de.golfgl.gdx.controllers.mapping.ControllerMappings Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package de.golfgl.gdx.controllers.mapping;
import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.Controller;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonValue;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Created by Benjamin Schulte on 04.11.2017.
public class ControllerMappings {
public static final String LOG_TAG = "CONTROLLERMAPPING";
public float analogToDigitalTreshold = .5f;
* some Gamepads report analog axis from .997 to 1.03...
public float maxAcceptedAnalogValue = 1.1f;
* this holds all inputs defined by the game
private HashMap configuredInputs;
* this holds defined input mappings for every Controller (String is its name)
private HashMap mappedInputs;
private boolean initialized;
private int waitingForReverseButtonAxisId = -1;
private int waitingForReverseButtonFirstIdx = -1;
public static int findHighAxisValue(Controller controller, float analogToDigitalTreshold,
float maxAcceptedAnalogValue) {
// Cycle through axis indexes to check if there is a high value
float highestValue = 0;
int axisWithHighestValue = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++) {
float abs = Math.abs(controller.getAxis(i));
if (abs > highestValue && abs >= analogToDigitalTreshold && abs <= maxAcceptedAnalogValue) {
highestValue = abs;
axisWithHighestValue = i;
return axisWithHighestValue;
public static int findPressedButton(Controller controller) {
// Cycle through button indexes to check if a button is pressed
// Some gamepads report buttons from 90 to 107, so we check up to index 500
// this should be moved into controller implementation which knows it better
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++)
if (controller.getButton(i))
return i;
return -1;
* @return all mappings as a json value
public JsonValue toJson() {
JsonValue json = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.array);
if (mappedInputs != null)
for (MappedInputs controllerMapping : mappedInputs.values())
if (controllerMapping.isRecorded) {
JsonValue controllerJson = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object);
controllerJson.addChild("name", new JsonValue(controllerMapping.getControllerName()));
controllerJson.addChild("mapping", controllerMapping.toJson());
return json;
public boolean fillFromJson(JsonValue json) {
// initialize mapping map and controller information if not already present
if (mappedInputs == null)
mappedInputs = new HashMap<>();
for (JsonValue controllerJson = json.child; controllerJson != null; controllerJson = {
String controllerName = controllerJson.getString("name");
if (mappedInputs.containsKey(controllerName))
MappedInputs newMapping = new MappedInputs(controllerName);
mappedInputs.put(controllerName, newMapping);
newMapping.isRecorded = true;
for (JsonValue mappingsJson = controllerJson.get("mapping").child; mappingsJson != null;
mappingsJson = {
int confId = mappingsJson.getInt("confId");
if (mappingsJson.has("axis")) {
newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerAxis(mappingsJson.getInt("axis"))));
} else if (mappingsJson.has("pov")) {
newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerPovButton(mappingsJson.getInt("pov"),
} else if (mappingsJson.has("buttonR")) {
newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerButton(mappingsJson.getInt("button")),
new ControllerButton(mappingsJson.getInt("buttonR"))));
} else if (mappingsJson.has("button")) {
newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerButton(mappingsJson.getInt("button"))));
return true;
protected MappedInputs getControllerMapping(Controller controller) {
if (!initialized)
throw new IllegalStateException("Call commitConfig() before creating Controller Listeners");
MappedInputs retVal = null;
// initialize mapping map and controller information if not already present
if (mappedInputs == null)
mappedInputs = new HashMap<>();
retVal = mappedInputs.get(controller.getName());
// in case the controller is not recorded or loaded already, initialize it
if (retVal == null) {
MappedInputs defaultMapping = new MappedInputs(controller);
if (getDefaultMapping(defaultMapping)) {
retVal = defaultMapping;
mappedInputs.put(retVal.controllerName, retVal);
return retVal;
* use this method to define a default mapping for your controllers. You can check for the controller's name
* by calling {@link MappedInputs#getControllerName()}
* The method is only called if mapping for the controller is needed, but not found
* @param defaultMapping Use {@link MappedInputs#putMapping(MappedInput)} on this to define default mappings
* @return true if default mappings were defined and should be used
public boolean getDefaultMapping(MappedInputs defaultMapping) {
//nothing - just override it for your desires
return false;
public ControllerMappings addConfiguredInput(ConfiguredInput configuredInput) {
if (initialized)
throw new IllegalStateException("Changing config not allowed after commitConfig() is called");
if (configuredInputs == null)
configuredInputs = new HashMap<>();
configuredInputs.put(configuredInput.inputId, configuredInput);
return this;
* call this when configuration is done
public void commitConfig() {
initialized = true;
* resets mapping for the given controller. Warning: already instantiated {@link MappedController} will still hold
* a reference to the old mapping, so be sure to refresh such references with its
* {@link MappedController#refreshMappingCache()}.
