marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2002 DFKI GmbH.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* This file is part of MARY TTS.
* MARY TTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package marytts.modules;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import marytts.datatypes.MaryData;
import marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType;
import marytts.datatypes.MaryXML;
import marytts.modules.phonemiser.Allophone;
import marytts.modules.phonemiser.AllophoneSet;
import marytts.server.MaryProperties;
import marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils;
import marytts.util.MaryUtils;
import marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils;
import marytts.util.dom.NameNodeFilter;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.DocumentTraversal;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.TreeWalker;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* The calculation of acoustic parameters module.
* @author Marc Schröder
public class KlattDurationModeller extends InternalModule {
private String localePrefix;
private AllophoneSet allophoneSet;
private KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams klattDurationParams;
private Properties klattRuleParams;
* This map contains the topline-baseline frequency configurations for the currently used phrase and sub-phrase prosody
* elements. As this is a WeakHashMap, entries will automatically be deleted when not in regular use anymore.
private WeakHashMap topBaseConfMap;
* This map contains the prosodic settings, as ProsodicSettings objects, for the currently used prosody elements. As this is a
* WeakHashMap, entries will automatically be deleted when not in regular use anymore.
private WeakHashMap prosodyMap;
public KlattDurationModeller(String localeString) throws IOException {
super("KlattDurationModeller", MaryDataType.ALLOPHONES, MaryDataType.DURATIONS, MaryUtils.string2locale(localeString));
this.localePrefix = localeString;
public void startup() throws Exception {
// We depend on the Synthesis module:
MaryModule synthesis;
try {
synthesis = ModuleRegistry.getModule(marytts.modules.Synthesis.class);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
synthesis = new Synthesis();
assert synthesis != null;
if (synthesis.getState() == MaryModule.MODULE_OFFLINE)
// load klatt rules
klattRuleParams = new Properties();
klattRuleParams.load(new FileInputStream(MaryProperties.needFilename(localePrefix + ".cap.klattrulefile")));
// load phone list
allophoneSet = MaryRuntimeUtils.needAllophoneSet(localePrefix + ".allophoneset");
klattDurationParams = new KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams(MaryProperties.needFilename(localePrefix
+ ".cap.klattdurfile"));
// instantiate the Map in which settings are associated with elements:
// (when the objects serving as keys are not in ordinary use any more,
// the key-value pairs are deleted from the WeakHashMap earlier or
// later; that means we do not need to keep track of the hashmaps per
// thread)
prosodyMap = new WeakHashMap();
public MaryData process(MaryData d) throws Exception {
Document doc = d.getDocument();
NodeList sentences = doc.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.SENTENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < sentences.getLength(); i++) {
Element sentence = (Element) sentences.item(i);
MaryData result = new MaryData(outputType(), d.getLocale());
return result;
* For all (possibly nested) prosody elements in the document, calculate their (possibly cumulated) prosodic settings and save
* them in a map.
private void determineProsodicSettings(Document doc) {
// Determine the prosodic setting for each prosody element
NodeList prosodies = doc.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.PROSODY);
for (int i = 0; i < prosodies.getLength(); i++) {
Element prosody = (Element) prosodies.item(i);
ProsodicSettings settings = new ProsodicSettings();
// Neutral default settings:
ProsodicSettings parentSettings = new ProsodicSettings();
// Obtain parent settings, if any:
Element ancestor = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(prosody, MaryXML.PROSODY);
if (ancestor != null) {
ProsodicSettings testSettings = (ProsodicSettings) prosodyMap.get(ancestor);
if (testSettings != null) {
parentSettings = testSettings;
// Only accept relative changes, i.e. percentage delta:
settings.setRate(parentSettings.rate() + getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("rate")));
+ getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("accent-prominence")));
settings.setAccentSlope(parentSettings.accentSlope() + getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("accent-slope")));
+ getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("number-of-pauses")));
settings.setPauseDuration(parentSettings.pauseDuration() + getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("pause-duration")));
settings.setVowelDuration(parentSettings.vowelDuration() + getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("vowel-duration")));
+ getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("plosive-duration")));
+ getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("fricative-duration")));
settings.setNasalDuration(parentSettings.nasalDuration() + getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("nasal-duration")));
+ getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("liquid-duration")));
settings.setGlideDuration(parentSettings.glideDuration() + getPercentageDelta(prosody.getAttribute("glide-duration")));
String sVolume = prosody.getAttribute("volume");
if (sVolume.equals("")) {
} else if (isPercentageDelta(sVolume)) {
int newVolume = parentSettings.volume() + getPercentageDelta(sVolume);
if (newVolume < 0)
newVolume = 0;
else if (newVolume > 100)
newVolume = 100;
} else if (isUnsignedNumber(sVolume)) {
} else if (sVolume.equals("silent")) {
} else if (sVolume.equals("soft")) {
} else if (sVolume.equals("medium")) {
} else if (sVolume.equals("loud")) {
prosodyMap.put(prosody, settings);
* Adjust the number of boundaries according to rate and the "number-of-pauses" attribute.
