javaxt.sql.Parser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package javaxt.sql;
//** SQL Parser
* Used to parse and modify SQL Select Statements ("Select * from MyTable").
* Other SQL commands are not supported (insert, update, create, etc.).
* Note that this implementation is incomplete and needs a lot more testing. For
* example, the parser does not yet handle unions, subselects, and having
* clauses. Other potential problems include arithmetic operators in the where
* clause ("where posting_time + 60 > sysdate").
public class Parser {
private java.util.HashMap sql = new java.util.HashMap();
private static String[] sqlOperators = new String[] { "IS NULL", "IS NOT NULL", "BETWEEN", "CONTAINS", "LIKE", "<>",
"<=", ">=", "=", "<", ">", "IN", "MATCHES", "SOME", "NOT EXISTS", "EXISTS" };
private static String[] sqlKeywords = new String[] { "SELECT", "FROM", "WHERE", "ORDER BY", "GROUP BY", "HAVING" };
private static String[] joinTypes = new String[] {
// Order is important!
private SelectStatement[] selectStatements = null;
private WhereStatement[] whereStatements = null;
private OrderByStatement[] orderByStatements = null;
private GroupByStatement[] groupByStatements = null;
private FromStatement fromStatement = null;
public String getSelectString() {
return (String) sql.get("SELECT");
public String getFromString() {
return (String) sql.get("FROM");
public String getWhereString() {
return (String) sql.get("WHERE");
public String getOrderByString() {
return (String) sql.get("ORDER BY");
public String getGroupByString() {
return (String) sql.get("GROUP BY");
public String getHavingString() {
return (String) sql.get("HAVING");
// **************************************************************************
// ** Creates a new instance of sql
// **************************************************************************
public Parser(String sql) {
// Validate input sql
if (sql == null)
// Trim the sql statement
sql = sql.replace("\n", " ");
sql = sql.replace("\r", " ");
sql = sql.replace("\t", " ");
sql = sql.trim();
if (sql.endsWith(";"))
sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1).trim();
if (sql.length() <= 0)
// Set local variables;
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
boolean insideParenthesis = false;
int parenthesis = 0;
String s = sql;
String c = "";
// Create a list of possible sql keywords found in the sql statement
java.util.Vector keywords = new java.util.Vector();
String t = sql.toUpperCase();
for (int i = 0; i < sqlKeywords.length; i++) {
if (t.contains(sqlKeywords[i]))
String currentKeyword = null;
String previousKeyword = null;
StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if ((c.equals("(") && !insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
insideParenthesis = true;
parenthesis = 0;
if ((c.equals("(")) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis += 1;
if ((c.equals(")") && insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis = parenthesis - 1;
if (parenthesis == 0)
insideParenthesis = false;
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes && !insideParenthesis) {
for (int j = 0; j < keywords.size(); j++) {
String keyword = keywords.get(j).toString();
if (keyword.startsWith(c.toUpperCase()) && (i + keyword.length()) <= s.length()) {
String str = s.substring(i, i + keyword.length());
if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(keyword)) { // Found a string
// that contains an
// sql keyword!
// Check whether the string is an actual keyword or
// part of another word
String a = "";
String b = "";
if (i > 0)
a = s.substring(i - 1, i);
if (i + keyword.length() + 1 < s.length())
b = s.substring(i + keyword.length(), i + keyword.length() + 1);
if ((a.equals("") || a.equals(" ") || a.equals(")") || a.equals("]") || a.equals("\"")
|| (keyword.equals("FROM") && a.equals("*")))
&& (b.equals("") || b.equals(" ") || b.equals("(") || b.equals("[")
|| b.equals("\"") || (keyword.equals("SELECT") && b.equals("*")))) {
currentKeyword = keyword;
String entry = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1).trim();
if (entry.length() > 0) {
Object prevStatement = this.sql.get(previousKeyword);
if (prevStatement == null) {
this.sql.put(previousKeyword, entry);
this.sql.put(currentKeyword, null);
phrase = new StringBuffer();
i = i + (keyword.length() - 1);
previousKeyword = currentKeyword;
if (i == (s.length() - 1)) {
if (phrase.toString().trim().equals(s)) {
} else {
this.sql.put(previousKeyword, phrase.toString().trim());
} // end parsing text
// //**************************************************************************
// //** addWhere
// //**************************************************************************
// /** Used to update the where clause in the SQL String. Preserves existing
// * where clause, if one exists, by adding an "AND" statement.
