// is this the best (k-1) subset so far
while (condSBS && (k <= d + D) && k > 1) {
if (X.length > 1) {
// Step 3. (Continuation of conditional exclusion)
// Find the least significant feature x_s in the reduced X'
System.out.println(" BackwardSelection k=" + k);
// get the least significant and check if removing it the correlation is better with or without this
// feature
ls = sequentialBackwardSelection(dataFile, features, indVarColNumber, X, backwardJ, rowIni, rowEnd);
corX = backwardJ[1];
improvement = Math.abs(backwardJ[0] - backwardJ[1]);
System.out.format(" corXminusx=%.4f corX=%.4f difference=%.4f : ", backwardJ[0], backwardJ[1],
System.out.println("Least significant feature to remove: " + features[ls]);
// is this the best (k-1)-subset so far?
// if corXminusx > corX
// if the improvement is greater than 0.001 then keep the value
if ((backwardJ[0] > backwardJ[1]) || (improvement < 0.0001)) { // J(X_k - x_s) <= J(X_k-1)
// exclude xs from X'_k and set k = k-1
.println(" better without least significant feature or improvement < 0.0001 : (removing feature)");
X = MathUtils.removeIndex(X, ls);
k = k - 1;
corX = backwardJ[0];
condSBS = true;
} else {
System.out.println(" better with least significant feature (keeping feature)\n");
condSBS = false;
} else {
System.out.println("X has one feature, can not execute a SBS step");
condSBS = false;
} // while SBG
System.out.format("k=%d corX=%.4f ", k, corX);
printSelectedFeatures(X, features);
} else { // so X.length == 0
System.out.println("No more elements in Y for selection");
condSFS = false;
} // while SFG
// return the set of selected features
// get the final equation coefficients
Regression reg = new Regression();
reg.multipleLinearRegression(dataFile, indVariable, X, features, interceptTerm, rowIni, rowEnd);
// copy the coefficients and selected factors in SoP
sop.setCoeffsAndFactors(reg.getCoeffs(), X, features, interceptTerm);
return X;
* Find the f feature in Y that maximise J(X+y)
* @param dataFile
* @param features
* @return the index of Y that maximises J(X+y)
private int sequentialForwardSelection(String dataFile, String[] features, int indVarColNumber, int X[], int Y[], double J[],
int rowIni, int rowEnd) {
double sig[] = new double[Y.length];
int sigIndex[] = new int[Y.length]; // to keep track of the corresponding feature
double corXplusy[] = new double[Y.length];
// get J(X_k)
double corX;
if (X.length > 0) {
Regression reg = new Regression();
reg.multipleLinearRegression(dataFile, indVarColNumber, X, features, interceptTerm, rowIni, rowEnd);
corX = reg.getCorrelation();
// System.out.println("corX=" + corX);
} else
corX = 0.0;
// Calculate the significance of a new feature y_j (y_j is not included in X)
// S_k+1(y_j) = J(X_k + y_j) - J(X_k)
for (int i = 0; i < Y.length; i++) {
// get J(X_k + y_j)
corXplusy[i] = correlationOfNewFeature(dataFile, features, indVarColNumber, X, Y[i], rowIni, rowEnd);
sig[i] = corXplusy[i] - corX;
sigIndex[i] = Y[i];
// System.out.println("Significance of new feature[" + sigIndex[i] + "]: " + features[sigIndex[i]] + " = " + sig[i]);
// find min
int minSig = MathUtils.getMinIndex(sig);
J[0] = corXplusy[minSig];
// J(X_k) = corX
J[1] = corX;
// find max
int maxSig = MathUtils.getMaxIndex(sig);
J[2] = corXplusy[maxSig];
return sigIndex[maxSig];
* Find the x feature in X that minimise J(X-x), find the least significant feature in X.
