soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.SummaryReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_BASETYPE;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_MATCH_STRICT;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_PARAMETER_INDEX;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_PREVENT_PROPAGATION;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TAINT_SUB_FIELDS;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.TREE_CLEAR;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.TREE_FLOW;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.TREE_METHOD;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.TREE_SINK;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.TREE_SOURCE;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.VALUE_FALSE;
import static soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.xml.XMLConstants.VALUE_TRUE;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.methodSummary.taintWrappers.AccessPathFragment;
public class SummaryReader extends AbstractXMLReader {
// XML stuff incl. Verification against XSD
private static final String XSD_FILE_PATH = "schema/ClassSummaryC.xsd";
private boolean validateSummariesOnRead = false;
private enum State {
summary, hierarchy, intf, methods, method, flow, clear, gaps, gap, constraints, key, index
* Reads a summary xml and places the new summaries into the given data object.
* This method closes the reader.
* @param reader The reader from which to read the method summaries
* @param summaries The data object in which to place the summaries
* @throws XMLStreamException Thrown in case of a syntax error in the input file
* @throws IOException Thrown if the reader could not be read
public void read(Reader reader, ClassMethodSummaries summaries)
throws XMLStreamException, SummaryXMLException, IOException {
XMLStreamReader xmlreader = null;
try {
XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES, false);
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, false);
xmlreader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(reader);
final MethodSummaries summary = summaries.getMethodSummaries();
Map sourceAttributes = new HashMap();
Map sinkAttributes = new HashMap();
Map clearAttributes = new HashMap();
Map constraintAttributes = new HashMap<>();
List constraints = new ArrayList<>();
String currentMethod = "";
int currentID = -1;
IsAliasType isAlias = IsAliasType.FALSE;
Boolean typeChecking = null;
Boolean ignoreTypes = null;
Boolean cutSubfields = null;
boolean isFinal = false;
boolean excludedOnClear = false;
State state = State.summary;
while (xmlreader.hasNext()) {
// Read the next tag;
if (!xmlreader.hasName())
final String localName = xmlreader.getLocalName();
if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_SUMMARY) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
String isInterface = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IS_INTERFACE);
// If the string is empty, it's unknown, and neither true nor false, so we must
// not call setInterface()!
if (isInterface != null && !isInterface.isEmpty())
String isExclusive = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IS_EXCLUSIVE);
if (isExclusive != null && !isExclusive.isEmpty())
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_METHODS) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.summary)
state = State.methods;
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_METHOD) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.methods) {
currentMethod = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_METHOD_SIG);
// Some summaries are full signatures instead of subsignatures. We fix this on
// the fly.
if (currentMethod.contains(":"))
currentMethod = currentMethod.substring(currentMethod.indexOf(":") + 1).trim();
String sIsExcluded = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IS_EXCLUDED);
if (sIsExcluded != null && sIsExcluded.equals(XMLConstants.VALUE_TRUE))
state = State.method;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_METHOD) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.method) {
state = State.methods;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_FLOW) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.method) {
state = State.flow;
String sAlias = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IS_ALIAS);
isAlias = parseIsAlias(sAlias);
String sTypeChecking = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CHECKING);
if (sTypeChecking != null && !sTypeChecking.isEmpty())
typeChecking = sTypeChecking.equals(XMLConstants.VALUE_TRUE);
String sCutSubfields = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CUT_SUBFIELDS);
if (sCutSubfields != null && !sCutSubfields.isEmpty())
cutSubfields = sCutSubfields.equals(XMLConstants.VALUE_TRUE);
String sIgnoreTypes = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IGNORE_TYPES);
if (sIgnoreTypes != null && !sIgnoreTypes.isEmpty())
ignoreTypes = sIgnoreTypes.equals(XMLConstants.VALUE_TRUE);
String sIsFinal = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FINAL);
if (sIsFinal != null && !sIsFinal.isEmpty())
isFinal = sIsFinal.equals(VALUE_TRUE);
String sExcludedOnClear = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.EXCLUDED_ON_CLEAR);
if (sExcludedOnClear != null && !sExcludedOnClear.isEmpty())