// */
// public String addWhereStatement(String whereClause){
// if (whereClause!=null){
// whereClause = whereClause.trim();
// if (whereClause.length()>0){
// String orgWhere = this.getWhereString();
// if (orgWhere==null || orgWhere.trim().length()==0){
// setWhere(whereClause);
// }
// else{
// setWhere("(" + orgWhere.trim() + ") AND (" + whereClause + ")");
// }
// }
// }
// return this.toString();
// }
// **************************************************************************
// ** setWhere
// **************************************************************************
* Used to update the where clause in the SQL String. The entire where
* clause will be replaced with the given string. The input select clause is
* accepted "AS IS". Returns an updated SQL statement.
public String setWhere(String whereClause) {
if (whereClause == null)
whereClause = "";
whereClause = whereClause.trim();
sql.put("WHERE", whereClause);
this.whereStatements = null;
return this.toString();
// **************************************************************************
// ** toString
// **************************************************************************
/** Returns an sql String, including any updates */
public String toString() {
String selectClause = this.getSelectString();
String fromClause = this.getFromString();
String whereClause = this.getWhereString();
String orderByClause = this.getOrderByString();
String groupByClause = this.getGroupByString();
String havingClause = this.getHavingString();
if (selectClause == null || fromClause == null) {
return null;
} else if (selectClause.length() <= 0 || fromClause.length() <= 0) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
sql.append("SELECT " + selectClause + " FROM " + fromClause);
if (whereClause != null)
sql.append(" WHERE " + whereClause);
if (orderByClause != null)
sql.append(" ORDER BY " + orderByClause);
if (groupByClause != null)
sql.append(" GROUP BY " + groupByClause);
if (havingClause != null)
sql.append(" HAVING " + havingClause);
return sql.toString();
// **************************************************************************
// ** Set Select String
// **************************************************************************
* Used to update the select clause. The input select clause is accepted
* "AS IS". Returns an updated SQL statement.
public String setSelect(String selectClause) {
if (selectClause == null)
selectClause = "*";
selectClause = selectClause.trim();
if (selectClause.length() == 0)
selectClause = "*";
sql.put("SELECT", selectClause);
selectStatements = null;
return this.toString();
// **************************************************************************
// ** getSelectStatements
// **************************************************************************
* Used to break down the select clause into individual elements. For
* example, "Select FirstName, LastName from Contacts" would return an array
* with 2 entries: "FirstName" and "LastName".
public SelectStatement[] getSelectStatements() {
if (selectStatements != null)
return selectStatements;
else {
String[] array = this.split(getSelectString());
selectStatements = new SelectStatement[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < selectStatements.length; i++) {
selectStatements[i] = new SelectStatement(array[i]);
return selectStatements;
// **************************************************************************
// ** SelectStatement
// **************************************************************************
* Used to represent an individual select statement found in the select
* clause.
public class SelectStatement {
private String alias = null;
private String statement = null;
private String columnName = null;
private java.util.List exposedElements = new java.util.LinkedList();
public SelectStatement(String statement) {
this.statement = statement;
this.columnName = stripFunctions(statement);
// Find the alias, defined by the "AS" keyword
if (statement.toUpperCase().contains("AS")) {
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
boolean insideParenthesis = false;
int parenthesis = 0;
String s = statement;
String c = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if ((c.equals("(") && !insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
insideParenthesis = true;
parenthesis = 0;
if ((c.equals("(")) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis += 1;
if ((c.equals(")") && insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis = parenthesis - 1;
if (parenthesis == 0)
insideParenthesis = false;
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes && !insideParenthesis) {
if (c.equalsIgnoreCase("A") && (i + 3) < s.length()) {
String keyword = s.substring(i, i + 2);
if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase("AS")) {
String as = s.substring(i + 2);
String prevChar = "";
String nextChar = "";
