marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010 DFKI GmbH.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* This file is part of MARY TTS.
* MARY TTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package marytts.unitselection.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import marytts.datatypes.MaryXML;
import marytts.modules.acoustic.ProsodyElementHandler;
import marytts.util.MaryUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* Class to provide high-level, phone-based access to the predicted and realized prosodic parameters in a given unit-selection
* result
* @author steiner
public class ProsodyAnalyzer {
private List units;
private int sampleRate;
private Logger logger;
private List phones;
* Main constructor
* Note that the units are first parsed into phones (and the F0 target values assigned), before any distinction is made
* between those with and without a realized duration (e.g. {@link #getRealizedPhones()}).
* @param units
* whose predicted and realized prosody to analyze
* @param sampleRate
* of the unit database, in Hz
* @throws Exception
* if the units cannot be parsed into phones
public ProsodyAnalyzer(List units, int sampleRate) throws Exception {
this.units = units;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.logger = MaryUtils.getLogger(this.getClass());
// List of phone segments:
this.phones = parseIntoPhones();
* Parse a list of selected units into the corresponding phone segments
* @return List of Phones
* @throws Exception
* if the predicted prosody cannot be determined properly
private List parseIntoPhones() throws Exception {
// initialize List of Phones (note that initial size is not final!):
phones = new ArrayList(units.size() / 2);
// iterate over the units:
int u = 0;
while (u < units.size()) {
// get unit...
SelectedUnit unit = units.get(u);
// ...and its target as a HalfPhoneTarget, so that we can...
HalfPhoneTarget target = (HalfPhoneTarget) unit.getTarget();
// ...query its position in the phone:
if (target.isLeftHalf()) {
// if this is the left half of a phone...
if (u < units.size() - 1) {
// ...and there is a next unit in the list...
SelectedUnit nextUnit = units.get(u + 1);
HalfPhoneTarget nextTarget = (HalfPhoneTarget) nextUnit.getTarget();
if (nextTarget.isRightHalf()) {
// ...and the next unit's target is the right half of the phone, add the phone:
phones.add(new Phone(unit, nextUnit, sampleRate));
} else {
// otherwise, add a degenerate phone with no right halfphone:
phones.add(new Phone(unit, null, sampleRate));
} else {
// otherwise, add a degenerate phone with no right halfphone:
phones.add(new Phone(unit, null, sampleRate));
} else {
// otherwise, add a degenerate phone with no left halfphone:
phones.add(new Phone(null, unit, sampleRate));
// make sure we've seen all the units:
assert u == units.size();
// assign target F0 values to Phones:
return phones;
* Assign predicted F0 values to the phones by parsing the XML Document
* @throws Exception
* if the Document cannot be accessed
private void insertTargetF0Values() throws Exception {
NodeList phoneNodes;
try {
phoneNodes = getPhoneNodes();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Could not get the phone Nodes from the Document", e);
// count the number of Datagrams we need, which is the number of F0 target values the ProsodyElementHandler will return:
int totalNumberOfFrames = getNumberOfFrames();
// this method hinges on the F0 attribute parsing done in modules.acoustic
ProsodyElementHandler elementHandler = new ProsodyElementHandler();
double[] f0Targets = elementHandler.getF0Contour(phoneNodes, totalNumberOfFrames);
int f0TargetStartIndex = 0;
for (Phone phone : phones) {
int numberOfLeftUnitFrames = phone.getNumberOfLeftUnitFrames();
int f0TargetMidIndex = f0TargetStartIndex + numberOfLeftUnitFrames;
double[] leftF0Targets = ArrayUtils.subarray(f0Targets, f0TargetStartIndex, f0TargetMidIndex);
int numberOfRightUnitFrames = phone.getNumberOfRightUnitFrames();
int f0TargetEndIndex = f0TargetMidIndex + numberOfRightUnitFrames;
double[] rightF0Targets = ArrayUtils.subarray(f0Targets, f0TargetMidIndex, f0TargetEndIndex);
f0TargetStartIndex = f0TargetEndIndex;
* Get the List of Phones
* @return the Phones
public List getPhones() {
return phones;
* Get the List of Phones that have a predicted duration greater than zero
* @return the List of realized Phones
public List getRealizedPhones() {
List realizedPhones = new ArrayList(phones.size());
for (Phone phone : phones) {
if (phone.getPredictedDuration() > 0) {
return realizedPhones;
* Get NodeList for Phones from Document
* @return NodeList of Phones
* @throws Exception
* if Document cannot be accessed
private NodeList getPhoneNodes() throws Exception {
Document document = getDocument();
NodeList phoneNodes;
try {
phoneNodes = document.getElementsByTagName(MaryXML.PHONE);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new Exception("Could not access the Document!", e);
return phoneNodes;
* For the first phone with a MaryXMLElement we encounter, return that Element's Document
* @return the Document containing the {@link #phones} or null if no phone is able to provide a MaryXMLElement
private Document getDocument() {
for (Phone phone : phones) {
Element phoneElement = phone.getMaryXMLElement();
if (phoneElement != null) {
return phoneElement.getOwnerDocument();
return null;
* Get the number of Datagrams in all Phones
* @return the number of Datagrams in all Phones
private int getNumberOfFrames() {
int totalNumberOfFrames = 0;
for (Phone phone : phones) {
totalNumberOfFrames += phone.getNumberOfFrames();
return totalNumberOfFrames;
* Get duration factors representing ratio of predicted and realized halfphone Unit durations. Units with zero predicted or
* realized duration receive a factor of 0.