excludedOnClear = sExcludedOnClear.equals(VALUE_TRUE);
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_CLEAR) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.method) {
for (int i = 0; i < xmlreader.getAttributeCount(); i++)
clearAttributes.put(xmlreader.getAttributeLocalName(i), xmlreader.getAttributeValue(i));
state = State.clear;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_SOURCE) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.flow) {
for (int i = 0; i < xmlreader.getAttributeCount(); i++)
sourceAttributes.put(xmlreader.getAttributeLocalName(i), xmlreader.getAttributeValue(i));
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_SINK) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.flow) {
if (xmlreader.getAttributeCount() == 0)
throw new RuntimeException();
for (int i = 0; i < xmlreader.getAttributeCount(); i++)
sinkAttributes.put(xmlreader.getAttributeLocalName(i), xmlreader.getAttributeValue(i));
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_FLOW) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.flow) {
state = State.method;
MethodFlow flow = new MethodFlow(currentMethod, createSource(summary, sourceAttributes),
createSink(summary, sinkAttributes), isAlias, typeChecking, ignoreTypes, cutSubfields,
constraints.toArray(new FlowConstraint[0]), isFinal, excludedOnClear);
isAlias = IsAliasType.FALSE;
isFinal = false;
excludedOnClear = false;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(TREE_CLEAR) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.clear) {
state = State.method;
String sAlias = clearAttributes.get(XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IS_ALIAS);
IsAliasType alias = parseIsAlias(sAlias);
String ppString = clearAttributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_PREVENT_PROPAGATION);
boolean preventProp = ppString == null || ppString.isEmpty() || ppString.equals(VALUE_TRUE);
MethodClear clear = new MethodClear(currentMethod, createClear(summary, clearAttributes),
constraints.toArray(new FlowConstraint[0]), alias, preventProp);
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_METHODS) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.methods)
state = State.summary;
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_GAPS) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.summary)
state = State.gaps;
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_GAPS) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.gaps)
state = State.summary;
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_GAP) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.gaps) {
currentMethod = getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_METHOD_SIG);
currentID = Integer.valueOf(getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ID));
summary.getOrCreateGap(currentID, currentMethod);
state =;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_GAP) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == {
state = State.gaps;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_HIERARCHY) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.summary) {
summaries.setSuperClass(getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_SUPERCLASS));
state = State.hierarchy;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_HIERARCHY) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.hierarchy) {
state = State.summary;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_INTERFACE) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state == State.hierarchy) {
summaries.addInterface(getAttributeByName(xmlreader, XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
state = State.intf;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_INTERFACE) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state == State.intf) {
state = State.hierarchy;
} else
throw new SummaryXMLException();
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_CONSTRAINTS) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state != State.method)
throw new SummaryXMLException();
state = State.constraints;
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_CONSTRAINTS) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state != State.constraints)
throw new SummaryXMLException();
state = State.method;
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_KEY) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state != State.constraints)
throw new SummaryXMLException();
state = State.key;
for (int i = 0; i < xmlreader.getAttributeCount(); i++)
constraintAttributes.put(xmlreader.getAttributeLocalName(i), xmlreader.getAttributeValue(i));
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_KEY) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state != State.key)
throw new SummaryXMLException();
state = State.constraints;
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_INDEX) && xmlreader.isStartElement()) {
if (state != State.constraints)
throw new SummaryXMLException();
state = State.index;
for (int i = 0; i < xmlreader.getAttributeCount(); i++)
constraintAttributes.put(xmlreader.getAttributeLocalName(i), xmlreader.getAttributeValue(i));
} else if (localName.equals(XMLConstants.TREE_INDEX) && xmlreader.isEndElement()) {
if (state != State.index)
throw new SummaryXMLException();
state = State.constraints;
// Validate the summary to make sure that we didn't read in any
