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com.aliasi.cluster.LatentDirichletAllocation Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * LingPipe v. 4.1.0
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Alias-i
 * This program is licensed under the Alias-i Royalty Free License
 * Version 1 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
 * Royalty Free License Version 1 for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the Alias-i Royalty Free License
 * Version 1 along with this program; if not, visit
 * or contact
 * Alias-i, Inc. at 181 North 11th Street, Suite 401, Brooklyn, NY 11211,
 * +1 (718) 290-9170.

package com.aliasi.cluster;

import com.aliasi.corpus.ObjectHandler;

import com.aliasi.symbol.SymbolTable;

import com.aliasi.tokenizer.Tokenizer;
import com.aliasi.tokenizer.TokenizerFactory;

import com.aliasi.stats.Statistics;

import com.aliasi.util.AbstractExternalizable;
import com.aliasi.util.FeatureExtractor;
import com.aliasi.util.Math;
import com.aliasi.util.Iterators;
import com.aliasi.util.ObjectToCounterMap;
import com.aliasi.util.ObjectToDoubleMap;
import com.aliasi.util.Strings;


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

 * A LatentDirichletAllocation object represents a latent
 * Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model.  LDA provides a Bayesian model of
 * document generation in which each document is generated by
 * a mixture of topical multinomials.  An LDA model specifies the
 * number of topics, a Dirichlet prior over topic mixtures for a
 * document, and a discrete distribution over words for each topic.

A document is generated from an LDA model by first selecting a * multinomial over topics given the Dirichlet prior. Then for each * token in the document, a topic is generated from the * document-specific topic distribution, and then a word is generated * from the discrete distribution for that topic. Note that document * length is not generated by this model; a fully generative model * would need a way of generating lengths (e.g. a Poisson * distribution) or terminating documents (e.g. a disginuished * end-of-document symbol). * *

An LDA model may be estimated from an unlabeled training corpus * (collection of documents) using a second Dirichlet prior, this time * over word distributions in a topic. This class provides a static * inference method that produces (collapsed Gibbs) samples from the * posterior distribution of topic assignments to words, any one of * which may be used to construct an LDA model instance. * *

An LDA model can be used to infer the topic mixture of unseen * text documents, which can be used to compare documents by topical * similarity. A fixed LDA model may also be used to estimate the * likelihood of a word occurring in a document given the other words * in the document. A collection of LDA models may be used for fully * Bayesian reasoning at the corpus (collection of documents) level. * *

LDA may be applied to arbitrary multinomial data. To apply it * to text, a tokenizer factory converts a text document to bag of * words and a symbol table converts these tokens to integer outcomes. * The static method {@link * #tokenizeDocuments(CharSequence[],TokenizerFactory,SymbolTable,int)} * is available to carry out the text to multinomial conversion with * pruning of low counts. * * *

LDA Generative Model

* *

LDA operates over a fixed vocabulary of discrete outcomes, which * we call words for convenience, and represent as a set of integers: * *

 * words = { 0, 1, ..., numWords-1 }
* *

A corpus is a ragged array of documents, each document consisting * of an array of words: * *

 * int[][] words = { words[0], words[1], ..., words[numDocs-1] }
* * A given document words[i], i < numDocs, * is itself represented as a bag of words, each word being * represented as an integer: * *
 * int[] words[i] = { words[i][0], words[i][1], ..., words[i][words[i].length-1] }
* * The documents do not all need to be the same length, so the * two-dimensional array words is ragged. * *

A particular LDA model is defined over a fixed number of topics, * also represented as integers: * *

 * topics = { 0, 1, ..., numTopics-1 }
* *

For a given topic topic < numTopics, LDA specifies a * discrete distribution φ[topic] over words: * *

 * φ[topic][word] >= 0.0
 * Σword < numWords φ[topic][word] = 1.0
* *

In an LDA model, each document in the corpus is generated from a * document-specific mixture of topics θ[doc]. The * distribution θ[doc] is a discrete distribution over * topics: * *

 * θ[doc][topic] >= 0.0
 * Σtopic < numTopics θ[doc][topic] = 1.0
* *

Under LDA's generative model for documents, a document-specific * topic mixture θ[doc] is generated from a uniform * Dirichlet distribution with concentration parameter * α. The Dirichlet is the conjugate prior for the * multinomial in which α acts as a prior count * assigned to a topic in a document. Typically, LDA is run with a * fairly diffuse prior with concentration α < * 1, leading to skewed posterior topic distributions. * *

Given a topic distribution θ[doc] for a * document, tokens are generated (conditionally) independently. For * each token in the document, a topic * topics[doc][token] is generated according to the * topic distribution θ[doc], then the word instance * words[doc][token] is * generated given the topic using the topic-specific distribution * over tokens φ[topics[doc][token]]. * *

For estimation purposes, LDA places a uniform Dirichlet prior * with concentration parameter β on each of the * topic distributions φ[topic]. The first step in * modeling a corpus is to generate the topic distributions * φ from a Dirichlet parameterized by * β. * *

In sampling notation, the LDA generative model is expressed as * follows: * *

 * φ[topic]           ~ Dirichlet(β)
 * θ[doc]             ~ Dirichlet(α)
 * topics[doc][token] ~ Discrete(θ[doc])
 * words[doc][token]  ~ Discrete(φ[topic[doc][token]])
* *

A generative Bayesian model is based on a the joint probablity * of all observed and unobserved variables, given the priors. Given a * text corpus, only the words are observed. The unobserved variables * include the assignment of a topic to each word, the assignment of a * topic distribution to each document, and the assignment of word * distributions to each topic. We let * topic[doc][token], doc < numDocs, token < * docLength[doc], be the topic assigned to the specified token * in the specified document. This leaves two Dirichlet priors, one * parameterized by α for topics in documents, and * one parameterized by β for words in topics. * These priors are treated as hyperparameters for purposes of * estimation; cross-validation may be used to provide so-called empirical * Bayes estimates for the priors. * *

The full LDA probability model for a corpus follows the generative * process outlined above. First, topic distributions are chosen at the * corpus level for each topic given their Dirichlet prior, and then the * remaining variables are generating given these topic distributions: * *

 * p(words, topics, θ, &phi | α, &beta)
 * = Πtopic < numTopics
 *        p(φ[topic] | β)
 *        * p(words, topics, θ | α, φ)
* * Note that because the multinomial parameters for * φ[topic] are continuous, * p(φ[topic] | β) represents a density, not a discrete * distribution. Thus it does not make sense to talk about the * probability of a given multinomial φ[topic]; non-zero * results only arise from integrals over measurable subsets of the * multinomial simplex. It is possible to sample from a density, so * the generative model is well founded. * *

A document is generated by first generating its topic distribution * given the Dirichlet prior, and then generating its topics and words: * *

 * p(words, topics, θ | α, φ)
 * = Πdoc < numDocs
 *        p(θ[doc] | α)
 *        * p(words[doc], topics[doc] | θ[doc], φ)
* * The topic and word are generated from the multinomials * θ[doc] and the topic distributions * φ using the chain rule, first generating the topic * given the document's topic distribution and then generating the * word given the topic's word distribution. * *
 * p(words[doc], topics[doc] | θ[doc], φ)
 * = Πtoken < words[doc].length
 *        p(topics[doc][token] | θ[doc])
 *        * p(words[doc][token] | φ[topics[doc][token]])
* *

Given the topic and document multinomials, this distribution * is discrete, and thus may be evaluated. It may also be marginalized * by summation: * *

