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de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi.ContourDataSetCache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi;
import static de.gsi.dataset.DataSet.DIM_X;
import static de.gsi.dataset.DataSet.DIM_Y;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javafx.scene.image.PixelFormat;
import javafx.scene.image.PixelWriter;
import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import de.gsi.chart.XYChart;
import de.gsi.chart.axes.Axis;
import de.gsi.chart.axes.AxisTransform;
import de.gsi.chart.renderer.ContourType;
import de.gsi.chart.renderer.datareduction.DefaultDataReducer3D;
import de.gsi.chart.renderer.datareduction.ReductionType;
import de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi.utils.ColorGradient;
import de.gsi.chart.utils.WritableImageCache;
import de.gsi.dataset.DataSet;
import de.gsi.dataset.GridDataSet;
import de.gsi.dataset.spi.DataRange;
import de.gsi.dataset.utils.ByteArrayCache;
import de.gsi.dataset.utils.CachedDaemonThreadFactory;
import de.gsi.dataset.utils.DoubleArrayCache;
import de.gsi.dataset.utils.ProcessingProfiler;
* @author rstein
class ContourDataSetCache extends WritableImageCache {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContourDataSetCache.class);
private static final String PARALLEL_WORKER_ERROR = "one parallel worker thread finished execution with error";
private static final int BGRA_BYTE_SIZE = 4;
private static final int REF_WIDTH_PARALLEL = 1024;
private static final int REF_HEIGHT_PARALLEL = 1000;
protected final DataSet dataSet;
protected final Axis xAxis;
protected final Axis yAxis;
protected final Axis zAxis;
protected double xAxisWidth;
protected double yAxisHeight;
protected double xMin;
protected double yMin;
protected double xMax;
protected double yMax;
protected double xDataPixelMin;
protected double xDataPixelMax;
protected double xDataPixelRange;
protected double yDataPixelMin;
protected double yDataPixelMax;
protected double yDataPixelRange;
protected int indexXMin;
protected int indexXMax;
protected int indexYMin;
protected int indexYMax;
protected int xSize;
protected int ySize;
protected double zMin;
protected double zMax;
protected final boolean xInverted;
protected final boolean yInverted;
protected final boolean zInverted;
// temp data variables
protected final double[] dataBuffer;
protected double[] tempDataBuffer;
protected final double[] reduced;
public ContourDataSetCache(final XYChart chart, final ContourDataSetRenderer renderer, final DataSet dataSet) {
if (dataSet.getDimension() < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataSet needs be at least 3D but is " + dataSet.getDimension());
if (!(dataSet instanceof GridDataSet)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataSet needs be GridDataSet");
final GridDataSet gridDataSet = (GridDataSet) dataSet;
if (gridDataSet.getNGrid() < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Contour Renderer only supports 2D Grids");
final long start = ProcessingProfiler.getTimeStamp();
this.dataSet = dataSet;
this.xAxis = chart.getXAxis();
this.yAxis = chart.getYAxis();
this.zAxis = renderer.getZAxis();
// zMin/zMax from the axis are usually either DataSet driven (via computeLimits)
// or user-defined limits on the z axis
this.zMin = zAxis.getMin();
this.zMax = zAxis.getMax();
xInverted = xAxis.isInvertedAxis();
yInverted = yAxis.isInvertedAxis();
zInverted = zAxis.isInvertedAxis();
this.xAxisWidth = xAxis.getWidth();
this.yAxisHeight = yAxis.getHeight();
// real-world coordinates for given pixel coordinates
// N.B. (0,0) in pixel coordinates is on the top-left corner of the canvas -> asymmetry between x and y
this.xMin = xInverted ? xAxis.getValueForDisplay(this.xAxisWidth) : xAxis.getValueForDisplay(0);
this.xMax = xInverted ? xAxis.getValueForDisplay(0) : xAxis.getValueForDisplay(this.xAxisWidth);
