com.aliasi.stats.LogisticRegression Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* LingPipe v. 4.1.0
* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Alias-i
* This program is licensed under the Alias-i Royalty Free License
* Version 1 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
* Royalty Free License Version 1 for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Alias-i Royalty Free License
* Version 1 along with this program; if not, visit
* or contact
* Alias-i, Inc. at 181 North 11th Street, Suite 401, Brooklyn, NY 11211,
* +1 (718) 290-9170.
package com.aliasi.stats;
import com.aliasi.corpus.ObjectHandler;
import com.aliasi.matrix.DenseVector;
import com.aliasi.matrix.Matrices;
import com.aliasi.matrix.SparseFloatVector;
import com.aliasi.matrix.Vector;
import com.aliasi.util.AbstractExternalizable;
import com.aliasi.util.Compilable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.util.Locale;
* A LogisticRegression
instance is a multi-class vector
* classifier model generating conditional probability estimates of
* categories. This class also provides static factory methods for
* estimating multinomial regression models using stochastic gradient
* descent (SGD) to find maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori
* (MAP) estimates with Laplace, Gaussian, Cauchy priors on
* coefficients.
* The classification package contains a class {@link
* com.aliasi.classify.LogisticRegressionClassifier} which adapts this
* class's models and estimators to act as generic classifiers given
* an instance of {@link com.aliasi.util.FeatureExtractor}.
* Also Known As (AKA)
* Multinomial logistic regression is also known as polytomous,
* polychotomous, or multi-class logistic regression, or just
* multilogit regression.
Binary logistic regression is an instance of a generalized
* linear model (GLM) with the logit link function. The logit
* function is the inverse of the logistic function, and the logistic
* function is sometimes called the sigmoid function or the s-curve.
Logistic regression estimation obeys the maximum entropy
* principle, and thus logistic regression is sometimes called
* "maximum entropy modeling", and the resulting classifier
* the "maximum entropy classifier".
The generalization of binomial logistic regression to
* multinomial logistic regression is sometimes called a softmax or
* exponential model.
Maximum a priori (MAP) estimation with Gaussian priors is often
* referred to as "ridge regression"; with Laplace priors
* MAP estimation is known as the "lasso". MAP estimation
* with Gaussian, Laplace or Cauchy priors is known as parameter
* shrinkage. Gaussian and Laplace are forms of regularized
* regression, with the Gaussian version being regularized with the
* L2 norm (Euclidean distance, called the Frobenius norm
* for matrices of parameters) and the Laplace version being
* regularized with the L1 norm (taxicab distance or
* Manhattan metric); other Minkowski metrics may be used for
* shrinkage.
Binary logistic regression is equivalent to a one-layer,
* single-output neural network with a logistic activation function
* trained under log loss. This is sometimes called classification
* with a single neuron.
* Model Parameters
* A logistic regression model is a discriminitive classifier for
* vectors of fixed dimensionality. The dimensions are often referred
* to as "features". The method {@link
* #numInputDimensions()} returns the number of dimensions (features)
* in the model. Because the model is well-behaved under sparse
* vectors, the dimensionality may be returned as {@link
* Integer#MAX_VALUE}, a common default choice for sparse vectors.
* A logistic regression model also fixes the number of output
* categories. The method {@link #numOutcomes()} returns the number
* of categories. These outcome categories will be represented as
* integers from 0
to numOutcomes()-1
* inclusive.
A model is parameterized by a real-valued vector for every
* category other than the last, each of which must be of the same
* dimensionality as the model's input feature dimensionality. The
* constructor {@link #LogisticRegression(Vector[])} takes an array of
* {@link Vector} objects, which may be dense or sparse, but must all
* be of the same dimensionality.