 * p(words[doc] | θ[doc], φ)
 * = Π token < words[doc].length
 *       Σtopic < numTopics p(topic | θ[doc]) * p(words[doc][token] | φ[topic])
* *

Conditional probablities are computed in the usual way by * marginalizing other variables through integration. Unfortunately, * this simple mathematical operation is often intractable * computationally. * * *

Estimating LDA with Collapsed Gibbs Sampling

* *

This class uses a collapsed form of Gibbs sampling over the * posterior distribution of topic assignments given the documents * and Dirichlet priors: * *

 * p(topics | words, α β)
* *

This distribution may be derived from the joint * distribution by marginalizing (also known as "collapsing" * or "integrating out") the contributions of the * document-topic and topic-word distributions. *

The Gibbs sampler used to estimate LDA models produces samples * that consist of a topic assignment to every token in the corpus. * The conjugacy of the Dirichlet prior for multinomials makes the * sampling straightforward. * *

An initial sample is produced by randomly assigning topics to * tokens. Then, the sampler works iteratively through the corpus, * one token at a time. At each token, it samples a new topic assignment * to that token given all the topic assignments to other tokens in the * corpus: * *

 * p(topics[doc][token] | words, topics')
* * The notation topics' represents the set of topic * assignments other than to topics[doc][token]. This * collapsed posterior conditional is estimated directly: * *
 * p(topics[doc][token] = topic | words, topics')
 * = (count'(doc,topic) + α) / (docLength[doc]-1 + numTopics*α)
 * * (count'(topic,word) + β) / (count'(topic) + numWords*β)
* * The counts are all defined relative to topics'; that * is, the current topic assignment for the token being sampled is not * considered in the counts. Note that the two factors are estimates * of θ[doc] and φ[topic] with all * data other than the assignment to the current token. Note how the * prior concentrations arise as additive smoothing factors in these * estimates, a result of the Dirichlet's conjugacy to the * multinomial. For the purposes of sampling, the document-length * normalization in the denominator of the first term is not necessary, * as it remains constant across topics. * *

The posterior Dirichlet distributions may be computed using just * the counts. For instance, the posterior distribution for topics in * documents is estimated as: * *

 * p(&theta[doc]|α, β, words)
 * = Dirichlet(count(doc,0)+β, count(doc,1)+β, ..., count(doc,numTopics-1)+β)
* *

The sampling distribution is defined from the maximum a posteriori * (MAP) estimates of the multinomial distribution over topics in a document: * *

 * θ*[doc] = ARGMAXθ[doc] p(θ[doc] | α, β, words)
* * which we know from the Dirichlet distribution is: * *
 * θ*[doc][topic]
 * = (count(doc,topic) + α) / (docLength[doc] + numTopics*α)
* * By the same reasoning, the MAP word distribution in topics is: * *
 * φ*[topic][word]
 * = (count(topic,word) + β) / (count(topic) + numWords*β)
* *

A complete Gibbs sample is represented as an instance of {@link * LatentDirichletAllocation.GibbsSample}, which provides access to * the topic assignment to every token, as well as methods to compute * θ* and φ* * as defined above. A sample also maintains the original priors and * word counts. Just the estimates of the topic-word distributions * φ[topic] and the prior topic concentration * α are sufficient to define an LDA model. Note * that the imputed values of θ*[doc] * used during estimation are part of a sample, but are not part of * the LDA model itself. The LDA model contains enough information to * estimate θ* for an arbitrary * document, as described in the next section. * *

The Gibbs sampling algorithm starts with a random assignment of * topics to words, then simply iterates through the tokens in turn, * sampling topics according to the distribution defined above. After * each run through the entire corpus, a callback is made to a handler * for the samples. This setup may be configured for * an initial burnin period, essentially just discarding the first * batch of samples. Then it may be configured to sample only periodically * thereafter to avoid correlations between samples. * *

LDA as Multi-Topic Classifier

* *

An LDA model consists of a topic distribution Dirichlet prior * α and a word distribution * φ[topic] for each topic. Given an LDA model and a * new document words = { words[0], ..., words[length-1] } * consisting of a sequence of words, the posterior distribution over * topic weights is given by: * *

 * p(θ | words, α, φ)
* * Although this distribution is not solvable analytically, it is easy * to estimate using a simplified form of the LDA estimator's Gibbs * sampler. The conditional distribution of a topic assignment * topics[token] to a single token given an assignment * topics' to all other tokens is given by: * *
 * p(topic[token] | topics', words, α, φ)
 * ∝ p(topic[token], words[token] | topics', α φ)
 * = p(topic[token] | topics', α) * p(words[token] | φ[topic[token]])
 * = (count(topic[token]) + α) / (words.length - 1 + numTopics * α)
 *   * p(words[token] | φ[topic[token]])
* * This leads to a straightforward sampler over posterior topic * assignments, from which we may directly compute the Dirichlet posterior over * topic distributions or a MAP topic distribution. * *

This class provides a method to sample these topic assignments, * which may then be used to form Dirichlet distributions or MAP point * estimates of θ* for the document * words. *

LDA as a Conditional Language Model

* *

An LDA model may be used to estimate the likelihood of a word * given a previous bag of words: * *

 * p(word | words, α, φ)
 * = p(word | θ, φ) p(θ | words, α, φ) dθ
* * This integral is easily evaluated using sampling over the topic * distributions p(θ | words, α, φ) and * averaging the word probability determined by each sample. * The word probability for a sample θ is defined by: * *
 * p(word | θ, φ)
 * = Σtopic < numTopics p(topic | θ) * p(word | φ[topic])
* * Although this approach could theoretically be applied to generate * the probability of a document one word at a time, the cost would * be prohibitive, as there are quadratically many samples required * because samples for the n-th word consist of topic * assignments to the previous n-1 words. * * * *

Bayesian Calculations and Exchangeability

* *

An LDA model may be used for a variety of statistical * calculations. For instance, it may be used to determine the * distribution of topics to words, and using these distributions, may * determine word similarity. Similarly, document similarity may be * determined by the topic distributions in a document. * *

Point estimates are derived using a single LDA model. For * Bayesian calculation, multiple samples are taken to produce * multiple LDA models. The results of a calculation on these * models is then averaged to produce a Bayesian estimate of the * quantity of interest. The sampling methodology is effectively * numerically computing the integral over the posterior. * *

Bayesian calculations over multiple samples are complicated by * the exchangeability of topics in the LDA model. In particular, there * is no guarantee that topics are the same between samples, thus it * is not acceptable to combine samples in topic-level reasoning. For * instance, it does not make sense to estimate the probability of * a topic in a document using multiple samples. * * *

Non-Document Data

* * The "words" in an LDA model don't necessarily have to * represent words in documents. LDA is basically a multinomial * mixture model, and any multinomial outcomes may be modeled with * LDA. For instance, a document may correspond to a baseball game * and the words may correspond to the outcomes of at-bats (some * might occur more than once). LDA has also been used for * gene expression data, where expression levels from mRNA microarray * experiments is quantized into a multinomial outcome. * *

LDA has also been applied to collaborative filtering. Movies * act as words, with users modeled as documents, the bag of words * they've seen. Given an LDA model and a user's films, the user's * topic distribution may be inferred and used to estimate the likelihood * of seeing unseen films. * *


* * * * @author Bob Carpenter * @version 4.0.0 * @since LingPipe3.3 */ public class LatentDirichletAllocation implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 6313662446710242382L; private final double mDocTopicPrior; private final double[][] mTopicWordProbs; /** * Construct a latent Dirichelt allocation (LDA) model using the * specified document-topic prior and topic-word distributions. *