* {@link MappedControllerAdapter} is not concerned.
* @param controller
public void resetMappings(Controller controller) {
if (mappedInputs == null)
waitingForReverseButtonFirstIdx = -1;
waitingForReverseButtonAxisId = -1;
* Record a mapping. Don't call this in every render call, although it should make no problems users won't be so
* fast.
* @param controller controller to listen to
* @param configuredInputId configured button or axis to record
* @return {@link RecordResult#nothing_done} if nothing was done, {@link RecordResult#not_added} if buttons were
* pressed but could not be added, {@link RecordResult#need_second_button} if axis was mapped to button and next
* call must be for an axis is the reverse button, {@link RecordResult#not_added_need_button} if is waiting for
* the second button but no valid was pressed
* {@link RecordResult#recorded} if a button mapping was added
public RecordResult recordMapping(Controller controller, int configuredInputId) {
if (!initialized)
throw new IllegalStateException("Recording not allowed before commitConfig() is called");
ConfiguredInput configuredInput = configuredInputs.get(configuredInputId);
// initialize mapping map and controller information if not already present
if (mappedInputs == null)
mappedInputs = new HashMap<>();
if (!mappedInputs.containsKey(controller.getName()))
mappedInputs.put(controller.getName(), new MappedInputs(controller));
MappedInputs mappedInput = getControllerMapping(controller);
mappedInput.isRecorded = true;
switch (configuredInput.inputType) {
case button:
int buttonIndex = findPressedButton(controller);
if (buttonIndex >= 0) {
// we found our button, hopefully
boolean added = mappedInput.putMapping(new MappedInput(configuredInputId,
new ControllerButton(buttonIndex)));
return (added ? RecordResult.recorded : RecordResult.not_added);
} else
return RecordResult.nothing_done;
case axis:
case axisDigital:
// check if a button is already there, then we need to set the reverse button
int foundButtonIndex = findPressedButton(controller);
if (foundButtonIndex >= 0) {
if (waitingForReverseButtonAxisId == configuredInputId) {
//this is the reverse button
boolean added = mappedInput.putMapping(new MappedInput(configuredInputId,
new ControllerButton(waitingForReverseButtonFirstIdx),
new ControllerButton(foundButtonIndex)));
if (added) {
waitingForReverseButtonAxisId = -1;
waitingForReverseButtonFirstIdx = -1;
return RecordResult.recorded;
} else
return RecordResult.not_added_need_button;
} else if (mappedInput.isButtonInMapping(foundButtonIndex))
return RecordResult.not_added;
else {
// this is the first button, so remember state for next call
waitingForReverseButtonAxisId = configuredInputId;
waitingForReverseButtonFirstIdx = foundButtonIndex;
return RecordResult.need_second_button;
} else if (waitingForReverseButtonAxisId == configuredInputId)
return RecordResult.not_added_need_button;
// TODO support more than one pov
switch (controller.getPov(0)) {
case east:
case west:
return (mappedInput.putMapping(new MappedInput(configuredInputId,
new ControllerPovButton(0, false))) ? RecordResult.recorded : RecordResult.not_added);
case north:
case south:
return (mappedInput.putMapping(new MappedInput(configuredInputId,
new ControllerPovButton(0, true))) ? RecordResult.recorded : RecordResult.not_added);
case northEast:
case northWest:
case southEast:
case southWest:
// two directions not supported
return RecordResult.not_added;
// no break here on purpose!
