soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.postProcessor.InfoflowResultPostProcessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.postProcessor;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import soot.*;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.ReturnStmt;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowConfiguration;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowManager;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.generator.SummaryGeneratorConfiguration;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.generator.gaps.IGapManager;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.postProcessor.SummaryPathBuilder.SummaryResultInfo;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.postProcessor.SummaryPathBuilder.SummarySourceInfo;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.taintWrappers.AccessPathFragment;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.util.AliasUtils;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.typing.TypeUtils;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.util.SootMethodRepresentationParser;
import soot.util.MultiMap;
public class InfoflowResultPostProcessor {
private final boolean DEBUG = true;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InfoflowResultPostProcessor.class);
protected final InfoflowManager manager;
private final MultiMap collectedAbstractions;
private final String method;
protected final SourceSinkFactory sourceSinkFactory;
private final IGapManager gapManager;
private final SummaryGeneratorConfiguration config;
public InfoflowResultPostProcessor(MultiMap collectedAbstractions, InfoflowManager manager,
String m, SourceSinkFactory sourceSinkFactory, IGapManager gapManager) {
this.collectedAbstractions = collectedAbstractions;
this.manager = manager;
this.method = m;
this.sourceSinkFactory = sourceSinkFactory;
this.gapManager = gapManager;
this.config = (SummaryGeneratorConfiguration) manager.getConfig();
public InfoflowResultPostProcessor(MultiMap collectedAbstractions, InfoflowConfiguration config,
String m, SourceSinkFactory sourceSinkFactory, IGapManager gapManager) {
this.collectedAbstractions = collectedAbstractions;
this.manager = new FakeInfoflowManager(config);
this.method = m;
this.sourceSinkFactory = sourceSinkFactory;
this.gapManager = gapManager;
this.config = (SummaryGeneratorConfiguration) config;
* Post process the information collected during a Infoflow analysis. Extract
* all summary flow from collectedAbstractions.
* @return The generated method summaries
public MethodSummaries postProcess() {
MethodSummaries summaries = new MethodSummaries();
return summaries;
* Fake implementation of the data flow manager for cases in which we haven't
* really run the data flow analysis
* @author Steven Arzt
private static class FakeInfoflowManager extends InfoflowManager {
protected FakeInfoflowManager(InfoflowConfiguration config) {
* Post process the information collected during a Infoflow analysis. Extract
* all summary flow from collectedAbstractions.
* @param flows The method summary object in which to store the detected flows
public MethodSummaries postProcess(MethodSummaries flows) {"start processing {} infoflow abstractions for method {}", collectedAbstractions.size(), method);
final SootMethod m = Scene.v().grabMethod(method);
if (m == null)
return MethodSummaries.EMPTY_SUMMARIES;
int analyzedPaths = 0;
int abstractionCount = 0;
// Do we have anything to analyze at all?
if (collectedAbstractions != null && !collectedAbstractions.isEmpty()) {
// Create a context-sensitive path builder. Without context-sensitivity,
// we get quite some false positives here.
SummaryPathBuilder pathBuilder = new SummaryPathBuilder(manager);
for (Abstraction a : collectedAbstractions.keySet()) {
// If this abstraction is directly the source abstraction, we do not
// need to construct paths
if (a.getSourceContext() != null) {
for (Stmt stmt : collectedAbstractions.get(a)) {
processFlowSource(flows, m, a.getAccessPath(), stmt,
new SummarySourceInfo(a.getAccessPath(), a.getCurrentStmt(),
a.getSourceContext().getUserData(), a.getAccessPath(),
isAliasedField(a.getAccessPath(), a.getSourceContext().getAccessPath(),
false, config.getPathAgnosticResults()));
} else {
// Get the source info and process the flow
Collections.singleton(new AbstractionAtSink(null, a, a.getCurrentStmt())));"Obtained {} source-to-sink connections.", pathBuilder.getResultInfos().size());
// Reconstruct the sources
for (Stmt stmt : collectedAbstractions.get(a)) {
for (SummaryResultInfo si : pathBuilder.getResultInfos()) {
final AccessPath sourceAP = si.getSourceInfo().getAccessPath();
final AccessPath sinkAP = si.getSinkInfo().getAccessPath();
final Stmt sourceStmt = si.getSourceInfo().getStmt();
// Check that we don't get any weird results
if (sourceAP == null || sinkAP == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid access path");
// We only take flows which are not identity flows. If we have a flow from a gap
// parameter to the original method parameter, the access paths are equal, but
// that's ok in the case of aliasing.
