jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.xinclude.XIncludeTextReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.xinclude;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.impl.XMLEntityManager;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.impl.XMLErrorReporter;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.impl.io.ASCIIReader;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.impl.io.UTF8Reader;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.impl.msg.XMLMessageFormatter;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.util.EncodingMap;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.util.HTTPInputSource;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.util.MessageFormatter;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.util.XMLChar;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.xni.XMLString;
import jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.xni.parser.XMLInputSource;
* This class is used for reading resources requested in <include> elements,
* when the parse attribute of the <include> element is "text". Using this
* class will open the location, detect the encoding, and discard the byte order
* mark, if applicable.
* Much of the code in this class is taken from XMLEntityManager. It would be nice
* if this code could be shared in some way. However, since XMLEntityManager is used
* for reading files as XML, and this needs to read files as text, there would need
* to be some refactoring done.
* @author Michael Glavassevich, IBM
* @author Peter McCracken, IBM
* @author Ankit Pasricha, IBM
* @author Arun Yadav, Sun Microsystems Inc.
* @see XIncludeHandler
public class XIncludeTextReader {
private Reader fReader;
private XIncludeHandler fHandler;
private XMLInputSource fSource;
private XMLErrorReporter fErrorReporter;
private XMLString fTempString = new XMLString();
* Construct the XIncludeReader using the XMLInputSource and XIncludeHandler.
* @param source The XMLInputSource to use.
* @param handler The XIncludeHandler to use.
* @param bufferSize The size of this text reader's buffer.
public XIncludeTextReader(XMLInputSource source, XIncludeHandler handler, int bufferSize)
throws IOException {
fHandler = handler;
fSource = source;
fTempString = new XMLString(new char[bufferSize + 1], 0, 0);
* Sets the XMLErrorReporter used for reporting errors while
* reading the text include.
* @param errorReporter the XMLErrorReporter to be used for
* reporting errors.
public void setErrorReporter(XMLErrorReporter errorReporter) {
fErrorReporter = errorReporter;
* Return the Reader for given XMLInputSource.
* @param source The XMLInputSource to use.
protected Reader getReader(XMLInputSource source) throws IOException {
if (source.getCharacterStream() != null) {
return source.getCharacterStream();
else {
InputStream stream = null;
String encoding = source.getEncoding();
if (encoding == null) {
encoding = "UTF-8";
if (source.getByteStream() != null) {
stream = source.getByteStream();
// Wrap the InputStream so that it is possible to rewind it.
if (!(stream instanceof BufferedInputStream)) {
stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream, fTempString.ch.length);
else {
String expandedSystemId = XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(source.getSystemId(), source.getBaseSystemId(), false);
URL url = new URL(expandedSystemId);
URLConnection urlCon = url.openConnection();
// If this is an HTTP connection attach any request properties to the request.
if (urlCon instanceof HttpURLConnection && source instanceof HTTPInputSource) {
final HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlCon;
final HTTPInputSource httpInputSource = (HTTPInputSource) source;
// set request properties
Iterator propIter = httpInputSource.getHTTPRequestProperties();
while (propIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) propIter.next();
urlConnection.setRequestProperty((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
// set preference for redirection
boolean followRedirects = httpInputSource.getFollowHTTPRedirects();
if (!followRedirects) {
XMLEntityManager.setInstanceFollowRedirects(urlConnection, followRedirects);
// Wrap the InputStream so that it is possible to rewind it.
stream = new BufferedInputStream(urlCon.getInputStream());
// content type will be string like "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" or "text/xml"
String rawContentType = urlCon.getContentType();
// text/xml and application/xml offer only one optional parameter
int index = (rawContentType != null) ? rawContentType.indexOf(';') : -1;
String contentType = null;
String charset = null;
if (index != -1) {
// this should be something like "text/xml"
contentType = rawContentType.substring(0, index).trim();
// this should be something like "charset=UTF-8", but we want to
// strip it down to just "UTF-8"
charset = rawContentType.substring(index + 1).trim();
if (charset.startsWith("charset=")) {
// 8 is the length of "charset="
charset = charset.substring(8).trim();
// strip quotes, if present
if ((charset.charAt(0) == '"'
&& charset.charAt(charset.length() - 1) == '"')
|| (charset.charAt(0) == '\''
&& charset.charAt(charset.length() - 1)
== '\'')) {
charset =
charset.substring(1, charset.length() - 1);
else {
charset = null;
else {
contentType = rawContentType.trim();
String detectedEncoding = null;
/** The encoding of such a resource is determined by:
1 external encoding information, if available, otherwise
-- the most common type of external information is the "charset" parameter of a MIME package
2 if the media type of the resource is text/xml, application/xml, or matches the conventions text/*+xml or application/*+xml as described in XML Media Types [IETF RFC 3023], the encoding is recognized as specified in XML 1.0, otherwise
