de.retest.recheck.ui.image.ImageUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.retest.recheck.ui.image;
import static java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
import de.retest.recheck.ui.image.Screenshot.ImageType;
public class ImageUtils {
private ImageUtils() {}
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger( ImageUtils.class );
public static final String FILE_URI_SCHEME = "file:";
public static final String JAR_URI_SCHEME = "jar:";
public static final int MARKING_WIDTH = 2;
public static final String MAX_SCREENSHOT_HEIGHT_PROP = "de.retest.screenshot.max.height";
public static final int MAX_SCREENSHOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = 1200 * 2;
public static final String MAX_SCREENSHOT_WIDTH_PROP = "de.retest.screenshot.max.width";
public static final int MAX_SCREENSHOT_WIDTH_DEFAULT = 1800 * 2;
private static final int MAX_SCREENSHOT_HEIGHT =
private static final int MAX_SCREENSHOT_WIDTH =
private static final int DEFAULT_SCALE = 1;
public static BufferedImage screenshot2Image( final Screenshot input ) {
if ( input == null || input.getBinaryData() == null ) {
return null;
try {
final InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream( input.getBinaryData() );
return ImageIO.read( in );
} catch ( final IOException exc ) {
throw new RuntimeException( exc );
public static Screenshot image2Screenshot( final String prefix, final BufferedImage image ) {
if ( image == null ) {
return null;
try {
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write( image, "png", baos );
return new Screenshot( prefix, baos.toByteArray(), ImageType.PNG );
} catch ( final IOException exc ) {
throw new RuntimeException( exc );
public static Screenshot mark( final Screenshot image, final Rectangle mark ) {
if ( image == null ) {
return null;
return image2Screenshot( image.getPersistenceId(), mark( screenshot2Image( image ), mark ) );
public static BufferedImage mark( final BufferedImage image, final Rectangle mark ) {
return mark( image, Collections.singletonList( mark ) );
public static BufferedImage mark( final BufferedImage image, final List marks ) {
if ( image == null ) {
return null;
BufferedImage result = image;
int imageOffsetX = 0;
int imageOffsetY = 0;
for ( final Rectangle mark : marks ) {
if ( mark == null ) {
if ( mark.x < 0 ) {
logger.error( "Cannot create mark at negative x value {}.", mark.x );
mark.width += mark.x;
mark.x = 0;
if ( mark.y < 0 ) {
logger.error( "Cannot create mark at negative y value {}.", mark.y );
mark.height += mark.y;
mark.y = 0;
if ( mark.height < 0 || mark.width < 0 ) {
logger.error( "Cannot create mark with negative height or width values {}/{}, ignoring.", mark.height,
mark.width );
// from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2319251/58997
if ( mark.x > result.getWidth() ) {
logger.error( "Cannot create mark at x value {} with in image of width {}.", mark.x,
result.getWidth() );
if ( mark.y > result.getHeight() ) {
logger.error( "Cannot create mark at y value {} in image of width {}.", mark.y, result.getHeight() );
if ( mark.x + mark.width > result.getWidth() ) {
logger.debug( "Width of mark is bigger than image of width {}, shortening mark.", result.getWidth() );
mark.width = result.getWidth() - mark.x;
if ( mark.y + mark.height > result.getHeight() ) {
logger.debug( "Height of mark is bigger than image of height {}, shortening mark.",
result.getHeight() );
mark.height = result.getHeight() - mark.y;
mark.x = mark.x + imageOffsetX;
mark.y = mark.y + imageOffsetY;
int additionalOffsetX = 0;
int additionalOffsetY = 0;
int extendedWidth = 0;
int extendedHeight = 0;
if ( mark.x - MARKING_WIDTH < 0 ) {
final int newImageOffsetX = MARKING_WIDTH - mark.x;
additionalOffsetX = newImageOffsetX - imageOffsetX;
imageOffsetX = newImageOffsetX;
extendedWidth = imageOffsetX;
mark.x = mark.x + imageOffsetX;
if ( mark.x + mark.width + MARKING_WIDTH > result.getWidth() + extendedWidth ) {
extendedWidth += MARKING_WIDTH;
if ( mark.y - MARKING_WIDTH < 0 ) {
final int newImageOffsetY = MARKING_WIDTH - mark.y;
additionalOffsetY = newImageOffsetY - imageOffsetY;
imageOffsetY = newImageOffsetY;
extendedHeight = imageOffsetY;
mark.y = mark.y + imageOffsetY;
