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* Copyright (c) 2010, JULIE Lab.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* Author: faessler
* Current version: 1.0
* Since version: 1.0
* Creation date: 20.11.2010
package de.julielab.xmlData.cli;
import de.julielab.medline.ConfigurationConstants;
import de.julielab.medline.MedlineUpdateException;
import de.julielab.medline.Updater;
import de.julielab.xml.JulieXMLConstants;
import de.julielab.xml.JulieXMLTools;
import de.julielab.xmlData.Constants;
import de.julielab.xmlData.config.TableSchemaDoesNotExistException;
import de.julielab.xmlData.dataBase.CoStoSysConnection;
import de.julielab.xmlData.dataBase.DataBaseConnector;
import de.julielab.xmlData.dataBase.SubsetStatus;
import de.julielab.xmlData.dataBase.util.TableSchemaMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.XMLConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.FileBasedConfigurationBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
import static de.julielab.xmlData.dataBase.DataBaseConnector.StatusElement.*;
* Command line interface for interaction with a databases holding e.g. Medline
* XML data.
* @author faessler / hellrich
public class CLI {
private final static String DELIMITER = "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CLI.class);
private static final String KEY_PART_SEPERATOR = "\t";
private static final String FILE_SEPERATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator");
public static String[] USER_SCHEME_DEFINITION = new String[]{"dbcconfiguration.xml", "costosys.xml", "costosysconfiguration.xml"};
private static boolean verbose = false;
private static void logMessage(String msg) {
if (!verbose)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
String dbUrl;
String user;
String password;
String dbName;
String serverName;
String pgSchema;
String msg;
boolean updateMode = false;
boolean error = false;
Mode mode = Mode.ERROR;
Options options = getOptions();
// What has to be done
CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
CommandLine cmd = null;
try {
cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
} catch (ParseException e) {
LOG.error("Can't parse arguments: " + e.getMessage());
verbose = cmd.hasOption('v');
if (verbose)"Verbose logging enabled.");
// selecting the mode
if (cmd.hasOption("h"))
error = true; // To show help
if (cmd.hasOption("i"))
mode = Mode.IMPORT;
if (cmd.hasOption("u")) {
mode = Mode.IMPORT;
updateMode = true;
if (cmd.hasOption("q"))
mode = Mode.QUERY;
if (cmd.getOptionValue("s") != null)
mode = Mode.SUBSET;
if (cmd.getOptionValue("re") != null)
mode = Mode.RESET;
if (cmd.getOptionValue("st") != null)
mode = Mode.STATUS;
if (cmd.hasOption("t"))
mode = Mode.TABLES;
if (cmd.hasOption("lts"))
if (cmd.hasOption("td"))
if (cmd.hasOption("sch"))
mode = Mode.SCHEME;
if (cmd.hasOption("ch"))
mode = Mode.CHECK;
if (cmd.hasOption("dc"))
if (cmd.hasOption("dt"))
mode = Mode.DROP_TABLE;
if (cmd.hasOption("um"))
// authentication
// config file
String dbcConfigPath = null;
if (cmd.hasOption("dbc"))
dbcConfigPath = cmd.getOptionValue("dbc");
if (dbcConfigPath == null)
dbcConfigPath = findConfigurationFile();
File conf = new File(dbcConfigPath);
dbUrl = cmd.getOptionValue('U');
if (dbUrl == null) {
msg = "No database URL given. Using value in configuration file";
user = cmd.getOptionValue("n");
if (user == null) {
msg = "No database username given. Using value in configuration file";
password = cmd.getOptionValue("p");
if (password == null) {
msg = "No password given. Using value in configuration file";
serverName = cmd.getOptionValue("srv");
dbName = cmd.getOptionValue("db");
pgSchema = cmd.getOptionValue("pgs");
if (!((serverName != null && dbName != null) ^ dbUrl != null)
&& !(serverName == null && dbName == null && dbUrl == null) && !conf.exists()) {
"No base configuration has been found. Thus, you must specify server name and database name or the complete URL with -u (but not both).");
DataBaseConnector dbc = null;
try {
if (conf.exists()) {
logMessage(String.format("Using configuration file at %s", conf));
if (dbUrl == null)
dbc = new DataBaseConnector(serverName, dbName, user, password, pgSchema,
new FileInputStream(conf));
dbc = new DataBaseConnector(dbUrl, user, password, pgSchema, new FileInputStream(conf));
} else {
"No custom configuration found (should be located at %s). Using default configuration.",
Stream.of(USER_SCHEME_DEFINITION).collect(Collectors.joining(" or "))));
if (dbUrl == null)
dbc = new DataBaseConnector(serverName, dbName, user, password, pgSchema, null);
dbc = new DataBaseConnector(dbUrl, user, password, pgSchema, null);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// all those options...