// bogus stuff
if (validateSummariesOnRead)
} finally {
if (xmlreader != null)
private IsAliasType parseIsAlias(String sAlias) throws SummaryXMLException {
if (sAlias == null)
return IsAliasType.FALSE;
switch (sAlias) {
case XMLConstants.VALUE_TRUE:
return IsAliasType.TRUE;
case "":
case XMLConstants.VALUE_FALSE:
return IsAliasType.FALSE;
case "withContext":
return IsAliasType.WITH_CONTEXT;
throw new SummaryXMLException("Unknown isAlias value: " + sAlias);
* Reads a summary xml file and merges the summaries that are saved in that file
* into the given data object
* @param fileName The file from which to read the method summaries
* @param summaries The data object in which to place the summaries
* @throws XMLStreamException Thrown in case of a syntax error in the input file
* @throws IOException Thrown if the file could not be read
public void read(File fileName, ClassMethodSummaries summaries)
throws XMLStreamException, SummaryXMLException, IOException {
if (validateSummariesOnRead) {
try (FileReader rdr = new FileReader(fileName)) {
if (!verifyXML(rdr, XSD_FILE_PATH)) {
throw new RuntimeException("The XML-File isn't valid");
read(new FileReader(fileName), summaries);
* Creates a new source data object from the given XML attributes
* @param summary The method summary for which to create the new flow source
* @param attributes The XML attributes for the source
* @return The newly created source data object
* @throws SummaryXMLException
private FlowSource createSource(MethodSummaries summary, Map attributes)
throws SummaryXMLException {
if (isField(attributes)) {
return new FlowSource(SourceSinkType.Field, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes), isConstrained(attributes));
} else if (isParameter(attributes)) {
return new FlowSource(SourceSinkType.Parameter, parameterIdx(attributes), getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes), isConstrained(attributes));
} else if (isGapBaseObject(attributes)) {
return new FlowSource(SourceSinkType.GapBaseObject, getBaseType(attributes),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes), isConstrained(attributes));
} else if (isReturn(attributes)) {
GapDefinition gap = getGapDefinition(attributes, summary);
if (gap == null)
throw new SummaryXMLException(
"Return values can only be " + "sources if they have a gap specification");
return new FlowSource(SourceSinkType.Return, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes), isConstrained(attributes));
throw new SummaryXMLException("Invalid flow source definition");
* Creates a new sink data object from the given XML attributes
* @param summary The method summary for which to create the new flow source
* @param attributes The XML attributes for the sink
* @return The newly created sink data object
* @throws SummaryXMLException
private FlowSink createSink(MethodSummaries summary, Map attributes) throws SummaryXMLException {
if (isField(attributes)) {
return new FlowSink(SourceSinkType.Field, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
taintSubFields(attributes), getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes),
} else if (isParameter(attributes)) {
return new FlowSink(SourceSinkType.Parameter, parameterIdx(attributes), getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
taintSubFields(attributes), getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes),
} else if (isReturn(attributes)) {
return new FlowSink(SourceSinkType.Return, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
taintSubFields(attributes), getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes),
} else if (isGapBaseObject(attributes)) {
return new FlowSink(SourceSinkType.GapBaseObject, -1, getBaseType(attributes), false,
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isMatchStrict(attributes), isConstrained(attributes));
throw new SummaryXMLException();
* Creates a new taint kill data object from the given XML attributes
* @param summary The method summary for which to create the new flow source
* @param attributes The XML attributes for the source
* @return The newly created source data object
* @throws SummaryXMLException
private FlowClear createClear(MethodSummaries summary, Map attributes) throws SummaryXMLException {
if (isField(attributes)) {
return new FlowClear(SourceSinkType.Field, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isConstrained(attributes));
} else if (isParameter(attributes)) {
return new FlowClear(SourceSinkType.Parameter, parameterIdx(attributes), getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isConstrained(attributes));
} else if (isGapBaseObject(attributes)) {
return new FlowClear(SourceSinkType.GapBaseObject, getBaseType(attributes),
getGapDefinition(attributes, summary), isConstrained(attributes));
throw new SummaryXMLException("Invalid flow clear definition");
private FlowConstraint createKeyConstraint(Map attributes) throws SummaryXMLException {
if (isParameter(attributes))
return new KeyConstraint(SourceSinkType.Parameter, parameterIdx(attributes), getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)));
if (isAny(attributes))
return new KeyConstraint(SourceSinkType.Any, -1, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)));
throw new SummaryXMLException();
private FlowConstraint createIndexConstraint(Map attributes) throws SummaryXMLException {