if ( mark.y + mark.height + MARKING_WIDTH > result.getHeight() + extendedHeight ) {
extendedHeight += MARKING_WIDTH;
final BufferedImage newResult = new BufferedImage( result.getWidth() + extendedWidth,
result.getHeight() + extendedHeight, TYPE_INT_ARGB );
final Graphics g = newResult.getGraphics();
g.drawImage( result, additionalOffsetX, additionalOffsetY, null );
g.setColor( Color.RED );
final int marking = 2 * MARKING_WIDTH;
g.fillRect( mark.x - MARKING_WIDTH, mark.y - MARKING_WIDTH, MARKING_WIDTH, mark.height + marking );
g.fillRect( mark.x - MARKING_WIDTH, mark.y - MARKING_WIDTH, mark.width + marking, MARKING_WIDTH );
g.fillRect( mark.x + mark.width, mark.y - MARKING_WIDTH, MARKING_WIDTH, mark.height + marking );
g.fillRect( mark.x - MARKING_WIDTH, mark.y + mark.height, mark.width + marking, MARKING_WIDTH );
result = newResult;
return result;
public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage( final Image img ) {
if ( img instanceof BufferedImage ) {
return (BufferedImage) img;
final BufferedImage bimage =
new BufferedImage( img.getWidth( null ), img.getHeight( null ), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
final Graphics bGr = bimage.getGraphics();
bGr.drawImage( img, 0, 0, null );
return bimage;
public static BufferedImage readImage( final File file ) throws IOException {
return ImageIO.read( file );
public static BufferedImage readImage( final String path ) throws IOException {
return readImage( new File( path ) );
public static Image scaleProportionallyToMaxWidthHeight( final BufferedImage image, final int maxWidth,
final int maxHeight ) {
if ( image == null ) {
return null;
if ( maxWidth >= image.getWidth() && maxHeight >= image.getHeight() ) {
return image;
final Dimension newDims =
scaleProportionallyToMaxWidthHeight( image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), maxWidth, maxHeight );
return image.getScaledInstance( newDims.width, newDims.height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH );
public static Dimension scaleProportionallyToMaxWidthHeight( final double imgWidth, final double imgHeight,
final double maxWidth, final double maxHeight ) {
final double heightRatio = maxHeight / imgHeight;
final double widthRatio = maxWidth / imgWidth;
if ( heightRatio < widthRatio ) {
final int newHeight = (int) (imgHeight * heightRatio);
final int newWidth = (int) (imgWidth * heightRatio);
return new Dimension( newWidth, newHeight );
final int newHeight = (int) (imgHeight * widthRatio);
final int newWidth = (int) (imgWidth * widthRatio);
return new Dimension( newWidth, newHeight );
public static Image scaleToSameSize( final BufferedImage img1, final BufferedImage img2 ) {
final int newWidth = Math.min( img1.getWidth(), img2.getWidth() );
final int newHeight = Math.min( img1.getHeight(), img2.getHeight() );
if ( newWidth >= img1.getWidth() && newHeight >= img1.getHeight() ) {
return img1;
return img1.getScaledInstance( newWidth, newHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH );
public static Screenshot cutImage( final Screenshot screenshot, final Rectangle bounds ) {
if ( screenshot == null ) {
return null;
return image2Screenshot( screenshot.getPersistenceId(), cutImage( screenshot2Image( screenshot ), bounds ) );
public static BufferedImage cutImage( final BufferedImage image, final Rectangle bounds ) {
if ( image == null || bounds == null || bounds.width <= 0 || bounds.height <= 0 ) {
return null;
if ( bounds.x >= image.getWidth() ) {
logger.error( "X value of image to cut {} is outside of bigger image with width {}!", bounds.x,
image.getWidth() );
return null;
if ( bounds.y >= image.getHeight() ) {
logger.error( "Y value of image to cut {} is outside of bigger image with height {}!", bounds.y,
image.getHeight() );
return null;
if ( bounds.x + bounds.width > image.getWidth() ) {
final int newWidth = image.getWidth() - bounds.x;
logger.debug( "x coordinate '{}' + width '{}' is outside of image of width '{}', setting width to {}.",
bounds.x, bounds.width, image.getWidth(), newWidth );
bounds.width = newWidth;
if ( bounds.y + bounds.height > image.getHeight() ) {
final int newHeight = image.getHeight() - bounds.y;
logger.debug( "y coordinate '{}' + height '{}' is outside of image of height '{}', setting height to {}.",