* The likelihood of a given output category k <
* numOutcomes()
given an input vector x
* dimensionality numFeatures()
is given by:
* p(c | x, β) = exp(βk * x) / Z(x) if c < numOutcomes()-1
* 1 / Z(x) if c = numOutcomes()-1
* where βk * x
is vector dot (or inner)
* product:
* βk * x = Σi < numDimensions() βk,i * xi
* and where the normalizing denominator, called the partition function,
* is:
* Z(x) = 1 + Σk < numOutcomes()-1 exp(βk * x)
* Error and Gradient
* This class computes maximum a posteriori parameter values given a
* sequence of training pairs (x,c)
and a prior, which
* must be an instance of {@link RegressionPrior}. The error function
* is just the negative log likelihood and log prior:
* Err(D,β) = -( log2 p(β|σ2) + Σ{(x,c') in D} log2 p(c'|x,β))
* where p(β|σ2)
is the likelihood of the parameters
* β
in the prior, and p(c|x,β)
* the probability of category c
given input x
* and parameters β
* The maximum a posteriori estimate is such that the gradient
* (vector of partial derivatives of parameters) is zero. If the data
* is not linearly separable, a maximum likelihood solution must
* exist. If the data is not linearly separable and none of the data
* dimensions is colinear, the solution will be unique. If there is
* an informative Cauchy, Gaussian or Laplace prior, there will be a
* unique MAP solution even in the face of linear separability or
* colinear dimensions. Proofs of solution exists require showing the
* matrix of second partial derivatives of the error with respect to
* pairs of parameters, is positive semi-definite; if it is positive
* definite, the error is strictly concave and the MAP solution is
* unique.
The gradient
* for parameter vector βc
* outcome c < k-1
* grad(Err(D,βc))
* = ∂Err(D,β) / ∂βc
* = ∂(- log p(β|σ2)) / ∂βc
* + ∂( - Σ{(x,c') in D} log p(c' | x, β))
* where the gradient of the priors are described in the
* class documentation for {@link RegressionPrior}, and the
* gradient of the likelihood function is:.
* ∂(-Σ{(x,c') in D} log p(c' | x, β)) / ∂βc
* = - Σ{(x,c') in D} ∂ log p(c' | x, β)) /∂βc
* = - Σ{(x,c') in D} x * (p(c' | x, β) - I(c = c'))
* where the indicator function I(c=c')
is equal to 1 if
* c=c'
and equal to 0 otherwise.
* Intercept Term
* It is conventional to assume that inputs have their first dimension
* reserved for the constant 1
, which makes the
* parameters βc,0
intercepts. The priors
* allow the intercept to be given an uninformative prior even if the
* other dimensions have informative priors.
* Feature Normalization
* It is also common to convert inputs to z-scores in logistic
* regression. The z-score is computed given the mean and deviation
* of each dimension. The problem with centering (subtracting the mean
* from each value) is that it destroys sparsity. We recommend not
* centering and using an intercept term with an uninformative prior.
* Variance normalization can be achieved by setting the variance
* prior parameter independently for each dimension.
Non-Linear and Interaction Features
* It is common in logistic regression to include derived features
* which represent non-linear combinations of other input features.
* Typically, this is done through multiplication. For instance, if
* the output is a quadratic function of an input dimension
* i
, then in addition to the raw value
* xi
, anotehr feature j
may be
* introduced with value xi2
* Similarly, interaction terms are often added for features
* xi
and xj
* with a new feature xk
being defined
* with value xi xj
* The resulting model is linear in the derived features, but
* will no longer be linear in the original features.
Stochastic Gradient Descent
* This class estimates logistic regression models using stochastic
* gradient descent (SGD). The SGD method runs through the data one
* or more times, considering one training case at a time, adjusting
* the parameters along some multiple of the contribution to the gradient
* of the error for that case.
With informative priors, the search space
* is strictly concave, and there will be a unique solution. In cases
* of linear dependence between dimensions or in separable data,
* maximum likelihood estimation may diverge.
The basic algorithm is:
* β = 0;
* for (epoch = 0; epoch < maxEpochs; ++epoch)
* for training case (x,c') in D
* for category c < numOutcomes-1
* βc -= learningRate(epoch) * grad(Err(x,c,c',β,σ2))
* if (epoch > minEpochs && converged)
* return β
* where we discuss the learning rate and convergence conditions
* in the next section. The gradient of the error is described
* above, and the gradient contribution of the prior and its
* parameters σ
are described in the class
* documentation for {@link RegressionPrior}. Note that the error
* gradient must be divided by the number of training cases to
* get the incremental contribution of the prior gradient.
