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de.sciss.audiofile.impl.WaveHeader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* WaveHeader.java
* (AudioFile)
* Copyright (c) 2004-2021 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.audiofile.impl
import java.io.{DataInput, DataInputStream, DataOutput, DataOutputStream, EOFException, IOException, RandomAccessFile}
import java.nio.{Buffer, ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
import de.sciss.asyncfile.{AsyncReadableByteBuffer, AsyncReadableByteChannel, AsyncWritableByteChannel}
import de.sciss.audiofile.{AsyncWritableAudioFileHeader, AudioFileHeader, AudioFileSpec, AudioFileType, ReadableAudioFileHeader, SampleFormat, WritableAudioFileHeader}
import de.sciss.serial.impl.ByteArrayOutputStream
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.concurrent.Future
private[impl] object AbstractRIFFHeader {
private[impl] final case class FormatChunk(sampleFormat: SampleFormat, numChannels: Int, sampleRate: Int,
bytesPerFrame: Int, chunkSkip: Int) {
def toSpec(tpe: AudioFileType, numFrames: Long): AudioFileSpec =
AudioFileSpec(tpe, sampleFormat, numChannels = numChannels, sampleRate = sampleRate.toDouble,
byteOrder = Some(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), numFrames = numFrames)
private[impl] trait AbstractRIFFHeader extends BasicHeader {
import AbstractRIFFHeader._
import de.sciss.audiofile.AudioFileHeader._
protected final val ADTL_MAGIC = 0x6164746C // 'adtl'
protected final val LABL_MAGIC = 0x6C61626C // 'labl'
protected final val LTXT_MAGIC = 0x6C747874 // 'ltxt'
// ltxt purpose for regions
protected final val RGN_MAGIC = 0x72676E20 // 'rgn '
// fmt format-code
protected final val FORMAT_PCM = 0x0001
protected final val FORMAT_FLOAT = 0x0003
protected final val FORMAT_EXT = 0xFFFE
final protected def createReader(fc: FormatChunk, tpe: AudioFileType, chunkLen: Long): ReadableAudioFileHeader = {
if (fc == null) throw new IOException(tpe.name + " header misses fmt chunk")
val numFrames = chunkLen / fc.bytesPerFrame
val spec = fc.toSpec(tpe, numFrames)
new ReadableAudioFileHeader(spec, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
final protected def readFormatChunk(din: DataInput, chunkRem: Int): FormatChunk = {
val form = readLittleUShort(din) // format
val numChannels = readLittleUShort(din) // # of channels
val sampleRate = readLittleInt (din) // sample rate (integer)
val bps = readLittleInt (din) // bytes per frame and second (= #chan * #bits/8* rate)
val bytesPerFrame = readLittleUShort(din) // bytes per frame (= #chan * #bits/8)
val bitsPerSample = readLittleUShort(din) // # of bits per sample
if (((bitsPerSample & 0x07) != 0) ||
((bitsPerSample >> 3) * numChannels != bytesPerFrame) ||
((bitsPerSample >> 3) * numChannels * sampleRate != bps)) encodingError()
val unsignedPCM = bytesPerFrame == numChannels
var chunkSkip = chunkRem - 16
val isPCM = (form: @switch) match {
case FORMAT_PCM => true
case FORMAT_FLOAT => false
case FORMAT_EXT =>
if (chunkSkip < 24) incompleteError()
val i1 = readLittleUShort(din) // extension size
if (i1 < 22) incompleteError()
val i2 = readLittleUShort(din) // #valid bits per sample
din.readInt() // channel mask, ignore
val i3 = readLittleUShort(din) // GUID first two bytes