The topic-word probability array topicWordProbs * represents a collection of discrete distributions * topicwordProbs[topic] for topics, and thus must * satisfy: * *

     * topicWordProbs[topic][word] >= 0.0
     * Σword < numWords topicWordProbs[topic][word] = 1.0
* *

Warning: These requirements are not checked by the * constructor. * *

See the class documentation above for an explanation of * the parameters and what can be done with a model. * * @param docTopicPrior The document-topic prior. * @param topicWordProbs Array of discrete distributions over words, * indexed by topic. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the document-topic prior is * not finite and positive, or if the topic-word probabilities * arrays are not all the same length with entries between 0.0 and * 1.0 inclusive. */ public LatentDirichletAllocation(double docTopicPrior, double[][] topicWordProbs) { if (docTopicPrior <= 0.0 || Double.isNaN(docTopicPrior) || Double.isInfinite(docTopicPrior)) { String msg = "Document-topic prior must be finite and positive." + " Found docTopicPrior=" + docTopicPrior; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } int numTopics = topicWordProbs.length; if (numTopics < 1) { String msg = "Require non-empty topic-word probabilities."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } int numWords = topicWordProbs[0].length; for (int topic = 1; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { if (topicWordProbs[topic].length != numWords) { String msg = "All topics must have the same number of words." + " topicWordProbs[0].length=" + topicWordProbs[0].length + " topicWordProbs[" + topic + "]=" + topicWordProbs[topic].length; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { for (int word = 0; word < numWords; ++word) { if (topicWordProbs[topic][word] < 0.0 || topicWordProbs[topic][word] > 1.0) { String msg = "All probabilities must be between 0.0 and 1.0" + " Found topicWordProbs[" + topic + "][" + word + "]=" + topicWordProbs[topic][word]; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } } mDocTopicPrior = docTopicPrior; mTopicWordProbs = topicWordProbs; } /** * Returns the number of topics in this LDA model. * * @return The number of topics in this model. */ public int numTopics() { return mTopicWordProbs.length; } /** * Returns the number of words on which this LDA model * is based. * * @return The numbe of words in this model. */ public int numWords() { return mTopicWordProbs[0].length; } /** * Returns the concentration value of the uniform Dirichlet prior over * topic distributions for documents. This value is effectively * a prior count for topics used for additive smoothing during * estimation. * * @return The prior count of topics in documents. */ public double documentTopicPrior() { return mDocTopicPrior; } /** * Returns the probability of the specified word in the specified * topic. The values returned should be non-negative and finite, * and should sum to 1.0 over all words for a specifed topic. * * @param topic Topic identifier. * @param word Word identifier. * @return Probability of the specified word in the specified * topic. */ public double wordProbability(int topic, int word) { return mTopicWordProbs[topic][word]; } /** * Returns an array representing of probabilities of words in the * specified topic. The probabilities are indexed by word * identifier. * *

The returned result is a copy of the underlying data in * the model so that changing it will not change the model. * * @param topic Topic identifier. * @return Array of probabilities of words in the specified topic. */ public double[] wordProbabilities(int topic) { double[] xs = new double[mTopicWordProbs[topic].length]; for (int i = 0; i < xs.length; ++i) xs[i] = mTopicWordProbs[topic][i]; return xs; } /** * Returns the specified number of Gibbs samples of topics for the * specified tokens using the specified number of burnin epochs, * the specified lag between samples, and the specified * randomizer. The array returned is an array of samples, each * sample consisting of a topic assignment to each token in the * specified list of tokens. The tokens must all be in the appropriate * range for this class * *

See the class documentation for more information on how the * samples are computed. * * @param tokens The tokens making up the document. * @param numSamples Number of Gibbs samples to return. * @param burnin The number of samples to take and throw away * during the burnin period. * @param sampleLag The interval between samples after burnin. * @param random The random number generator to use for this sampling * process. * @return The selection of topic samples generated by this * sampler. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If there are tokens whose * value is less than zero, or whose value is greater than the * number of tokens in this model. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of samples is * not positive, the sample lag is not positive, or if the burnin * period is negative. if the number of samples, burnin, and lag * are not positive numbers. */ public short[][] sampleTopics(int[] tokens, int numSamples, int burnin, int sampleLag, Random random) { if (burnin < 0) { String msg = "Burnin period must be non-negative." + " Found burnin=" + burnin; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (numSamples < 1) { String msg = "Number of samples must be at least 1." + " Found numSamples=" + numSamples; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (sampleLag < 1) { String msg = "Sample lag must be at least 1." + " Found sampleLag=" + sampleLag; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } double docTopicPrior = documentTopicPrior(); int numTokens = tokens.length; int numTopics = numTopics(); int[] topicCount = new int[numTopics]; short[][] samples = new short[numSamples][numTokens]; int sample = 0; short[] currentSample = samples[0]; for (int token = 0; token < numTokens; ++token) { int randomTopic = random.nextInt(numTopics); ++topicCount[randomTopic]; currentSample[token] = (short) randomTopic; } double[] topicDistro = new double[numTopics]; int numEpochs = burnin + sampleLag * (numSamples - 1); for (int epoch = 0; epoch < numEpochs; ++epoch) { for (int token = 0; token < numTokens; ++token) { int word = tokens[token]; int currentTopic = currentSample[token]; --topicCount[currentTopic]; if (topicCount[currentTopic] < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bomb"); } for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { topicDistro[topic] = (topicCount[topic] + docTopicPrior) * wordProbability(topic,word) + (topic == 0 ? 0.0 : topicDistro[topic-1]); } int sampledTopic = Statistics.sample(topicDistro,random); ++topicCount[sampledTopic]; currentSample[token] = (short) sampledTopic; } if ((epoch >= burnin) && (((epoch - burnin) % sampleLag) == 0)) { short[] pastSample = currentSample; ++sample; currentSample = samples[sample]; for (int token = 0; token < numTokens; ++token) currentSample[token] = pastSample[token]; } } return samples; } /** * Replaced by method {@code bayesTopicEstimate()} because of * original misnaming. * *

Warning: This is actually not a maximum a posterior * (MAP) estimate as suggested by the name. * * @param tokens The tokens making up the document. * @param numSamples Number of Gibbs samples to return. * @param burnin The number of samples to take and throw away * during the burnin period. * @param sampleLag The interval between samples after burnin. * @param random The random number generator to use for this sampling * process. * @return The selection of topic samples generated by this * sampler. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If there are tokens whose * value is less than zero, or whose value is greater than the * number of tokens in this model. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of samples is * not positive, the sample lag is not positive, or if the burnin * period is negative. */ double[] mapTopicEstimate(int[] tokens, int numSamples, int burnin, int sampleLag, Random random) { return bayesTopicEstimate(tokens,numSamples,burnin,sampleLag,random); } /** * Return the Bayesian point estimate of the topic distribution * for a document consisting of the specified tokens, using Gibbs * sampling with the specified parameters. The Gibbs topic * samples are simply averaged to produce the Bayesian estimate, * which minimizes expected square loss. * *

