jvmMain.de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.ApiPlugins.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (C) 2024 Griefed
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
* The full license can be found at https:github.com/Griefed/ServerPackCreator/blob/main/LICENSE
package de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api
import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.CommentedConfig
import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.file.FileNotFoundAction
import com.electronwill.nightconfig.toml.TomlParser
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.CustomPluginFactory
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.ExtensionException
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.ExtensionInformation
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.configurationhandler.ConfigCheckExtension
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.serverpackhandler.PostGenExtension
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.serverpackhandler.PreGenExtension
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.serverpackhandler.PreZipExtension
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.swinggui.ConfigPanelExtension
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.swinggui.ExtensionConfigPanel
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.swinggui.ServerPackConfigTab
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.swinggui.TabExtension
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.utilities.common.Utilities
import de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.versionmeta.VersionMeta
import net.lingala.zip4j.ZipFile
import org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin.cachedLoggerOf
import org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin.logger
import org.pf4j.*
import java.io.File
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.*
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane
* Manager for ServerPackCreator plugins. In itself it doesn't do much. It gathers lists of all
* available extensions for [TabExtension],[PreGenExtension],[PreZipExtension] and
* [PostGenExtension] so they can then be run during server pack generation and during
* initialization of the GUI.
* @param tomlParser To read plugin-configurations, so they can be provided to extensions.
* @param apiProperties ServerPackCreator settings to be provided to extensions.
* @param versionMeta Version meta to be provided to extensions.
* @param utilities Utilities to be provided to extensions.
* @author Griefed
@Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
actual class ApiPlugins(
tomlParser: TomlParser,
private val apiProperties: ApiProperties,
private val versionMeta: VersionMeta,
private val utilities: Utilities
) : JarPluginManager(apiProperties.pluginsDirectory.toPath()) {
private val log = cachedLoggerOf(this.javaClass)
private val pluginsLog = logger("PluginsLogger")
private val pluginConfigs: HashMap = HashMap(100)
private val pluginConfigFiles = HashMap(100)
private val toml = ".toml"
private val configToml = "config$toml"
init {
* Retrieve the config.toml of a plugin and store it in the `plugins/config`-directory,
* using the ID of the plugin as the name for the extracted file. `plugin.toml`-files must be
* stored in the root of a plugin JAR-file in order for ServerPackCreator to be reliably be able to
* retrieve it.
* A given plugin does not have to provide a config.toml, as not every plugin
* requires a global config. When no file is provided by the plugin, no file is extracted. This
* also means that subsequent runs of any extension provided by the plugin do not receive a global,
* plugin-specific, configuration.
* When a config-file has been successfully extracted, it is
* added to a map with the plugins ID, which in turn will be accessed when extensions are run, to
* retrieve said configuration and pass it to any extensions.
* @param tomlParser Toml parser to read the config into a [CommentedConfig], mapped to the
* plugins ID.
* @author Griefed
private fun extractPluginConfigs(tomlParser: TomlParser) {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
val pluginConfig: String = plugin.pluginId + toml
val pluginConfigFile = File(
if (!pluginConfigFile.exists()) {
try {
ZipFile(plugin.pluginPath.toFile()).use {
} catch (ex: Exception) {
log.error("Could not extract config.toml from ${plugin.pluginPath.toFile().name}. Does it contain a valid config.toml?")
log.debug("", ex)
if (pluginConfigFile.isFile) {
registerPluginConfig(tomlParser, plugin.pluginId, pluginConfigFile)
* List available extensions.
* @author Griefed
private fun availableExtensions() {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
val preGen = getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, PreGenExtension::class.java)
val preZip = getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, PreZipExtension::class.java)
val postGen = getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, PostGenExtension::class.java)
val tab = getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, TabExtension::class.java)
val panel = getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, ConfigPanelExtension::class.java)
val check = getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, ConfigCheckExtension::class.java)
if (preGen.isEmpty()
&& preZip.isEmpty()
&& postGen.isEmpty()
&& tab.isEmpty()
&& panel.isEmpty()
&& check.isEmpty()
) {
log.info("No extensions installed.")
log.info("Extension(s) for plugin ${plugin.pluginId}:")
* List the extension name, id, description, version and author of a given extension.
* @author Griefed
private fun extensionsInfo(extensions: List) {
if (extensions.isNotEmpty()) {
for (extension in extensions) {
log.info(" Name: ${extension.name}(${extension.extensionId})")
log.info(" Description: ${extension.description}")
log.info(" Version: ${extension.version}")
log.info(" Author: ${extension.author}")
* Parse and register a config.toml of a plugin mapped to the plugins ID.
* @param tomlParser Toml parser to parse the config into a [CommentedConfig].
* @param pluginId The plugins ID to map the config to.