if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 3 <= s.length()) {
prevChar = s.substring(i - 1, i);
nextChar = s.substring(i + 2, i + 3);
if ((prevChar.equals(" ") || prevChar.equals(")") || prevChar.equals("]")
|| prevChar.equals("\""))
&& (nextChar.equals(" ") || nextChar.equals("(") || nextChar.equals("[")
|| nextChar.equals("\""))) {
this.alias = removeParentheses(as);
this.columnName = stripFunctions(s.substring(0, i - 1).trim());
} // end parsing text
} // end if
// Iterate throught the list of operands and identify any exposed
// columns (columns that are not wrapped in quotes)
String[] elements = new String[] { columnName, alias };
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
String entry = elements[i];
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.endsWith("*")) {// <-- Get rid of this case
if (entry.endsWith(".*")) {
exposedElements.add(entry.substring(0, entry.length() - 2));
} else if (entry.startsWith("\"") && entry.endsWith("\"")) {
} else if (entry.startsWith("'") && entry.endsWith("'")) {
} else {
}// end constructor
public String getColumnName() {
return columnName;
public String getAlias() {
return alias;
public String toString() {
return statement;
// **************************************************************************
// ** getFromStatement
// **************************************************************************
/** Used to parse the "FROM" statement and extracts */
private FromStatement getFromStatement() {
if (fromStatement != null)
return fromStatement;
String fromClause = getFromString();
fromClause = fromClause.replace("(", " ");
fromClause = fromClause.replace(")", " ");
fromClause = fromClause.trim();
fromStatement = new FromStatement(fromClause);
if (fromClause.toUpperCase().contains("JOIN")) {
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
String s = fromClause;
String c = "";
StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes) {
for (int j = 0; j < joinTypes.length; j++) {
String joinType = joinTypes[j];
if (joinType.startsWith(c.toUpperCase()) && (i + joinType.length()) <= s.length()) {
String keyword = s.substring(i, i + joinType.length());
if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase(joinType)) {
String entry = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1).trim();
if (entry.length() > 0) {
phrase = new StringBuffer();
i = i + (keyword.length() - 1);
// System.out.println("(+) " + entry + " ("
// + keyword + ")");
if (i == (s.length() - 1)) {
if (phrase.toString().trim().equals(s)) {
} else {
String entry = phrase.toString().trim();
} // end parsing text
} else {
String[] tables = javaxt.utils.string.split(fromClause, ",");
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
String tableName = tables[i].trim();
return fromStatement;
// **************************************************************************
// ** FromStatement
// **************************************************************************
* Used to represent the "FROM" clause.
public class FromStatement {
private String statement = null;
private java.util.HashSet tables = new java.util.HashSet();
private java.util.HashSet columns = new java.util.HashSet();
private java.util.HashSet exposedElements = new java.util.HashSet();
private FromStatement(String statement) {
this.statement = statement;
public void addTable(String tableName) {
tableName = tableName.trim();
if (isExposed(tableName))
public void addColumn(String columnName) {
columnName = columnName.trim();
if (isExposed(columnName))
private void addEntry(String entry) {
String tableName = null;
String joinCondition = null;
if (entry.toUpperCase().contains(" ON ")) {
tableName = entry.substring(0, entry.toUpperCase().indexOf(" ON ")).trim();
joinCondition = entry.substring(entry.toUpperCase().indexOf(" ON ") + 4).trim();
WhereStatement statement = new WhereStatement(joinCondition);
} else {
tableName = entry;
// System.out.println("--> " + tableName + " [" + joinCondition +
// "]");
public java.util.HashSet getExposedElements() {
return exposedElements;
public String[] getTables() {
String[] array = new String[tables.size()];
java.util.Iterator it = tables.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
String tableName = (String);
array[i] = tableName;
return array;
public String toString() {
return statement;
// **************************************************************************
// ** getTables
// **************************************************************************
/** Returns an array of Tables Found in the SQL String */
public String[] getTables() {
return getFromStatement().getTables();
// **************************************************************************
// ** getWhereStatements
// **************************************************************************
* Used to retrieve a list of where statements found in the where clause.