* The actual algorithm uses a lazy form of updating the contribution
* of the gradient of the prior. The result is an algorithm that
* handles sparse input data touching only the non-zero dimensions of
* inputs during parameter updates.
* Learning Parameters
* In addition to the model parameters (including priors) and training
* data (input vectors and reference categories), the regression
* estimation method also requires four parameters that control
* search. The simplest search parameters are the minimum and maximum
* epoch parameters, which control the number of epochs used for
* optimzation.
* The argument minImprovement
determines how much
* improvement in training data and model log likelihood under the
* current model is necessary to go onto the next epoch. This is
* measured relatively, with the algorithm stopping when the current
* epoch's error err
is relatively close to the previous
* epoch's error, errLast
* abs(err - errLast)/(abs(err) + abs(errLast)) < minImprovement
* Setting this to a low value will lead to slow, but accurate
* coefficient estimates.
* Finally, the search parameters include an instance of
* {@link AnnealingSchedule} which impelements the learningRate(epoch)
* method. See that method for concrete implementations, including
* a standard inverse epoch annealing and exponential decay annealing.
Blocked Updates
* The implementation of stochastic gradient descent used in this
* class for fitting a logistic regression model calculates the
* likelihoods for an entire block of examples at once without
* changing the model parameters. The parameters are then updated for
* the entire block at once.
* The last block may be smaller than the others, but it will
* be treated the same way. First its classifications are computed,
* then the gradient updates are made, then the prior updates.
Larger block sizes tend to lead to more robust fitting, but
* may be slower to converge in terms of number of epochs.
In fitting models with priors, large block sizes will cause
* each epoch to run faster because the dense operation of adjusting
* for priors is performed less frequently.
If the block size is set to the corpus size, gradient descent
* reduces to conjugate gradient descent, although step sizes will
* still be calculated with the learning rate, not by a line search
* along the gradient direction.
Serialization and Compilation
* For convenience, this class implements both the {@link Serializable}
* and {@link Compilable} interfaces. Serializing or compiling
* a logistic regression model has the same effect. The model
* read back in from its serialized state will be an instance of
* this class, {@link LogisticRegression}.
* References
* Logistic regression is discussed in most machine learning and
* statistics textbooks. These three machine learning textbooks all
* introduce some form of stochastic gradient descent and logistic
* regression (often not together, and often under different names as
* listed in the AKA section above):
* - MacKay, David. 2003. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (includes free download links).
* Cambridge University Press.
- Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. 2001.
* Elements of Statistical Learning.
* Springer.
* - Bishop, Christopher M. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
* Springer.
* An introduction to traditional statistical modeling with logistic
* regression may be found in:
* - Gelman, Andrew and Jennnifer Hill. 2007. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Cambridge University Press.
* A discussion of text classification using regression that evaluates
* with respect to support vector machines (SVMs) and considers
* informative Laplace and Gaussian priors varying by dimension (which
* this class supports), see:
* - Genkin, Alexander, David D. Lewis, and David Madigan. 2004.
* Large-Scale Bayesian Logistic Regression for Text Categorization.
* Rutgers University Technical Report.
* (alternate download).
* @author Bob Carpenter
* @author Mike Ross
* @version 4.0.1
* @since LingPipe3.5
public class LogisticRegression
implements Compilable, Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID = -8585743596322227589L;
private final Vector[] mWeightVectors;
* Construct a multinomial logistic regression model with
* the specified weight vectors. With k-1
* weight vectors, the result is a multinomial classifier
* with k
* The weight vectors are stored rather than copied, so
* changes to them will affect this class.
See the class definition above for more information on
*logistic regression.
* @param weightVectors Weight vectors definining this regression
* model.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the array of weight vectors
* does not have at least one element or if there are two weight
* vectors with different numbers of dimensions.
public LogisticRegression(Vector[] weightVectors) {
if (weightVectors.length < 1) {
String msg = "Require at least one weight vector.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
int numDimensions = weightVectors[0].numDimensions();
for (int k = 1; k < weightVectors.length; ++k) {
if (numDimensions != weightVectors[k].numDimensions()) {
String msg = "All weight vectors must be same dimensionality."