* @param dataFile
* @param features
* @return the x (index) that minimises J(X-x)
private int sequentialBackwardSelection(String dataFile, String[] features, int indVarColNumber, int X[], double J[],
int rowIni, int rowEnd) {
double sig[] = new double[X.length];
double corXminusx[] = new double[X.length];
int sigIndex[] = new int[X.length]; // to keep track of the corresponding feature
// get J(X_k)
double corX;
if (X.length > 0) {
Regression reg = new Regression();
reg.multipleLinearRegression(dataFile, indVarColNumber, X, features, interceptTerm, rowIni, rowEnd);
// reg.printCoefficients(X, features);
corX = reg.getCorrelation();
// System.out.println("corX=" + corX);
} else
corX = 0.0;
// Calculate the significance a feature x_j (included in X)
// S_k-1(x_j) = J(X_k) - J(X_k - x_i)
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
// get J(X_k - x_i)
corXminusx[i] = correlationOfFeature(dataFile, features, indVarColNumber, X, X[i], rowIni, rowEnd);
sig[i] = corX - corXminusx[i];
sigIndex[i] = X[i];
// System.out.println("Significance of current feature[" + sigIndex[i] + "]: " + features[sigIndex[i]] + " = " +
// sig[i]);
// find min
int minSig = MathUtils.getMinIndex(sig);
J[0] = corXminusx[minSig];
// J(X_k) = corX
J[1] = corX;
// find max
int maxSig = MathUtils.getMaxIndex(sig);
J[2] = corXminusx[maxSig];
return sigIndex[minSig];
* Correlation of X minus a feature x which is part of the set X: J(X_k - x_i)
* @param dataFile
* one column per feature
* @param features
* string array with the list of feature names
* @param indVarColNumber
* number of the column that corresponds to the independent variable
* @param X
* set of current feature indexes
* @param x
* one feature index in X
* @return corXminusx
private double correlationOfFeature(String dataFile, String[] features, int indVarColNumber, int[] X, int x, int rowIni,
int rowEnd) {
double corXminusx;
Regression reg = new Regression();
// get J(X_k - x_i)
// we need to remove the index x from X
int j = 0;
int[] Xminusx = new int[X.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
if (X[i] != x)
Xminusx[j++] = X[i];
reg.multipleLinearRegression(dataFile, indVarColNumber, Xminusx, features, interceptTerm, rowIni, rowEnd);
// reg.printCoefficients(Xminusx, features);
corXminusx = reg.getCorrelation();
// System.out.println("corXminusx=" + corXminusx);
// System.out.println("significance of x[" + x + "]: " + features[x] + " = " + (corX-corXminusx));
return corXminusx;
* Correlation of X plus the new feature y (y is not included in X): J(X_k + y_j)
* @param dataFile
* one column per feature
* @param features
* string array with the list of feature names
* @param indVarColNumber
* number of the column that corresponds to the independent variable
* @param X
* set of current feature indexes
* @param y
* a feature index that is not in X, new feature
* @return corXplusy
private double correlationOfNewFeature(String dataFile, String[] features, int indVarColNumber, int[] X, int y, int rowIni,
int rowEnd) {
double corXplusy;
Regression reg = new Regression();
// get J(X_k + y_j)
// we need to add the index y to X
int j = 0;
int[] Xplusf = new int[X.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
Xplusf[i] = X[i];
Xplusf[X.length] = y;
reg.multipleLinearRegression(dataFile, indVarColNumber, Xplusf, features, interceptTerm, rowIni, rowEnd);
// reg.printCoefficients(Xplusf, features);
corXplusy = reg.getCorrelation();
// System.out.println("corXplusf=" + corXplusy);
// System.out.println("significance of x[" + f + "]: " + features[f] + " = " + (corXplusf-corX));
return corXplusy;
static private void printSelectedFeatures(int X[], String[] features) {
System.out.print("Features: ");
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
System.out.print(features[X[i]] + " ");
static private void printSelectedFeatures(int X[], String[] features, PrintWriter file) {
file.print("Features: ");
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
file.print(features[X[i]] + " ");
// remove the columns with mean = 0.0
private int[] checkMeanColumns(String dataFile, int Y[], String[] features) {
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dataFile));
Matrix data =;
data = data.transpose(); // then I have easy access to the columns
int rows = data.getRowDimension() - 1;
int cols = data.getColumnDimension() - 1;
data = data.getMatrix(0, rows, 1, cols); // dataVowels(:,1:cols) -> dependent variables
int M = data.getRowDimension();
double mn;
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
mn = MathUtils.mean(data.getArray()[i]);
if (mn == 0.0) {
System.out.println("Removing feature: " + features[i] + " from list of features because it has mean=0.0");
Y = MathUtils.removeIndex(Y, i);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Problem reading file " + dataFile, e);
return Y;
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