* Returns an empty array if no where statements are found.
public WhereStatement[] getWhereStatements() {
if (this.whereStatements != null)
return this.whereStatements;
String whereClause = this.getWhereString();
if (whereClause == null || whereClause.trim().length() <= 0) {
return new WhereStatement[0];
} else {
// Create a list of sql fragments to parse
java.util.List list = new java.util.LinkedList();
// Add Where Clause to the list of sql fragments to parse
// Iterate through all the sql fragments and extract individual
// statements
for (int x = 0; x < list.size(); x++) {
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
boolean insideParenthesis = false;
int parenthesis = 0;
String s = list.get(x).toString().trim();
String c = "";
* System.out.println(); System.out.println(
* "-----------------------------------------");
* System.out.println(s); System.out.println(
* "-----------------------------------------");
StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if ((c.equals("(") && !insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
insideParenthesis = true;
parenthesis = 0;
if ((c.equals("(")) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis += 1;
if ((c.equals(")") && insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis = parenthesis - 1;
if (parenthesis == 0)
insideParenthesis = false;
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes && !insideParenthesis) {
String keyword = null;
if (c.equalsIgnoreCase("A") && (i + 3) < s.length()) {
keyword = s.substring(i, i + 3);
if (!keyword.equalsIgnoreCase("AND"))
keyword = null;
} else if (c.equalsIgnoreCase("O") && (i + 2) < s.length()) {
keyword = s.substring(i, i + 2);
if (!keyword.equalsIgnoreCase("OR"))
keyword = null;
if (keyword != null) {
String entry = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1).trim();
entry = removeParentheses(entry);
if (entry.length() > 0) {
phrase = new StringBuffer();
i = i + (keyword.length() - 1);
// System.out.println("(+) " + entry);
if (i == (s.length() - 1)) {
if (phrase.toString().trim().equals(s)) { // <--might
// need to
// check the
// size of the
// list as
// well
} else {
String entry = phrase.toString().trim();
// entry = phrase.substring(0,
// phrase.length()-1).trim();
entry = removeParentheses(entry);
// System.out.println("(+) " + entry + " *");
// System.out.println("(-) " + s);
} // end parsing text
// Create a list of possible SQL Operators found in the Where clause
java.util.List operators = new java.util.LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < Parser.sqlOperators.length; i++) {
String operator = Parser.sqlOperators[i];
if (whereClause.toUpperCase().contains(operator)) {
String[] sqlOperators = new String[operators.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < sqlOperators.length; i++) {
sqlOperators[i] = (String) operators.get(i);
// Iterate through all the where statements and create an array
WhereStatement[] statements = new WhereStatement[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
String entry = list.get(i).toString();
// System.out.println("xx " + entry);
statements[i] = new WhereStatement(entry, sqlOperators);
this.whereStatements = statements;
return statements;
// **************************************************************************
// ** WhereStatement
// **************************************************************************
* Used to represent an individual where condition found in the "WHERE"
* clause. Note that this class is also used to parse join logic found in
* the "FROM" clause.
public class WhereStatement {
private String statement = null;
private String leftOperand = null;
private String rightOperand = null;
private String operator = null;
private java.util.List exposedColumns = new java.util.LinkedList();
public WhereStatement(String statement) {
this(statement, sqlOperators);
public WhereStatement(String statement, String[] sqlOperators) {
this.statement = statement;
if (statement != null) {
// Trim down the list of sql operators
java.util.Vector array = new java.util.Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < sqlOperators.length; i++) {
String sqlOperator = sqlOperators[i];
if (statement.toUpperCase().contains(sqlOperator)) {
sqlOperators = new String[array.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < sqlOperators.length; i++) {
sqlOperators[i] = (String) array.get(i);
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
boolean insideParenthesis = false;
int parenthesis = 0;
String s = statement;
String c = "";
StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer();
java.util.List list = new java.util.LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if ((c.equals("(") && !insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
insideParenthesis = true;
parenthesis = 0;
if ((c.equals("(")) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis += 1;
if ((c.equals(")") && insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis = parenthesis - 1;
if (parenthesis == 0)
insideParenthesis = false;
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes && !insideParenthesis) {
for (int j = 0; j < sqlOperators.length; j++) {
String sqlOperator = sqlOperators[j];
if (sqlOperator.toUpperCase().startsWith(c.toUpperCase())
&& (i + sqlOperator.length()) <= s.length()) {
String keyword = s.substring(i, i + sqlOperator.length());
if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase(sqlOperator)) {