+ " Found weightVectors[0].numDimensions()=" + numDimensions
+ " weightVectors[" + k + "]=" + weightVectors[k].numDimensions();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
mWeightVectors = weightVectors;
* Construct a binomial logistic regression model with the
* specified parameter vector. See the class definition above
* for more information on logistic regression.
The weight vector is stored rather than copied, so
* changes to it will affect this class.
* @param weightVector The weights of features defining this
* model.
public LogisticRegression(Vector weightVector) {
mWeightVectors = new Vector[] { weightVector };
* Returns the dimensionality of inputs for this logistic
* regression model.
* @return The number of dimensions for this model.
public int numInputDimensions() {
return mWeightVectors[0].numDimensions();
* Returns the number of outcomes for this logistic regression
* model.
* @return The number of outcomes for this model.
public int numOutcomes() {
return mWeightVectors.length + 1;
* Returns an array of views of the weight vectors used for this
* regression model. The returned weight vectors are immutable
* views of the underlying vectors used by this model, so will
* change if the vectors making up this model change.
* @return An array of views of the weight vectors for this model.
public Vector[] weightVectors() {
Vector[] immutables = new Vector[mWeightVectors.length];
for (int i = 0; i < immutables.length; ++i)
immutables[i] = Matrices.unmodifiableVector(mWeightVectors[i]);
return immutables;
* Returns an array of conditional probabilities indexed by
* outcomes for the specified input vector. The resulting array
* has a value for index i
that is equal to the
* probability of the outcome i
for the specified
* input. The sum of the returned values will be 1.0 (modulo
* arithmetic precision).
See the class definition above for more information on
* how the conditional probabilities are computed.
* @param x The input vector.
* @return The array of conditional probabilities of
* outcomes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified vector is not
* the same dimensionality as this logistic regression instance.
public double[] classify(Vector x) {
// standard softmax without overflow with k-1 prods, kth = 0
// ugly re-use of ysHat in softmax computation
double[] ysHat = new double[numOutcomes()];
return ysHat;
* Fills the specified array with the conditional probabilities
* indexed by outcomes for the specified input vector.
The resulting array has a value for index i
* that is equal to the probability of the outcome i
* for the specified input. The sum of the returned values will
* be 1.0 (modulo arithmetic precision).
See the class definition above for more information on
* how the conditional probabilities are computed.
* @param x The input vector.
* @param ysHat Array into which conditional probabilities are written.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified vector is not
* the same dimensionality as this logistic regression instance.
public void classify(Vector x, double[] ysHat) {
if (numInputDimensions() != x.numDimensions()) {
String msg = "Vector and classifer must be of same dimensionality."
+ " Regression model this.numInputDimensions()=" + numInputDimensions()
+ " Vector x.numDimensions()=" + x.numDimensions();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
int numOutcomesMinus1 = ysHat.length - 1;
ysHat[numOutcomesMinus1] = 0.0;
double max = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < numOutcomesMinus1; ++k) {
ysHat[k] = x.dotProduct(mWeightVectors[k]);
if (ysHat[k] > max)
max = ysHat[k];
double z = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < ysHat.length; ++k) {
ysHat[k] = Math.exp(ysHat[k] - max);
z += ysHat[k];
for (int k = 0; k < ysHat.length; ++k)
ysHat[k] /= z;
* Compiles this model to the specified object output. The
* compiled model, when read back in, will remain an instance of
* this class, {@link LogisticRegression}.
Compilation does the same thing as serialization.
* @param out Object output to which this model is compiled.
* @throws IOException If there is an underlying I/O error during
* serialization.
public void compileTo(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
out.writeObject(new Externalizer(this));
Object writeReplace() {
return new Externalizer(this);
* Estimate a logistic regression model from the specified input
* data using the specified Gaussian prior, initial learning rate
* and annealing rate, the minimum improvement per epoch, the
* minimum and maximum number of estimation epochs, and a
* reporter. The block size defaults to the number of examples
* divided by 50 (or 1 if the division results in 0).