case axisAnalog:
int axisIndex = findHighAxisValue(controller, analogToDigitalTreshold, maxAcceptedAnalogValue);
if (axisIndex >= 0) {
boolean added = mappedInput.putMapping(new MappedInput(configuredInputId,
new ControllerAxis(axisIndex)));
return (added ? RecordResult.recorded : RecordResult.not_added);
} else
return RecordResult.nothing_done;
return RecordResult.nothing_done;
public enum RecordResult {recorded, nothing_done, not_added, need_second_button, not_added_need_button}
public static abstract class ControllerInput {
public static final char PREFIX_BUTTON = 'B';
public static final char PREFIX_AXIS = 'A';
public static final char PREFIX_POV = 'P';
public static class ControllerButton extends ControllerInput {
public int buttonIndex;
public ControllerButton(int buttonIndex) {
this.buttonIndex = buttonIndex;
public static class ControllerAxis extends ControllerInput {
public int axisIndex;
public ControllerAxis(int axisIndex) {
this.axisIndex = axisIndex;
public static class ControllerPovButton extends ControllerInput {
public static final String VERTICAL = "V";
public int povIndex;
public boolean povDirectionVertical;
public ControllerPovButton(int povIndex, boolean isVerticalDirection) {
this.povDirectionVertical = isVerticalDirection;
this.povIndex = povIndex;
public int getKey() {
return povIndex * 10 + (povDirectionVertical ? 1 : 0);
* A single input mapping definition for one ConfiguredInput and one Controller
protected class MappedInput {
* the configured input this mapping is referring to
private int configuredInputId;
private ControllerInput controllerInput;
// if an axis is simulated by two buttons, second one is needed
private ControllerButton secondButtonForAxis;
public MappedInput(int configuredInputId, ControllerInput controllerInput) {
this.configuredInputId = configuredInputId;
this.controllerInput = controllerInput;
public MappedInput(int configuredInputId, ControllerButton controllerInput, ControllerButton
reverseButton) {
this.configuredInputId = configuredInputId;
this.controllerInput = controllerInput;
this.secondButtonForAxis = reverseButton;
* returns the real button index from a configured virtual button or axis
* @return the real button id, or -1 if this mapping is no button
public int getButtonIndex() {
if (controllerInput instanceof ControllerButton)
return ((ControllerButton) controllerInput).buttonIndex;
return -1;
* returns the real axis from a configured axis.
* @return real axis id, or -1 if not available
public int getAxisIndex() {
if (controllerInput instanceof ControllerAxis)
return ((ControllerAxis) controllerInput).axisIndex;
return -1;
* @return the pov index from a configured pov.
public int getPovIndex() {
if (controllerInput instanceof ControllerPovButton)
return ((ControllerPovButton) controllerInput).povIndex;
return -1;
public boolean getPovVertical() {
if (controllerInput instanceof ControllerPovButton)
return ((ControllerPovButton) controllerInput).povDirectionVertical;
return false;
public ConfiguredInput.Type getConfiguredInputType() {
return configuredInputs.get(configuredInputId).inputType;
public int getReverseButtonIndex() {
if (secondButtonForAxis != null)
return secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex;
return -1;
* Input mappings for a single controller. Class is protected and not for accessing from outside.
* Mappings are constructed via {@link #recordMapping(Controller, int)}
protected class MappedInputs {
public boolean isRecorded;
private String controllerName;
private HashMap mappingsByConfigured;
private HashMap mappingsByButton;
private HashMap mappingsByAxis;
private HashMap mappingsByPov;
private MappedInputs(Controller controller) {
private MappedInputs(String controllerName) {
this.controllerName = controllerName;
mappingsByConfigured = new HashMap<>(mappedInputs.size());
mappingsByButton = new HashMap<>(mappedInputs.size());
mappingsByAxis = new HashMap<>(mappedInputs.size());
mappingsByPov = new HashMap<>(2);
public boolean checkCompleted() {
boolean completed = true;
for (Integer configureId : configuredInputs.keySet())
completed = completed && mappingsByConfigured.containsKey(configureId);
return completed;
public String getControllerName() {
return controllerName;
* add a new mapping
* @param mapping
* @return true if this was possible, false if mapping could not be added
public boolean putMapping(MappedInput mapping) {
if (mappingsByConfigured.containsKey(mapping.configuredInputId))
return false;
if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerButton) {
ControllerButton controllerButton = (ControllerButton) mapping.controllerInput;
if (mappingsByButton.containsKey(controllerButton.buttonIndex))
return false;
if (mapping.secondButtonForAxis != null &&
return false;
// just in case reverse and first button are the same...