private void addOrDeleteBoundaries(Document doc) {
// Go through boundaries. A boundary is deleted if the determined
// minimum breakindex size is larger than this boundary's breakindex.
NodeIterator it = ((DocumentTraversal) doc).createNodeIterator(doc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, new NameNodeFilter(
MaryXML.BOUNDARY), false);
Element boundary = null;
List bi1prosodyElements = null;
while ((boundary = (Element) it.nextNode()) != null) {
int minBI = 3;
Element prosody = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(boundary, MaryXML.PROSODY);
if (prosody != null) {
ProsodicSettings settings = (ProsodicSettings) prosodyMap.get(prosody);
assert settings != null;
int rate = settings.rate();
int numberOfPauses = settings.numberOfPauses();
if (numberOfPauses <= 50)
minBI = 5;
else if (numberOfPauses <= 75)
minBI = 4;
else if (numberOfPauses > 150)
minBI = 1;
else if (numberOfPauses > 125)
minBI = 2;
// Rate can only shift the number of pauses by one breakindex
if (rate < 90 && minBI > 1)
if (minBI == 1) {
// Remember that the current prosody element wants bi 1 boundaries:
if (bi1prosodyElements == null)
bi1prosodyElements = new ArrayList();
// This boundary's bi:
int bi = 3;
try {
bi = Integer.parseInt(boundary.getAttribute("breakindex"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {"Unexpected breakindex value `" + boundary.getAttribute("breakindex") + "', assuming " + bi);
if (bi < minBI && !boundary.hasAttribute("duration")) {
boundary.setAttribute("duration", "0");
// TODO: replaced because bi may be necessary later
* if (bi < minBI) { if (!boundary.hasAttribute("duration")) boundary.getParentNode().removeChild(boundary); else
* boundary.removeAttribute("bi"); // but keep duration }
// Do we need to add any boundaries?
if (bi1prosodyElements != null) {
Iterator elIt = bi1prosodyElements.iterator();
while (elIt.hasNext()) {
Element prosody = (Element);
NodeIterator nodeIt = ((DocumentTraversal) doc).createNodeIterator(prosody, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
new NameNodeFilter(new String[] { MaryXML.TOKEN, MaryXML.BOUNDARY }), false);
Element el = null;
Element prevEl = null;
while ((el = (Element) nodeIt.nextNode()) != null) {
if (el.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.TOKEN) && prevEl != null && prevEl.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.TOKEN)) {
// Need to insert a boundary before el:
Element newBoundary = MaryXML.createElement(doc, MaryXML.BOUNDARY);
newBoundary.setAttribute("breakindex", "1");
el.getParentNode().insertBefore(newBoundary, el);
prevEl = el;
private void processSentence(Element sentence) {
NodeList tokens = sentence.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.TOKEN);
if (tokens.getLength() < 1) {
return; // no tokens -- what can we do?