if ((i2 != bitsPerSample) ||
((i3 != FORMAT_PCM) &&
(i3 != FORMAT_FLOAT))) encodingError()
chunkSkip -= 10
case _ => encodingError()
val sampleFormat = if (isPCM) {
(bitsPerSample: @switch) match {
case 8 => assert(unsignedPCM)
SampleFormat.UInt8 // else SampleFormat.Int8
case 16 => SampleFormat.Int16
case 24 => SampleFormat.Int24
case 32 => SampleFormat.Int32
case _ => encodingError()
} else {
(bitsPerSample: @switch) match {
case 32 => SampleFormat.Float
case 64 => SampleFormat.Double
case _ => encodingError()
FormatChunk(sampleFormat, numChannels = numChannels, sampleRate = sampleRate,
bytesPerFrame = bytesPerFrame, chunkSkip = chunkSkip)
final protected def readFormatChunkAsync(ab: AsyncReadableByteBuffer, chunkRem: Int): Future[FormatChunk] = {
import ab._
ensure(16).flatMap { _ =>
val form = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF // format // 2
val numChannels = buffer.getShort() // # of channels // 4
val sampleRate = buffer.getInt() // sample rate (integer) // 8
val bps = buffer.getInt() // bytes per frame and second (= #chan * #bits/8* rate) // 12
val bytesPerFrame = buffer.getShort() // bytes per frame (= #chan * #bits/8) // 14
val bitsPerSample = buffer.getShort() // # of bits per sample // 16
if (((bitsPerSample & 0x07) != 0) ||
((bitsPerSample >> 3) * numChannels != bytesPerFrame) ||
((bitsPerSample >> 3) * numChannels * sampleRate != bps)) encodingError()
val unsignedPCM = bytesPerFrame == numChannels
val chunkSkip0 = chunkRem - 16
val futPCMChunk: Future[(Boolean, Int)] = (form: @switch) match {
case FORMAT_PCM => Future.successful((true , chunkSkip0))
case FORMAT_FLOAT => Future.successful((false , chunkSkip0))
case FORMAT_EXT =>
if (chunkSkip0 < 24) incompleteError()
ensure(10).map { _ =>
val i1 = buffer.getShort() // extension size // 2
if (i1 < 22) incompleteError()
val i2 = buffer.getShort() // #valid bits per sample // 4
buffer.getInt() // channel mask, ignore // 8
val i3 = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF // GUID first two bytes // 10
if ((i2 != bitsPerSample) ||
((i3 != FORMAT_PCM) &&
(i3 != FORMAT_FLOAT))) encodingError()
(i3 == FORMAT_PCM, chunkSkip0 - 10)
case _ => encodingError()
futPCMChunk.map { case (isPCM, chunkSkip) =>
val sampleFormat = if (isPCM) {
(bitsPerSample: @switch) match {
case 8 => assert(unsignedPCM)
SampleFormat.UInt8 // else SampleFormat.Int8
case 16 => SampleFormat.Int16
case 24 => SampleFormat.Int24
case 32 => SampleFormat.Int32
case _ => encodingError()
} else {
(bitsPerSample: @switch) match {
case 32 => SampleFormat.Float
case 64 => SampleFormat.Double
case _ => encodingError()
FormatChunk(sampleFormat, numChannels = numChannels, sampleRate = sampleRate,
bytesPerFrame = bytesPerFrame, chunkSkip = chunkSkip)
final protected def fixOutputSpec(spec: AudioFileSpec): AudioFileSpec = {
if (spec.sampleFormat == SampleFormat.Int8) encodingError()
spec.byteOrder match {
case Some(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) => spec
case None => spec.copy(byteOrder = Some(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN))
case Some(other) => throw new IOException(s"Unsupported byte order $other")
final def write(dos: DataOutputStream, spec: AudioFileSpec): WritableAudioFileHeader = {
val spec1 = fixOutputSpec(spec)
writeDataOutput(dos, spec1, writeSize = true)
new NonUpdatingWritableHeader(spec1)
final def write(raf: RandomAccessFile, spec: AudioFileSpec): WritableAudioFileHeader = {
val spec1 = fixOutputSpec(spec)
val res = writeDataOutput(raf, spec1, writeSize = false)
import res._
createWriter(raf, spec1, factSmpNumOffset = factSmpNumOffset, dataChunkLenOff = dataChunkLenOff)
def writeAsync(ch: AsyncWritableByteChannel, spec: AudioFileSpec): Future[AsyncWritableAudioFileHeader] = {
import ch.fileSystem.executionContext
val bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val dout = new DataOutputStream(bs)
val spec1 = fixOutputSpec(spec)
val writeRes = writeDataOutput(dout, spec1, writeSize = false)
val dst = ByteBuffer.wrap(bs.buffer, 0, bs.size)
val fut = ch.write(dst)
fut.map { _ =>
import writeRes._
createAsyncWriter(ch, spec1, factSmpNumOffset = factSmpNumOffset, dataChunkLenOff = dataChunkLenOff)
protected def createWriter(raf: RandomAccessFile, spec: AudioFileSpec, factSmpNumOffset: Long,
dataChunkLenOff: Long): WritableAudioFileHeader
protected def createAsyncWriter(ch: AsyncWritableByteChannel, spec: AudioFileSpec, factSmpNumOffset: Long,
dataChunkLenOff: Long): AsyncWritableAudioFileHeader
// The size field between the RIFF- and the WAVE-GUID (starting at byte offset 16 in the file) specifies the
// total size of the file including the header itself. In contrast, for RIFF/WAV files, the size field at
// offset 4 does not include the RIFF-FOURCC and the size field itself, making it 8 bytes less than the total
// file size.
protected def writeRiffMagic(dout: DataOutput, fileSize : Long): Unit
protected def writeFmtMagic (dout: DataOutput, fmtChunkSize : Int ): Unit
protected def writeFactChunk(dout: DataOutput, numFrames : Long): Unit
protected def writeDataMagic(dout: DataOutput, dataChunkSize: Long): Unit
protected def cookieSize : Int
protected def chunkLenSize : Int
protected def chunkPad : Int
private final class WriteHeaderResult(val factSmpNumOffset: Long, val dataChunkLenOff: Long)
private def writeDataOutput(dout: DataOutput, spec: AudioFileSpec, writeSize: Boolean): WriteHeaderResult = {
// floating point requires FACT extension
val isFloat = spec.sampleFormat == SampleFormat.Float || spec.sampleFormat == SampleFormat.Double
val fmtChunkSize = cookieSize + chunkLenSize + (if (isFloat) 18 else 16) // FORMAT_FLOAT has extension of size 2
val factChunkSize = if (isFloat) cookieSize + (chunkLenSize << 1) else 0
val preSize = (cookieSize << 1) + chunkLenSize
val fmtChunkStop = preSize + fmtChunkSize
val factChunkOff = (fmtChunkStop + chunkPad - 1) & -chunkPad
// (fact chunk is always automatically padded)
val dataChunkOff = factChunkOff + factChunkSize // (factChunkStop + chunkPad - 1) & -chunkPad
val dataChunkLenOff = dataChunkOff + cookieSize
val bitsPerSample = spec.sampleFormat.bitsPerSample
val frameSize = (bitsPerSample >> 3) * spec.numChannels
val numFrames = if (writeSize) spec.numFrames else 0L
val fileSize = dataChunkLenOff + chunkLenSize + (numFrames * frameSize)
writeRiffMagic(dout, fileSize)
// fmt Chunk
// dout.writeInt( FMT_MAGIC )
// writeLittleInt( dout, fmtChunkSize - 8 )
writeFmtMagic (dout, fmtChunkSize)