* @param pluginConfig The global configuration file corresponding to the plugins ID.
* @author Griefed
private fun registerPluginConfig(tomlParser: TomlParser, pluginId: String, pluginConfig: File) {
try {
pluginConfigs[pluginId] = tomlParser.parse(
pluginConfig, FileNotFoundAction.THROW_ERROR,
pluginConfigFiles[pluginId] = pluginConfig
} catch (ex: Exception) {
"Could not parse plugin config for $pluginId, file ${pluginConfig.name}",
* Get all extension of the specified [type] for the specified [plugin].
* @author Griefed
fun getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin: PluginWrapper, type: Class): List =
override fun createExtensionFactory(): ExtensionFactory =
override fun createPluginFactory(): PluginFactory {
return CustomPluginFactory()
* Get the global plugin configuration for an plugin of the passed ID. The configuration is wrapped
* in an [Optional], because an plugin may not provide a global configuration. If you intend
* on using a global configuration for your plugin, make sure to check whether it is present before
* trying to use it!
* @param pluginId The plugin ID of the...well...plugin.
* @return The global plugin configuration, wrapped in an Optional.
* @author Griefed
actual fun getPluginConfig(pluginId: String) = Optional.ofNullable(pluginConfigs[pluginId])
* Get and return any configuration for the extension about to be run. If none is available, the
* returned list is empty. In order for a given extension to provide a configuration, the list of
* available configurations for the encompassing plugin is scanned for
* `extension=extensionID` pairs. If any `extension` matches the ID of the extension
* being run, the configuration is added to the list and provided to the extension by
* ServerPackCreator.
* @param plugin The plugin which contains the extension.
* @param packConfig The configuration model with which the server pack is, or will be,
* generated.
* @param extensionId The ID of the extension about to be run.
* @return A list of configurations for the specified extension of the specified plugin. May be
* empty, if no configuration is available.
* @author Griefed
private fun getExtensionSpecificConfigs(
plugin: PluginWrapper,
packConfig: PackConfig,
extensionId: String
): ArrayList {
val extConf: ArrayList = ArrayList(10)
val pluginConfigs = packConfig.getPluginConfigs(plugin.pluginId)
if (pluginConfigs.isNotEmpty()) {
val extensionConfigs = getExtensionConfigs(plugin, packConfig)
for (config in extensionConfigs) {
val id = config.get("extension")
if (id == extensionId) {
return extConf
* Get all available extension configurations from the passed ConfigurationModel for the specified
* plugin.
* @param plugin The plugin for which to acquire the list of extension-configurations.
* @param packConfig The configuration model which holds the extension configurations.
* @return A list of available extension-configurations, if any.
* @author Griefed
private fun getExtensionConfigs(
plugin: PluginWrapper,
packConfig: PackConfig
): ArrayList {
val configs: ArrayList = ArrayList(10)
val pluginConfigs = packConfig.getPluginConfigs(plugin.pluginId)
if (pluginConfigs.isNotEmpty()) {
return configs
* Run any and all Pre-Server Pack-Generation extensions, using the passed configuration model and
* the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
* @param packConfig The configuration model from which to create the server pack.
* @param destination The destination at which the server pack will be generated and stored
* at.
* @author Griefed
actual fun runPreGenExtensions(packConfig: PackConfig, destination: String) {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
log.info("Executing PreGenExtension extensions.")
pluginsLog.info("Executing PreGenExtension extensions.")
for (extension in getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, PreGenExtension::class.java)) {
val extensionError = "Extension ${extension.name} in plugin ${plugin.pluginId} encountered an error."
pluginsLog.info("Executing PreGenExtension ${extension.name}")
try {
val pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(plugin.pluginId)
val extensionConfigs = getExtensionSpecificConfigs(plugin, packConfig, extension.extensionId)
} catch (ex: ExtensionException) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Error) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
* Run any and all Pre-ZIP-archive creation extensions, using the passed configuration model and
* the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
* @param packConfig The configuration model from which to create the server pack.
* @param destination The destination at which the server pack will be generated and stored
* at.
* @author Griefed
actual fun runPreZipExtensions(packConfig: PackConfig, destination: String) {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
log.info("Executing PreZipExtension extensions.")
pluginsLog.info("Executing PreZipExtension extensions.")
for (extension in getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, PreZipExtension::class.java)) {
val extensionError = "Extension ${extension.name} in plugin ${plugin.pluginId} encountered an error."
pluginsLog.info("Executing PreZipExtension ${extension.name}")
val pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(plugin.pluginId)
val extensionConfigs = getExtensionSpecificConfigs(plugin, packConfig, extension.extensionId)
try {
} catch (ex: ExtensionException) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Error) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
* Run any and all Post-server pack-generation extensions, using the passed configuration model
* and the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
* @param packConfig The configuration model from which to create the server pack.