if (mapping.secondButtonForAxis != null &&
controllerButton.buttonIndex == mapping.secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex)
return false;
mappingsByButton.put(controllerButton.buttonIndex, mapping);
if (mapping.secondButtonForAxis != null)
mappingsByButton.put(mapping.secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex, mapping);
} else if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerAxis) {
ControllerAxis controllerAxis = (ControllerAxis) mapping.controllerInput;
if (mappingsByAxis.containsKey(controllerAxis.axisIndex))
return false;
mappingsByAxis.put(controllerAxis.axisIndex, mapping);
} else if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerPovButton) {
ControllerPovButton controllerPov = (ControllerPovButton) mapping.controllerInput;
if (mappingsByPov.containsKey(controllerPov.getKey()))
return false;
mappingsByPov.put(controllerPov.getKey(), mapping);
} else
return false;
mappingsByConfigured.put(mapping.configuredInputId, mapping);
return true;
* Save mapping for this controller instance
* @return
public JsonValue toJson() {
JsonValue json = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.array);
for (MappedInput mapping : mappingsByConfigured.values()) {
JsonValue jsonmaping = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object);
jsonmaping.addChild("confId", new JsonValue(mapping.configuredInputId));
if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerAxis)
jsonmaping.addChild("axis", new JsonValue(((ControllerAxis) mapping.controllerInput).axisIndex));
else if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerButton) {
new JsonValue(((ControllerButton) mapping.controllerInput).buttonIndex));
if (mapping.secondButtonForAxis != null)
jsonmaping.addChild("buttonR", new JsonValue((mapping.secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex)));
} else if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerPovButton) {
jsonmaping.addChild("pov", new JsonValue(((ControllerPovButton) mapping.controllerInput).povIndex));
new JsonValue(((ControllerPovButton) mapping.controllerInput).povDirectionVertical));
return json;
* returns if a certain button is already in mapping
* @param buttonIndex
* @return
protected boolean isButtonInMapping(int buttonIndex) {
return mappingsByButton.containsKey(buttonIndex);
public ConfiguredInput getConfiguredFromButton(int buttonIndex) {
MappedInput mappedInput = mappingsByButton.get(buttonIndex);
// if hit, check if it is not the reverse button
if (mappedInput != null && (mappedInput.secondButtonForAxis == null ||
mappedInput.secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex != buttonIndex))
return configuredInputs.get(mappedInput.configuredInputId);
return null;
public ConfiguredInput getConfiguredFromReverseButton(int buttonIndex) {
MappedInput mappedInput = mappingsByButton.get(buttonIndex);
// if hit, check if it is the reverse button
if (mappedInput != null && mappedInput.secondButtonForAxis != null &&
mappedInput.secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex == buttonIndex)
return configuredInputs.get(mappedInput.configuredInputId);
return null;
* returns mapped input for a configuration id, if present. If no no mapping set, an Exception is thrown.
* @param configuredId configuration id
* @return MappedInput
public MappedInput getMappedInput(int configuredId) {
return mappingsByConfigured.get(configuredId);
public ConfiguredInput getConfiguredFromAxis(int axisIndex) {
MappedInput mappedInput = mappingsByAxis.get(axisIndex);
if (mappedInput != null)
return configuredInputs.get(mappedInput.configuredInputId);
return null;
public ConfiguredInput getConfiguredFromPov(int povIndex, boolean vertical) {
MappedInput mappedInput = mappingsByPov.get(povIndex * 10 + (vertical ? 1 : 0));
if (mappedInput != null)
return configuredInputs.get(mappedInput.configuredInputId);
return null;
//TODO vordefinierte XBox und (S)NES Definitionen