this.yMin = yInverted ? yAxis.getValueForDisplay(0) : yAxis.getValueForDisplay(this.yAxisHeight);
this.yMax = yInverted ? yAxis.getValueForDisplay(this.yAxisHeight) : yAxis.getValueForDisplay(0);
// sorted pixel coordinates of DataSet range extremities
final double xDataPixelMinTemp = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(dataSet.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).getMin());
final double xDataPixelMaxTemp = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(dataSet.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).getMax());
final double yDataPixelMinTemp = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(dataSet.getAxisDescription(DIM_Y).getMax());
final double yDataPixelMaxTemp = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(dataSet.getAxisDescription(DIM_Y).getMin());
this.xDataPixelMin = Math.max(Math.min(xDataPixelMinTemp, xDataPixelMaxTemp), 0);
this.xDataPixelMax = Math.min(Math.max(xDataPixelMinTemp, xDataPixelMaxTemp), this.xAxisWidth);
this.yDataPixelMin = Math.max(Math.min(yDataPixelMinTemp, yDataPixelMaxTemp), 0);
this.yDataPixelMax = Math.min(Math.max(yDataPixelMinTemp, yDataPixelMaxTemp), this.yAxisHeight);
this.xDataPixelRange = Math.abs(this.xDataPixelMax - this.xDataPixelMin);
this.yDataPixelRange = Math.abs(this.yDataPixelMax - this.yDataPixelMin);
// min/max data indices w.r.t. DataSet index binning
final int indexXMinTemp = Math.max(0, gridDataSet.getGridIndex(DIM_X, this.xMin));
final int indexXMaxTemp = Math.min(gridDataSet.getGridIndex(DIM_X, this.xMax), gridDataSet.getShape(DIM_X) - 1);
final int indexYMinTemp = Math.max(0, gridDataSet.getGridIndex(DIM_Y, this.yMax));
final int indexYMaxTemp = Math.min(gridDataSet.getGridIndex(DIM_Y, this.yMin), gridDataSet.getShape(DIM_Y) - 1);
this.indexXMin = Math.min(indexXMinTemp, indexXMaxTemp);
this.indexXMax = Math.max(indexXMinTemp, indexXMaxTemp);
this.indexYMin = Math.min(indexYMinTemp, indexYMaxTemp);
this.indexYMax = Math.max(indexYMinTemp, indexYMaxTemp);
this.xSize = Math.abs(this.indexXMax - this.indexXMin) + 1;
this.ySize = Math.abs(this.indexYMax - this.indexYMin) + 1;
// copy- transform data
dataBuffer = DoubleArrayCache.getInstance().getArrayExact(this.xSize * this.ySize);
// TODO: tune this limit
final int minSizeThreshold = REF_WIDTH_PARALLEL * REF_HEIGHT_PARALLEL;
final boolean sufficientlyLarge = xSize * ySize < minSizeThreshold;
copySubFrame(dataSet, dataBuffer, renderer.isParallelImplementation() && sufficientlyLarge, //
xInverted, indexXMin, indexXMax, yInverted, indexYMin, indexYMax);
ProcessingProfiler.getTimeDiff(start, "copySubFrame");
// reduce data if necessary
reduced = reduceDataArray(dataBuffer, xSize, ySize, renderer); // NOPMD
ProcessingProfiler.getTimeDiff(start, "data reduction");
// compute local Range
final boolean computeLocalRange = renderer.computeLocalRange()
&& (zAxis.isAutoRanging() || zAxis.isAutoGrowRanging());
final DataRange zDataRange = computeLocalRange(reduced, xSize, ySize, computeLocalRange);
if (zDataRange.isDefined()) {
zMin = zDataRange.getMin();
zMax = zDataRange.getMax();
ProcessingProfiler.getTimeDiff(start, "recompute local z range");
// process continuous to quantised z values
final AxisTransform axisTransform = zAxis.getAxisTransform();
if (axisTransform == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("zAxis of renderer needs to have an axis transform for its z-Axis");
final int nQuant = renderer.getNumberQuantisationLevels();
quantizeData(reduced, xSize, ySize, zInverted, zMin, zMax, axisTransform, nQuant);
ProcessingProfiler.getTimeDiff(start, "quantized data");
protected static void quantizeData(final double[] input, final int width, final int height, final boolean inverted,
final double min, final double max, final AxisTransform axisTransform, final int nQuant) {
final double zMinPixel = axisTransform.forward(min);
final double zRange = Math.abs(axisTransform.forward(max) - zMinPixel);