String a = "";
String b = "";
if (i > 0)
a = s.substring(i - 1, i);
if (i + keyword.length() + 1 < s.length())
b = s.substring(i + keyword.length(), i + keyword.length() + 1);
if (
// Check if keyword is part of another word
((a.equals("") || a.equals(" ") || a.equals(")") || a.equals("]") || a.equals("\""))
&& (b.equals("") || b.equals(" ") || b.equals("(") || b.equals("[")
|| b.equals("\"")))
|| (
// Check if keyword is a symbol
keyword.equals("<>") || keyword.equals("<=") || keyword.equals(">=")
|| keyword.equals("=") || keyword.equals("<") || keyword.equals(">"))) {
String entry = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1).trim();
i = i + (keyword.length() - 1);
phrase = new StringBuffer();
if (entry.length() > 0) {
this.operator = keyword;
this.leftOperand = entry;
} else {
// Things like "NOT EXISTS"
// statements
this.operator = keyword;
this.leftOperand = null;
if (i == (s.length() - 1)) {
if (phrase.toString().trim().equals(s)) {
} else {
String entry = phrase.toString().trim();
if (entry.length() > 0) {
if (!entry.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
// System.out.println("(+) " + entry + " **");
// System.out.println("(-) " + s);
this.rightOperand = entry;
} // end parsing text
// Iterate throught the list of operands and identify any
// exposed columns (columns that are not wrapped in quotes)
exposedColumns = new java.util.LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
String entry = (String) list.get(i);
if (entry != null) {
entry = stripFunctions(entry);
if (isExposed(entry)) {
// System.out.println("-- " + entry);
public String getLeftOperand() {
return leftOperand;
public String getRightOperand() {
return rightOperand;
public String getOperator() {
return operator;
public String toString() {
return statement;
// **************************************************************************
// ** isExposed
// **************************************************************************
* Used to determine whether a block of text is wrapped in quotes.
private boolean isExposed(String element) {
if (javaxt.utils.string.isNumeric(element)) {
return false;
} else if (element.startsWith("\"") && element.endsWith("\"")) {
return false;
} else if (element.startsWith("'") && element.endsWith("'")) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// **************************************************************************
// ** getOrderByStatements
// **************************************************************************
* Used to break down the "ORDER BY" clause into individual statements.
public OrderByStatement[] getOrderByStatements() {
if (orderByStatements != null)
return orderByStatements;
else {
String[] array = this.split(getOrderByString());
orderByStatements = new OrderByStatement[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < orderByStatements.length; i++) {
orderByStatements[i] = new OrderByStatement(array[i]);
return orderByStatements;
// **************************************************************************
// ** OrderByStatement
// **************************************************************************
* Simple class used to represent a single statement in an "ORDER BY"
* clause.
public class OrderByStatement {
private String statement = null;
private String columnName = null;
private boolean isAscending = true;
private boolean isExposed = false;
public OrderByStatement(String orderBy) {
this.statement = orderBy;
if (orderBy.toUpperCase().endsWith(" ASC")) {
columnName = orderBy.substring(0, orderBy.length() - 4).trim();
} else if (orderBy.toUpperCase().endsWith(" DESC")) {
columnName = orderBy.substring(0, orderBy.length() - 5).trim();
isAscending = false;
} else {
columnName = orderBy;
isExposed = isExposed(columnName);
public String getColumnName() {
return columnName;
public boolean isDescending() {
return !isAscending;
public boolean isAscending() {
return isAscending;
public String toString() {
return statement;
// **************************************************************************
// ** getGroupByStatements
// **************************************************************************
/** Used to break down the "GROUP BY" clause into individual statements. */
public GroupByStatement[] getGroupByStatements() {
if (groupByStatements != null)
return groupByStatements;
else {
String[] array = this.split(getGroupByString());
groupByStatements = new GroupByStatement[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < groupByStatements.length; i++) {
groupByStatements[i] = new GroupByStatement(array[i]);
return groupByStatements;
// **************************************************************************
// ** GroupByStatement
// **************************************************************************
* Simple class used to represent a single statement in a "GROUP BY" clause.
public class GroupByStatement {
private String statement = null;
private boolean isExposed = false;
public GroupByStatement(String groupBy) {
this.statement = groupBy;
this.isExposed = isExposed(groupBy);
public String getColumnName() {
return statement;
public String toString() {
return statement;
// **************************************************************************
// ** getExposedDataElements
// **************************************************************************
* Used to retrieve a list of database elements (tables, columns, etc.)