See the method {@link #sampleTopics(int[],int,int,int,Random)} * and the class documentation for more information on the sampling * procedure. * * @param tokens The tokens making up the document. * @param numSamples Number of Gibbs samples to return. * @param burnin The number of samples to take and throw away * during the burnin period. * @param sampleLag The interval between samples after burnin. * @param random The random number generator to use for this sampling * process. * @return The selection of topic samples generated by this * sampler. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If there are tokens whose * value is less than zero, or whose value is greater than the * number of tokens in this model. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of samples is * not positive, the sample lag is not positive, or if the burnin * period is negative. */ public double[] bayesTopicEstimate(int[] tokens, int numSamples, int burnin, int sampleLag, Random random) { short[][] sampleTopics = sampleTopics(tokens,numSamples,burnin,sampleLag,random); int numTopics = numTopics(); int[] counts = new int[numTopics]; for (short[] topics : sampleTopics) { for (int tok = 0; tok < topics.length; ++tok) ++counts[topics[tok]]; } double totalCount = 0; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) totalCount += counts[topic]; double[] result = new double[numTopics]; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) result[topic] = counts[topic] / totalCount; return result; } Object writeReplace() { return new Serializer(this); } /** * Run Gibbs sampling for the specified multinomial data, number * of topics, priors, search parameters, randomization and * callback sample handler. Gibbs sampling provides samples from the * posterior distribution of topic assignments given the corpus * and prior hyperparameters. A sample is encapsulated as an * instance of class {@link GibbsSample}. This method will return * the final sample and also send intermediate samples to an * optional handler. * *

The class documentation above explains Gibbs sampling for * LDA as used in this method. * *

The primary input is an array of documents, where each * document is represented as an array of integers representing * the tokens that appear in it. These tokens should be numbered * contiguously from 0 for space efficiency. The topic assignments * in the Gibbs sample are aligned as parallel arrays to the array * of documents. * *

The next three parameters are the hyperparameters of the * model, specifically the number of topics, the prior count * assigned to topics in a document, and the prior count assigned * to words in topics. A rule of thumb for the document-topic * prior is to set it to 5 divided by the number of topics (or * less if there are very few topics; 0.1 is typically the maximum * value used). A good general value for the topic-word prior is * 0.01. Both of these priors will be diffuse and tend to lead to * skewed posterior distributions. * *

The following three parameters specify how the sampling is * to be done. First, the sampler is "burned in" for a * number of epochs specified by the burnin parameter. After burn * in, samples are taken after fixed numbers of documents to avoid * correlation in the samples; the sampling frequency is specified * by the sample lag. Finally, the number of samples to be taken * is specified. For instance, if the burnin is 1000, the sample * lag is 250, and the number of samples is 5, then samples are * taken after 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750 and 2000 epochs. If a * non-null handler object is specified in the method call, its * handle(GibbsSample) method is called with each the * samples produced as above. * *

The final sample in the chain of samples is returned as the * result. Note that this sample will also have been passed to the * specified handler as the last sample for the handler. * *

