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Bytecoder java.desktop Module
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majorSpans minorAllocValid minorOffsets
minorSpans tempRect Ljava/awt/Rectangle; (Ljavax/swing/text/Element;I)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Ljavax/swing/text/BoxView; elem Ljavax/swing/text/Element; axis getAxis ()I setAxis (I)V axisChanged
isLayoutValid (I)Z
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Exceptions? viewToModel 6(FFLjava/awt/Shape;[Ljavax/swing/text/Position$Bias;)I bias ![Ljavax/swing/text/Position$Bias; getAlignment getPreferredSpan
marginSpan getMinimumSpan getMaximumSpan isAllocationValid ()Z isBefore (IILjava/awt/Rectangle;)Z
innerAlloc isAfter getViewAtPoint /(IILjava/awt/Rectangle;)Ljavax/swing/text/View; childAllocation (ILjava/awt/Rectangle;)V layout (II)V getWidth getHeight layoutMajorAxis (II[I[I)V tmp totalSpan J maximumAdjustment adjF
targetSpan offsets spans preferred desiredAdjustment adjustmentFactor diffs totalOffset j layoutMinorAxis align min max calculateMajorAxisRequirements ?(ILjavax/swing/SizeRequirements;)Ljavax/swing/SizeRequirements; pref calculateMinorAxisRequirements
checkRequests baselineLayout viewSpan fitSpan minSpan maxSpan totalAscent totalDescent baselineRequirements ascent descent getOffset (II)I
childIndex getSpan flipEastAndWestAtEnds $(ILjavax/swing/text/Position$Bias;)Z testPos position
SourceFile q? java/awt/Rectangle q ? o p ^ _ i j k j b c h c m j n j d c l c ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ?? |??? ? ? ? ??? |? ??? ? _ ? _ ? _ ? _?? ~ e f ? _? _? _ g f ` _ ? ? ? ? a _ ? ? ?????????? ? ????? javax/swing/text/View ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????? java/lang/Integer? ? ? javax/swing/SizeRequirements? "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException BootstrapMethods???? q?
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getRightInset java/lang/Math getTopInset getBottomInset getBounds ()Ljava/awt/Rectangle;
getClipBounds alignment abs (J)J (FF)F round (F)I (JJ)J
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