* @return List of duration factors
public List getDurationFactors() {
// list of duration factors, one per halfphone unit:
List durationFactors = new ArrayList(units.size());
// iterate over phone segments:
for (Phone phone : phones) {
double leftDurationFactor = phone.getLeftDurationFactor();
if (leftDurationFactor > 0) {
logger.debug("duration factor for unit " + phone.getLeftUnit().getTarget().getName() + " -> "
+ leftDurationFactor);
double rightDurationFactor = phone.getRightDurationFactor();
if (rightDurationFactor > 0) {
// ...add the duration factor to the list:
logger.debug("duration factor for unit " + phone.getRightUnit().getTarget().getName() + " -> "
+ rightDurationFactor);
return durationFactors;
* Some ad-hoc methods for HnmUnitConcatenator:
public double[] getDurationFactorsFramewise() {
double[] f0Factors = null;
for (Phone phone : phones) {
double[] phoneF0Factors = phone.getFramewiseDurationFactors();
f0Factors = ArrayUtils.addAll(f0Factors, phoneF0Factors);
return f0Factors;
public double[] getFrameMidTimes() {
double[] frameDurations = null;
for (Phone phone : phones) {
double[] phoneFrameDurations = phone.getFrameDurations();
frameDurations = ArrayUtils.addAll(frameDurations, phoneFrameDurations);
assert frameDurations != null;
double[] frameMidTimes = new double[frameDurations.length];
double frameStartTime = 0;
for (int f = 0; f < frameDurations.length; f++) {
frameMidTimes[f] = frameStartTime + frameDurations[f] / 2;
frameStartTime += frameDurations[f];
return frameMidTimes;
public double[] getF0Factors() {
double[] f0Factors = null;
for (Phone phone : phones) {
double[] phoneF0Factors = phone.getF0Factors();
f0Factors = ArrayUtils.addAll(f0Factors, phoneF0Factors);
return f0Factors;
* For debugging, generate Praat DurationTier, which can be used for PSOLA-based manipulation in Praat.
* Notes:
* - Initial silence is skipped.
* - Units with zero realized duration are ignored.
* - To avoid gradual interpolation between points, place two points around each unit boundary, separated by
; this workaround allows one constant factor per unit.
* @param fileName
* of the DurationTier to be generated
* @throws IOException
* IOException
public void writePraatDurationTier(String fileName) throws IOException {
// initialize times and values with a size corresponding to two elements (start and end) per unit:
ArrayList times = new ArrayList(units.size() * 2);
ArrayList values = new ArrayList(units.size() * 2);
final double MIN_SKIP = 1e-15;
// cumulative time pointer:
double time = 0;
// iterate over phones, skipping the initial silence:
// TODO is this really robust?
ListIterator phoneIterator = phones.listIterator(1);
while (phoneIterator.hasNext()) {
Phone phone =;
// process left halfphone unit:
if (phone.getLeftUnitDuration() > 0) {
// add point at unit start:
// increment time pointer by unit duration:
time += phone.getLeftUnitDuration();
// add point at unit end:
times.add(time - MIN_SKIP);
// process right halfphone unit:
if (phone.getRightUnitDuration() > 0) {
// add point at unit start:
// increment time pointer by unit duration:
time += phone.getRightUnitDuration();
// add point at unit end:
times.add(time - MIN_SKIP);
// open file for writing:
File durationTierFile = new File(fileName);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(durationTierFile);
// print header:
out.println(String.format("0 %f %d", time, times.size()));
// print points (times and values):
for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
// Note: time precision should be greater than MIN_SKIP:
out.println(String.format("%.16f %f", times.get(i), values.get(i)));
// flush and close:
* For debugging, generate Praat PitchTier, which can be used for PSOLA-based manipulation in Praat.
* @param fileName
* of the PitchTier to be generated
* @throws IOException
* IOException
public void writePraatPitchTier(String fileName) throws IOException {
// initialize times and values:
ArrayList times = new ArrayList();
ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
// cumulative time pointer:
double time = 0;
// iterate over phones, skipping the initial silence:
ListIterator phoneIterator = phones.listIterator(1);
while (phoneIterator.hasNext()) {
Phone phone =;
double[] frameTimes = phone.getRealizedFrameDurations();
double[] frameF0s = phone.getUnitFrameF0s();
for (int f = 0; f < frameF0s.length; f++) {
time += frameTimes[f];
// open file for writing:
File durationTierFile = new File(fileName);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(durationTierFile);
// print header:
out.println(String.format("0 %f %d", time, times.size()));
// print points (times and values):
for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
out.println(String.format("%.16f %f", times.get(i), values.get(i)));
// flush and close: