de.schlichtherle.util.ObfuscatedString Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Schlichtherle IT Services.
* All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
package de.schlichtherle.util;
import java.util.Random;
* A utility class used to replace string literals in Java source code with an
* obfuscated representation of the string.
* Client applications should use this class to implement the
* {@link de.schlichtherle.license.LicenseParam},
* {@link de.schlichtherle.license.KeyStoreParam}
* and {@link de.schlichtherle.license.CipherParam} interfaces in order to
* make it considerably hard (although still not impossible) for a reverse
* engineer to find these string literals while providing comparably fast
* operation and minimum memory footprint.
* To use this class you need to provide the string literal to obfuscate as a
* parameter to the static {@link #obfuscate} method.
* Its return value is a string which contains the Java code which you should
* substitute for the string literal in the client application's source code.
* Please note that obfuscation is not equal to encryption:
* In contrast to the obfuscation provided by this class, encryption is
* comparably slow and expensive in terms of resources - no matter what
* algorithm is actually used.
* More importantly, encrypting string literals in Java code does not really
* increase the privacy of these strings compared to obfuscation as long as
* the encryption key is still placed in the Java code itself and tracing the
* calls to the JVM is possible.
* Hence, obfuscation is selected in favour of encryption.
* In order to provide a reasonable level of security for your application,
* you should always obfuscate the application code too,
* including this class.
* Otherwise, a reverse engineer could simply use the UNIX "strings" utility
* to search for all usages of this class, which would render its use
* completely pointless!
* In case you're looking for a Java code obfuscation tool for this task,
* please consider ProGuard, available and usable for free at
* This class is designed to be thread safe.
* @author Christian Schlichtherle
* @version $Id$
public final class ObfuscatedString {
// Regular string constants:
// These can't be obfuscated using this class because it would cause an
// illegal recursion in the class initializer.
// Still we want these strings to be obfuscated in a minimal way in order
// to prevent a reverse engineer from locating the obfuscated version
// of this class (created with e.g. ProGuard) by searching for these
// strings.
// This is not a 100% secure protection, but it's supposed to make
// the life of a reverse engineer a little bit harder.
private static final String UTF8
= new String(new char[] { '\u0055', '\u0054', '\u0046', '\u0038' }); // => "UTF8"
* Obfuscates each given argument.
* @param args The command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
* Returns a string containing obfuscated string generating Java code which
* you can copy-paste into your source code in order to represent the given
* string.
* Obfuscation is performed by encoding the given string into UTF8 and then
* XOR-ing a sequence of pseudo random numbers to it in order to prevent
* attacks based on character probability.
* The result is encoded into an array of longs which is embedded in some
* Java code which would produce the original string again.
* The sequence of pseudo random numbers is seeded with a 48 bit random
* number in order to provide a non-deterministic result for the generated
* code.
* Hence, two subsequent calls with the same string will produce equal
* results by a chance of 1/(248-1) (0 isn't used as a seed) only!
* As an example, calling this method with {@code "Hello world!"} as
* its parameter may produce the result
* {@code "new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
* 0x3676CB307FBD35FEL, 0xECFB991E2033C169L, 0xD8C3D3E365645589L
* }).toString()"}.
* If this code is compiled and executed later, it will produce the string
* {@code "Hello world!"} again.
* @param s The string to obfuscate. This may not contain null characters.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code s} contains a null
* character.
* @return Some obfuscated Java code to produce the given string again.
public static String obfuscate(final String s) {
// Any string literal used in this method is represented as an
// ObfuscatedString unless it's no longer than two characters.
// This should help to prevent location of this class in the obfuscated
// code generated by ProGuard.
if (-1 != s.indexOf(0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
0x241005931110FC70L, 0xDCD925A88EAD9F37L, 0x19ADA1C861E2A85DL,
0x9A5948E700FCAD8AL, 0x2E11C83A72441DE2L
}).toString()); // => "Null characters are not allowed!";
// Obtain the string as a sequence of UTF-8 encoded bytes.
final byte[] encoded;
try {
encoded = s.getBytes(UTF8);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new AssertionError(ex); // UTF8 is always supported
// Create and seed a Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) with a
// random long number.
final Random prng = new Random(); // randomly seeded
final long seed = prng.nextLong(); // seed strength is effectively 48 bits
// Construct a StringBuffer to hold the generated code and append the
// seed as the first element of the encoded array of longs.
// The value is represented in hexadecimal in order to keep the string
// representation as short as possible.
final StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
0xA28E32BB0D3E394EL, 0xF842D1C94E549EECL, 0x7D07DFF01F907E4L,
0x4E0BDE791ECD467CL, 0xDFF389B58DA3E44FL, 0x2477FAED0CE62C79L
}).toString()); // => "new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {";
appendHexLiteral(code, seed);
final int length = encoded.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 8) {
final long key = prng.nextLong();
// Compute the value of the next array element as an obfuscated
// version of the next eight bytes of the UTF8 encoded string.
final long obfuscated = toLong(encoded, i) ^ key;
code.append(", ");
appendHexLiteral(code, obfuscated);
code.append(new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
0x4200B7AD6FFFF546L, 0x9B822E95FE73769DL, 0x23C2800C6CACFCE3L,
}).toString()); // => "}).toString() /* => \"";
// Append the original string to the generated code comment,
// properly escaping quotation marks and backslashes.
s.replaceAll("\\\\", new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
0x6D2C680D49523A01L, 0xB932F1DBD19E82CEL}).toString() /* => "\\\\\\\\" */)
.replaceAll("\"", new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
0x85E9D53EF7A9324BL, 0xB05BD65C9F19DE07L}).toString() /* => "\\\\\"" */));
code.append(new ObfuscatedString(new long[] {
0xC54FFF0621E7D107L, 0x194EAD468C6FCF93L
}).toString()); // => "\" */"
return code.toString();
private static void appendHexLiteral(final StringBuffer sb, final long l) {
sb.append('0'); // obfuscation futile - too short
sb.append('x'); // dito
sb.append('L'); // dito
* Decodes a long value from eight bytes in little endian order,
* beginning at index {@code off}.
* This is the inverse of {@link #toBytes(long, byte[], int)}.
* If less than eight bytes are remaining in the array,
* only these low order bytes are processed and the complementary high
* order bytes of the returned value are set to zero.
* @param bytes The array containing the bytes to decode in little endian
* order.
* @param off The offset of the bytes in the array.
* @return The decoded long value.
private static long toLong(final byte[] bytes, int off) {
final int end = Math.min(bytes.length, off + 8);
long l = 0;
for (int i = end; --i >= off; ) {
l <<= 8;
l |= bytes[i] & 0xFF;
return l;
* Encodes a long value to eight bytes in little endian order,
* beginning at index {@code off}.
* This is the inverse of {@link #toLong(byte[], int)}.
* If less than eight bytes are remaining in the array,
* only these low order bytes of the long value are processed and the
* complementary high order bytes are ignored.
* @param l The long value to encode.
* @param bytes The array which holds the encoded bytes upon return.
* @param off The offset of the bytes in the array.
private static void toBytes(long l, byte[] bytes, int off) {
final int end = Math.min(bytes.length, off + 8);
for (int i = off; i < end; i++) {
bytes[i] = (byte) l;
l >>= 8;
/** The obfuscated string. */
private final long[] obfuscated;
* Constructs an obfuscated string.
* @param obfuscated The obfuscated string.
* @throws NullPointerException If {@code obfuscated} is
* {@code null}.
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the provided array does not
* contain at least one element.
* @see #obfuscate(String)
public ObfuscatedString(final long[] obfuscated) {
this.obfuscated = (long[]) obfuscated.clone();
this.obfuscated[0] = obfuscated[0];
/** Returns the original string. */
public String toString() {
final int length = obfuscated.length;
// The original UTF8 encoded string was probably not a multiple
// of eight bytes long and is thus actually shorter than this array.
final byte[] encoded = new byte[8 * (length - 1)];
// Obtain the seed and initialize a new PRNG with it.
final long seed = obfuscated[0];
final Random prng = new Random(seed);
// De-obfuscate.
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
final long key = prng.nextLong();
toBytes(obfuscated[i] ^ key, encoded, 8 * (i - 1));
// Decode the UTF-8 encoded byte array into a string.
// This will create null characters at the end of the decoded string
// in case the original UTF8 encoded string was not a multiple of
// eight bytes long.
final String decoded;
try {
decoded = new String(encoded, UTF8);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new AssertionError(ex); // UTF-8 is always supported
// Cut off trailing null characters in case the original UTF8 encoded
// string was not a multiple of eight bytes long.
final int i = decoded.indexOf(0);
return -1 == i ? decoded : decoded.substring(0, i);