A random number generator must be supplied as an argument. * This may just be a new instance of {@link java.util.Random} or * a custom extension. It is used for all randomization in this * method. * * @param docWords Corpus of documents to be processed. * @param numTopics Number of latent topics to generate. * @param docTopicPrior Prior count of topics in a document. * @param topicWordPrior Prior count of words in a topic. * @param burninEpochs Number of epochs to run before taking a sample. * @param sampleLag Frequency between samples. * @param numSamples Number of samples to take before exiting. * @param random Random number generator. * @param handler Handler to which the samples are sent. * @return The final Gibbs sample. */ public static GibbsSample gibbsSampler(int[][] docWords, short numTopics, double docTopicPrior, double topicWordPrior, int burninEpochs, int sampleLag, int numSamples, Random random, ObjectHandler handler) { validateInputs(docWords,numTopics,docTopicPrior,topicWordPrior,burninEpochs,sampleLag,numSamples); int numDocs = docWords.length; int numWords = max(docWords) + 1; int numTokens = 0; for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) numTokens += docWords[doc].length; // should inputs be permuted? // for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) // Arrays.permute(docWords[doc]); short[][] currentSample = new short[numDocs][]; for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) currentSample[doc] = new short[docWords[doc].length]; int[][] docTopicCount = new int[numDocs][numTopics]; int[][] wordTopicCount = new int[numWords][numTopics]; int[] topicTotalCount = new int[numTopics]; for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) { for (int tok = 0; tok < docWords[doc].length; ++tok) { int word = docWords[doc][tok]; int topic = random.nextInt(numTopics); currentSample[doc][tok] = (short) topic; ++docTopicCount[doc][topic]; ++wordTopicCount[word][topic]; ++topicTotalCount[topic]; } } double numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior = numWords * topicWordPrior; double[] topicDistro = new double[numTopics]; int numEpochs = burninEpochs + sampleLag * (numSamples - 1); for (int epoch = 0; epoch <= numEpochs; ++epoch) { double corpusLog2Prob = 0.0; int numChangedTopics = 0; for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) { int[] docWordsDoc = docWords[doc]; short[] currentSampleDoc = currentSample[doc]; int[] docTopicCountDoc = docTopicCount[doc]; for (int tok = 0; tok < docWordsDoc.length; ++tok) { int word = docWordsDoc[tok]; int[] wordTopicCountWord = wordTopicCount[word]; int currentTopic = currentSampleDoc[tok]; if (currentTopic == 0) { topicDistro[0] = (docTopicCountDoc[0] - 1.0 + docTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[0] - 1.0 + topicWordPrior) / (topicTotalCount[0] -1.0 + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior); } else { topicDistro[0] = (docTopicCountDoc[0] + docTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[0] + topicWordPrior) / (topicTotalCount[0] + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior); for (int topic = 1; topic < currentTopic; ++topic) { topicDistro[topic] = (docTopicCountDoc[topic] + docTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[topic] + topicWordPrior) / (topicTotalCount[topic] + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior) + topicDistro[topic-1]; } topicDistro[currentTopic] = (docTopicCountDoc[currentTopic] - 1.0 + docTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[currentTopic] - 1.0 + topicWordPrior) / (topicTotalCount[currentTopic] -1.0 + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior) + topicDistro[currentTopic-1]; } for (int topic = currentTopic+1; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { topicDistro[topic] = (docTopicCountDoc[topic] + docTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[topic] + topicWordPrior) / (topicTotalCount[topic] + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior) + topicDistro[topic-1]; } int sampledTopic = Statistics.sample(topicDistro,random); // compute probs before updates if (sampledTopic != currentTopic) { currentSampleDoc[tok] = (short) sampledTopic; --docTopicCountDoc[currentTopic]; --wordTopicCountWord[currentTopic]; --topicTotalCount[currentTopic]; ++docTopicCountDoc[sampledTopic]; ++wordTopicCountWord[sampledTopic]; ++topicTotalCount[sampledTopic]; } if (sampledTopic != currentTopic) ++numChangedTopics; double topicProbGivenDoc = docTopicCountDoc[sampledTopic] / (double) docWordsDoc.length; double wordProbGivenTopic = wordTopicCountWord[sampledTopic] / (double) topicTotalCount[sampledTopic]; double tokenLog2Prob = Math.log2(topicProbGivenDoc * wordProbGivenTopic); corpusLog2Prob += tokenLog2Prob; } } // double crossEntropyRate = -corpusLog2Prob / numTokens; if ((epoch >= burninEpochs) && (((epoch - burninEpochs) % sampleLag) == 0)) { GibbsSample sample = new GibbsSample(epoch, currentSample, docWords, docTopicPrior, topicWordPrior, docTopicCount, wordTopicCount, topicTotalCount, numChangedTopics, numWords, numTokens); if (handler != null) handler.handle(sample); if (epoch == numEpochs) return sample; } } throw new IllegalStateException("unreachable in practice because of return if epoch==numEpochs"); } /** * Return an iterator over Gibbs samples for the specified * document-word corpus, number of topics, priors and randomizer. * These are the same Gibbs samples as wold be produced by the * method {@link * #gibbsSampler(int[][],short,double,double,int,int,int,Random,ObjectHandler)}. * See that method and the class documentation for more details. * * @param docWords Corpus of documents to be processed. * @param numTopics Number of latent topics to generate. * @param docTopicPrior Prior count of topics in a document. * @param topicWordPrior Prior count of words in a topic. * @param random Random number generator. */ public static Iterator gibbsSample(int[][] docWords, short numTopics, double docTopicPrior, double topicWordPrior, Random random) { validateInputs(docWords,numTopics,docTopicPrior,topicWordPrior); return new SampleIterator(docWords,numTopics,docTopicPrior,topicWordPrior,random); } static class SampleIterator extends Iterators.Buffered { private final int[][] mDocWords; // D x W x 4 (shared across threads) private final short mNumTopics; private final double mDocTopicPrior; private final double mTopicWordPrior; private final Random mRandom; private final int mNumDocs; private final int mNumWords; private final int mNumTokens; private final short[][] mCurrentSample; // D x W x 2 private final int[][] mDocTopicCount; // D x K x 4 private final int[][] mWordTopicCount; // K x W x 4 private final int[] mTopicTotalCount; // K private int mNumChangedTopics; private int mEpoch = 0; SampleIterator(int[][] docWords, short numTopics, double docTopicPrior, double topicWordPrior, Random random) { mDocWords = docWords; mNumTopics = numTopics; mDocTopicPrior = docTopicPrior; mTopicWordPrior = topicWordPrior; mRandom = random; mNumDocs = mDocWords.length; mNumWords = max(mDocWords) + 1; int numTokens = 0; for (int doc = 0; doc < mNumDocs; ++doc) numTokens += mDocWords[doc].length; mNumTokens = numTokens; mNumChangedTopics = numTokens; mCurrentSample = new short[mNumDocs][]; for (int doc = 0; doc < mNumDocs; ++doc) mCurrentSample[doc] = new short[mDocWords[doc].length]; mDocTopicCount = new int[mNumDocs][numTopics]; mWordTopicCount = new int[mNumWords][numTopics]; mTopicTotalCount = new int[numTopics]; // random initialization for (int doc = 0; doc < mNumDocs; ++doc) { for (int tok = 0; tok < docWords[doc].length; ++tok) { int word = docWords[doc][tok]; int topic = mRandom.nextInt(numTopics); mCurrentSample[doc][tok] = (short) topic; ++mDocTopicCount[doc][topic]; ++mWordTopicCount[word][topic]; ++mTopicTotalCount[topic]; } } } @Override protected GibbsSample bufferNext() { // create existing sample; then compute next one by setting all vars GibbsSample sample = new GibbsSample(mEpoch, mCurrentSample, mDocWords, mDocTopicPrior, mTopicWordPrior, mDocTopicCount, mWordTopicCount, mTopicTotalCount, mNumChangedTopics, mNumWords, mNumTokens); ++mEpoch; double numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior = mNumWords * mTopicWordPrior; double[] topicDistro = new double[mNumTopics]; int numChangedTopics = 0; for (int doc = 0; doc < mNumDocs; ++doc) { int[] docWordsDoc = mDocWords[doc]; short[] currentSampleDoc = mCurrentSample[doc]; int[] docTopicCountDoc = mDocTopicCount[doc]; for (int tok = 0; tok < docWordsDoc.length; ++tok) { int word = docWordsDoc[tok]; int[] wordTopicCountWord = mWordTopicCount[word]; int currentTopic = currentSampleDoc[tok]; if (currentTopic == 0) { topicDistro[0] = (docTopicCountDoc[0] - 1.0 + mDocTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[0] - 1.0 + mTopicWordPrior) / (mTopicTotalCount[0] -1.0 + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior); } else { topicDistro[0] = (docTopicCountDoc[0] + mDocTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[0] + mTopicWordPrior) / (mTopicTotalCount[0] + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior); for (int topic = 1; topic < currentTopic; ++topic) { topicDistro[topic] = (docTopicCountDoc[topic] + mDocTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[topic] + mTopicWordPrior) / (mTopicTotalCount[topic] + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior) + topicDistro[topic-1]; } topicDistro[currentTopic] = (docTopicCountDoc[currentTopic] - 1.0 + mDocTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[currentTopic] - 1.0 + mTopicWordPrior) / (mTopicTotalCount[currentTopic] -1.0 + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior) + topicDistro[currentTopic-1]; } for (int topic = currentTopic+1; topic < mNumTopics; ++topic) { topicDistro[topic] = (docTopicCountDoc[topic] + mDocTopicPrior) * (wordTopicCountWord[topic] + mTopicWordPrior) / (mTopicTotalCount[topic] + numWordsTimesTopicWordPrior) + topicDistro[topic-1]; } int sampledTopic = Statistics.sample(topicDistro,mRandom); if (sampledTopic != currentTopic) { currentSampleDoc[tok] = (short) sampledTopic; --docTopicCountDoc[currentTopic]; --wordTopicCountWord[currentTopic]; --mTopicTotalCount[currentTopic]; ++docTopicCountDoc[sampledTopic]; ++wordTopicCountWord[sampledTopic]; ++mTopicTotalCount[sampledTopic]; ++numChangedTopics; } } } mNumChangedTopics = numChangedTopics; return sample; } } /** * Tokenize an array of text documents represented as character * sequences into a form usable by LDA, using the specified * tokenizer factory and symbol table. The symbol table should be * constructed fresh for this application, but may be used after * this method is called for further token to symbol conversions. * Only tokens whose count is equal to or larger the specified * minimum count are included. Only tokens whose count exceeds * the minimum are added to the symbol table, thus producing a * compact set of symbol assignments to tokens for downstream * processing. * *