// apply Klatt rules to each segment
NodeList segments = sentence.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.PHONE);
for (int i = 0; i < segments.getLength(); i++) {
Element segment = (Element) segments.item(i);
int factor = 100;
int klatt0 = klattRule0(segment);
int klatt2 = klattRule2(segment);
int klatt2a = klattRule2a(segment);
int klatt3 = klattRule3(segment);
int klatt4 = klattRule4(segment);
int klatt5 = klattRule5(segment);
int klatt6 = klattRule6(segment);
int klatt7 = klattRule7(segment);
int klatt8 = klattRule8(segment);
int klatt10 = klattRule10(segment);
int accentProminence = accentProminenceRule(segment);
factor = (factor * klatt0) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt2) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt2a) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt3) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt4) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt5) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt6) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt7) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt8) / 100;
factor = (factor * klatt10) / 100;
factor = (factor * accentProminence) / 100;
// and determine the actual length:
int inhDuration = getInhDuration(segment);
int minDuration = getMinDuration(segment);
int normalDuration = minDuration + ((inhDuration - minDuration) * factor) / 100;
// Tempo operates on the entire duration, not just on
// the stretchable part:
int tempo = tempoRule(segment);
int duration = (normalDuration * tempo) / 100;
segment.setAttribute("d", String.valueOf(duration));
logger.debug(segment.getAttribute("p") + " " + duration + "ms (tempoFactor " + tempo + "%, normal " + normalDuration
+ ", min " + minDuration + ", inh " + inhDuration + ") " + factor + "% (" + klatt0 + "*" + klatt2 + "*"
+ klatt2a + "*" + klatt3 + "*" + klatt4 + "*" + klatt5 + "*" + klatt6 + "*" + klatt7 + "*" + klatt8 + "*"
+ klatt10 + ")");
// apply Klatt rule 1 to boundaries:
NodeList boundaries = sentence.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.BOUNDARY);
for (int i = 0; i < boundaries.getLength(); i++) {
Element boundary = (Element) boundaries.item(i);
if (!boundary.hasAttribute("duration")) {
int duration = klattRule1(boundary);
boundary.setAttribute("duration", String.valueOf(duration));
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////// Klatt Rules /////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Klatt Rule 0: Overall default speed.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule0(Element segment) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule0.all");
* Klatt Rule 2: Clause-final lengthening.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule2(Element segment) {
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
if (isMinipFinal(syllable)) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule2.nucleus");
} else if (isInCoda(segment) && (isLiquid(segment) || isNasal(segment) || isFricative(segment))) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule2.coda");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Rule 2a: Additional final lengthening (J�rgen Trouvain). The final syllable before a boundary with breakindex >= 2, if it
* is part of an accented word, gets additional lengthening.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule2a(Element segment) {
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
Element token = getToken(syllable);
if (isLastBeforeBoundary(syllable, 2) && hasAccent(token)) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule2a.nucleus");
} else if (isInCoda(segment) && isNasal(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule2a.coda");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Klatt Rule 3: Non-phrase-final shortening.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule3(Element segment) {
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
if (!isMajIPFinal(syllable)) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule3.nucleus");
} else if (isInCoda(segment) && (isLiquid(segment) || isNasal(segment))) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule3.coda");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Klatt Rule 4: Non-word-final shortening.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule4(Element segment) {
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
if (!isWordFinal(syllable)) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule4.nucleus");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Klatt Rule 5: Polysyllabic shortening.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule5(Element segment) {
Element token = getToken(segment);
if (isPolysyllabic(token)) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule5.nucleus");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Klatt Rule 6: Non-initial consonant shortening.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule6(Element segment) {
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
if (isInOnset(segment) && !isWordInitial(syllable)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule6.onset");
} else if (isInCoda(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule6.coda");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Klatt Rule 7: Unstressed shortening
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule7(Element segment) {
// The stress reduction formulated by Klatt as part of rule 7
// is relocated to getStress(syllable).
// The min. duration reduction is relocated to getMinDuration(segment).
Element token = getToken(segment);
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
int stress = getStress(syllable);
if (stress == 2 || stress == 0) {
if (isInOnset(segment)) {
if (isLiquid(segment) || isGlide(segment)) {
return (getPropertyAsInteger("rule7.onset.liquids"));
} else {
return (getPropertyAsInteger("rule7.others"));
} else if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
if (isWordMedial(syllable)) {
return (getPropertyAsInteger("rule7.nucleus.medial"));
} else {
return (getPropertyAsInteger("rule7.nucleus.others"));
} else { // segment is in coda
return (getPropertyAsInteger("rule7.others"));
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Klatt Rule 8: Lengthening for emphasis
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule8(Element segment) {
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
if (hasAccent(syllable)) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule8.accent");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
// Klatt Rule 9 (postvocalic context of vowels)
// is not needed for German.
* Klatt Rule 10: Shortening in consonant clusters
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int klattRule10(Element segment) {
boolean hasPrecedingConsonant = false;
boolean hasFollowingConsonant = false;
if (isConsonant(segment)) {
Element preceding = getPreviousSegment(segment);
if (preceding != null && isConsonant(preceding)) {
hasPrecedingConsonant = true;
Element following = getNextSegment(segment);
if (following != null && isConsonant(following)) {
hasFollowingConsonant = true;
if (hasPrecedingConsonant && hasFollowingConsonant) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule10.surrounded");
} else if (hasPrecedingConsonant) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule10.preceded");
} else if (hasFollowingConsonant) {
return getPropertyAsInteger("rule10.followed");
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
// Klatt Rule 11 (lengthening due to plosive aspiration)
// is not needed for German.