String tableName = cmd.getOptionValue("td");
if (tableName == null)
tableName = cmd.getOptionValue("ch");
String subsetTableName = cmd.getOptionValue("s");
if (subsetTableName == null)
subsetTableName = cmd.getOptionValue("re");
if (subsetTableName == null)
subsetTableName = cmd.getOptionValue("renp");
if (subsetTableName == null)
subsetTableName = cmd.getOptionValue("st");
String fileStr = cmd.getOptionValue("f");
if (fileStr == null)
fileStr = cmd.getOptionValue("i");
if (fileStr == null)
fileStr = cmd.getOptionValue("u");
if (cmd.hasOption("im")) {
mode = Mode.IMPORT;
// For some reasons, multuple versions of some documents have been found in the baseline in the past.
// Just use the update mode.
XMLConfiguration importConfig = loadXmlConfiguration(new File(cmd.getOptionValue("im")));
fileStr = importConfig.getString(ConfigurationConstants.INSERTION_INPUT);
updateMode = true;
String superTableName = cmd.getOptionValue("z");
if (superTableName == null)
superTableName = dbc.getActiveDataTable();
String queryStr = cmd.getOptionValue("q");
String subsetJournalFileName = cmd.getOptionValue("j");
String subsetQuery = cmd.getOptionValue("o");
String randomSubsetSize = cmd.getOptionValue("r");
String whereClause = cmd.getOptionValue("w");
String xpath = cmd.getOptionValue("x");
String baseOutDir = cmd.getOptionValue("out");
String batchSize = cmd.getOptionValue("bs");
String limit = cmd.getOptionValue("l");
String tableSchema = cmd.getOptionValue("ts") != null ? cmd.getOptionValue("ts") : dbc.getActiveTableSchema();
boolean useDelimiter = baseOutDir != null ? false : cmd.hasOption("d");
boolean returnPubmedArticleSet = cmd.hasOption("pas");
boolean mirrorSubset = cmd.hasOption("m");
boolean all4Subset = cmd.hasOption("a");
Integer numberRefHops = cmd.hasOption("rh") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("rh")) : null;
if (tableSchema.matches("[0-9]+")) {
tableSchema = dbc.getConfig().getTableSchemaNames().get(Integer.parseInt(tableSchema));
try (CoStoSysConnection conn = dbc.obtainOrReserveConnection()) {
switch (mode) {
case QUERY:
QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
qo.fileStr = fileStr;
qo.queryStr = queryStr;
qo.useDelimiter = useDelimiter;
qo.pubmedArticleSet = returnPubmedArticleSet;
qo.xpath = xpath;
qo.baseOutDirStr = baseOutDir;
qo.batchSizeStr = batchSize;
qo.limitStr = limit;
qo.tableName = superTableName;
qo.tableSchema = tableSchema;
qo.whereClause = whereClause;
qo.numberRefHops = numberRefHops;
error = doQuery(dbc, qo);
case IMPORT:
error = doImportOrUpdate(dbc, fileStr, queryStr, superTableName, updateMode);
case SUBSET:
error = doSubset(dbc, subsetTableName, fileStr, queryStr, superTableName, subsetJournalFileName,
subsetQuery, mirrorSubset, whereClause, all4Subset, randomSubsetSize, numberRefHops);
case RESET:
if (subsetTableName == null) {
LOG.error("You must provide the name of the subset table to reset.");
error = true;
} else {
boolean files = cmd.hasOption("f");
try {
if (!files || StringUtils.isBlank(fileStr)) {
boolean np = cmd.hasOption("np");
boolean ne = cmd.hasOption("ne");
String lc = cmd.hasOption("lc") ? cmd.getOptionValue("lc") : null;
if (np)
logMessage("table reset is restricted to non-processed table rows");
if (ne)
logMessage("table reset is restricted to table row without errors");
if (lc != null)
logMessage("table reset is restricted to rows with last component " + lc);
if (!np && !ne && lc == null) {
SubsetStatus status = dbc.status(subsetTableName, EnumSet.of(IN_PROCESS, IS_PROCESSED, TOTAL));
long inProcess = status.inProcess;
long isProcessed = status.isProcessed;
long total =;
// We don't bother with too small datasets, worst
// case would be to do it again for 10000 docs which
// is not much.
if (total > 10000 && inProcess + isProcessed >= total / 2) {
String input = getYesNoAnswer("The subset table \"" + subsetTableName
+ "\" is in process or already processed over 50%."
+ " Do you really wish to reset it completely into an unprocessed state? (yes/no)");
if (input.equals("no"))
dbc.resetSubset(subsetTableName, np, ne, lc);
} else {
logMessage("Resetting all documents identified by the IDs in file \"" + fileStr + "\".");
try {