META-INF.modules.java.base.classes.sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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? ? ? NUM_EPOLLEVENTS I epfd pollArrayAddress J fd0 fd1 fdToKey Ljava/util/Map; Signature ALjava/util/Map;
updateLock Ljava/lang/Object;
updateKeys Ljava/util/Deque; 0Ljava/util/Deque;
interruptLock interruptTriggered Z $assertionsDisabled +(Ljava/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider;)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable fds ioe Ljava/io/IOException; this Lsun/nio/ch/EPollSelectorImpl; sp (Ljava/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider;
StackMapTable ?
ensureOpen ()V doSelect !(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;J)I adjust startTime
numEntries action Ljava/util/function/Consumer; timeout to blocking timedPoll LocalVariableTypeTable ?Ljava/util/function/Consumer; ? ? C(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;J)I processUpdateQueue fd previous Lsun/nio/ch/SelectionKeyImpl; newEvents registeredEvents ski
processEvents !(ILjava/util/function/Consumer;)I rOps event i interrupted numKeysUpdated C(ILjava/util/function/Consumer;)I implClose implDereg (Lsun/nio/ch/SelectionKeyImpl;)V setEventOps wakeup ()Ljava/nio/channels/Selector; clearInterrupt
SourceFile EPollSelectorImpl.java sun/nio/ch/EPoll ` a java/util/HashMap ` p S T java/lang/Object W X java/util/ArrayDeque Y Z \ X ? ? N M L M ? ? O P ? ? ? Q M R M java/io/IOException ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? )java/nio/channels/ClosedSelectorException _ ^ ? ? ? java/lang/AssertionError java/lang/Integer ? ? ? p p sun/nio/ch/IOStatus
? ? sun/nio/ch/SelectionKeyImpl ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !"# $% ? p ] ^&" o p'()* java/lang/InternalError `+, sun/nio/ch/EPollSelectorImpl-. ?/ ? ?0 sun/nio/ch/SelectorImpl &java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider java/util/function/Consumer java/lang/Throwable create ()I allocatePollArray (I)J sun/nio/ch/IOUtil makePipe (Z)J
freePollArray (J)V sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl
closeIntFD (I)V ctl (IIII)I isOpen ()Z java/lang/Thread holdsLock (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z java/lang/Math min (JJ)J processDeregisterQueue begin (Z)V java/lang/System nanoTime ()J wait (IJII)I java/util/concurrent/TimeUnit MILLISECONDS Ljava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit; NANOSECONDS convert #(JLjava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;)J check (I)Z end java/util/Deque pollFirst ()Ljava/lang/Object; isValid getFDVal valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
java/util/Map putIfAbsent 8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; translateInterestOps getEvent (JI)J
getDescriptor (J)I get &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; getEvents processReadyEvents >(ILsun/nio/ch/SelectionKeyImpl;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)I remove addLast (Ljava/lang/Object;)V write1 (IB)I (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V drain java/lang/Class desiredAssertionStatus fdLimit (II)I G K L M N M O P Q M R M S T U V W X Y Z U [ \ X ] ^ _ ^ ` a b " y*+? *? Y? ? *? Y? ? *? Y?
? *? Y? ? *?
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