* Klatt Rule 1: Pause duration. The pause duration depends on the break index, on the speech rate, and on the
* "pause-duration" attribute. This rule assumes that every boundary it gets as input is to be realised, i.e.
* not-to-be-realised boundaries are already deleted at this stage.
* @return A pause duration, in milliseconds.
private int klattRule1(Element boundary) {
int breakindex = getBreakindex(boundary);
if (breakindex >= 1 && breakindex <= 6) {
int durationMeasure = 100;
Element prosody = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(boundary, MaryXML.PROSODY);
if (prosody != null) {
ProsodicSettings settings = (ProsodicSettings) prosodyMap.get(prosody);
assert settings != null;
// Calculate duration measure as a sum of rate and pauseDur.
int deltaRate = settings.rate() - 100;
int deltaPauseDur = settings.pauseDuration() - 100;
durationMeasure = 100 - deltaRate + deltaPauseDur;
// Now factor is a measure of how long the pauses are to be:
// 100 medium, 120 long, 140 very long
// 80 short, 60 very short
// Intermediate values are interpolated.
if (durationMeasure == 100) { // probably the most common
return getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".medium");
} else {
// We could treat 120, 140, 80, and 60 as special cases,
// but they are probably so rare that it doesn't harm
// getting them with the interpolation code below.
int longer;
int shorter;
int dist;
// dist is distance from shorter; our duration value is
// shorter + dist/20 * (longer - shorter)
if (durationMeasure > 100) {
if (durationMeasure > 120) {
// 120 < durationMeasure -- need 120 (long) and 140 (verylong)
longer = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".verylong");
shorter = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".long");
dist = durationMeasure - 120;
} else {
// 100 < durationMeasure <= 120 -- need 100 (medium) and 120
// (long)
longer = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".long");
shorter = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".medium");
dist = durationMeasure - 100;
} else {
if (durationMeasure < 80) {
// durationMeasure < 80 -- need 80 (short) and 60 (veryshort)
longer = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".short");
shorter = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".veryshort");
dist = durationMeasure - 60;
} else {
// 80 <= durationMeasure < 100 -- need 80 (short) and 100 (medium)
longer = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".medium");
shorter = getPropertyAsInteger("" + String.valueOf(breakindex) + ".short");
dist = durationMeasure - 80;
int result = shorter + (dist * (longer - shorter)) / 20;
if (result < 10)
result = 10;
return result;
// Not a valid break index:
return 0;
* Tempo rule: Take into account the prosody settings for modifying the segment durations, realising speech tempo.
private int tempoRule(Element segment) {
Element prosody = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(segment, MaryXML.PROSODY);
if (prosody != null) {
ProsodicSettings settings = (ProsodicSettings) prosodyMap.get(prosody);
assert settings != null;
int rate = settings.rate();
// Duration is the inverse of rate:
int durFactor = 10000 / rate;
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
if (ph.isVowel())
durFactor = (durFactor * settings.vowelDuration()) / 100;
else if (ph.isPlosive())
durFactor = (durFactor * settings.plosiveDuration()) / 100;
else if (ph.isFricative())
durFactor = (durFactor * settings.fricativeDuration()) / 100;
else if (ph.isNasal())
durFactor = (durFactor * settings.nasalDuration()) / 100;
else if (ph.isLiquid())
durFactor = (durFactor * settings.liquidDuration()) / 100;
else if (ph.isGlide())
durFactor = (durFactor * settings.glideDuration()) / 100;
return durFactor;
// default: Rule not applicable
return 100;
* Accent prominence rule: The "accent-prominence" attribute influences nucleus duration for accented syllables (in addition
* to Klatt rule 8), and affects voice quality for accented syllables. In addition, but not here, the "accent-prominence"
* attribute causes a topline/baseline overshoot / undershoot.
* @return A percentage value as a factor for duration (100 corresponds to no change).
private int accentProminenceRule(Element segment) {
// In addition to Klatt rule 8, take into account the
// "accent-prominence" attribute:
int returnValue = 100; // default value
Element syllable = getSyllable(segment);
if (hasAccent(syllable)) {
Element prosody = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(segment, MaryXML.PROSODY);
if (prosody != null) {
ProsodicSettings settings = (ProsodicSettings) prosodyMap.get(prosody);
if (settings != null) {
int accentProminence = settings.accentProminence();
if (accentProminence != 100) {
if (isInNucleus(segment)) {
returnValue = accentProminence;
// And affect voice quality:
String vq = segment.getAttribute("vq");
if (accentProminence >= 150) {
if (vq.equals("soft") || vq.equals("modal") || vq.equals(""))
vq = "loud";
} else if (accentProminence >= 125) {
if (vq.equals("soft")) {
vq = "modal";
} else if (vq.equals("modal") || vq.equals("")) {
vq = "loud";
if (!vq.equals(segment.getAttribute("vq"))) {
segment.setAttribute("vq", vq);
return returnValue;
* For each segment in the given sentence, calculate the accumulated duration since the beginning of the sentence, including
* this segment's duration, and save it in the segment's end
attribute. (This value is then comparable to the
* end
feature in FreeTTS, but we use milliseconds, they use seconds.)