if (isParameter(attributes))
return new IndexConstraint(SourceSinkType.Parameter, parameterIdx(attributes), getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)), null);
if (isImplicit(attributes))
return new IndexConstraint(SourceSinkType.Implicit, -1, getBaseType(attributes),
new AccessPathFragment(getAccessPath(attributes), getAccessPathTypes(attributes)),
throw new SummaryXMLException();
private ImplicitLocation getImplicitLocation(Map attributes) {
String implLoc = attributes.get(XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_IMPL_LOC);
switch (implLoc.toLowerCase()) {
case "first":
return ImplicitLocation.First;
case "last":
return ImplicitLocation.Last;
case "next":
return ImplicitLocation.Next;
throw new RuntimeException("Missing case!");
private boolean isReturn(Map attributes) {
if (attributes != null) {
String attr = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE);
return attr != null && attr.equals(SourceSinkType.Return.toString());
return false;
private boolean isField(Map attributes) {
if (attributes != null) {
String attr = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE);
return attr != null && attr.equals(SourceSinkType.Field.toString());
return false;
private boolean isImplicit(Map attributes) {
if (attributes != null) {
String attr = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE);
return attr != null && attr.equals(SourceSinkType.Implicit.toString());
return false;
private ConstraintType isConstrained(Map attributes) {
if (attributes != null) {
String attr = attributes.get(XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINED);
if (attr == null)
return ConstraintType.FALSE;
switch (attr.toLowerCase()) {
return ConstraintType.TRUE;
return ConstraintType.FALSE;
return ConstraintType.KEEP;
case XMLConstants.CONSTRAINT_RO:
return ConstraintType.READONLY;
case "shiftright":
return ConstraintType.SHIFT_RIGHT;
case "shiftleft":
return ConstraintType.SHIFT_LEFT;
case "nomatch":
return ConstraintType.NO_MATCH;
case "append":
return ConstraintType.APPEND;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown constraint type: " + attr);
return ConstraintType.FALSE;
private String[] getAccessPath(Map attributes) {
String ap = attributes.get(XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSPATH);
if (ap != null) {
if (ap.length() > 3) {
String[] res = ap.substring(1, ap.length() - 1).split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
String curElement = res[i].trim();
// We don't require the XML file to contain Soot's signature
// brackets
if (!curElement.startsWith("<"))
curElement = "<" + curElement;
if (!curElement.endsWith(">"))
curElement = curElement + ">";
res[i] = curElement;
return res;
return null;
private String[] getAccessPathTypes(Map attributes) {
String ap = attributes.get(XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSPATHTYPES);
if (ap != null) {
if (ap.length() > 3) {
String[] res = ap.substring(1, ap.length() - 1).split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++)
res[i] = res[i].trim();
return res;
return null;
private boolean isMatchStrict(Map attributes) {
String str = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_MATCH_STRICT);
if (str != null && !str.isEmpty())
return Boolean.valueOf(str);
return false;
private boolean isParameter(Map attributes) {
return attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE).equals(SourceSinkType.Parameter.toString());
private boolean isAny(Map attributes) {
return attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE).equals(SourceSinkType.Any.toString());
private boolean isGapBaseObject(Map attributes) {
return attributes != null && attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_FLOWTYPE).equals(SourceSinkType.GapBaseObject.toString());
private int parameterIdx(Map attributes) {
String strIdx = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_PARAMETER_INDEX);
if (strIdx == null || strIdx.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("Parameter index not specified");
if (strIdx.equals("*"))
return FlowSource.ANY_PARAMETER;
return Integer.parseInt(strIdx);
private String getBaseType(Map attributes) {
return attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_BASETYPE);
private boolean taintSubFields(Map attributes) {
String val = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTE_TAINT_SUB_FIELDS);
return val != null && val.equals(VALUE_TRUE);
private GapDefinition getGapDefinition(Map attributes, MethodSummaries summary) {
String id = attributes.get(XMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_GAP);
if (id == null || id.isEmpty())
return null;
// Do we already have a suitable gap definition?
GapDefinition gap = summary.getGap(Integer.parseInt(id));
if (gap != null)
return gap;
// We have not read in this gap definition yet and need to create a stub
// for the time being.
return summary.createTemporaryGap(Integer.parseInt(id));
* Sets whether summaries shall be validated after they are read from disk
* @param validateSummariesOnRead True if summaries shall be validated after
* they are read from disk, otherwise false
public void setValidateSummariesOnRead(boolean validateSummariesOnRead) {
this.validateSummariesOnRead = validateSummariesOnRead;
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