boolean isAliasedField = gapManager.getGapForCall(sourceStmt) != null
&& isAliasedField(sinkAP, sourceAP, sourceStmt) && si.getSourceInfo().getIsAlias();
if (!sinkAP.equals(sourceAP) || isAliasedField) {
// Process the flow from this source
processFlowSource(flows, m, sinkAP, stmt, si.getSourceInfo());
// Free some memory
// Compact the flow set to remove paths that are over-approximations of
// other flows
new SummaryFlowCompactor(flows).compact();
// Check the generated summaries for validity
if (config.getValidateResults())
flows.validate();"Result processing finished, analyzed {} paths from {} stored " + "abstractions", analyzedPaths,
return flows;
* Checks whether the two given access paths may alias at the given statement
* @param apAtSink The first access path
* @param apAtSource The second access path
* @param sourceStmt The statement at which to check for may-alias
* @return True if the two given access paths may alias at the given statement,
* otherwise false
private boolean isAliasedField(AccessPath apAtSink, AccessPath apAtSource, Stmt sourceStmt) {
// Strings and primitives do not alias
if (!AliasUtils.canAccessPathHaveAliases(apAtSink))
return false;
return true;
* Processes data from a given flow source that has arrived at a given statement
* @param flows The flows object to which to add the newly found flow
* @param ap The access path that has reached the given statement
* @param m The method in which the flow has been found
* @param stmt The statement at which the flow has arrived
* @param source The source from which the flow originated
private void processFlowSource(MethodSummaries flows, final SootMethod m, AccessPath ap, Stmt stmt,
SummarySourceInfo sourceInfo) {
// Get the source information for this abstraction
Collection sources = (Collection) sourceInfo.getUserData();
if (sources == null || sources.size() == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Link to source missing");
// We can have multiple sources from a gap,b) on access path b
for (FlowSource flowSource : sources) {
if (flowSource == null)
// Get the source access path
AccessPath sourceAP = sourceInfo.getSourceAP();
boolean isAlias = sourceInfo.getIsAlias();
boolean isInCallee = sourceInfo.getIsInCallee();
// Create the flow source data object
flowSource = sourceSinkFactory.createSource(flowSource.getType(), flowSource.getParameterIndex(), sourceAP,
// Depending on the statement at which the flow ended, we need to
// create
// a different type of summary
if (manager.getICFG().isExitStmt(stmt))
processAbstractionAtReturn(flows, ap, m, flowSource, stmt, sourceAP, isAlias, isInCallee);
else if (manager.getICFG().isCallStmt(stmt))
processAbstractionAtCall(flows, ap, flowSource, stmt, sourceAP, isAlias);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid statement for flow " + "termination: " + stmt);
* Processes an abstraction at a method call. This is a partial summary that
* ends at a gap which can for instance be a callback into unknown code.
* @param flows The flows object to which to add the newly found flow
* @param apAtCall The access path that has reached the method call
* @param source The source at which the data flow started
* @param stmt The statement at which the call happened
* @param sourceAP The access path of the flow source
* @param isAlias True if source and sink alias, otherwise false
protected void processAbstractionAtCall(MethodSummaries flows, AccessPath apAtCall, FlowSource source, Stmt stmt,
AccessPath sourceAP, boolean isAlias) {
// Create a gap
GapDefinition gd = gapManager.getGapForCall(stmt);
if (gd == null)
// Create the flow sink
FlowSink sink = createFlowSinkAtCall(apAtCall, gd, stmt);
if (sink != null)
addFlow(source, sink, isAlias, flows);
* Creates a flow sink at the given call site
* @param apAtCall The access path that arives at the given call site
* @param gd The gap created at the given call site
* @param stmt The statement containing the call site
* @return The flow sink created for the given access path at the given
* statement if it matches, otherwise false
protected FlowSink createFlowSinkAtCall(AccessPath apAtCall, GapDefinition gd, Stmt stmt) {
// Check whether we have the base object
if (apAtCall.isLocal())
if (stmt.getInvokeExpr() instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
InstanceInvokeExpr iinv = (InstanceInvokeExpr) stmt.getInvokeExpr();
Local baseLocal = (Local) iinv.getBase();
if (baseLocal == apAtCall.getPlainValue()) {
return sourceSinkFactory.createGapBaseObjectSink(gd, apAtCall.getBaseType());
// The sink may be a parameter in the call to the gap method
for (int i = 0; i < stmt.getInvokeExpr().getArgCount(); i++) {
Value p = stmt.getInvokeExpr().getArg(i);
if (apAtCall.getPlainValue() == p) {
return sourceSinkFactory.createParameterSink(i, apAtCall, gd);
// The sink may be a local field on the base object
if (apAtCall.getFragmentCount() > 0 && stmt.getInvokeExpr() instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
InstanceInvokeExpr iinv = (InstanceInvokeExpr) stmt.getInvokeExpr();
if (apAtCall.getPlainValue() == iinv.getBase()) {
return sourceSinkFactory.createFieldSink(apAtCall);
// Nothing matched
return null;
* Processes an abstraction at the end of a method. This gives full summaries
* for the whole method
* @param flows The flows object to which to add the newly found flow
* @param apAtReturn The access path that has reached the end of the method
* @param m The method in which the flow has been found
* @param source The source at which the data flow started
* @param stmt The statement at which the flow left the method
* @param sourceAP The access path of the flow source
* @param isAlias True if source and sink alias, otherwise false
* @param isInCallee True if the abstraction was recorded in a callee, false if
* it was recorded in the original method without any
* recursive calls or the like
protected void processAbstractionAtReturn(MethodSummaries flows, AccessPath apAtReturn, SootMethod m,
FlowSource source, Stmt stmt, AccessPath sourceAP, boolean isAlias, boolean isInCallee) {
// Was this the value returned by the method?