final double zRangeInv = 1.0 / zRange;
final int length = width * height;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
final double z = input[index];
final double offset = ((axisTransform.forward(z) - zMinPixel) * zRangeInv);
input[index] = inverted ? quantize(1 - offset, nQuant) : quantize(offset, nQuant);
public void releaseCachedVariables() {
protected double[] reduceDataArray(final double[] input, final int srcWidth, final int srcHeight,
final ContourDataSetRenderer renderer) {
final int reductionFactorX = Math.max(renderer.getReductionFactorX(), 1);
final int reductionFactorY = Math.max(renderer.getReductionFactorY(), 1);
final ReductionType reductionType = renderer.getReductionType();
final double dataPixelSizeX = (double) reductionFactorX * xSize / xAxisWidth;
final double dataPixelSizeY = (double) reductionFactorY * ySize / yAxisHeight;
final boolean mayReduceX = dataPixelSizeX > 1.0 && xSize > 10;
final boolean mayReduceY = dataPixelSizeY > 1.0 && ySize > 10;
final double[] reducedData;
if ((mayReduceX || mayReduceY) && renderer.isActualReducePoints()) {
int targetWidth = (int) (srcWidth / Math.max((dataPixelSizeX), 1));
int targetHeight = (int) (srcHeight / Math.max((dataPixelSizeY), 1));
// special treatment for hexagon-based plots because individual hexagons cannot be asymmetric
final ContourType contourType = renderer.getContourType();
if (contourType.equals(ContourType.HEATMAP_HEXAGON)) {
final double minReductionFactor = Math.min(reductionFactorX, reductionFactorY);
final double minPixelSizeX = Math.max((minReductionFactor * xSize / xAxisWidth), 1);
final double minPixelSizeY = Math.max((minReductionFactor * ySize / yAxisHeight), 1);
targetWidth = (int) (srcWidth / minPixelSizeX);
targetHeight = (int) (srcHeight / minPixelSizeY);
// System.err.printf("image width = %d x %d - reduced from %d x %d\n", targetWidth, targetHeight, xSize, ySize);
tempDataBuffer = DoubleArrayCache.getInstance().getArrayExact(targetWidth * targetHeight);
DefaultDataReducer3D.resample(input, srcWidth, srcHeight, tempDataBuffer, targetWidth, targetHeight,
xSize = targetWidth;
ySize = targetHeight;
return tempDataBuffer;
reducedData = input;
// System.err.printf("image width = %d x %d\n", xSize, ySize);
return reducedData;
protected static void computeCoordinates(final GridDataSet dataSet, final double[] dataBuffer, final int dataLength, //
final boolean xAxisInverted, final int xMinIndex, final int xMaxIndex, //
final boolean yAxisInverted, final int yMinIndex, final int yMaxIndex, //
final int yMinDst) {
final int dstWidth = Math.abs(xMaxIndex - xMinIndex) + 1;
final int dataDim = dataSet.getNGrid(); // use values from the first non-grid dimension
switch (InvertedAxisCase.get(xAxisInverted, yAxisInverted)) {
case X_ONLY:
for (int yIndex = yMinIndex; yIndex <= yMaxIndex; yIndex++) {
final int rowIndex2 = (yIndex - yMinDst + 1) * dstWidth - 1;
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dstWidth; xIndex++) {
dataBuffer[rowIndex2 - xIndex] = dataSet.get(dataDim, xIndex + xMinIndex, yIndex);
case Y_ONLY: {
int rowIndex2 = dataLength - (yMinIndex - yMinDst + 1) * dstWidth;
for (int yIndex = yMinIndex; yIndex <= yMaxIndex; yIndex++) {
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dstWidth; xIndex++) {
dataBuffer[rowIndex2 + xIndex] = dataSet.get(dataDim, xIndex + xMinIndex, yIndex);
rowIndex2 -= dstWidth;
case BOTH: {
int rowIndex2 = dataLength - 1 - (yMinIndex - yMinDst) * dstWidth;
for (int yIndex = yMinIndex; yIndex <= yMaxIndex; yIndex++) {
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dstWidth; xIndex++) {
dataBuffer[rowIndex2 - xIndex] = dataSet.get(dataDim, xIndex + xMinIndex, yIndex);
rowIndex2 -= dstWidth;
} break;
case NORMAL:
for (int yIndex = yMinIndex; yIndex <= yMaxIndex; yIndex++) {
final int rowIndex2 = (yIndex - yMinDst) * dstWidth;
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dstWidth; xIndex++) {