private void calculateAccumulatedDurations(Element sentence) {
TreeWalker tw = ((DocumentTraversal) sentence.getOwnerDocument()).createTreeWalker(sentence, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
new NameNodeFilter(new String[] { MaryXML.PHONE, MaryXML.BOUNDARY }), false);
float totalDurationInSeconds = 0f;
Element element;
while ((element = (Element) tw.nextNode()) != null) {
if (element.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.PHONE)) {
// A segment
int d = 0;
try {
d = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("d"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected duration value `" + element.getAttribute("d") + "'");
float durationInSeconds = 0.001f * d;
totalDurationInSeconds += durationInSeconds;
element.setAttribute("end", String.format(Locale.US, "%.3f", totalDurationInSeconds));
} else {
// A boundary
int d = 0;
try {
d = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("duration"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected duration value `" + element.getAttribute("duration") + "'");
float durationInSeconds = 0.001f * d;
totalDurationInSeconds += durationInSeconds;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////// Helpers ///////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private int getPropertyAsInteger(String prop) {
int value = 100;
try {
value = Integer.parseInt(klattRuleParams.getProperty(prop));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Cannot read property " + prop + " in klattrule parameter file. Using default.");
return value;
private Element getToken(Element segmentOrSyllable) {
return (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(segmentOrSyllable, MaryXML.TOKEN);
private Element getSyllable(Element segment) {
return (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(segment, MaryXML.SYLLABLE);
private int getStress(Element syllable) {
// Klatt's usage of 1ary and 2ary stress (Klatt, 1979):
// primary lexical stress is reserved for vowels in open-class content
// words, only one 1ary stress per word;
// 2ary lexical stress is used in some content words, in compounds,
// in the strongest syllable of polysyllabic function words, and for
// pronouns (excluding personal pronouns).
// Approximately adapt our input to Klatt's input:
// * accented prosodic words (have a tobi accent) can stay as they are
// * for each unaccented prosodic word (no tobi accent)
// - if it is monosyllabic and not a pronoun, remove any stress sign
// - if it is polysyllabic, remove 2ary stress,
// and reduce 1ary to 2ary.
int stress = 0;
if (syllable.hasAttribute("stress")) {
String helper = syllable.getAttribute("stress");
if (helper.equals("1"))
stress = 1;
else if (helper.equals("2"))
stress = 2;
if (stress != 0) {
// it is worth thinking about stress reduction
Element token = getToken(syllable);
// stress reduction:
if (!hasAccent(token)) {
// unaccented word
if (isPolysyllabic(token)) {
// polysyllabic:
// reduce 1ary to 2ary, 2ary to no stress:
if (stress == 1)
stress = 2;
else if (stress == 2)
stress = 0;
} else {
// monosyllabic:
if (!isPronoun(token)) {
// not a pronoun
// remove any stress:
stress = 0;
return stress;
* Find the segment preceding this segment within the same phrase
* @return that segment, or null
if there is no such segment.
private static Element getPreviousSegment(Element segment) {
Element phrase = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(segment, MaryXML.PHRASE);
return MaryDomUtils.getPreviousOfItsKindIn(segment, phrase);
* Find the segment following this segment within the same phrase
* @return that segment, or null
if there is no such segment.
private static Element getNextSegment(Element segment) {
Element phrase = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(segment, MaryXML.PHRASE);
return MaryDomUtils.getNextOfItsKindIn(segment, phrase);
* Find the syllable preceding this syllable within the same phrase
* @return that syllable, or null
if there is no such syllable.
private static Element getPreviousSyllable(Element syllable) {
Element phrase = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(syllable, MaryXML.PHRASE);
return MaryDomUtils.getPreviousOfItsKindIn(syllable, phrase);
* Find the syllable following this syllable within the same phrase
* @return that syllable, or null
if there is no such syllable.