* found in the sql string that are not wrapped in quotes.
protected String[] getExposedDataElements() {
java.util.TreeSet exposedElements = new java.util.TreeSet();
// Find exposed elements in the "SELECT" clause
SelectStatement[] selectStatements = getSelectStatements();
for (int i = 0; i < selectStatements.length; i++) {
SelectStatement statement = selectStatements[i];
java.util.List list = statement.exposedElements;
for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
String element = (String) list.get(j);
if (element != null)
// Find exposed elements in the "FROM" clause
java.util.Iterator it = getFromStatement().exposedElements.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String exposedElement = (String);
// Find exposed elements in the "WHERE" clause
WhereStatement[] whereStatements = getWhereStatements();
if (whereStatements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < whereStatements.length; i++) {
WhereStatement statement = whereStatements[i];
java.util.List list = statement.exposedColumns;
for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
String element = (String) list.get(j);
if (element != null)
// Find exposed elements in the "ORDER BY" clause
OrderByStatement[] orderByStatements = getOrderByStatements();
if (orderByStatements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < orderByStatements.length; i++) {
OrderByStatement statement = orderByStatements[i];
if (isExposed(statement.getColumnName())) {
// Find exposed elements in the "GROUP BY" clause
GroupByStatement[] groupByStatements = getGroupByStatements();
if (groupByStatements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < groupByStatements.length; i++) {
GroupByStatement statement = groupByStatements[i];
if (isExposed(statement.getColumnName())) {
// Convert the exposedElements (HashSet) into an array
String[] array = new String[exposedElements.size()];
int i = 0;
it = exposedElements.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String exposedElement = (String);
array[i] = exposedElement;
return array;
// **************************************************************************
// ** addQuotes
// **************************************************************************
* Used to identify tables and columns in the SQL and wrap them in quotes.
* Note that this method is fairly brittle and needs a lot more work.
protected String addQuotes() {
String selectClause = this.getSelectString();
String fromClause = this.getFromString();
String whereClause = this.getWhereString();
String orderByClause = this.getOrderByString();
String groupByClause = this.getGroupByString();
String havingClause = this.getHavingString();
java.util.HashSet exposedElements = new java.util.HashSet();
// Update the "SELECT" clause
SelectStatement[] selectStatements = getSelectStatements();
for (int i = 0; i < selectStatements.length; i++) {
SelectStatement statement = selectStatements[i];
java.util.List list = statement.exposedElements;
for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
String element = (String) list.get(j);
if (element != null)
selectClause = addQuotes(exposedElements, selectClause);
// Update the "FROM" clause
fromClause = addQuotes(getFromStatement().exposedElements, fromClause);
// Update the "WHERE" clause
WhereStatement[] whereStatements = getWhereStatements();
if (whereStatements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < whereStatements.length; i++) {
WhereStatement statement = whereStatements[i];
java.util.List list = statement.exposedColumns;
for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
String element = (String) list.get(j);
if (element != null)
whereClause = addQuotes(exposedElements, whereClause);
// Update the "ORDER BY" clause
OrderByStatement[] orderByStatements = getOrderByStatements();
if (orderByStatements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < orderByStatements.length; i++) {
OrderByStatement statement = orderByStatements[i];
if (isExposed(statement.getColumnName())) {
orderByClause = addQuotes(exposedElements, orderByClause);
// Update the "GROUP BY" clause
GroupByStatement[] groupByStatements = getGroupByStatements();
if (groupByStatements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < groupByStatements.length; i++) {
GroupByStatement statement = groupByStatements[i];
if (isExposed(statement.getColumnName())) {
groupByClause = addQuotes(exposedElements, groupByClause);
// Update the "HAVING" clause
// Assemble SQL
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
sql.append("SELECT ");
sql.append(" FROM ");
if (whereClause != null) {
sql.append(" WHERE ");
if (orderByClause != null) {
sql.append(" ORDER BY ");
if (groupByClause != null) {
sql.append(" GROUP BY ");
if (havingClause != null) {
sql.append(" HAVING ");
return sql.toString();
// **************************************************************************
// ** addQuotes
// **************************************************************************
/** Used to wrap exposed database elements in quotes. */
private String addQuotes(java.util.HashSet exposedElements, String sqlFragment) {
if (sqlFragment == null)
return null;
if (exposedElements.isEmpty())
return sqlFragment;
* System.out.println("------------------------------------");
* System.out.println(sqlFragment);
* System.out.println("------------------------------------");
* java.util.Iterator itt = exposedElements.iterator(); while
* (itt.hasNext()){ String exposedElement = (String);
* System.out.println(exposedElement + " <--"); }
// Set local variables;
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