dataBuffer[rowIndex2 + xIndex] = dataSet.get(dataDim, xIndex + xMinIndex, yIndex);
protected static DataRange computeLocalRange(final double[] input, final int srcWidth, final int srcHeight,
final boolean computeLocalRange) {
final DataRange zDataRange = new DataRange();
if (computeLocalRange) {
final int length = srcWidth * srcHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return zDataRange;
protected static void copySubFrame(final DataSet dataSet, final double[] dataBuffer,
final boolean parallelImplementation, //
final boolean xInverted, final int xMinIndex, final int xMaxIndex, //
final boolean yInverted, final int yMinIndex, final int yMaxIndex) {
final int width = Math.abs(xMaxIndex - xMinIndex) + 1;
final int height = Math.abs(yMaxIndex - yMinIndex) + 1;
final int dataLength = width * height;
if (!parallelImplementation) {
computeCoordinates((GridDataSet) dataSet, dataBuffer, dataLength, xInverted, xMinIndex, xMaxIndex, yInverted, yMinIndex,
yMaxIndex, yMinIndex);
final int nMaxThreads = CachedDaemonThreadFactory.getNumbersOfThreads();
final int minthreshold = REF_HEIGHT_PARALLEL / 2; // TODO: tune this limit
final int divThread = (int) Math.ceil(height / (double) nMaxThreads);
final int stepSize = Math.max(divThread, minthreshold);
final List> workers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = yMinIndex; i < yMaxIndex; i += stepSize) {
final int start = i;
workers.add(() -> {
final int yMinLocal = start;
final int yMaxLocal = Math.min(start + stepSize, yMaxIndex);
computeCoordinates((GridDataSet) dataSet, dataBuffer, dataLength, //
xInverted, xMinIndex, xMaxIndex, //
yInverted, yMinLocal, yMaxLocal, //
return Boolean.TRUE;
try {
final List> jobs = CachedDaemonThreadFactory.getCommonPool().invokeAll(workers);
for (final Future future : jobs) {
final Boolean r = future.get();
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(r)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(PARALLEL_WORKER_ERROR);
} catch (final InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(PARALLEL_WORKER_ERROR, e);
protected static double quantize(final double value, final int nLevels) {
return ((int) (value * nLevels)) / (double) nLevels;
protected WritableImage convertDataArrayToImage(final double[] inputData, final int dataWidth, final int dataHeight,
final ColorGradient colorGradient) {
final int length = dataWidth * dataHeight;
final byte[] byteBuffer = ByteArrayCache.getInstance().getArrayExact(length * BGRA_BYTE_SIZE);
final int rowSizeInBytes = BGRA_BYTE_SIZE * dataWidth;
final WritableImage image = this.getImage(dataWidth, dataHeight);
final PixelWriter pixelWriter = image.getPixelWriter();
if (pixelWriter == null) {
if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled()) {
LOGGER.atError().log("Could not get PixelWriter for image");
return image;
final int hMinus1 = dataHeight - 1;
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < dataHeight; yIndex++) {
final int rowIndex = dataWidth * yIndex;
final int rowPixelIndex = rowSizeInBytes * (hMinus1 - yIndex);
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dataWidth; xIndex++) {
final int[] color = colorGradient.getColorBytes(inputData[rowIndex + xIndex]);
final int pixelIndex = rowPixelIndex + xIndex * BGRA_BYTE_SIZE;
byteBuffer[pixelIndex] = (byte) (color[3]);
byteBuffer[pixelIndex + 1] = (byte) (color[2]);
byteBuffer[pixelIndex + 2] = (byte) (color[1]);
byteBuffer[pixelIndex + 3] = (byte) (color[0]);
pixelWriter.setPixels(0, 0, dataWidth, dataHeight, PixelFormat.getByteBgraPreInstance(), byteBuffer, 0,
return image;
protected static int roundDownEven(double d) {
return (int) Math.floor(d / 2) * 2;
protected enum InvertedAxisCase {
public static InvertedAxisCase get(final boolean xInverted, final boolean yInverted) {
if (xInverted && yInverted) {
return BOTH;
} else if (xInverted) {
return X_ONLY;
} else if (yInverted) {
return Y_ONLY;
return NORMAL;