META-INF.modules.java.base.classes.sun.text.bidi.BidiLine.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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???? :
java/lang/Object ()V
sun/text/bidi/BidiBase dirProps [B levels length I paraLevel B trailingWSStart
DirPropFlag (B)I ! MASK_WS # $ resultLength & ' originalLength ) * + text [C
- . / 0 1 java/lang/System arraycopy *(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V
3 4 5 GetParaLevelAt (I)B 7 8 paraCount : sun/text/bidi/BidiRun < = > runs [Lsun/text/bidi/BidiRun; @ A reorderingMode C D reorderingOptions F G controlCount
I J K IsBidiControlChar (I)Z
M N O getDirPropsMemory (I)V Q R dirPropsMemory
T U O getLevelsMemory W X levelsMemory Z [ runCount ] ^ direction
` a b c d sun/text/bidi/BidiLine setTrailingWSStart (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;)V f g h paraBidi Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;
j k l m n java/util/Arrays fill ([BIIB)V 9 p q start 9 s t level 9 v w limit
9 y z (IIB)V | } >
simpleRuns java/lang/IllegalStateException ? ,Internal ICU error in getRunFromLogicalIndex
~ ? ? (Ljava/lang/String;)V
` ? ? ? getSingleRun (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;B)V
? ? O
getRunsMemory ? ? >
` ? ? ? reorderLine (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;BB)V ? ? ? insertPoints %Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase$InsertPoints; ? ? ? ? #sun/text/bidi/BidiBase$InsertPoints size ? ? ? ? points [Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase$Point; ? ? ? ? sun/text/bidi/BidiBase$Point pos
` ? ? ? getRunFromLogicalIndex (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;I)I 9 ? ? insertRemove ? ? ? flag
` ? ? ? prepareReorder
9 ? ? ? isEvenRun ()Z Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Lsun/text/bidi/BidiLine; bidiBase
StackMapTable setLine T(Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;Ljava/text/Bidi;Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;II)Ljava/text/Bidi; j i newBidi Ljava/text/Bidi; lineBidi ? java/text/Bidi
getLevelAt (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;I)B charIndex getLevels (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;)[B getVisualRun 2(Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;I)Lsun/text/bidi/BidiRun; runIndex tempRun Lsun/text/bidi/BidiRun; firstRun endRun limitRun minLevel maxLevel > logicalStart logicalIndex visualStart getRuns trailingRun point Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase$Point; ip ic c C pMinLevel pMaxLevel indexMap [I ?
reorderVisual ([B)[I temp end aMinLevel aMaxLevel getVisualMap (Lsun/text/bidi/BidiBase;)[I visualLimit markFound k
logicalEnd m uchar evenRun Z allocLength idx newMap
BidiLine.java InnerClasses InsertPoints Point 0 `
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