Warning: With some tokenizer factories and or minimum * count thresholds, there may be documents with no tokens in * them. * * @param texts The text corpus. * @param tokenizerFactory A tokenizer factory for tokenizing the texts. * @param symbolTable Symbol table used to convert tokens to identifiers. * @param minCount Minimum count for a token to be included in a * document's representation. * @return The tokenized form of a document suitable for input to LDA. */ public static int[][] tokenizeDocuments(CharSequence[] texts, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, int minCount) { ObjectToCounterMap tokenCounter = new ObjectToCounterMap(); for (CharSequence text : texts) { char[] cs = Strings.toCharArray(text); Tokenizer tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.tokenizer(cs,0,cs.length); for (String token : tokenizer) tokenCounter.increment(token); } tokenCounter.prune(minCount); Set tokenSet = tokenCounter.keySet(); for (String token : tokenSet) symbolTable.getOrAddSymbol(token); int[][] docTokenId = new int[texts.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < docTokenId.length; ++i) { docTokenId[i] = tokenizeDocument(texts[i],tokenizerFactory,symbolTable); } return docTokenId; } /** * Tokenizes the specified text document using the specified tokenizer * factory returning only tokens that exist in the symbol table. This * method is useful within a given LDA model for tokenizing new documents * into lists of words. * * @param text Character sequence to tokenize. * @param tokenizerFactory Tokenizer factory for tokenization. * @param symbolTable Symbol table to use for converting tokens * to symbols. * @return The array of integer symbols for tokens that exist in * the symbol table. */ public static int[] tokenizeDocument(CharSequence text, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable) { char[] cs = Strings.toCharArray(text); Tokenizer tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.tokenizer(cs,0,cs.length); List idList = new ArrayList(); for (String token : tokenizer) { int id = symbolTable.symbolToID(token); if (id >= 0) idList.add(id); } int[] tokenIds = new int[idList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tokenIds.length; ++i) tokenIds[i] = idList.get(i); return tokenIds; } static int max(int[][] xs) { int max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < xs.length; ++i) { int[] xsI = xs[i]; for (int j = 0; j < xsI.length; ++j) { if (xsI[j] > max) max = xsI[j]; } } return max; } static double relativeDifference(double x, double y) { return java.lang.Math.abs(x - y) / (java.lang.Math.abs(x) + java.lang.Math.abs(y)); } static void validateInputs(int[][] docWords, short numTopics, double docTopicPrior, double topicWordPrior, int burninEpochs, int sampleLag, int numSamples) { validateInputs(docWords,numTopics,docTopicPrior,topicWordPrior); if (burninEpochs < 0) { String msg = "Number of burnin epochs must be non-negative." + " Found burninEpochs=" + burninEpochs; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (sampleLag < 1) { String msg = "Sample lag must be positive." + " Found sampleLag=" + sampleLag; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (numSamples < 1) { String msg = "Number of samples must be positive." + " Found numSamples=" + numSamples; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } static void validateInputs(int[][] docWords, short numTopics, double docTopicPrior, double topicWordPrior) { for (int doc = 0; doc < docWords.length; ++doc) { for (int tok = 0; tok < docWords[doc].length; ++tok) { if (docWords[doc][tok] >= 0) continue; String msg = "All tokens must have IDs greater than 0." + " Found docWords[" + doc + "][" + tok + "]=" + docWords[doc][tok]; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } if (numTopics < 1) { String msg = "Num topics must be positive." + " Found numTopics=" + numTopics; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (Double.isInfinite(docTopicPrior) || Double.isNaN(docTopicPrior) || docTopicPrior < 0.0) { String msg = "Document-topic prior must be finite and positive." + " Found docTopicPrior=" + docTopicPrior; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (Double.isInfinite(topicWordPrior) || Double.isNaN(topicWordPrior) || topicWordPrior < 0.0) { String msg = "Topic-word prior must be finite and positive." + " Found topicWordPrior=" + topicWordPrior; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } /** * The LatentDirichletAllocation.GibbsSample class * encapsulates all of the information related to a single Gibbs * sample for latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). A sample * consists of the assignment of a topic identifier to each * token in the corpus. Other methods in this class are derived * from either the topic samples, the data being estimated, and * the LDA parameters such as priors. * *

Instances of * this class are created by the sampling method in the containing * class, {@link LatentDirichletAllocation}. For convenience, the * sample includes all of the data used to construct the sample, * as well as the hyperparameters used for sampling. * *

As described in the class documentation for the containing * class {@link LatentDirichletAllocation}, the primary content in * a Gibbs sample for LDA is the assignment of a single topic to * each token in the corpus. Cumulative counts for topics in * documents and words in topics as well as total counts are also * available; they do not entail any additional computation costs * as the sampler maintains them as part of the sample. * *

The sample also contains meta information about the state * of the sampling procedure. The epoch at which the sample * was produced is provided, as well as an indication of how many * topic assignments changed between this sample and the previous * sample (note that this is the previous sample in the chain, not * necessarily the previous sample handled by the LDA handler; the * handler only gets the samples separated by the specified lag. * *

The sample may be used to generate an LDA model. The * resulting model may then be used for estimation of unseen * documents. Typically, models derived from several samples are * used for Bayesian computations, as described in the class * documentation above. * * @author Bob Carpenter * @version 3.3.0 * @since LingPipe3.3 */ public static class GibbsSample { private final int mEpoch; private final short[][] mTopicSample; private final int[][] mDocWords; private final double mDocTopicPrior; private final double mTopicWordPrior; private final int[][] mDocTopicCount; private final int[][] mWordTopicCount; private final int[] mTopicCount; private final int mNumChangedTopics; private final int mNumWords; private final int mNumTokens; GibbsSample(int epoch, short[][] topicSample, int[][] docWords, double docTopicPrior, double topicWordPrior, int[][] docTopicCount, int[][] wordTopicCount, int[] topicCount, int numChangedTopics, int numWords, int numTokens) { mEpoch = epoch; mTopicSample = topicSample; mDocWords = docWords; mDocTopicPrior = docTopicPrior; mTopicWordPrior = topicWordPrior; mDocTopicCount = docTopicCount; mWordTopicCount = wordTopicCount; mTopicCount = topicCount; mNumChangedTopics = numChangedTopics; mNumWords = numWords; mNumTokens = numTokens; } /** * Returns the epoch in which this sample was generated. * * @return The epoch for this sample. */ public int epoch() { return mEpoch; } /** * Returns the number of documents on which the sample was * based. * * @return The number of documents for the sample. */ public int numDocuments() { return mDocWords.length; } /** * Returns the number of distinct words in the documents on * which the sample was based. * * @return The number of words underlying the model. */ public int numWords() { return mNumWords; } /** * Returns the number of tokens in documents on which the * sample was based. Each token is an instance of a particular * word. */ public int numTokens() { return mNumTokens; } /** * Returns the number of topics for this sample. * * @return The number of topics for this sample. */ public int numTopics() { return mTopicCount.length; } /** * Returns the topic identifier sampled for the specified * token position in the specified document. * * @param doc Identifier for a document. * @param token Token position in the specified document. * @return The topic assigned to the specified token in this * sample. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the document * identifier is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of * documents (exclusive), or if the token is not between 0 * (inclusive) and the number of tokens (exclusive) in the * specified document. */ public short topicSample(int doc, int token) { return mTopicSample[doc][token]; } /** * Returns the word identifier for the specified token position * in the specified document. * * @param doc Identifier for a document. * @param token Token position in the specified document. * @return The word found at the specified position in the * specified document. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the document * identifier is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of * documents (exclusive), or if the token is not between 0 * (inclusive) and the number of tokens (exclusive) in the * specified document. */ public int word(int doc, int token) { return mDocWords[doc][token]; } /** * Returns the uniform Dirichlet concentration hyperparameter * α for document distributions over topics * from which this sample was produced. * * @return The document-topic prior. */ public double documentTopicPrior() { return mDocTopicPrior; } /** * Returns the uniform Dirichlet concentration hyperparameter * β for topic distributions over words from * which this sample was produced. */ public double topicWordPrior() { return mTopicWordPrior; } /** * Returns the number of times the specified topic was * assigned to the specified document in this sample. * * @param doc Identifier for a document. * @param topic Identifier for a topic. * @return The count of the topic in the document in this * sample. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the document identifier * is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of documents * (exclusive) or if the topic identifier is not between 0 (inclusive) * and the number of topics (exclusive). */ public int documentTopicCount(int doc, int topic) { return mDocTopicCount[doc][topic]; } /** * Returns the length of the specified document in tokens. * * @param doc Identifier for a document. * @return The length of the specified document in tokens. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the document * identifier is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of * documents (exclusive). */ public int documentLength(int doc) { return mDocWords[doc].length; } /** * Returns the number of times tokens for the specified word * were assigned to the specified topic. * * @param topic Identifier for a topic. * @param word Identifier for a word. * @return The number of tokens of the specified word assigned * to the specified topic. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the specified topic is * not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of topics (exclusive), * or if the word is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of * words (exclusive). */ public int topicWordCount(int topic, int word) { return mWordTopicCount[word][topic]; } /** * Returns the total number of tokens assigned to the specified * topic in this sample. * * @param topic Identifier for a topic. * @return The total number of tokens assigned to the * specified topic. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified topic is * not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of topics (exclusive). */ public int topicCount(int topic) { return mTopicCount[topic]; } /** * Returns the total number of topic assignments to tokens * that changed between the last sample and this one. Note * that this is the last sample in the chain, not the last * sample necessarily passed to a handler, because handlers * may not be configured to handle every * sample. * * @return The number of topics assignments that changed in this * sample relative to the previous sample. */ public int numChangedTopics() { return mNumChangedTopics; } /** * Returns the probability estimate for the specified word in * the specified topic in this sample. This value is * calculated as a maximum a posteriori estimate computed as * described in the class documentation for {@link * LatentDirichletAllocation} using the topic assignment * counts in this sample and the topic-word prior. * * @param topic Identifier for a topic. * @param word Identifier for a word. * @return The probability of generating the specified word in * the specified topic. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the specified topic is * not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of topics (exclusive), * or if the word is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of * words (exclusive). */ public double topicWordProb(int topic, int word) { return (topicWordCount(topic,word) + topicWordPrior()) / (topicCount(topic) + numWords() * topicWordPrior()); } /** * Returns the number of times tokens of the specified word * appeared in the corpus. * * @param word Identifier of a word. * @return The number of tokens of the word in the corpus. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the word identifier is * not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of words * (exclusive). */ public int wordCount(int word) { int count = 0; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics(); ++topic) count += topicWordCount(topic,word); return count; } /** * Returns the estimate of the probability of the topic being * assigned to a word in the specified document given the * topic * assignments in this sample. This is the maximum a * posteriori estimate computed from the topic assignments * * as described in the class documentation for {@link * LatentDirichletAllocation} using the topic assignment * counts in this sample and the document-topic prior. * * @param doc Identifier of a document. * @param topic Identifier for a topic. * @return An estimate of the probabilty of the topic in the * document. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the document identifier * is not between 0 (inclusive) and the number of documents * (exclusive) or if the topic identifier is not between 0 (inclusive) * and the number of topics (exclusive). */ public double documentTopicProb(int doc, int topic) { return (documentTopicCount(doc,topic) + documentTopicPrior()) / (documentLength(doc) + numTopics() * documentTopicPrior()); } /** * Returns an estimate of the log (base 2) likelihood of the * corpus given the point estimates of topic and document * multinomials determined from this sample. * *