bounds.y, bounds.height, image.getHeight(), newHeight );
bounds.height = newHeight;
try {
return image.getSubimage( bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height );
} catch ( final Exception exc ) {
logger.error( "Exception cutting image with width/height {}/{} to bounds {}: ", image.getWidth(),
image.getHeight(), bounds, exc );
return image;
public static BufferedImage cutToMax( final BufferedImage image ) {
if ( image.getHeight() < MAX_SCREENSHOT_HEIGHT && image.getWidth() < MAX_SCREENSHOT_WIDTH ) {
return image;
final int imageHeight = Math.min( image.getHeight(), MAX_SCREENSHOT_HEIGHT );
final int imageWidth = Math.min( image.getWidth(), MAX_SCREENSHOT_WIDTH );
return cutImage( image, new Rectangle( imageWidth, imageHeight ) );
public static void exportScreenshot( final Screenshot image, final File result ) throws IOException {
try ( final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( result ) ) {
fos.write( image.getBinaryData() );
public static String removeFileExtension( final String filename ) {
final String extension = "." + ImageType.PNG;
if ( filename.toLowerCase().endsWith( extension.toLowerCase() ) ) {
return filename.substring( 0, filename.length() - extension.length() );
return filename;
public static String getTextFromIcon( final Icon icon ) {
String result = null;
if ( icon != null ) {
result = icon.toString();
// Normalize file:/-URLs to their base name
if ( result.startsWith( JAR_URI_SCHEME ) ) {
result = result.replace( JAR_URI_SCHEME, "" );
result = result.replace( FILE_URI_SCHEME, "" );
final String[] splitted = result.split( "!" );
return new File( splitted[0] ).getName() + "!" + splitted[1];
if ( result.startsWith( FILE_URI_SCHEME ) ) {
result = result.replace( FILE_URI_SCHEME, "" );
result = new File( result ).getName();
// Normalize OSGI-bundleressources
if ( result.startsWith( "bundleresource:" ) ) {
result = result.replaceFirst( "bundleresource:\\/\\/[\\d\\.\\w:]+\\/", "" );
return result;
result = new File( result ).getName();
return result;
public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage( final Icon icon, final Component component ) {
final int width = icon.getIconWidth();
final int height = icon.getIconHeight();
final BufferedImage bimage = new BufferedImage( width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
final Graphics graphics = bimage.getGraphics();
icon.paintIcon( component, graphics, 0, 0 );
return bimage;
public static Icon scaleIcon( final Icon icon, final Component component, final int width, final int height ) {
if ( icon == null ) {
return null;
if ( icon.getIconWidth() == width && icon.getIconHeight() == height ) {
return icon;
final BufferedImage image = toBufferedImage( icon, component );
final Image scaled = scaleProportionallyToMaxWidthHeight( image, width, height );
return new ImageIcon( scaled );
public static BufferedImage resizeImage( final BufferedImage image, final int width, final int height ) {
final Image tmp = image.getScaledInstance( width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH );
final BufferedImage resized = new BufferedImage( width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
final Graphics2D graphics2D = resized.createGraphics();
graphics2D.drawImage( tmp, 0, 0, null );
return resized;
public static int extractScale() {
if ( GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ) {
if ( !SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC ) {
final GraphicsDevice device = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
if ( SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_1_8 ) {
try {
final Field scale = device.getClass().getDeclaredField( "scale" );
if ( scale != null ) {
scale.setAccessible( true );
return (Integer) scale.get( device );
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
logger.error( "Unable to get the scale from the graphic environment.", e );
} else {
try {
return (int) device.getDefaultConfiguration().getDefaultTransform().getScaleX();
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
logger.error( "Unable to get the scale from default configuration.", e );
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