See the class documentation above for more information on
* logistic regression and the stochastic gradient descent algorithm
* used to implement this method.
Reporting: Reports at the debug level provide
* epoch-by-epoch feedback. Reports at the info level indicate
* inputs and major milestones in the algorithm. Reports at the
* fatal levels are for thrown exceptions.
* @param xs Input vectors indexed by training case.
* @param cs Output categories indexed by training case.
* @param prior The prior to be used for regression.
* @param annealingSchedule Class to compute learning rate for each epoch.
* @param minImprovement The minimum relative improvement in
* log likelihood for the corpus to continue to another epoch.
* @param minEpochs Minimum number of epochs.
* @param maxEpochs Maximum number of epochs.
* @param reporter Reporter to which progress reports are written, or
* {@code null} if no progress reports are needed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the set of input vectors
* does not contain at least one instance, if the number of output
* categories isn't the same as the input categories, if two input
* vectors have different dimensions, or if the prior has a
* different number of dimensions than the instances.
public static LogisticRegression
estimate(Vector[] xs,
int[] cs,
RegressionPrior prior,
AnnealingSchedule annealingSchedule,
Reporter reporter,
double minImprovement,
int minEpochs,
int maxEpochs) {
LogisticRegression hotStart = null;
ObjectHandler handler = null;
int rollingAverageSize = 10;
int blockSize = Math.max(1,cs.length / 50);
return estimate(xs,cs,
* Estimate a logistic regression model from the specified input
* data using the specified Gaussian prior, initial learning rate
* and annealing rate, the minimum improvement per epoch, the
* minimum and maximum number of estimation epochs, and a
* reporter.
* See the class documentation above for more information on
* logistic regression and the stochastic gradient descent algorithm
* used to implement this method.
Reporting: Reports at the debug level provide
* epoch-by-epoch feedback. Reports at the info level indicate
* inputs and major milestones in the algorithm. Reports at the
* fatal levels are for thrown exceptions.
* @param xs Input vectors indexed by training case.
* @param cs Output categories indexed by training case.
* @param prior The prior to be used for regression.
* @param blockSize Number of examples whose gradient is
* computed before updating coefficients.
* @param hotStart Logistic regression from which to retrieve
* initial weights or null to use zero vectors.
* @param annealingSchedule Class to compute learning rate for each epoch.
* @param minImprovement The minimum relative improvement in
* log likelihood for the corpus to continue to another epoch.
* @param minEpochs Minimum number of epochs.
* @param maxEpochs Maximum number of epochs.
* @param handler Handler for intermediate regression results.
* @param reporter Reporter to which progress reports are written, or
* {@code null} if no progress reports are needed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the set of input vectors
* does not contain at least one instance, if the number of output
* categories isn't the same as the input categories, if two input
* vectors have different dimensions, or if the prior has a
* different number of dimensions than the instances.
public static LogisticRegression
estimate(Vector[] xs,
int[] cs,
RegressionPrior prior,
int blockSize,
LogisticRegression hotStart,
AnnealingSchedule annealingSchedule,
double minImprovement,
int rollingAverageSize,
int minEpochs,
int maxEpochs,
ObjectHandler handler,
Reporter reporter) {
if (reporter == null)
reporter = Reporters.silent();"Logistic Regression Estimation");
boolean monitoringConvergence = !Double.isNaN(minImprovement);"Monitoring convergence=" + monitoringConvergence);
if (minImprovement < 0.0) {
String msg = "Min improvement should be Double.NaN to turn off convergence or >= 0.0 otherwise."
+ " Found minImprovement=" + minImprovement;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (xs.length < 1) {
String msg = "Require at least one training instance.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (xs.length != cs.length) {
String msg = "Require same number of training instances as outcomes."
+ " Found xs.length=" + xs.length
+ " cs.length=" + cs.length;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
int numTrainingInstances = xs.length;
int numOutcomesMinus1 = com.aliasi.util.Math.max(cs);
int numOutcomes = numOutcomesMinus1 + 1;
int numDimensions = xs[0].numDimensions();
for (int i = 1; i < xs.length; ++i) {
if (xs[i].numDimensions() != numDimensions) {
String msg = "Number of dimensions must match for all input vectors."
