de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi.marchingsquares.MarchingSquares Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi.marchingsquares;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import de.gsi.dataset.utils.CachedDaemonThreadFactory;
import de.gsi.dataset.utils.ProcessingProfiler;
* Implementation of the Marching Squares algorithm described in: {@code}
public class MarchingSquares {
private static final ExecutorService ES = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(CachedDaemonThreadFactory.getInstance());
private double[] isovalues;
public GeneralPath[] buildContours(final double[][] data, final double[] levels)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final long start = ProcessingProfiler.getTimeStamp();
// find min, max, and guard
double min = +Double.MAX_VALUE;
double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
final int rowCount = data.length;
final int colCount = data[0].length;
double here;
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
here = data[i][j];
min = Math.min(min, here);
max = Math.max(max, here);
isovalues = new double[levels.length];
System.arraycopy(levels, 0, isovalues, 0, levels.length);
GeneralPath[] result = null;
if (min == max) {
final String m = "All values are equal. Cannot build contours for a constant field";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(m);
// IMPORTANT: pad data to ensure resulting linear strings are closed
final double guard = min - 1;
final double[][] padded = MarchingSquares.pad(data, guard);
result = doConcurrent(padded);
ProcessingProfiler.getTimeDiff(start, "built " + levels.length + " contours");
return result;
private GeneralPath[] doConcurrent(final double[][] data) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final Collection> workers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < isovalues.length; i++) {
workers.add(new Task(i, data, isovalues[i]));
final List> jobs = MarchingSquares.ES.invokeAll(workers);
final GeneralPath[] result = new GeneralPath[isovalues.length];
for (final Future future : jobs) {
final Result r = future.get();
result[r.ndx] = r.path;
return result;
private static Grid contour(final double[][] data, final double isovalue) {
final int rowCount = data.length;
final int colCount = data[0].length;
// Every 2x2 block of pixels in the binary image forms a contouring cell,
// so the whole image is represented by a grid of such cells. Note that
// this contouring grid is one cell smaller in each direction than the
// original 2D field.
final Cell[][] cells = new Cell[rowCount - 1][colCount - 1];
for (int r = 0; r < rowCount - 1; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < colCount - 1; c++) {
// Compose the 4 bits at the corners of the cell to build a binary
// index: walk around the cell in a clockwise direction appending
// the bit to the index, using bitwise OR and left-shift, from most
// significant bit at the top left, to least significant bit at the
// bottom left. The resulting 4-bit index can have 16 possible
// values in the range 0-15.
int ndx = 0;
final double tl = data[r + 1][c];
final double tr = data[r + 1][c + 1];
final double br = data[r][c + 1];
final double bl = data[r][c];
ndx |= tl > isovalue ? 0 : 8;
ndx |= tr > isovalue ? 0 : 4;
ndx |= br > isovalue ? 0 : 2;
ndx |= bl > isovalue ? 0 : 1;
boolean flipped = false;
if (ndx == 5 || ndx == 10) {
// resolve the ambiguity by using the average data value for the
// center of the cell to choose between different connections of
// the interpolated points.
final double center = (tl + tr + br + bl) / 4;
if (ndx == 5 && center < isovalue) {
flipped = true;
} else if (ndx == 10 && center < isovalue) {
flipped = true;
// to node: 'rsn' - we only populate the grid without non-trivial cells;
// i.e. those w/ an index different than 0 and 15.
if (ndx != 0 && ndx != 15) {
// Apply linear interpolation between the original field data
// values to find the exact position of the contour line along
// the edges of the cell.
float left = 0.5F;
float top = 0.5F;
float right = 0.5F;
float bottom = 0.5F;
switch (ndx) {
case 1:
case 14:
left = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (tl - bl));
bottom = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (br - bl));
case 2:
case 13:
bottom = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (br - bl));
right = (float) ((isovalue - br) / (tr - br));
case 3:
case 12:
left = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (tl - bl));
right = (float) ((isovalue - br) / (tr - br));
case 4:
case 11:
top = (float) ((isovalue - tl) / (tr - tl));
right = (float) ((isovalue - br) / (tr - br));
case 5:
case 10:
left = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (tl - bl));
bottom = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (br - bl));
top = (float) ((isovalue - tl) / (tr - tl));
right = (float) ((isovalue - br) / (tr - br));
case 6:
case 9:
bottom = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (br - bl));
top = (float) ((isovalue - tl) / (tr - tl));
case 7:
case 8:
left = (float) ((isovalue - bl) / (tl - bl));
top = (float) ((isovalue - tl) / (tr - tl));
default: // shouldn't happen
final String m = "Unexpected cell index " + ndx;
throw new IllegalStateException(m);
cells[r][c] = new Cell(ndx, flipped, left, top, right, bottom);
final Grid result = new Grid(cells, isovalue);
return result;
* Pad data with a given 'guard' value.
* @param data matrix to pad.
* @param guard the value to use for padding. It's expected to be less than the minimum of all data cell values.
* @return the resulting padded matrix which will be larger by 2 in both directions.
private static double[][] pad(final double[][] data, final double guard) {
final int rowCount = data.length;
final int colCount = data[0].length;
final double[][] result = new double[rowCount + 2][colCount + 2];
// top and bottom rows
for (int j = 0; j < colCount + 2; j++) {
result[0][j] = guard;
result[rowCount + 1][j] = guard;
// left- and right-most columns excl. top and bottom rows
for (int i = 1; i < rowCount + 1; i++) {
result[i][0] = guard;
result[i][colCount + 1] = guard;
// the middle
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
System.arraycopy(data[i], 0, result[i + 1], 1, colCount);
return result;
private static final class Result {
private final int ndx;
private final GeneralPath path;
private String str;
Result(final int ndx, final GeneralPath path) {
this.ndx = ndx;
this.path = path;
public String toString() {
if (str == null) {
str = "Result{ndx=" + ndx + ", bbox=" + '}';
return str;
private static final class Task implements Callable {
private final int ndx;
private final double[][] data;
private final double level;
Task(final int ndx, final double[][] data, final double level) {
this.ndx = ndx; = data;
this.level = level;
public Result call() throws Exception {
GeneralPath path = null;
try {
path = new PathGenerator().generalPath(MarchingSquares.contour(data, level));
} catch (final Exception x) {
final String m = "Failed making contour at index #" + ndx + " for level " + level + ": "
+ x.getLocalizedMessage();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(m, x);
return new Result(ndx, path);