This likelihood calculation uses the methods * {@link #documentTopicProb(int,int)} and {@link * #topicWordProb(int,int)} for estimating likelihoods * according the following formula: * *

         * corpusLog2Probability()
         * = Σdoc,i log2 Σtopic p(topic|doc) * p(word[doc][i]|topic)
* *

Note that this is not the complete corpus likelihood, * which requires integrating over possible topic and document * multinomials given the priors. * * @return The log (base 2) likelihood of the training corpus * * given the document and topic multinomials determined by * this sample. */ public double corpusLog2Probability() { double corpusLog2Prob = 0.0; int numDocs = numDocuments(); int numTopics = numTopics(); for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) { int docLength = documentLength(doc); for (int token = 0; token < docLength; ++token) { int word = word(doc,token); double wordProb = 0.0; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { double wordTopicProbGivenDoc = topicWordProb(topic,word) * documentTopicProb(doc,topic); wordProb += wordTopicProbGivenDoc; } corpusLog2Prob += Math.log2(wordProb); } } return corpusLog2Prob; } /** * Returns a latent Dirichlet allocation model corresponding * to this sample. The topic-word probabilities are * calculated according to {@link #topicWordProb(int,int)}, * and the document-topic prior is as specified in the call * to LDA that produced this sample. * * @return The LDA model for this sample. */ public LatentDirichletAllocation lda() { int numTopics = numTopics(); int numWords = numWords(); double topicWordPrior = topicWordPrior(); double[][] topicWordProbs = new double[numTopics][numWords]; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { double topicCount = topicCount(topic); double denominator = topicCount + numWords * topicWordPrior; for (int word = 0; word < numWords; ++word) topicWordProbs[topic][word] = (topicWordCount(topic,word) + topicWordPrior)/ denominator; } return new LatentDirichletAllocation(mDocTopicPrior, topicWordProbs); } } /** * Return a feature extractor for character sequences based * on tokenizing with the specified tokenizer and generating * expected values for topics given the words. * *

The symbol table is used to convert the tokens to word * identifiers used for this LDA model. Symbols not in the symbol * table or with values out of range of the word probabilities are * ignored. * *

The feature names are determined by prefixing the specified * string to the topic number (starting from zero). * *

In order to maintain some degree of efficiency, the feature * extraction process estimates topic expectations for each * feature independently and then sums them, then normalizes the * result so the sum of the values of all features generated is 1. * *

Given a uniform distribution over topics, the probability of * a topic given a word may be calculated up to a normalizing * constant using Bayes's law, * *

     * p(topic|word) = p(word|topic) * p(topic) / p(word)
     *               ∝ p(word|topic) * p(topic)
     *               = p(word|topic)
* * Given the finite number of topics, it is easy to normalize the * distribution and compute p(topic|word) from * p(word|topic). The values in * p(topic|word) are precompiled at construction * time. * *

The prior document topic count from this LDA model is * added to the expected counts for each topic before normalization. * *

The expectations for topics for each word are then summed, * the resulting feature vector is normalized to sum to 1, and then * it is returned. * *

Thus the value of each feature is proportional to the * expected number of words in that topic plus the document-topic * prior, divided by the total number of words. * *


* * The resulting feature extractor may be serialized if its component * tokenizer factory and symbol table are serializable. * * @param tokenizerFactory Tokenizer factory to use for token extraction. * @param symbolTable Symbol table mapping tokens to word identifiers. * @param featurePrefix Prefix of the resulting feature names. * @return A feature extractor over character sequences based on * this LDA model. */ FeatureExtractor expectedTopicFeatureExtractor(TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, String featurePrefix) { return new ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor(this, tokenizerFactory, symbolTable, featurePrefix); } /** * Return a feature extractor for character sequences based on * this LDA model and the specified tokenizer factory and symbol * tale, which computes the unbiased Bayesian least squares * estimate for the character sequence's topic distribution. * *

The method {@link * #bayesTopicEstimate(int[],int,int,int,Random)} is used to compute * the topic distribution for the features. * *

The feature names are determined by prefixing the specified * string to the topic number (starting from zero). * *