String s = sqlFragment;
String c = "";
StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer newSQL = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes) {
java.util.Iterator it = exposedElements.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String exposedElement = (String);
if (exposedElement.length() > 0) {
if (c.equalsIgnoreCase(exposedElement.substring(0, 1))
&& (i + exposedElement.length()) <= s.length()) {
String str = s.substring(i, i + exposedElement.length());
if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(exposedElement)) {
str = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1);
String prevChar = "";
String nextChar = "";
if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + exposedElement.length() + 1 <= s.length()) {
prevChar = s.substring(i - 1, i);
nextChar = s.substring(i + exposedElement.length(),
i + exposedElement.length() + 1);
// System.out.println("[" + prevChar + "]" +
// exposedElement + "[" + nextChar + "]");
if (wrapElement(prevChar, nextChar)) {
newSQL.append(str + "\"" + exposedElement + "\"");
phrase = new StringBuffer();
i = i + (exposedElement.length() - 1);
// For efficiency, remove any unused
// elements from the exposedElements HashSet
if (i + exposedElement.length() <= s.length()) {
if (s.substring(i + exposedElement.length()).toUpperCase()
.contains(exposedElement.toUpperCase()) == false) {
it = exposedElements.iterator();
// System.out.println("(-) " +
// exposedElement);
if (i == (s.length() - 1)) {
if (phrase.toString().trim().equals(s)) {
} else {
} // end parsing text
return newSQL.toString();
// **************************************************************************
// ** wrapElement
// **************************************************************************
/** Used to help determine whether to add quotes around a block of text. */
private boolean wrapElement(String prevChar, String nextChar) {
if ((prevChar.equals("") || prevChar.equals(" ") || prevChar.equals(")") || prevChar.equals("(")
|| prevChar.equals(",") || prevChar.equals("=") || prevChar.equals(">") || prevChar.equals("<"))
&& (nextChar.equals("") || nextChar.equals(" ") || nextChar.equals(")") || nextChar.equals("(")
|| nextChar.equals(",") || nextChar.equals("=") || nextChar.equals(">")
|| nextChar.equals("<"))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// **************************************************************************
// ** stripFunctions (getColumnName)
// **************************************************************************
* Used to strip functions from an SQL fragment and return the column name.
* For example, "SUM(Sales.SaleAmount)" would return "Sales.SaleAmount". In
* cases where the function uses multiple parameters, the first parameter is
* assumed to be the column name (or alias). For example,
* "SUBSTR(LastName,0,1)" would return "LastName".
private String stripFunctions(String str) {
boolean FunctionsPresent = true;
if ((InStr(str, "(") > 0 && InStr(str, ")") > 0) && (InStr(str, "(") < InStr(str, ")"))) {
while (FunctionsPresent) {
str = Right(str, Len(str) - InStrRev(str, "("));
str = Left(str, InStrRev(str, ")") - 1);
str = str.trim();
* 'Special Case and one BIG assumption: 'if the resultant str
* has a comma, then the 'function has multiple parameters. The
* assumption 'is that the first parameter is the column name
if (InStr(str, ",") > 0) {
str = Left(str, InStr(str, ",") - 1);
str = str.trim();
if (InStr(str, "(") == 0 && InStr(str, ")") == 0) {
FunctionsPresent = false;
return str;
// **************************************************************************
// ** Legacy VB String Functions
// **************************************************************************
private int InStr(String str, String ch) {
return str.indexOf(ch) + 1;
private int InStrRev(String str, String ch) {
return str.lastIndexOf(ch) + 1;
private int Len(String str) {
return str.length();
private String Left(String str, int n) {
return str.substring(0, n);
private String Right(String str, int n) {
int iLen = str.length();
return str.substring(iLen - n, iLen);
// **************************************************************************
// ** removeParentheses
// **************************************************************************
/** Used to remove the outer paratheses surrounding a block of text. */
private String removeParentheses(String text) {
text = text.trim();
if (text.startsWith("(") && text.endsWith(")")) {
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
boolean insideParenthesis = false;
int parenthesis = 0;
int gaps = 0;
String s = text;
String c = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if ((c.equals("(") && !insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
insideParenthesis = true;
parenthesis = 0;
if ((c.equals("(")) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis += 1;
if ((c.equals(")") && insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis = parenthesis - 1;
if (parenthesis == 0) {
insideParenthesis = false;
if (i + 1 < s.length()) {
String nextString = s.substring(i + 1).trim();
if (!nextString.startsWith("("))
if (gaps == 0)
text = text.substring(1, text.length() - 1).trim();
return text;
// **************************************************************************
// ** Split
// **************************************************************************
* Used to break down the select clause into individual elements. For
* example, "Select FirstName, LastName from Contacts" would return an array
* with 2 entries: "FirstName" and "LastName".
