com.aliasi.classify.NaiveBayesClassifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* LingPipe v. 4.1.0
* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Alias-i
* This program is licensed under the Alias-i Royalty Free License
* Version 1 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
* Royalty Free License Version 1 for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Alias-i Royalty Free License
* Version 1 along with this program; if not, visit
* http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/licenses/lingpipe-license-1.txt or contact
* Alias-i, Inc. at 181 North 11th Street, Suite 401, Brooklyn, NY 11211,
* +1 (718) 290-9170.
package com.aliasi.classify;
import com.aliasi.tokenizer.TokenizerFactory;
import com.aliasi.lm.LanguageModel;
import com.aliasi.lm.NGramBoundaryLM;
import com.aliasi.lm.TokenizedLM;
import com.aliasi.lm.UniformBoundaryLM;
* A NaiveBayesClassifier
provides a trainable naive Bayes
* text classifier, with tokens as features. A classifier is
* constructed from a set of categories and a tokenizer factory. The
* token estimator is a unigram token language model with a uniform
* whitespace model and an optional n-gram character language model
* for smoothing unknown tokens.
* Naive Bayes applied to tokenized text results in a so-called
* "bag of words" model where the tokens (words) are assumed
* to be independent of one another:
* P(tokens|cat)
* = Πi<tokens.length
* P(tokens[i]|cat)
* This class implements this assumption by plugging unigram token
* language models into a dynamic language model classifier. The
* unigram token language model makes the naive Bayes assumption by
* virtue of having no tokens of context.
* The unigram model smooths maximum likelihood token estimates
* with a character-level model. Unfolding the general definition of
* that class to the unigram case yields the model:
* P(token|cat)
= PtokenLM(cat)(token)
= λ * count(token,cat) / totalCount(cat)
+ (1 - λ) * PcharLM(cat)(Word)
* where tokenLM(cat)
is the token language model defined
* for the specified category and charLM(cat)
is the
* character level language model it uses for smoothing. The unigram
* token model is based on counts count(token,cat)
of a
* token in the category and an overall count
* totalCount(cat)
of tokens in the category. The
* interpolation factor λ
is computed as per the
* Witten-Bell model C with hyperparameter one:
* &lambda = totalCount(cat) / (totalCount(cat) + numTokens(cat))
* Roughly, the probability mass smoothed from the token model is
* equal to the number of first-sightings of tokens in the training
* data.
* If this character smoothing model is uniform, there are two
* extremes that need to be balanced, especially in cases where there
* is not very much training data per category. If it is in
* initialized with the true number of characters, it will return a
* proper uniform character estimate. In practice, this will probably
* underestimate unknown tokens and thus categories in which they are
* unknown will pay a high penalty. If the token smoothing model is
* initalized with zero as the max number of characters, the token
* backoff will always be zero and thus not contribute to the
* classification scores. This will overestimate unknown tokens for
* classification, with probabilities summing to more than one. In
* practice, it will probably not penalize unknown words in categories
* enough. If the cost is greater than zero, it will be linear in the
* length of the unknown token.
Another way to smooth unknown tokens is to provide each model at
* least one instance of each token known to every other model, so
* there are no tokens known to one model and not another. But this
* adds an additional smoothing bias to the maximum likelihood
* character estimates which may or may not be helpful.
The unigram model is constructed with a whitespace model that
* returns a constant zero estimate, {@link UniformBoundaryLM#ZERO_LM},
* and thus contributes no probability mass to estimates.
As with the other language model classifiers, the conditional
* category probability ratios are determined with a category
* distribution and inversion:
* ARGMAXcat P(cat|tokens)
= ARGMAXcat P(cat,tokens) / P(tokens)
= ARGMAXcat P(cat,tokens)
= ARGMAXcat P(tokens|cat) * P(cat)
* The category probability model P(cat)
is taken
* to be a multivariate estimator with an initial count of one
* for each category.
* For this class, the tokens are produced by a tokenizer factory.
* This tokenizer factory may normalize tokens to stems, to lower
* case, remove stop words, etc. An extreme example would be to trim
* the bag to a small set of salient words, as picked out by TF/IDF with
* categories as documents.
* Instances of this class may be compiled and read back into
* memory in the same way as other instances of {@link
* DynamicLMClassifier} using the {@code compileTo()} method or
* utiltiies in the class {@code
* com.aliasi.util.AbstractExternalizable}.
Deserializing After compilation, Deserialized instances of naive
* Bayes classifiers should be cast to the interface {@code
* JointClassifier}, though they may also be cast to
* {@code LMClassifier}; the only
* advantage to the latter cast is that you can still retrieve the
* multivariate estimator over categories as well as the underlying
* language model for each category. These will be compiled instances.
* Thread Safety
* Like almost all of LingPipe's statistical models, naive Bayes
* classifiers are thread safe under read/write synchronization.
* That is, any number of classification jobs may be performed
* concurrently, but any parameter setting or training must be
* done exclusively.
* @author Bob Carpenter
* @version 3.0
* @since LingPipe2.0
public class NaiveBayesClassifier
extends DynamicLMClassifier {
* Construct a naive Bayes classifier with the specified
* categories and tokenizer factory.
* The character backoff models are assumed to be uniform
* and there is no limit on the number of observed characters
* other than {@link Character#MAX_VALUE}.
* @param categories Categories into which to classify text.
* @param tokenizerFactory Text tokenizer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If there are not at least two
* categories.
public NaiveBayesClassifier(String[] categories,
TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory) {
* Construct a naive Bayes classifier with the specified
* categories, tokenizer factory and level of character n-gram for
* smoothing token estimates. If the character n-gram is less
* than one, a uniform model will be used.
There is no limit on the number of observed characters
* other than {@link Character#MAX_VALUE}.
* @param categories Categories into which to classify text.
* @param tokenizerFactory Text tokenizer.
* @param charSmoothingNGram Order of character n-gram used to
* smooth token estimates.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If there are not at least two
* categories.
public NaiveBayesClassifier(String[] categories,
TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory,
int charSmoothingNGram) {
* Construct a naive Bayes classifier with the specified
* categories, tokenizer factory and level of character n-gram for
* smoothing token estimates, along with a specification of the
* total number of characters in test and training instances. If
* the character n-gram is less than one, a uniform model will be
* used.
As noted in the class documentation above, setting the
* max observed characters parameter to one effectively eliminates
* estimates of the string of an unknown token.
* @param categories Categories into which to classify text.
* @param tokenizerFactory Text tokenizer.
* @param charSmoothingNGram Order of character n-gram used to
* smooth token estimates.
* @param maxObservedChars The maximum number of characters found
* in the text of training and test sets.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If there are not at least two
* categories or if the number of observed characters is less than 1
* or more than the total number of characters.
public NaiveBayesClassifier(String[] categories,
TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory,
int charSmoothingNGram,
int maxObservedChars) {
// construct the LMs for categories
private static TokenizedLM[]
naiveBayesLMs(int length, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory,
int charSmoothingNGram, int maxObservedChars) {
TokenizedLM[] lms = new TokenizedLM[length];
for (int i = 0; i < lms.length; ++i) {
LanguageModel.Sequence charLM;
if (charSmoothingNGram < 1)
charLM = new UniformBoundaryLM(maxObservedChars);
charLM = new NGramBoundaryLM(charSmoothingNGram,
= new TokenizedLM(tokenizerFactory,
return lms;