writeLittleShort(dout, if (isFloat) FORMAT_FLOAT else FORMAT_PCM)
writeLittleShort(dout, spec.numChannels)
val intRate = (spec.sampleRate + 0.5).toInt
writeLittleInt (dout, intRate)
writeLittleInt (dout, intRate * frameSize)
writeLittleShort(dout, frameSize)
writeLittleShort(dout, bitsPerSample)
if (isFloat) dout.writeShort(0)
if (factChunkOff > fmtChunkStop) {
// padding
var i = factChunkOff - fmtChunkStop
while (i > 0) {
i -= 2
// fact Chunk
val factSmpNumOffset = if (isFloat) {
writeFactChunk(dout, numFrames)
factChunkOff + cookieSize + chunkLenSize
} else 0
// data Chunk (Header)
val dataChunkSize = fileSize - dataChunkOff
writeDataMagic(dout, dataChunkSize)
new WriteHeaderResult(factSmpNumOffset, dataChunkLenOff)
private[audiofile] object WaveHeader extends AbstractRIFFHeader {
import AbstractRIFFHeader._
import de.sciss.audiofile.AudioFileHeader._
private final val RIFF_MAGIC = 0x52494646 // 'RIFF'
private final val WAVE_MAGIC = 0x57415645 // 'WAVE' (off 8)
// chunk identifiers
private final val FMT_MAGIC = 0x666D7420 // 'fmt '
private final val FMT_MAGIC_LE = 0x20746D66 // 'fmt ' (little endian)
private final val FACT_MAGIC = 0x66616374 // 'fact'
private final val DATA_MAGIC = 0x64617461 // 'data'
private final val DATA_MAGIC_LE = 0x61746164 // 'data' (little endian)
// private final val CUE_MAGIC = 0x63756520 // 'cue '
// private final val SMPL_MAGIC = 0x73616D6C // 'smpl'
// private final val INST_MAGIC = 0x696E7374 // 'inst'
// embedded LIST (peak speak) / list (rest of the universe speak) format
// private final val LIST_MAGIC = 0x6C697374 // 'list'
// private final val LIST_MAGIC2 = 0x4C495354 // 'LIST'
// private final val riffLengthOffset = 4L
def identify(dis: DataInputStream): Boolean = dis.readInt() == RIFF_MAGIC && {
dis.readInt() == WAVE_MAGIC
protected def readDataInput(din: DataInput): AudioFileHeader = {
val riffMagic = din.readInt() // 4
if (riffMagic != RIFF_MAGIC) formatError(s"Not RIFF magic: 0x${riffMagic.toHexString}")
din.readInt() // 8
val waveMagic = din.readInt() // 12
if (waveMagic != WAVE_MAGIC) formatError(s"Not WAVE magic: 0x${waveMagic.toHexString}")
var chunkRem = 0
var fc: FormatChunk = null
try {
while (true) {
if (chunkRem > 0) din.skipBytes(chunkRem) // skip remainder from previous chunk
val magic = din.readInt()
val chunkLen = readLittleInt(din)
chunkRem = (chunkLen + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFE
(magic: @switch) match {
case FMT_MAGIC =>
fc = readFormatChunk(din, chunkRem)
chunkRem = fc.chunkSkip
case DATA_MAGIC =>
return createReader(fc, AudioFileType.Wave, chunkLen)
case _ => // ignore unknown chunks
} catch {
case _: EOFException =>
throw new IOException(s"${AudioFileType.Wave.name} header misses data chunk")
def readAsync(ch: AsyncReadableByteChannel): Future[AudioFileHeader] = {
val ab = new AsyncReadableByteBuffer(ch)
import ab._
ensure(12).flatMap { _ =>
val riffMagic = buffer.getInt() // 4
if (riffMagic != RIFF_MAGIC) formatError(s"Not RIFF magic: 0x${riffMagic.toHexString}")
buffer.getInt() // 8
val waveMagic = buffer.getInt() // 12
if (waveMagic != WAVE_MAGIC) formatError(s"Not WAVE magic: 0x${waveMagic.toHexString}")
def readChunk(fc: FormatChunk): Future[AudioFileHeader] =
ensure(8).flatMap { _ =>
val magicLe = buffer.getInt()