+ " Found xs[0].numDimensions()=" + numDimensions
+ " xs[" + i + "].numDimensions()=" + xs[i].numDimensions();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
DenseVector[] weightVectors = new DenseVector[numOutcomesMinus1];
if (hotStart == null) {
for (int k = 0; k < numOutcomesMinus1; ++k)
weightVectors[k] = new DenseVector(numDimensions); // values all 0.0
} else {
Vector[] hotStartWeightVectors = hotStart.weightVectors();
for (int k = 0; k < weightVectors.length; ++k)
weightVectors[k] = new DenseVector(hotStartWeightVectors[k]); // deep copy
LogisticRegression regression = new LogisticRegression(weightVectors);
boolean hasPrior = (prior != null) && !prior.isUniform();"Number of dimensions=" + numDimensions);"Number of Outcomes=" + numOutcomes);"Number of Parameters=" + (numOutcomes-1)*(long)numDimensions);"Number of Training Instances=" + cs.length);"Prior=" + prior);"Annealing Schedule=" + annealingSchedule);"Minimum Epochs=" + minEpochs);"Maximum Epochs=" + maxEpochs);"Minimum Improvement Per Period=" + minImprovement);"Has Informative Prior=" + hasPrior);
double lastLog2LikelihoodAndPrior = -(Double.MAX_VALUE / 2.0);
double[] rollingAbsDiffs = new double[rollingAverageSize];
int rollingAveragePosition = 0;
double bestLog2LikelihoodAndPrior = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int partialBlockSize = numTrainingInstances % blockSize;
int numFullBlocks = numTrainingInstances / blockSize;
double[][] blockCondProbs = new double[blockSize][numOutcomes];
for (int epoch = 0; epoch < maxEpochs; ++epoch) {
// copy allows backout by annealing schedule
DenseVector[] weightVectorCopies
= annealingSchedule.allowsRejection()
? copy(weightVectors)
: weightVectors;
double learningRate = annealingSchedule.learningRate(epoch);
for (int b = 0; b < numFullBlocks; ++b) {
if (reporter.isDebugEnabled())
reporter.debug(" epoch " + epoch + " "
+ (int) ((100.0 * (b+1) * blockSize) / numTrainingInstances)
+ "% complete"); }
if (partialBlockSize > 0)
if (handler != null) {
reporter.debug("handling regression for epoch");
if (!monitoringConvergence) {"Unmonitored Epoch=" + epoch);
// from here only if monitoring convergence; can't reject unless monitoring!
reporter.debug("computing log likelihood");
// recompute all estimates; very expensive, but required to monitor convergence
double log2Likelihood = log2Likelihood(xs,cs,regression);
double log2Prior = prior.log2Prior(weightVectors);
double log2LikelihoodAndPrior = log2Likelihood + prior.log2Prior(weightVectors);
if (log2LikelihoodAndPrior > bestLog2LikelihoodAndPrior)
bestLog2LikelihoodAndPrior = log2LikelihoodAndPrior;
if (reporter.isInfoEnabled()) {
Formatter formatter = null;
try {
formatter = new Formatter(Locale.ENGLISH);
formatter.format("epoch=%5d lr=%11.9f ll=%11.4f lp=%11.4f llp=%11.4f llp*=%11.4f",
epoch, learningRate,
} catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
reporter.warn("Illegal format in Logistic Regression");
} finally {
if (formatter != null)
boolean acceptUpdate = annealingSchedule.receivedError(epoch,learningRate,-log2LikelihoodAndPrior);
if (!acceptUpdate) {"Annealing rejected update at learningRate=" + learningRate + " error=" + (-log2LikelihoodAndPrior));
weightVectors = weightVectorCopies;
regression = new LogisticRegression(weightVectors);
} else {
double relativeAbsDiff
= com.aliasi.util.Math
rollingAbsDiffs[rollingAveragePosition] = relativeAbsDiff;
if (++rollingAveragePosition == rollingAbsDiffs.length)
rollingAveragePosition = 0;
double rollingAvgAbsDiff = Statistics.mean(rollingAbsDiffs);
reporter.debug("relativeAbsDiff=" + relativeAbsDiff
+ " rollingAvg=" + rollingAvgAbsDiff);
lastLog2LikelihoodAndPrior = log2LikelihoodAndPrior;
if (rollingAvgAbsDiff < minImprovement) {"Converged with Rolling Average Absolute Difference="
+ rollingAvgAbsDiff);
break; // goes to "return regression;"
return regression;
* Returns the log (base 2) likelihood of the specified inputs
* with the specified categories using the specified regression
* model.