3 the value of the encoding attribute if one exists, otherwise
4 UTF-8.
if (contentType.equals("text/xml")) {
if (charset != null) {
detectedEncoding = charset;
else {
// see RFC2376 or 3023, section 3.1
detectedEncoding = "US-ASCII";
else if (contentType.equals("application/xml")) {
if (charset != null) {
detectedEncoding = charset;
else {
// see RFC2376 or 3023, section 3.2
detectedEncoding = getEncodingName(stream);
else if (contentType.endsWith("+xml")) {
detectedEncoding = getEncodingName(stream);
if (detectedEncoding != null) {
encoding = detectedEncoding;
// else 3 or 4.
encoding = encoding.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
// eat the Byte Order Mark
encoding = consumeBOM(stream, encoding);
// If the document is UTF-8 or US-ASCII use
// the Xerces readers for these encodings. For
// US-ASCII consult the encoding map since
// this encoding has many aliases.
if (encoding.equals("UTF-8")) {
return new UTF8Reader(stream,
fErrorReporter.getLocale() );
// Try to use a Java reader.
String javaEncoding = EncodingMap.getIANA2JavaMapping(encoding);
// If the specified encoding wasn't a recognized IANA encoding throw an IOException.
// The XIncludeHandler will report this as a ResourceError and then will
// attempt to include a fallback if there is one.
if (javaEncoding == null) {
MessageFormatter aFormatter =
Locale aLocale = fErrorReporter.getLocale();
throw new IOException( aFormatter.formatMessage( aLocale,
new Object[] {encoding} ) );
else if (javaEncoding.equals("ASCII")) {
return new ASCIIReader(stream,
fErrorReporter.getLocale() );
return new InputStreamReader(stream, javaEncoding);
* XMLEntityManager cares about endian-ness, since it creates its own optimized
* readers. Since we're just using generic Java readers for now, we're not caring
* about endian-ness. If this changes, even more code needs to be copied from
* XMLEntity manager. -- PJM
protected String getEncodingName(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
final byte[] b4 = new byte[4];
String encoding = null;
// this has the potential to throw an exception
// it will be fixed when we ensure the stream is rewindable (see note above)
int count = stream.read(b4, 0, 4);
if (count == 4) {
encoding = getEncodingName(b4);
return encoding;
* Removes the byte order mark from the stream, if
* it exists and returns the encoding name.
* @param stream
* @param encoding
* @throws IOException
protected String consumeBOM(InputStream stream, String encoding)
throws IOException {
byte[] b = new byte[3];
int count = 0;
if (encoding.equals("UTF-8")) {
count = stream.read(b, 0, 3);
if (count == 3) {
final int b0 = b[0] & 0xFF;
final int b1 = b[1] & 0xFF;
final int b2 = b[2] & 0xFF;
if (b0 != 0xEF || b1 != 0xBB || b2 != 0xBF) {
// First three bytes are not BOM, so reset.
else {
else if (encoding.startsWith("UTF-16")) {
count = stream.read(b, 0, 2);
if (count == 2) {
final int b0 = b[0] & 0xFF;
final int b1 = b[1] & 0xFF;
if (b0 == 0xFE && b1 == 0xFF) {
return "UTF-16BE";
else if (b0 == 0xFF && b1 == 0xFE) {
return "UTF-16LE";
// First two bytes are not BOM, so reset.
// We could do UTF-32, but since the getEncodingName() doesn't support that
// we won't support it here.
// To implement UTF-32, look for: 00 00 FE FF for big-endian
// or FF FE 00 00 for little-endian
return encoding;
* REVISIT: This code is taken from jdk8u.jaxp.org.apache.xerces.external.impl.XMLEntityManager.
