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Bytecoder java.desktop Module
???? :=
java/lang/Object ()V
java/awt/geom/Area EmptyCurves Ljava/util/Vector; curves java/awt/Shape getPathIterator =(Ljava/awt/geom/AffineTransform;)Ljava/awt/geom/PathIterator;
pathToCurves 0(Ljava/awt/geom/PathIterator;)Ljava/util/Vector; java/util/Vector
! " java/awt/geom/PathIterator getWindingRule ()I $ % & isDone ()Z ( ) * currentSegment ([D)I
, - . / 0 sun/awt/geom/Curve
insertLine (Ljava/util/Vector;DDDD)V
, 2 3 4
insertMove (Ljava/util/Vector;DD)V
, 6 7 8
insertQuad (Ljava/util/Vector;DD[D)V
, : ; 8 insertCubic = > next @ sun/awt/geom/AreaOp$EOWindOp
? C sun/awt/geom/AreaOp$NZWindOp
F G H I J sun/awt/geom/AreaOp calculate 8(Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Vector;)Ljava/util/Vector; L sun/awt/geom/AreaOp$AddOp
P Q invalidateBounds S sun/awt/geom/AreaOp$SubOp
R G W sun/awt/geom/AreaOp$IntOp
V G [ sun/awt/geom/AreaOp$XorOp
_ ` " size
b c d elements ()Ljava/util/Enumeration; f g h i & java/util/Enumeration hasMoreElements f k l m nextElement ()Ljava/lang/Object;
, o p " getOrder
r s t get (I)Ljava/lang/Object;
, v w x getXTop ()D
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, ? ? x getYBot ? ? ? cachedBounds Ljava/awt/geom/Rectangle2D; ? java/awt/geom/Rectangle2D$Double
, ? ? x getX0
, ? ? x getY0
? ? ? ? ? java/awt/geom/Rectangle2D setRect (DDDD)V
, ? ? ? enlarge (Ljava/awt/geom/Rectangle2D;)V
? ? ? getCachedBounds ()Ljava/awt/geom/Rectangle2D;
? ? ? ? getBounds2D
? ? ? ? getBounds ()Ljava/awt/Rectangle;
? ? (Ljava/awt/Shape;)V
? ? & isEmpty ? java/lang/NullPointerException ? transform must not be null
? ? ? (Ljava/lang/String;)V
? ? ? transform "(Ljava/awt/geom/AffineTransform;)V
? ? ? ? contains (DD)Z
, ? ? ? crossingsFor (DD)I
? ? ? ? x java/awt/geom/Point2D getX
? ? ? x getY
? ? ? ? (DDDD)Z
? ? ? ? ? sun/awt/geom/Crossings
findCrossings 0(Ljava/util/Vector;DDDD)Lsun/awt/geom/Crossings;
? ? ? ? covers
? ?
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? ? ? x getWidth
? ? ? x getHeight
? ? ? ?
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? ? java/awt/geom/AreaIterator
? ? ? 4(Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/awt/geom/AffineTransform;)V ? $java/awt/geom/FlatteningPathIterator
? ? ? (Ljava/awt/geom/PathIterator;D)V ? java/lang/Cloneable Signature (Ljava/util/Vector; Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Ljava/awt/geom/Area; s Ljava/awt/Shape;
StackMapTable newx D newy operator Lsun/awt/geom/AreaOp; pi Ljava/awt/geom/PathIterator; windingRule I coords [D movx movy curx cury LocalVariableTypeTable F(Ljava/awt/geom/PathIterator;)Ljava/util/Vector; add (Ljava/awt/geom/Area;)V rhs subtract intersect exclusiveOr reset isPolygonal enum_ Ljava/util/Enumeration; -Ljava/util/Enumeration;
isRectangular c1 Lsun/awt/geom/Curve; c2
isSingular i c r clone equals (Ljava/awt/geom/Area;)Z other t Ljava/awt/geom/AffineTransform; createTransformedArea 5(Ljava/awt/geom/AffineTransform;)Ljava/awt/geom/Area; a x y crossings (Ljava/awt/geom/Point2D;)Z p Ljava/awt/geom/Point2D; w h Lsun/awt/geom/Crossings; (Ljava/awt/geom/Rectangle2D;)Z at >(Ljava/awt/geom/AffineTransform;D)Ljava/awt/geom/PathIterator; flatness
SourceFile InnerClasses EOWindOp NZWindOp AddOp SubOp IntOp XorOp Double ! ?
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