* @param inputs Input vectors.
* @param cats Categories for input vectors.
* @param regression Model to use for computing likelihood.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the inputs and categories
* are not the same length.
public static double log2Likelihood(Vector[] inputs, int[] cats, LogisticRegression regression) {
if (inputs.length != cats.length) {
String msg = "Inputs and categories must be same length."
+ " Found inputs.length=" + inputs.length
+ " cats.length=" + cats.length;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
int numTrainingInstances = inputs.length;
double log2Likelihood = 0.0;
double[] conditionalProbs = new double[regression.numOutcomes()];
for (int j = 0; j < numTrainingInstances; ++j) {
log2Likelihood += com.aliasi.util.Math.log2(conditionalProbs[cats[j]]);
return log2Likelihood;
private static void adjustBlock(int start, int end,
Vector[] xs, int[] cs,
DenseVector[] weightVectors,
double learningRate,
RegressionPrior prior,
double[][] conditionalProbs,
LogisticRegression regression) {
for (int j = start; j < end; ++j)
for (int j = start; j < end; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < weightVectors.length; ++k)
if (prior != null && !prior.isUniform())
private static void adjustWeightsWithPrior(DenseVector[] weightVectors,
RegressionPrior prior,
double learningRate) {
for (int k = 0; k < weightVectors.length; ++k) {
DenseVector weightVectorsK = weightVectors[k];
int numDimensions = weightVectorsK.numDimensions();
for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i) {
double weight_k_i = weightVectorsK.value(i);
double priorMode = prior.mode(i);
if (weight_k_i == priorMode)
double priorGradient = prior.gradient(weight_k_i,i);
double delta = priorGradient * learningRate;
if (delta == 0.0)
double adjWeight_k_i = weight_k_i - delta;
// arithmetic if non-zero mode
double mode = prior.mode(i);
if (weight_k_i > mode) {
if (adjWeight_k_i < mode)
adjWeight_k_i = mode;
} else if (adjWeight_k_i > mode) {
adjWeight_k_i = mode;
private static void adjustWeightsWithConditionalProbs(DenseVector weightVectorsK, double conditionalProb,
double learningRate, Vector xsJ, int k, int csJ) {
double conditionalProbMinusTruth
= (k == csJ)
? (conditionalProb - 1.0)
: conditionalProb;
if (conditionalProbMinusTruth == 0.0) return; // could we prune this if close to 0?
weightVectorsK.increment(-learningRate * conditionalProbMinusTruth,xsJ);
private static DenseVector[] copy(DenseVector[] xs) {
DenseVector[] result = new DenseVector[xs.length];
for (int k = 0; k < xs.length; ++k)
result[k] = new DenseVector(xs[k]);
return result;
static class Externalizer extends AbstractExternalizable {
static final long serialVersionUID = -2256261505231943102L;
final LogisticRegression mRegression;
public Externalizer() {
public Externalizer(LogisticRegression regression) {
mRegression = regression;
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
int numOutcomes = mRegression.mWeightVectors.length + 1;
int numDimensions = mRegression.mWeightVectors[0].numDimensions();
for (int c = 0; c < (numOutcomes - 1); ++c) {
Vector vC = mRegression.mWeightVectors[c];
for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
public Object read(ObjectInput in) throws IOException {
int numOutcomes = in.readInt();
int numDimensions = in.readInt();
Vector[] weightVectors = new Vector[numOutcomes-1];
for (int c = 0; c < weightVectors.length; ++c) {
Vector weightVectorsC = new DenseVector(numDimensions);
weightVectors[c] = weightVectorsC;
for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
return new LogisticRegression(weightVectors);