private static Element getNextSyllable(Element syllable) {
if (syllable == null)
return null;
Element phrase = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(syllable, MaryXML.PHRASE);
return MaryDomUtils.getNextOfItsKindIn(syllable, phrase);
private int getMinDuration(Element segment) {
int minDuration = klattDurationParams.getMinDuration(segment.getAttribute("p"));
// additional reduction for unstressed segments:
// (this comes from klatt's original rule no. 7)
if (getStress(getSyllable(segment)) == 0) {
// For unstressed segments,
// increase stretchability by reducing minimum duration:
return (minDuration * getPropertyAsInteger("rule7.mindur")) / 100;
} else { // default
return minDuration;
private int getInhDuration(Element segment) {
return klattDurationParams.getInhDuration(segment.getAttribute("p"));
private boolean isPronoun(Element token) {
String pos = token.getAttribute("pos");
return pos.equals("PDS") || pos.equals("PDAT") || pos.equals("PIS") || pos.equals("PIAT") || pos.equals("PIDAT")
|| pos.equals("PPER") || pos.equals("PPOSS") || pos.equals("PPOSAT") || pos.equals("PRELS")
|| pos.equals("PRELAT") || pos.equals("PRF") || pos.equals("PWS") || pos.equals("PWAT") || pos.equals("PWAV");
private boolean isPolysyllabic(Element token) {
return token.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.SYLLABLE).getLength() > 1;
private boolean hasAccent(Element token) {
String accent = token.getAttribute("accent");
return !accent.equals("");
* Search for boundary and syllable elements following the given syllable. If the next matching element found is a boundary
* with breakindex minBreakindex
or larger, return true; otherwise, return false. If there is no next node,
* return true.
private boolean isLastBeforeBoundary(Element syllable, int minBreakindex) {
Document doc = syllable.getOwnerDocument();
Element sentence = (Element) MaryDomUtils.getAncestor(syllable, MaryXML.SENTENCE);
TreeWalker tw = ((DocumentTraversal) doc).createTreeWalker(sentence, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, new NameNodeFilter(
new String[] { MaryXML.SYLLABLE, MaryXML.BOUNDARY }), false);
Element next = (Element) tw.nextNode();
if (next == null) {
// no matching node after syllable --
// we must be in a final position.
return true;
if (next.getNodeName().equals(MaryXML.BOUNDARY)) {
if (getBreakindex(next) >= minBreakindex)
return true;
// This syllable is either followed by another syllable or
// by a boundary with breakindex < minBreakindex
return false;
private boolean isMajIPFinal(Element syllable) {
// If this syllable is followed by a boundary with breakindex
// 4 or above, return true.
return isLastBeforeBoundary(syllable, 4);
private boolean isMinipFinal(Element syllable) {
// If this syllable is followed by a boundary with breakindex
// 3 or above, return true.
return isLastBeforeBoundary(syllable, 3);
private boolean isWordFinal(Element syllable) {
Element e = syllable;
while (e != null) {
e = MaryDomUtils.getNextSiblingElement(e);
if (e != null && e.getNodeName().equals(MaryXML.SYLLABLE))
return false;
return true;
private boolean isWordMedial(Element syllable) {
return !(isWordFinal(syllable) || isWordInitial(syllable));
private boolean isWordInitial(Element syllable) {
Element e = syllable;
while (e != null) {
e = MaryDomUtils.getPreviousSiblingElement(e);
if (e != null && e.getNodeName().equals(MaryXML.SYLLABLE))
return false;
return true;
private boolean isInOnset(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
if (ph.isSyllabic()) {
return false;
// OK, segment is not syllabic. See if it is followed by a syllabic
// segment:
for (Element e = MaryDomUtils.getNextSiblingElement(segment); e != null; e = MaryDomUtils.getNextSiblingElement(e)) {
ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(e.getAttribute("p"));
assert ph != null;
if (ph.isSyllabic()) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isInNucleus(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
assert ph != null;
return ph.isSyllabic();
private boolean isInCoda(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
if (ph.isSyllabic()) {
return false;
// OK, segment is not syllabic. See if it is preceded by a syllabic
// segment:
for (Element e = MaryDomUtils.getPreviousSiblingElement(segment); e != null; e = MaryDomUtils
.getPreviousSiblingElement(e)) {
ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(e.getAttribute("p"));
if (ph.isSyllabic()) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isConsonant(Element segment) {
return !isVowel(segment);
private boolean isVowel(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
return ph.isVowel();
private boolean isLiquid(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
return ph.isLiquid();
private boolean isGlide(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
return ph.isGlide();
private boolean isNasal(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
return ph.isNasal();
private boolean isFricative(Element segment) {
Allophone ph = allophoneSet.getAllophone(segment.getAttribute("p"));
return ph.isFricative();
private int getBreakindex(Element boundary) {
int breakindex = 0;
try {
breakindex = Integer.parseInt(boundary.getAttribute("breakindex"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected breakindex value `" + boundary.getAttribute("breakindex") + "'");
return breakindex;
* Tell whether the string contains a positive or negative percentage delta, i.e., a percentage number with an obligatory + or
* - sign.
private boolean isPercentageDelta(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (s.length() < 3)
return false;
return s.substring(s.length() - 1).equals("%") && isNumberDelta(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1));
* For a string containing a percentage delta as judged by isPercentageDelta()
, return the numerical value,
* rounded to an integer.
* @return the numeric part of the percentage, rounded to an integer, or 0 if the string is not a valid percentage delta.
private int getPercentageDelta(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (!isPercentageDelta(s))
return 0;
return getNumberDelta(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1));
* Tell whether the string contains a positive or negative semitones delta, i.e., a semitones number with an obligatory + or -
* sign, such as "+3.2st" or "-13.2st".
private boolean isSemitonesDelta(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (s.length() < 4)
return false;
return s.substring(s.length() - 2).equals("st") && isNumberDelta(s.substring(0, s.length() - 2));
* For a string containing a semitones delta as judged by isSemitonesDelta()
, return the numerical value, as a
* double.
* @return the numeric part of the semitones delta, or 0 if the string is not a valid semitones delta.
private double getSemitonesDelta(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (!isSemitonesDelta(s))
return 0;
String num = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2);
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(num);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected number value `" + num + "'");
return value;
* Tell whether the string contains a positive or negative number delta, i.e., a number with an obligatory + or - sign.
private boolean isNumberDelta(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (s.length() < 2)
return false;
return (s.charAt(0) == '+' || s.charAt(0) == '-') && isUnsignedNumber(s.substring(1));
* For a string containing a number delta as judged by isNumberDelta()
, return the numerical value, rounded to an
* integer.
* @return the numeric value, rounded to an integer, or 0 if the string is not a valid number delta.
private int getNumberDelta(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (!isNumberDelta(s))
return 0;
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected number value `" + s + "'");
return (int) Math.round(value);
* Tell whether the string contains an unsigned semitones expression, such as "12st" or "5.4st".
private boolean isUnsignedSemitones(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (s.length() < 3)
return false;
return s.substring(s.length() - 2).equals("st") && isUnsignedNumber(s.substring(0, s.length() - 2));
* For a string containing an unsigned semitones expression as judged by isUnsignedSemitones()
, return the
* numerical value as a double.
* @return the numeric part of the semitones expression, or 0 if the string is not a valid unsigned semitones expression.
private double getUnsignedSemitones(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (!isUnsignedSemitones(s))
return 0;
String num = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2);
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(num);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected number value `" + num + "'");
return value;
* Tell whether the string contains an unsigned number.
private boolean isUnsignedNumber(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (s.length() < 1)
return false;
if (s.charAt(0) != '+' && s.charAt(0) != '-') {
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* For a string containing an unsigned number as judged by isUnsignedNumber()
, return the numerical value,
* rounded to an integer.
* @return the numeric value, rounded to an integer, or 0 if the string is not a valid unsigned number.
private int getUnsignedNumber(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (!isUnsignedNumber(s))
return 0;
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected number value `" + s + "'");
return (int) Math.round(value);
* Tell whether the string contains a number.
private boolean isNumber(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (s.length() < 1)
return false;
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
return true;
* For a string containing a number as judged by isNumber()
, return the numerical value, rounded to an integer.
* @return the numeric value, rounded to an integer, or 0 if the string is not a valid number.
private int getNumber(String string) {
String s = string.trim();
if (!isNumber(s))
return 0;
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warn("Unexpected number value `" + s + "'");
return (int) Math.round(value);
* For a given token, find the stressed syllable. If no syllable has primary stress, return the first syllable with secondary
* stress. If none has secondary stress, return the first syllable in the token. If there is no syllable in the token or the
* element given in the argument is not a token element, return null.
private Element getStressedSyllable(Element token) {
if (token == null || !token.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.TOKEN))
return null;
Element syl = MaryDomUtils.getFirstElementByTagName(token, MaryXML.SYLLABLE);
while (syl != null && !syl.getAttribute("stress").equals("1")) {
syl = MaryDomUtils.getNextSiblingElementByTagName(syl, MaryXML.SYLLABLE);
if (syl != null) {
return syl;
// If we get here, there is no stressed syllable. As a fallback, use
// the first syllable with secondary stress, or the first syllable if
// none has secondary stress.
