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Bytecoder java.base Module
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? ChaCha20Poly1305 InnerClasses ChaCha20Only
EngineAEADEnc EngineStreamOnly ChaChaEngine MODE_NONE I
ConstantValue MODE_AEAD
STATE_CONST_3 KEYSTREAM_SIZE @ KS_SIZE_INTS CIPHERBUF_BASE initialized Z mode direction aadDone keyBytes [B nonce
MAX_UINT32 J finalCounterValue counter
startState [I keyStream keyStrOffset
TAG_LENGTH aadLen dataLen padBuf lenBuf authAlgName Ljava/lang/String;
authenticator "Lcom/sun/crypto/provider/Poly1305; engine 5Lcom/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$ChaChaEngine; asIntLittleEndian Ljava/lang/invoke/VarHandle; asLongLittleEndian
asLongView ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this (Lcom/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher;
engineSetMode (Ljava/lang/String;)V
Exceptions engineSetPadding padding engineGetBlockSize ()I engineGetOutputSize (I)I inputLen outLen engineGetIV ()[B engineGetParameters %()Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters; derNonce exc Ljava/lang/Exception; params #Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;
engineInit 3(ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V newNonce opmode key Ljava/security/Key; random Ljava/security/SecureRandom; ^(ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V chaParams )Ljavax/crypto/spec/ChaCha20ParameterSpec; ivParams #Ljavax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec; +Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec; V(ILjava/security/Key;Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters;Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)V dv Lsun/security/util/DerValue; ioe Ljava/io/IOException; paramAlg engineUpdateAAD ([BII)V ae Ljava/lang/ArithmeticException; src offset len (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; createRandomNonce (Ljava/security/SecureRandom;)[B rand init (ILjava/security/Key;[B)V newKeyBytes checkKeyAndNonce ([B[B)V
getEncodedKey (Ljava/security/Key;)[B
encodedKey engineUpdate ([BII)[B (Ljava/security/GeneralSecurityException; in inOfs inLen out
([BII[BI)I ke Ljava/security/KeyException; outOfs bytesUpdated
engineDoFinal output
engineWrap engineUnwrap *([BLjava/lang/String;I)Ljava/security/Key;
wrappedKey algorithm type engineGetKeySize (Ljava/security/Key;)I setInitialState i generateKeystream
chaCha20Block ([IJ[B)V round initState result ws00 ws01 ws02 ws03 ws04 ws05 ws06 ws07 ws08 ws09 ws10 ws11 ws12 ws13 ws14 ws15 chaCha20Transform
([BII[BI)V ksRemain xformLen inOff outOff
remainingData xor
([BI[BI[BII)V v1 v2 in1 off1 in2 off2 initAuthenticator
authUpdate ([BII)I data length authFinalizeData dataOff tag authPad16 (J)V authWriteLengths (JJ[B)V aLen dLen buf
SourceFile NestMembers &com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher java/lang/Integer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? None
&java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException Mode must be None ? ? NoPadding #javax/crypto/NoSuchPaddingException Padding must be NoPadding ? ? ? ? javax/crypto/Cipher ? ? ? ChaCha20-Poly1305 java/io/IOException java/lang/RuntimeException ? ? ? !java/security/InvalidKeyException CDefault parameter generation disallowed in DECRYPT and UNWRAP modes ? ? 'javax/crypto/spec/ChaCha20ParameterSpec 0java/security/InvalidAlgorithmParameterException 1ChaCha20 algorithm requires ChaCha20ParameterSpec ? ? !javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec *ChaCha20-Poly1305 requires IvParameterSpec ? 2ChaCha20-Poly1305 nonce must be 12 bytes in length ChaCha20 in unsupported mode !AlgorithmParameters not supported java/lang/StringBuilder Invalid parameter type: !"# sun/security/util/DerValue$ ? ?% ? Invalid mode: !& ? ? java/lang/IllegalStateException /Attempted to update AAD on uninitialized Cipher CAttempted to update AAD on Cipher after plaintext/ciphertext update "Cipher is running in non-AEAD mode ? ?'bc java/lang/ArithmeticException AAD overflow ?()* ?+ ? ? ? java/security/SecureRandom, 'java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException 5WRAP_MODE and UNWRAP_MODE are not currently supported Unknown opmode: ? ?9 ? 7com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$EngineStreamOnly ?- ? ? 4com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$EngineAEADEnc 4com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$EngineAEADDec Not encrypt or decrypt mode ? ?; ? ? ?./0 3Matching key and nonce from previous initialization RAW12 34 Key encoding format must be RAW Key length must be 256 bits5' !javax/crypto/ShortBufferException java/security/KeyException ? ?6' !Wrap operations are not supported #Unwrap operations are not supported<=7 ? ?89 :Counter exhausted. Reinitialize with new key and/or nonce:XY ? ?;<9= com/sun/crypto/provider/Poly1305 javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec ? ? ?> ?? ? ?@ABijkl, ? ? ? ? ? java/lang/LongCDEFGH [JIJ javax/crypto/CipherSpi 7com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$ChaCha20Poly1305 3com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$ChaCha20Only 3com/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher$ChaChaEngine !java/security/AlgorithmParameters java/lang/Exception java/lang/String &java/security/GeneralSecurityException java/lang/Throwable javax/crypto/AEADBadTagException &javax/crypto/IllegalBlockSizeException equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z java/lang/Math addExact (II)I max clone ()Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/System arraycopy *(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V getInstance 7(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/AlgorithmParameters; ([B)V (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V getNonce
getCounter getIV getAlgorithm ()Ljava/lang/String; append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString
getEncoded getOctetString (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; (JJ)J *(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V java/nio/ByteBuffer limit position nextBytes +(Lcom/sun/crypto/provider/ChaCha20Cipher;)V java/security/MessageDigest isEqual ([B[B)Z java/security/Key getFormat equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z doUpdate doFinal
rotateLeft java/lang/invoke/VarHandle set min get ([BI)J ([BIJ)V ([BIILjava/lang/String;)V A(Ljava/security/Key;Ljava/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec;)V java/util/Objects checkFromIndexSize (III)I java/nio/ByteOrder
LITTLE_ENDIAN Ljava/nio/ByteOrder; java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles byteArrayViewVarHandle C(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/nio/ByteOrder;)Ljava/lang/invoke/VarHandle; nativeOrder ()Ljava/nio/ByteOrder; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? ? y ? ? ? z ? ? ? { ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? " ? ? ? ` "*? *? *?
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