de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi.marchingsquares.PathGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.gsi.chart.renderer.spi.marchingsquares;
import static javafx.geometry.Side.BOTTOM;
import static javafx.geometry.Side.LEFT;
import static javafx.geometry.Side.RIGHT;
import static javafx.geometry.Side.TOP;
import javafx.geometry.Side;
* An object that knows how to translate a Grid of Marching Squares Contour
* Cells into a Java AWT General Path.
public class PathGenerator {
private static final double EPSILON = 1E-7;
PathGenerator() {
* Construct a GeneralPath representing the isoline, itself represented
* by a given Grid.
* IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This method is destructive. It alters
* the Grid instance as it generates the resulting path. If the 'original'
* Grid instance is needed after invoking this method then it's the
* responsibility of the caller to deep clone it before passing it here.
* @param grid the matrix of contour cells w/ side crossing coordinates
* already interpolated and normalized; i.e. in the range 0.0..1.0.
* @return the geometries of a contour, including sub-path(s) for disjoint
* area final holes.
public GeneralPath generalPath(final Grid grid) {
final GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath();
for (int r = 0; r < grid.rowCount; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < grid.colCount; c++) {
// find a start node...
final Cell cell = grid.getCellAt(r, c);
if (cell != null && !cell.isTrivial() && !cell.isSaddle()) {
// complete the [sub-]path and close it
update(grid, r, c, result);
return result;
* Return the first side that should be used in a CCW traversal.
* @param cell the Cell to process.
* @param prev previous side, only used for saddle cells.
* @return the 1st side of the line segment of the designated cell.
private static Side firstSide(final Cell cell, final Side prev) {
switch (cell.getCellNdx()) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 7:
return LEFT;
case 2:
case 6:
case 14:
return BOTTOM;
case 4:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
return RIGHT;
case 8:
case 9:
return TOP;
case 5:
switch (prev) {
case LEFT:
return RIGHT;
case RIGHT:
return LEFT;
throw new NoSaddlePointException(cell, prev);
case 10:
switch (prev) {
case BOTTOM:
return TOP;
case TOP:
return BOTTOM;
throw new NoSaddlePointException(cell, prev);
final String m = "Attempt to use a trivial cell as a start node: " + cell;
throw new IllegalStateException(m);
protected static class NoSaddlePointException extends IllegalStateException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5628254997299110176L;
NoSaddlePointException(final Cell cell, final Side prev) {
super("Saddle w/ no connected neighbour; Cell = " + cell + ", previous side = " + prev);
* Find the side on which lies the next cell to use in a CCW traversal.
* @param cell the Cell to process.
* @param prev previous side, only used for saddle cells.
* @return side where the next cell is to be picked.
private Side nextSide(final Cell cell, final Side prev) {
return secondSide(cell, prev);
* Return the second side that should be used in a CCW traversal.
* @param cell the Cell to process.
* @param prev previous side, only used for saddle cells.
* @return the 2nd side of the line segment of the designated cell.
private Side secondSide(final Cell cell, final Side prev) {
switch (cell.getCellNdx()) {
case 8:
case 12:
case 14:
return LEFT;
case 1:
case 9:
case 13:
return BOTTOM;
case 2:
case 3:
case 11:
return RIGHT;
case 4:
case 6:
case 7:
return TOP;
case 5:
switch (prev) {
case LEFT:
return cell.isFlipped() ? BOTTOM : TOP;
case RIGHT:
return cell.isFlipped() ? TOP : BOTTOM;
final String m = "Saddle w/ no connected neighbour; Cell = " + cell + ", previous side = " + prev;
throw new IllegalStateException(m);
case 10:
switch (prev) {
case BOTTOM:
return cell.isFlipped() ? RIGHT : LEFT;
case TOP:
return cell.isFlipped() ? LEFT : RIGHT;
final String m = "Saddle w/ no connected neighbour; Cell = " + cell + ", previous side = " + prev;
throw new IllegalStateException(m);
final String m = "Attempt to use a trivial Cell as a node: " + cell;
throw new IllegalStateException(m);
* A given contour can be made up of multiple disconnected regions, each
* potentially having multiple holes. Both regions and holes are captured as
* individual sub-paths.
* The process is iterative. It starts w/ an empty GeneralPath instance
* and continues until all Cells are processed. With every invocation the
* GeneralPath object is updated to reflect the new sub-path(s).
* Once a non-saddle cell is used it is cleared so as to ensure it will
* not be re-used when finding sub-paths w/in the ofinal l path.
* final * @param grid on input the matrix of cells representinfinal ven contour.
* Note that the process will alter the Cells, so on output the original
* Grid instance _will_ be modified. In other words this method is NOT
* idempotent when using the same object references and values.
* @param grid the grid
* @param r row index of the start Cell.
* @param c column index of the start Cell.
* @param path a non-null GeneralPath instance to update.
private void update(final Grid grid, int r, int c, final GeneralPath path) {
Side prevSide = null; // was: NONE
final Cell start = grid.getCellAt(r, c);
float[] pt = start.getXY(PathGenerator.firstSide(start, prevSide));
float x = c + pt[0]; // may throw NPE
float y = r + pt[1]; // likewise
path.moveTo(x, y); // prepare for a new sub-path
pt = start.getXY(secondSide(start, prevSide));
float xPrev = c + pt[0];
float yPrev = r + pt[1];
prevSide = nextSide(start, prevSide);
switch (prevSide) {
case BOTTOM:
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
case TOP:
r++; // fall through
Cell currentCell = grid.getCellAt(r, c);
while (!start.equals(currentCell)) { // we want object reference equality
pt = currentCell.getXY(secondSide(currentCell, prevSide));
x = c + pt[0];
y = r + pt[1];
if (Math.abs(x - xPrev) > PathGenerator.EPSILON && Math.abs(y - yPrev) > PathGenerator.EPSILON) {
path.lineTo(x, y);
xPrev = x;
yPrev = y;
prevSide = nextSide(currentCell, prevSide);
switch (prevSide) {
case BOTTOM:
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
case TOP:
// System.out.println(
// "update: Potential loop! Current cell = " + currentCell + ", previous side = " + prevSide);
currentCell = grid.getCellAt(r, c);