* * The resulting feature extractor may be serialized if its component * tokenizer factory and symbol table are serializable. * * @param tokenizerFactory Tokenizer for character sequences. * @param symbolTable Symbol table for mapping tokens to dimensions. * @param burnIn Number of initial Gibbs samples to dispose. * @param sampleLag The inerval between saved samples after burnin. * @param numSamples Number of Gibbs samples to return. * @return Feature extractor with the specified parameters. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of samples is * not positive, the sample lag is not positive, or if the burnin * period is negative. */ FeatureExtractor bayesTopicFeatureExtractor(TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, String featurePrefix, int burnIn, int sampleLag, int numSamples) { return new BayesTopicFeatureExtractor(this, tokenizerFactory, symbolTable, featurePrefix, burnIn, sampleLag, numSamples); } static String[] genFeatures(String prefix, int numTopics) { String[] features = new String[numTopics]; for (int k = 0; k < numTopics; ++k) features[k] = prefix + k; return features; } static class BayesTopicFeatureExtractor implements FeatureExtractor, Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 8883227852502200365L; private final LatentDirichletAllocation mLda; private final TokenizerFactory mTokenizerFactory; private final SymbolTable mSymbolTable; private final String[] mFeatures; private final int mBurnin; private final int mSampleLag; private final int mNumSamples; public BayesTopicFeatureExtractor(LatentDirichletAllocation lda, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, String featurePrefix, int burnin, int sampleLag, int numSamples) { this(lda, tokenizerFactory, symbolTable, genFeatures(featurePrefix,lda.numTopics()), burnin, sampleLag, numSamples); } BayesTopicFeatureExtractor(LatentDirichletAllocation lda, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, String[] features, int burnin, int sampleLag, int numSamples) { mLda = lda; mTokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; mSymbolTable = symbolTable; mFeatures = features; mBurnin = burnin; mSampleLag = sampleLag; mNumSamples = numSamples; } public Map features(CharSequence cSeq) { int numTopics = mLda.numTopics(); char[] cs = Strings.toCharArray(cSeq); Tokenizer tokenizer = mTokenizerFactory.tokenizer(cs,0,cs.length); List tokenIdList = new ArrayList(); for (String token : tokenizer) { int symbol = mSymbolTable.symbolToID(token); if (symbol < 0 || symbol >= mLda.numWords()) continue; tokenIdList.add(symbol); } int[] tokens = new int[tokenIdList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tokenIdList.size(); ++i) tokens[i] = tokenIdList.get(i).intValue(); double[] vals = mLda.mapTopicEstimate(tokens, mNumSamples, mBurnin, mSampleLag, new Random()); ObjectToDoubleMap features = new ObjectToDoubleMap((numTopics*3)/2); for (int k = 0; k < numTopics; ++k) { if (vals[k] > 0.0) features.set(mFeatures[k],vals[k]); } return features; } Object writeReplace() { return new Serializer(this); } static class Serializer extends AbstractExternalizable { static final long serialVersionUID = 6719636683732661958L; final BayesTopicFeatureExtractor mFeatureExtractor; public Serializer() { this(null); } Serializer(BayesTopicFeatureExtractor featureExtractor) { mFeatureExtractor = featureExtractor; } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(mFeatureExtractor.mLda); out.writeObject(mFeatureExtractor.mTokenizerFactory); out.writeObject(mFeatureExtractor.mSymbolTable); writeUTFs(mFeatureExtractor.mFeatures,out); out.writeInt(mFeatureExtractor.mBurnin); out.writeInt(mFeatureExtractor.mSampleLag); out.writeInt(mFeatureExtractor.mNumSamples); } public Object read(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LatentDirichletAllocation lda = (LatentDirichletAllocation) in.readObject(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory = (TokenizerFactory) in.readObject(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SymbolTable symbolTable = (SymbolTable) in.readObject(); String[] features = readUTFs(in); int burnIn = in.readInt(); int sampleLag = in.readInt(); int numSamples = in.readInt(); return new BayesTopicFeatureExtractor(lda,tokenizerFactory,symbolTable, features, burnIn,sampleLag,numSamples); } } } static class ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor implements FeatureExtractor, Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = -7996546432550775177L; private final double[][] mWordTopicProbs; private final double mDocTopicPrior; private final TokenizerFactory mTokenizerFactory; private final SymbolTable mSymbolTable; private final String[] mFeatures; public ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor(LatentDirichletAllocation lda, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, String featurePrefix) { double[][] wordTopicProbs = new double[lda.numWords()][lda.numTopics()]; for (int word = 0; word < lda.numWords(); ++word) for (int topic = 0; topic < lda.numTopics(); ++topic) wordTopicProbs[word][topic] = lda.wordProbability(topic,word); for (double[] topicProbs : wordTopicProbs) { double sum = com.aliasi.util.Math.sum(topicProbs); for (int k = 0; k < topicProbs.length; ++k) topicProbs[k] /= sum; } mWordTopicProbs = wordTopicProbs; mDocTopicPrior = lda.documentTopicPrior(); mTokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; mSymbolTable = symbolTable; mFeatures = genFeatures(featurePrefix,lda.numTopics()); } ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor(double docTopicPrior, double[][] wordTopicProbs, TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory, SymbolTable symbolTable, String[] features) { mWordTopicProbs = wordTopicProbs; mDocTopicPrior = docTopicPrior; mTokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; mSymbolTable = symbolTable; mFeatures = features; } public Map features(CharSequence cSeq) { int numTopics = mWordTopicProbs[0].length; char[] cs = Strings.toCharArray(cSeq); Tokenizer tokenizer = mTokenizerFactory.tokenizer(cs,0,cs.length); double[] vals = new double[numTopics]; Arrays.fill(vals,mDocTopicPrior); for (String token : tokenizer) { int symbol = mSymbolTable.symbolToID(token); if (symbol < 0 || symbol >= mWordTopicProbs.length) continue; for (int k = 0; k < numTopics; ++k) vals[k] += mWordTopicProbs[symbol][k]; } ObjectToDoubleMap featMap = new ObjectToDoubleMap((numTopics*3)/2); double sum = com.aliasi.util.Math.sum(vals); for (int k = 0; k < numTopics; ++k) if (vals[k] > 0.0) featMap.set(mFeatures[k], vals[k] / sum); return featMap; } Object writeReplace() { return new Serializer(this); } static class Serializer extends AbstractExternalizable { static final long serialVersionUID = -1472744781627035426L; final ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor mFeatures; public Serializer() { this(null); } public Serializer(ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor features) { mFeatures = features; } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeDouble(mFeatures.mDocTopicPrior); out.writeInt(mFeatures.mWordTopicProbs.length); for (int w = 0; w < mFeatures.mWordTopicProbs.length; ++w) writeDoubles(mFeatures.mWordTopicProbs[w],out); out.writeObject(mFeatures.mTokenizerFactory); out.writeObject(mFeatures.mSymbolTable); writeUTFs(mFeatures.mFeatures,out); } public Object read(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { double docTopicPrior = in.readDouble(); int numWords = in.readInt(); double[][] wordTopicProbs = new double[numWords][]; for (int w = 0; w < numWords; ++w) wordTopicProbs[w] = readDoubles(in); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory = (TokenizerFactory) in.readObject(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SymbolTable symbolTable = (SymbolTable) in.readObject(); String[] features = readUTFs(in); return new ExpectedTopicFeatureExtractor(docTopicPrior,wordTopicProbs,tokenizerFactory,symbolTable,features); } } } static class Serializer extends AbstractExternalizable { static final long serialVersionUID = 4725870665020270825L; final LatentDirichletAllocation mLda; public Serializer() { this(null); } public Serializer(LatentDirichletAllocation lda) { mLda = lda; } public Object read(ObjectInput in) throws IOException { double docTopicPrior = in.readDouble(); int numTopics = in.readInt(); double[][] topicWordProbs = new double[numTopics][]; for (int i = 0; i < topicWordProbs.length; ++i) topicWordProbs[i] = readDoubles(in); return new LatentDirichletAllocation(docTopicPrior,topicWordProbs); } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeDouble(mLda.mDocTopicPrior); out.writeInt(mLda.mTopicWordProbs.length); for (double[] topicWordProbs : mLda.mTopicWordProbs) writeDoubles(topicWordProbs,out); } } }

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