if (stmt instanceof ReturnStmt) {
ReturnStmt retStmt = (ReturnStmt) stmt;
if (apAtReturn.getPlainValue() == retStmt.getOp()) {
FlowSink sink = sourceSinkFactory.createReturnSink(apAtReturn);
addFlow(source, sink, isAlias, flows);
// The sink may be a parameter
if (!isInCallee) {
if (apAtReturn.getPlainValue() != null
&& (apAtReturn.getTaintSubFields() || apAtReturn.getFragmentCount() > 0)) {
boolean isString = TypeUtils.isStringType(apAtReturn.getBaseType())
&& !apAtReturn.getCanHaveImmutableAliases();
if (apAtReturn.getBaseType() instanceof ArrayType
|| (apAtReturn.getBaseType() instanceof RefType && !isString)) {
for (int i = 0; i < m.getParameterCount(); i++) {
Local p = m.getActiveBody().getParameterLocal(i);
if (apAtReturn.getPlainValue() == p) {
FlowSink sink = sourceSinkFactory.createParameterSink(i, apAtReturn);
addFlow(source, sink, isAlias, flows);
// The sink may be a local field
if (!m.isStatic() && apAtReturn.getPlainValue() == m.getActiveBody().getThisLocal()) {
FlowSink sink = sourceSinkFactory.createFieldSink(apAtReturn);
addFlow(source, sink, isAlias, flows);
// The sink may be a field on a value obtained from a gap
if (apAtReturn.isInstanceFieldRef()) {
Set referencedGaps = gapManager.getGapDefinitionsForLocalUse(apAtReturn.getPlainValue());
if (referencedGaps != null && !referencedGaps.isEmpty())
for (GapDefinition gap : referencedGaps) {
FlowSink sink = sourceSinkFactory.createFieldSink(apAtReturn, gap);
addFlow(source, sink, isAlias, flows);
referencedGaps = gapManager.getGapDefinitionsForLocalDef(apAtReturn.getPlainValue());
if (referencedGaps != null && !referencedGaps.isEmpty())
for (GapDefinition gap : referencedGaps) {
FlowSink sink = sourceSinkFactory.createReturnSink(apAtReturn, gap);
addFlow(source, sink, isAlias, flows);
* Checks whether this flow has equal sources and sinks, i.e. is propagated
* through the method as-is.
* @param source The source to check
* @param sink The sink to check
* @return True if the source is equivalent to the sink, otherwise false
private boolean isIdentityFlow(FlowSource source, FlowSink sink) {
if (sink.isReturn())
return false;
if (sink.isField() && source.isParameter())
return false;
if (sink.isParameter() && (source.isField() || source.isThis()))
return false;
if (source.getGap() != sink.getGap())
return false;
if (sink.getParameterIndex() != source.getParameterIndex())
return false;
// If the sink has an access path, but not the source, or vice versa,
// this cannot be an identity flow
if ((sink.getAccessPath() == null && source.getAccessPath() != null)
|| (sink.getAccessPath() != null && source.getAccessPath() == null))
return false;
// Compare the access paths
final AccessPathFragment sinkAccessPath = sink.getAccessPath();
final AccessPathFragment sourceAccessPath = source.getAccessPath();
if (sinkAccessPath != null && sourceAccessPath != null) {
if (sinkAccessPath.length() != sourceAccessPath.length())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < sink.getAccessPath().length(); i++) {
if (!sourceAccessPath.getField(i).equals(sinkAccessPath.getField(i)))
return false;
return true;
* Adds a flow from the given source to the given sink to the given method
* summary
* @param source The source at which the data flow starts
* @param sink The sink at which the data flow ends
* @param isAlias True if the source and sink alias, otherwise false
* @param summaries The method summary to which to add the data flow
protected void addFlow(FlowSource source, FlowSink sink, boolean isAlias, MethodSummaries summaries) {
// Ignore flows for which we don't have source and sink
if (source == null || sink == null)
// Ignore identity flows
if (isIdentityFlow(source, sink))
// Convert the method signature into a subsignature
String methodSubSig = SootMethodRepresentationParser.v().parseSootMethodString(method).getSubSignature();
MethodFlow mFlow = new MethodFlow(methodSubSig, source, sink, isAlias ? IsAliasType.TRUE : IsAliasType.FALSE,
true, false, false, null, false, false);
if (summaries.addFlow(mFlow))
debugMSG(source, sink, isAlias);
private void debugMSG(FlowSource source, FlowSink sink, boolean isAlias) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\nmethod: " + method);
System.out.println("source: " + source.toString());
System.out.println("sink : " + sink.toString());
System.out.println("alias : " + isAlias);
GapDefinition gap = sink.getGap();
if (gap != null)
System.out.println("gap : " + gap.getSignature());
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