marytts.modules.PraatTextGridGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2010 DFKI GmbH.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* This file is part of MARY TTS.
* MARY TTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package marytts.modules;
// DOM classes
import marytts.datatypes.MaryData;
import marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType;
import marytts.util.dom.DomUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
import static marytts.datatypes.MaryXML.*;
* Transforms a full MaryXML document into a Praat TextGrid containing various interesting information; in particular, the source
* units and basenames used in unit selection synthesis
* @author steiner
public class PraatTextGridGenerator extends InternalModule {
public PraatTextGridGenerator() {
super("Praat TextGrid generator", MaryDataType.REALISED_ACOUSTPARAMS, MaryDataType.PRAAT_TEXTGRID, null);
public MaryData process(MaryData d) throws Exception {
// prevUnitIndex;
// numberOfConsecutiveUnits;
// basenameDuration;
// phoneTier;
// PraatIntervalTier unitTier;
// PraatIntervalTier sourceTier;
// sourceInterval;
Document doc = d.getDocument();
// initialize various variables:
Double duration = 0.0;
String phone = null;
// initialize some class variables:
PraatIntervalTier phoneTier = new PraatIntervalTier("phones");
Double basenameDuration = 0.0;
int prevUnitIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int numberOfConsecutiveUnits = 0; // counter to track consecutive units
PraatInterval sourceInterval = new PraatInterval(basenameDuration);
// until we have a robust way of checking the voice type, just initialize unit and source tiers anyway:
PraatIntervalTier unitTier = new PraatIntervalTier("units");
PraatIntervalTier sourceTier = new PraatIntervalTier("sources");
// prepare to iterate only over the PHONE, SENTENCE, and BOUNDARY nodes in the MaryXML:
NodeIterator ni = DomUtils.createNodeIterator(doc, PHONE, BOUNDARY);
Element element;
// now iterate over these nodes:
while ((element = (Element) ni.nextNode()) != null) {
switch (element.getTagName()) { // , , or as specified above
case PHONE:
phone = element.getAttribute("p");
duration = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("d")) / 1000.0; // duration is always in ms
phone = "_"; // TODO: perhaps we should access TargetFeatureComputer.getPauseSymbol() instead
if (element.hasAttribute("duration")) {
duration = Double.parseDouble(element.getAttribute("duration")) / 1000.0; // duration is always in ms
} else {
duration = 0.0; // HMM voices can have duration-less tags
logger.error("NodeIterator should not find an element of type " + element.getTagName() + " here!");
PraatInterval phoneInterval = new PraatInterval(duration, phone);
// TODO: crude way of checking for unit selection voice; also, name of attribute could change!
if (element.hasAttribute("units")) {
// unitselectionProcessing(element, unitTier, prevUnitIndex, numberOfConsecutiveUnits, basenameDuration,
// sourceInterval, sourceTier);
String units = element.getAttribute("units");
String[] unitStrings = units.split("; "); // boundaries have only one unit string
boolean differentSource = false;
String basename = null;
String unitRange = null;
for (String unitString : unitStrings) {
// TODO verify that unit string matches "UNITNAME BASENAME UNITINDEX UNITDURATION"
String[] unitFields = unitString.split(" ");
String unitName = unitFields[0];
basename = unitFields[1];
int unitIndex = Integer.parseInt(unitFields[2]);
Double unitDuration = Double.parseDouble(unitFields[3]);
// units are straightforward, just like phones:
unitTier.appendInterval(new PraatInterval(unitDuration, unitString));
// unit source processing is a little more elaborate:
* Note: the following assumes that consecutive selected units are ALWAYS from the same basename! That could
* change if basename boundaries are no longer marked by null units in the timeline.
differentSource = unitIndex != prevUnitIndex + 1; // is source unit from a different part of the timeline?;
if (differentSource) {
// reset primary variables:
numberOfConsecutiveUnits = 0;
basenameDuration = 0.0;
// increment/increase primary variables:
basenameDuration += unitDuration;
// construct unit index range string:
unitRange = Integer.toString(unitIndex - numberOfConsecutiveUnits + 1);
if (numberOfConsecutiveUnits > 1) {
unitRange = unitRange + "-" + unitIndex;
// append source intervals to source tier:
if (differentSource) {
sourceInterval = new PraatInterval(basenameDuration, basename + ": " + unitRange);
} else {
sourceInterval.setText(basename + ": " + unitRange);
prevUnitIndex = unitIndex;
// HACK: arbitrary threshold to detect end points in ms (in the case of diphone voice or boundary segment)
} else if (duration > 10) {
// TODO: there is still a bug somewhere regarding boundary durations with mbrola...
phoneInterval.setDuration(duration / 1000.0);
PraatTextGrid textGrid = new PraatTextGrid();
phoneTier.updateBoundaries(); // force full specification of timings
// fragile way of checking whether this is a unit selection voice:
if (unitTier.getNumberOfIntervals() > 0) {
// complete and append unit and source tiers:
// return raw TextGrid as result:
MaryData result = new MaryData(getOutputType(), d.getLocale());
return result;
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