* Is there any way we can share the code, without having it implemented twice?
* I think we should make it public and static in XMLEntityManager. --PJM
* Returns the IANA encoding name that is auto-detected from
* the bytes specified, with the endian-ness of that encoding where appropriate.
* @param b4 The first four bytes of the input.
* @return the encoding name, or null if no encoding could be detected
protected String getEncodingName(byte[] b4) {
// UTF-16, with BOM
int b0 = b4[0] & 0xFF;
int b1 = b4[1] & 0xFF;
if (b0 == 0xFE && b1 == 0xFF) {
// UTF-16, big-endian
return "UTF-16BE";
if (b0 == 0xFF && b1 == 0xFE) {
// UTF-16, little-endian
return "UTF-16LE";
// UTF-8 with a BOM
int b2 = b4[2] & 0xFF;
if (b0 == 0xEF && b1 == 0xBB && b2 == 0xBF) {
return "UTF-8";
// other encodings
int b3 = b4[3] & 0xFF;
if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x3C) {
// UCS-4, big endian (1234)
return "ISO-10646-UCS-4";
if (b0 == 0x3C && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x00) {
// UCS-4, little endian (4321)
return "ISO-10646-UCS-4";
if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x3C && b3 == 0x00) {
// UCS-4, unusual octet order (2143)
return "ISO-10646-UCS-4";
if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x3C && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x00) {
// UCS-4, unusual octect order (3412)
return "ISO-10646-UCS-4";
if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x3C && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x3F) {
// UTF-16, big-endian, no BOM
// (or could turn out to be UCS-2...
return "UTF-16BE";
if (b0 == 0x3C && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x3F && b3 == 0x00) {
// UTF-16, little-endian, no BOM
// (or could turn out to be UCS-2...
return "UTF-16LE";
if (b0 == 0x4C && b1 == 0x6F && b2 == 0xA7 && b3 == 0x94) {
// a la xerces1, return CP037 instead of EBCDIC here
return "CP037";
// this signals us to use the value from the encoding attribute
return null;
} // getEncodingName(byte[]):Object[]
* Read the input stream as text, and pass the text on to the XIncludeHandler
* using calls to characters(). This will read all of the text it can from the
* resource.
* @throws IOException
public void parse() throws IOException {
fReader = getReader(fSource);
fSource = null;
int readSize = fReader.read(fTempString.ch, 0, fTempString.ch.length - 1);
while (readSize != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < readSize; ++i) {
char ch = fTempString.ch[i];
if (!isValid(ch)) {
if (XMLChar.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
int ch2;
// retrieve next character
if (++i < readSize) {
ch2 = fTempString.ch[i];
// handle rare boundary case
else {
ch2 = fReader.read();
if (ch2 != -1) {
fTempString.ch[readSize++] = (char) ch2;
if (XMLChar.isLowSurrogate(ch2)) {
// convert surrogates to a supplemental character
int sup = XMLChar.supplemental(ch, (char)ch2);
if (!isValid(sup)) {
new Object[] { Integer.toString(sup, 16) },
else {
new Object[] { Integer.toString(ch2, 16) },
else {
new Object[] { Integer.toString(ch, 16) },
if (fHandler != null && readSize > 0) {
fTempString.offset = 0;
fTempString.length = readSize;
fHandler.modifyAugmentations(null, true));
readSize = fReader.read(fTempString.ch, 0, fTempString.ch.length - 1);
* Sets the input source on this text reader.
* @param source The XMLInputSource to use.
public void setInputSource(XMLInputSource source) {
fSource = source;
* Closes the stream. Call this after parse(), or when there is no longer any need
* for this object.
* @throws IOException
public void close() throws IOException {
if (fReader != null) {
fReader = null;
* Returns true if the specified character is a valid XML character
* as per the rules of XML 1.0.
* @param ch The character to check.
protected boolean isValid(int ch) {
return XMLChar.isValid(ch);
* Sets the buffer size property for the reader which decides the chunk sizes that are parsed
* by the reader at a time and passed to the handler
* @param bufferSize The size of the buffer desired
protected void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
if (fTempString.ch.length != ++bufferSize) {
fTempString.ch = new char[bufferSize];
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