private String[] split(String statement) {
if (statement == null || statement.length() <= 0)
return new String[0];
statement = statement.trim();
if (statement.contains(",") == false) {
return new String[] { statement };
} else {
boolean insideSingleQuotes = false;
boolean insideDoubleQuotes = false;
boolean insideParenthesis = false;
int parenthesis = 0;
String s = statement + " "; // <-- something's not quite right b/c
// we need this extra space at the
// end...
String c = "";
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
java.util.List list = new java.util.LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
c = s.substring(i, i + 1);
if (c.equals("\"")) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes)
insideDoubleQuotes = true;
insideDoubleQuotes = false;
if (c.equals("'")) {
if (!insideSingleQuotes)
insideSingleQuotes = true;
insideSingleQuotes = false;
if ((c.equals("(") && !insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
insideParenthesis = true;
parenthesis = 0;
if ((c.equals("(")) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis += 1;
if ((c.equals(")") && insideParenthesis) && (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes)) {
parenthesis = parenthesis - 1;
if (parenthesis == 0)
insideParenthesis = false;
if (c.equals(",") || i == (s.length() - 1)) {
if (!insideDoubleQuotes && !insideSingleQuotes && !insideParenthesis) {
String element = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1).toString().trim();
str = new StringBuffer();
} // end for loop
// Convert list into an array of statements
String[] statements = new String[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
statements[i] = list.get(i).toString();
return statements;
public void debug() {
// Print SQL Statements
System.out.println("Original SQL Statement");
for (int i = 0; i < sqlKeywords.length; i++) {
String key = sqlKeywords[i];
String val = (String) this.sql.get(key);
if (val != null) {
System.out.println(" " + val.toString());
// Print "Select" Statements
System.out.println("SELECT Statements");
SelectStatement[] selectStatements = getSelectStatements();
for (int i = 0; i < selectStatements.length; i++) {
SelectStatement statement = selectStatements[i];
// Print Selected Columns
System.out.println("Selected Columns");
for (int i = 0; i < selectStatements.length; i++) {
SelectStatement statement = selectStatements[i];
String columnName = statement.getColumnName();
if (statement.getAlias() != null)
columnName = statement.getAlias();
// Print Selected Columns
System.out.println("Selected Tables");
String[] selectTables = getTables();
for (int i = 0; i < selectTables.length; i++) {
String tableName = selectTables[i];
// Print "Where" Statements
WhereStatement[] whereStatements = getWhereStatements();
if (whereStatements.length > 0) {
System.out.println("WHERE Statements");
for (int i = 0; i < whereStatements.length; i++) {
WhereStatement statement = whereStatements[i];
System.out.println(statement.toString() + " [OPERATOR IS \"" + statement.getOperator() + "\"]");
// Print "Order By" Statements
OrderByStatement[] orderByStatements = getOrderByStatements();
if (orderByStatements.length > 0) {
System.out.println("ORDER BY Statements");
for (int i = 0; i < orderByStatements.length; i++) {
OrderByStatement statement = orderByStatements[i];
// Print "Group By" Statements
GroupByStatement[] groupByStatements = getGroupByStatements();
if (groupByStatements.length > 0) {
System.out.println("GROUP BY Statements");
for (int i = 0; i < groupByStatements.length; i++) {
GroupByStatement statement = groupByStatements[i];
// Print "Having" Statements
if (getHavingString() != null) {
System.out.println("HAVING Statements");
// Print Tables and Columns
System.out.println("Exposed Tables and Columns");
String[] exposedElements = getExposedDataElements();
for (int i = 0; i < exposedElements.length; i++) {
String element = exposedElements[i];
// Print "NEW" SQL
System.out.println("NEW SQL");
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