Download akka-http-play-json_2.11-de.heikoseeberger jar file
Welcome to Jar Download! In this page, you can download the akka-http-play-json_2.11-de.heikoseeberger jar file. This library is a valuable resource for working with JSON in your akka-http and Play Framework projects. Whether you need to parse, serialize, or manipulate JSON data, akka-http-play-json provides efficient and convenient tools for these tasks. By downloading this jar file, you gain access to the source code, allowing you to explore how the library is implemented and integrate it seamlessly into your projects. Start leveraging the power of akka-http-play-json_2.11-de.heikoseeberger now by downloading the jar file below!
Files of the artifact akka-http-play-json_2.11 version 1.7.0 from the group de.heikoseeberger.