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okw.gui.AnyChildwindow Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This is the core-module of OpenKeyWord. This module is automatically integrated by the adapters. In GUI automation, the core module is automatically integrated by the GUI modules (dependencies).

The newest version!
  Author: Zoltán Hrabovszki 

  Copyright © 2012 - 2020, IT-Beratung Hrabovszki

This file is part of OpenKeyWord.

OpenKeyWord is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

OpenKeyWord is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenKeyWord.  If not, see .

Diese Datei ist Teil von OpenKeyWord.

OpenKeyWord ist Freie Software: Sie können es unter den Bedingungen
der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation,
Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder späteren
veröffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.

OpenKeyWord wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nützlich sein wird, aber
OHNE JEDE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite
Siehe die GNU General Public License für weitere Details.

Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit 
OpenKeyWord erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe .
package okw.gui;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;

import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import okw.FrameObjectDictionary_Sngltn;
import okw.OKW;
import okw.OKW_TimeOut;
import okw.core.IOKW_FN;
import okw.exceptions.OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented;

/** \brief
 * @todo TODO: Description of AnyWin.
public abstract class AnyChildwindow extends AnyWinBase implements IGUIChildwindow, IOKW_FN
  /** \~german
   *  Prüft die Existenz des aktuellen Objektes.
   *  - Methode kann hier nicht implementiert werden.
   *  - Methoden ist nur als Platzhalter implementiert.
   *  - Hier wird die Ausnahme OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented ausgelöst.
   *  Hinweis zur Implementierung:
   *  - Implementierung durch Methodeüberschreibung in den GUI-Klassen.
   *  - Ist eine elementare Funktion, muss Werkzeugspezifisch (für Selenium, AutoIt, SilkTets usw.) defiert sein/werden.
   *  - Warten nicht auf die Existenz eines Objektes!
   *  - Es wird nur ein eiziges mal die Existenz geprüft.
   *  - Es wird keine Ausnahme ausgelöst, wenn das Object nicht vorhanden ist!
   *  @return true, falls das eindeutig Objekt gefunden worden ist ist, sonst false.
   *  \~
   *  @author Zoltán Hrabovszki
   *  \date 2017.01.31
  public Boolean getExists()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getExists() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public Boolean getHasFocus()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getHasFocus() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public Boolean getIsActive()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getIsActive() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
  public ArrayList getCaption()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getCaption() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList getTooltip()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getTooltip() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList getPlaceholder()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getPlaceholder() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList getLabel()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getLabel() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public Integer getMaxLength()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getMaxLength() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public Integer getMinLength()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getMinLength() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList getValue()
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method getValue() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public void ClickOn( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method ClickOn() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public void DoubleClickOn( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void DoubleClickOn( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList LogCaption( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList LogCaption( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public boolean LogExists( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public boolean LogExists( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public boolean LogHasFocus( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public boolean LogHasFocus( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
  public boolean LogIsActive( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public boolean LogIsActive( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList LogLabel( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList LogLabel( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList LogPlaceholder( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList LogPlace( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList LogSelected( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList LogSelected( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList LogTablecellValue( String COL, String ROW )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList ( String COL, String ROW ) throws Exception' throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList LogTooltip( )
  // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
  throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList LogTooltip( ) throws Exception' throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

public ArrayList LogValue( )
  // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
  throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList LogValue( ) throws Exception' throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

public ArrayList MemorizeCaption( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizeCaption( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public boolean MemorizeExists( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public boolean MemorizeExists( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
  public boolean MemorizeHasFocus( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public boolean MemorizeHasFocus( ) throws Exception' throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
  public boolean MemorizeIsActive( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public boolean MemorizeIsActive( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList MemorizeLabel( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizeLabel( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList MemorizePlaceholder( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizePlaceholder( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList MemorizeSelectedValue( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizeSelectedValue( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList MemorizeTablecellValue( String COL, String ROW )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizeTablecellValue( String COL, String ROW ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList MemorizeTooltip( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizeTooltip( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public ArrayList MemorizeValue( )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList MemorizeValue( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public void Select( ArrayList fpLsParameter )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method Select() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public void SelectMenu(  ) throws Exception
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method SelectMenu() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

  public void SelectMenu( ArrayList Val )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method SelectMenu() is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public void SelectTablecell( String COL, String ROW )
    // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
    throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void SelectTablecell( String COL, String ROW ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public void SetFocus( ) throws Exception
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void SetFocus( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public void SetValue(ArrayList Val )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void SetValue( ArrayList Val ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public void TypeKey(ArrayList Val )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void TypeKey( ArrayList Val ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public void TypeKeyTablecell( String COL, String ROW, ArrayList Val )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void TypeKeyTablecell( String COL, String ROW, ArrayList Val ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
    public ArrayList VerifyLabel( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyLabel( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifyBadge( )
	  // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
	  throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyBadge( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

	public ArrayList VerifyBadgeWCM( )
	  // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
	  throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyBadgeWCM( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

	public ArrayList VerifyBadgeREGX( )
	  // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
	  throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyBadgeREGX( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

	public ArrayList VerifyPlaceholder( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyPlaceholder( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public Integer VerifyMaxLength( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyMaxLength( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifyCaption( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyCaption( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifyTooltip( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList VerifyTooltip( )' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifyValue( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList VerifyValue( )' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifyTablecellValue( String COL, String ROW )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList VerifyTablecellValue( )' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifySelectedValue( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public ArrayList VerifySelectedValue( )' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
    public Boolean VerifyExists( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public Boolean VerifyExists( )' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public Boolean VerifyIsActive()
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public Boolean VerifyIsActive()' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public Boolean VerifyHasFocus( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public Boolean VerifyHasFocus( )' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");
    public Integer VerifyMinLength( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyMinLength( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

    public ArrayList VerifyErrorMSG( )
      // TODO: /todo Meldung in xml-Auslagern
      throw new OKWFrameObjectMethodNotImplemented("The method 'public void VerifyErrorMSG( ) throws Exception' is not defined for your GUI-Object. Please define first the methode!");

     *  Wir benötigt damit in den abgeleitetetn Klassen
     *  'Implicit super constructor AnyChildwindow() is undefined. Must explicitly invoke another constructor'
    public AnyChildwindow( )
    public AnyChildwindow( String fpsLocator, OKWLocatorBase... fpLocators )
        //this.setLocator( fpsLocator, fpLocators );
        super (fpsLocator, fpLocators );

    /** \~german
     *  Methode wartet auf die Existenz des aktuellen Objektes.
     *  Wichtig: Methode löst keine Exception aus, wenn das Objekt nicht erscheint!
     *  @return true, wenn das Objekt vorhanden ist, sonst false.
     *  \~
     * @throws InterruptedException 
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws SAXException 
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException 
     * @throws JAXBException 
     * @throws XPathExpressionException 
     *  @author Zoltán Hrabovszki
     *  \date 2013.11.11
    public Boolean WaitForMe()
        // Variables
        Boolean lvbReturn = false;
        Integer Count = 0;

            OKW myOKW = FrameObjectDictionary_Sngltn.getInstance().getOKW( this.getKN() );

            // TimeOut-Werte Ermitteln
            OKW_TimeOut timeout = new OKW_TimeOut( myOKW.WaitForMe_TO(), myOKW.WaitForMe_PT() );

            Count = 0;

            while ( Count <= timeout.getMaxCount() )
                if ( this.getExists() )
                    lvbReturn = true;
                    Thread.sleep( timeout.getPT() );
        catch (Exception e)
            // TODO: handle exception
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        return lvbReturn;

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