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org.nustaq.kontraktor.weblication.BasicWebAppActor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.nustaq.kontraktor.weblication;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.*;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.annotations.CallerSideMethod;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.annotations.Local;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.annotations.Remoted;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.impl.SimpleScheduler;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.remoting.base.SessionResurrector;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.util.Log;
import org.nustaq.kontraktor.weblication.model.DefaultSessionStorage;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by ruedi on 20.06.17.
public abstract class BasicWebAppActor extends Actor implements SessionResurrector {
public static String WEBAPP_DIR = "./src/main/web/client";
public static String BASH_EXEC = "/usr/bin/bash";
public static String BABEL_SERVER_JS_PATH = "./node_modules/babelserver/babelserver.js";
protected Scheduler[] sessionThreads;
protected ISessionStorage sessionStorage;
protected Map sessions;
public void init(C config) {
int numSessionThreads = config.getNumSessionThreads();
sessionThreads = new Scheduler[numSessionThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numSessionThreads; i++ ) {
sessionThreads[i] = new SimpleScheduler(10_000, true);
sessionStorage = createSessionStorage(config);
sessions = new HashMap<>();
protected ISessionStorage createSessionStorage(C config) {
DefaultSessionStorage defaultSessionStorage = AsActor(DefaultSessionStorage.class);
defaultSessionStorage.init(new DefaultSessionStorage.Config()).await();
return defaultSessionStorage;
* returns an array of [session actorproxy, userdata]
* @param user
* @param pw
* @param jwt
* @return array [session actor proxy, authenticationresult]
public IPromise login(String user, String pw, String jwt) {
Promise res = new Promise();
RemoteConnection remoteConnection = connection.get();
getCredentials(user,pw,jwt).then( (authres, err) -> {
if ( err != null ) {
} else {
String sessionId = remoteConnection != null ? remoteConnection.getSocketRef().getConnectionIdentifier() : null;
getSession(user,sessionId, authres ).then( (sess,serr) -> {
if ( sess != null ) {
if ( sessionId != null && sessionStorage != null ) {
res.resolve(new Object[]{sess,authres});
} else
return res;
* does a lookup for a user record using 'user' as key. Compares pw with 'pwd' of user record if found
* @param pw
* @param jwt
* @return
protected IPromise getCredentials(String user, String pw, String jwt) {
Promise p = new Promise();
sessionStorage.getUser(user).then( (rec, err) -> {
if ( rec == null ) {
p.reject("wrong user or password");
} else {
if ( pw.equals(rec.getString("pwd" ) ) ) {
if ( ! rec.getBool("verified") ) {
// e.g. email verification etc.
p.reject("account not verified");
} else
p.resolve( new BasicAuthenticationResult().userName(rec.getKey()) );
return p;
protected IPromise getSessionForReanimation(String user, String sessionId) {
return getSession(user,sessionId,new BasicAuthenticationResult().userName(user));
protected IPromise getSession(String user, String sessionId, BasicAuthenticationResult authenticationResult) {
// session sharing has major implications on resurrection and callback / subscription handling
// BasicWebSessionActor sess = sessions.get(user);
// if ( sess != null && ! sess.isStopped() ) {
// return sess;
// }
return createSession(user,sessionId,authenticationResult);
protected IPromise createSession(String user, String sessionId, BasicAuthenticationResult authenticationResult) {
Promise p = new Promise();
BasicWebSessionActor sess = AsActor((Class) getSessionClazz(),sessionThreads[(int) (Math.random()*sessionThreads.length)]);
sess.init(self(),authenticationResult,sessionId).then( (res,err) -> {
if ( err == null ) {
} else
return p;
protected abstract Class getSessionClazz(); /* {
return BasicWebSessionActor.class;
* just a notification
* @param sessionId
@Override @Local
public void restoreRemoteRefConnection(String sessionId) {
Log.Info(this,"try reanimating "+ sessionId);
* An existing spa client made a request after being inactive for a long time.
* mission: reconstruct a session actor and load its state (e.g. from persistence) so it can continue or
* return null and handle "session expired" correctly at client side. Note there is a default implementation
* session resurrection is called using await => hurry up
* return new Promise(null) in order to bypass session reanimation default implementation
* @param sessionId
* @param remoteRefId
* @return
* @param sessionId
* @param remoteRefId
* @return resurrected BasicWebSessionActor
@Override @Local
public IPromise reanimate(String sessionId, long remoteRefId) {
if ( sessionStorage == null )
return resolve(null);
Promise res = new Promise();
sessionStorage.getUserFromSessionId(sessionId).then( (user, err) -> {
if ( user == null )
else {
getSessionForReanimation(user, sessionId).then( res );
return res;
public void notifySessionEnd(BasicWebSessionActor session) {
Log.Info(this, "session timed out "+session.getSessionId()+" "+session.getUserKey()+" sessions:"+sessions.size());
public ISessionStorage getSessionStorage() {
return getActor().sessionStorage;
* reply a request catched by interceptor, note this is server dependent and bound to undertow.
* for servlet containers, just override KontraktorServlet methods
* @param exchange
public void handleDirectRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
Log.Info(this,"direct request received "+exchange);
getDirectRequestResponse(exchange.getRequestPath()).then( (s,err) -> {
exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=utf-8");
exchange.getResponseSender().send(s == null ? ""+err : s );
* simplified, override handleDirectRequest() for full control+access to http header and response type
* @param path
* @return
protected IPromise getDirectRequestResponse(String path) {
return new Promise("Hey there "+path);