Element first = MaryDomUtils.getFirstElementByTagName(token, MaryXML.SYLLABLE);
Element secondary = first;
while (secondary != null && !secondary.getAttribute("stress").equals("2")) {
secondary = MaryDomUtils.getNextSiblingElementByTagName(secondary, MaryXML.SYLLABLE);
if (secondary != null) {
return secondary;
return first;
* For a syllable, return the first child segment which is a nucleus segment. Return null
if there is no such
* segment.
private Element getNucleus(Element syllable) {
if (syllable == null || !syllable.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.SYLLABLE))
return null;
Element seg = MaryDomUtils.getFirstElementByTagName(syllable, MaryXML.PHONE);
while (seg != null && !isInNucleus(seg)) {
seg = MaryDomUtils.getNextSiblingElementByTagName(seg, MaryXML.PHONE);
return seg;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////////////// Helper Classes ///////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static class ProsodicSettings {
// Relative settings: 100 = 100% = no change
int rate;
int accentProminence;
int accentSlope;
int numberOfPauses;
int pauseDuration;
int vowelDuration;
int plosiveDuration;
int fricativeDuration;
int nasalDuration;
int liquidDuration;
int glideDuration;
int volume;
ProsodicSettings() {
this.rate = 100;
this.accentProminence = 100;
this.accentSlope = 100;
this.numberOfPauses = 100;
this.pauseDuration = 100;
this.vowelDuration = 100;
this.plosiveDuration = 100;
this.fricativeDuration = 100;
this.nasalDuration = 100;
this.liquidDuration = 100;
this.glideDuration = 100;
this.volume = 50;
ProsodicSettings(int rate, int accentProminence, int accentSlope, int numberOfPauses, int pauseDuration,
int vowelDuration, int plosiveDuration, int fricativeDuration, int nasalDuration, int liquidDuration,
int glideDuration, int volume) {
this.rate = rate;
this.accentProminence = accentProminence;
this.accentSlope = accentSlope;
this.numberOfPauses = numberOfPauses;
this.pauseDuration = pauseDuration;
this.vowelDuration = vowelDuration;
this.plosiveDuration = plosiveDuration;
this.fricativeDuration = fricativeDuration;
this.nasalDuration = nasalDuration;
this.liquidDuration = liquidDuration;
this.glideDuration = glideDuration;
this.volume = volume;
int rate() {
return rate;
int accentProminence() {
return accentProminence;
int accentSlope() {
return accentSlope;
int numberOfPauses() {
return numberOfPauses;
int pauseDuration() {
return pauseDuration;
int vowelDuration() {
return vowelDuration;
int plosiveDuration() {
return plosiveDuration;
int fricativeDuration() {
return fricativeDuration;
int nasalDuration() {
return nasalDuration;
int liquidDuration() {
return liquidDuration;
int glideDuration() {
return glideDuration;
int volume() {
return volume;
void setRate(int value) {
rate = value;
void setAccentProminence(int value) {
accentProminence = value;
void setAccentSlope(int value) {
accentSlope = value;
void setNumberOfPauses(int value) {
numberOfPauses = value;
void setPauseDuration(int value) {
pauseDuration = value;
void setVowelDuration(int value) {
vowelDuration = value;
void setPlosiveDuration(int value) {
plosiveDuration = value;
void setFricativeDuration(int value) {
fricativeDuration = value;
void setNasalDuration(int value) {
nasalDuration = value;
void setLiquidDuration(int value) {
liquidDuration = value;
void setGlideDuration(int value) {
glideDuration = value;
void setVolume(int value) {
volume = value;
public static class KlattDurationParams {
private Map inh = new HashMap();
private Map min = new HashMap();
public KlattDurationParams(String filename) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException {
// parse the xml file:
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(new File(filename));
// In document, ignore everything that is not a segment element:
NodeList segElements = document.getElementsByTagName("segment");
for (int i = 0; i < segElements.getLength(); i++) {
Element seg = (Element) segElements.item(i);
String name = seg.getAttribute("s");
int inherentDuration = Integer.parseInt(seg.getAttribute("inh"));
int minimalDuration = Integer.parseInt(seg.getAttribute("min"));
inh.put(name, inherentDuration);
min.put(name, minimalDuration);
public int getInhDuration(String ph) {
return inh.get(ph);
public int getMinDuration(String ph) {
return min.get(ph);
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