* @param destination The destination at which the server pack will be generated and stored
* at.
* @author Griefed
actual fun runPostGenExtensions(packConfig: PackConfig, destination: String) {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
log.info("Executing PostGenExtension extensions.")
pluginsLog.info("Executing PostGenExtension extensions.")
for (extension in getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, PostGenExtension::class.java)) {
val extensionError = "Extension ${extension.name} in plugin ${plugin.pluginId} encountered an error."
pluginsLog.info("Executing PostGenExtension ${extension.name}")
val pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(plugin.pluginId)
val extensionConfigs = getExtensionSpecificConfigs(plugin, packConfig, extension.extensionId)
try {
} catch (ex: ExtensionException) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Error) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
* Add any and all additional tabs to the ServerPackCreator tabbed pane (main GUI). You may use
* this to add tabs to your own [JTabbedPane], if you so desire. Could be pretty awesome to
* have your plugins extra tabs in a separate window!
* @param tabbedPane The tabbed pane to which the additional panels should be added to as tabs.
* @author Griefed
fun addTabExtensionTabs(tabbedPane: JTabbedPane) {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
log.info("Executing TabExtensions extensions.")
pluginsLog.info("Executing TabExtensions extensions.")
for (extension in getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, TabExtension::class.java)) {
val extensionError = "Extension ${extension.name} in plugin ${plugin.pluginId} encountered an error."
pluginsLog.info("Executing TabExtension ${extension.name}")
val pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(plugin.pluginId)
val pluginConfigFile = getPluginConfigFile(plugin.pluginId)
val tab = extension.getTab(versionMeta, apiProperties, utilities, pluginConfig, pluginConfigFile)
try {
tabbedPane.addTab(extension.title, extension.icon, tab, extension.tooltip)
} catch (ex: ExtensionException) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Error) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
* Create config panels for the passed server pack configuration tab. Note that this method does
* **NOT** add the panels to the tab, it only creates them and passes the server
* pack config tab object-reference to each config panel, so they, in turn, may use any available
* fields and methods for their own operations. A given server pack config tab needs to add the
* panels which are returned by this method, so a user may make their configurations accordingly.
* @param serverPackConfigTab The server pack configuration tab to which the config panels are to
* be added.
* @return A list of config panels specifically created for the passed server pack
* configuration-tab.
* @author Griefed
fun getConfigPanels(serverPackConfigTab: ServerPackConfigTab): List {
val panels: MutableList = ArrayList(10)
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
log.info("Getting ConfigPanelExtension from ${plugin.pluginId}.")
pluginsLog.info("Getting ConfigPanelExtension from ${plugin.pluginId}.")
for (extension in getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, ConfigPanelExtension::class.java)) {
val extensionError = "Extension ${extension.name} in plugin ${plugin.pluginId} encountered an error."
pluginsLog.info("Executing ConfigPanelExtension ${extension.name}")
try {
val pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(plugin.pluginId)
val panel = extension.getPanel(
} catch (ex: ExtensionException) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Error) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
return panels
* Run any and all configuration-check extensions, using the passed configuration model and the
* destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
* @param packConfig The configuration model containing the server pack and plugin
* configurations to check.
* @param configCheck Collection of encountered errors, if any, for convenient result-checks.
* @return `true` if any custom check detected an error with the configuration.
* **Only** return `false` when not a **single** check
* errored.
* @author Griefed
actual fun runConfigCheckExtensions(
packConfig: PackConfig,
configCheck: ConfigCheck
): ConfigCheck {
for (plugin in getPlugins()) {
log.info("Executing ConfigCheckExtensions extensions.")
pluginsLog.info("Executing ConfigCheckExtensions extensions.")
for (extension in getAllExtensionsOfPlugin(plugin, ConfigCheckExtension::class.java)) {
val extensionError = "Extension ${extension.name} in plugin ${plugin.pluginId} encountered an error."
pluginsLog.info("Executing ConfigCheckExtension ${extension.name}")
try {
val pluginConfig = getPluginConfig(plugin.pluginId)
val extensionConfigs = getExtensionConfigs(plugin, packConfig)
} catch (ex: ExtensionException) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Error) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
pluginsLog.error(extensionError, ex)
return configCheck
* Get the configuration-file for a plugin, if it exists. This is wrapped in an [Optional],
* because not every plugin may provide a configuration-file to use globally for the relevant
* plugins settings. If you intend on using a global configuration, make sure to check whether the
* file is present, before moving on!
* @param pluginId The plugin ID with which to identify the correct config-file to return.
* @return The config-file corresponding to the ID of the plugin, wrapped in an Optional.
* @author Griefed
actual fun getPluginConfigFile(pluginId: String) = Optional.ofNullable(pluginConfigFiles[pluginId])
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