val chunkLen = buffer.getInt()
val chunkRem = (chunkLen + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFE
(magicLe: @switch) match {
case FMT_MAGIC_LE =>
val fcFut = readFormatChunkAsync(ab, chunkRem)
fcFut.flatMap { fc1 =>
val chunkRem1 = fc1.chunkSkip
if (fc != null) {
val afh = createReader(fc, AudioFileType.Wave, chunkLen)
} else {
Future.failed(new IOException("WAVE header misses FMT chunk"))
case _ => // ignore unknown chunks
final protected def createWriter(raf: RandomAccessFile, spec: AudioFileSpec, factSmpNumOffset: Long,
dataChunkLenOff: Long): WritableAudioFileHeader =
new WritableFileHeader(raf, spec, factSmpNumOffset = factSmpNumOffset, dataChunkLenOff = dataChunkLenOff)
final protected def createAsyncWriter(ch: AsyncWritableByteChannel, spec: AudioFileSpec, factSmpNumOffset: Long,
dataChunkLenOff: Long): AsyncWritableAudioFileHeader =
new AsyncWritableFileHeader(ch, spec, factSmpNumOffset = factSmpNumOffset, dataChunkLenOff = dataChunkLenOff)
final protected def writeRiffMagic(dout: DataOutput, fileSize: Long): Unit = {
writeLittleInt(dout, (fileSize - 8).toInt) // length except RIFF-Header (file length minus 8)
final protected def writeFmtMagic(dout: DataOutput, fmtChunkSize: Int): Unit = {
writeLittleInt(dout, fmtChunkSize - 8)
final protected def writeFactChunk(dout: DataOutput, numFrames: Long): Unit = {
writeLittleInt(dout, 4)
// "With no mention of the number of channels in this computation,
// this implies that dwSampleLength is the number of samples per channel."
writeLittleInt(dout, numFrames.toInt)
final protected def writeDataMagic(dout: DataOutput, dataChunkSize: Long): Unit = {
writeLittleInt(dout, (dataChunkSize - 8).toInt) // data Chunk len
final protected val cookieSize : Int = 4
final protected val chunkLenSize: Int = 4
final protected val chunkPad : Int = 2
final private class WritableFileHeader(raf: RandomAccessFile, val spec: AudioFileSpec,
factSmpNumOffset: Long, dataChunkLenOff: Long)
extends WritableAudioFileHeader {
private var numFrames0 = 0L
def update(numFrames: Long): Unit = {
if (numFrames == numFrames0) return
// val dataSize = numFrames * ((spec.sampleFormat.bitsPerSample >> 3) * spec.numChannels)
val oldPos = raf.getFilePointer
val fileSize = raf.length()
writeLittleInt(raf, (fileSize - (cookieSize + chunkLenSize)).toInt)
if (factSmpNumOffset != 0L) {
//println( "factSmpNumOffset " + factSmpNumOffset )
// "With no mention of the number of channels in this computation,
// this implies that dwSampleLength is the number of samples per channel."
writeLittleInt(raf, numFrames.toInt)
//println( "dataChunkLenOff " + dataChunkLenOff )
val dataChunkSize = fileSize - (dataChunkLenOff + chunkLenSize)
writeLittleInt(raf, dataChunkSize.toInt) // data Chunk len
numFrames0 = numFrames
def byteOrder: ByteOrder = spec.byteOrder.get
final private class AsyncWritableFileHeader(ch: AsyncWritableByteChannel, val spec: AudioFileSpec,
factSmpNumOffset: Long, dataChunkLenOff: Long)
extends AsyncWritableAudioFileHeader {
private[this] val sync = new AnyRef
private[this] var numFramesRef = 0L
private[this] val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(byteOrder)
def updateAsync(numFrames: Long): Future[Unit] = {
import ch.fileSystem.executionContext
val oldNumFr = sync.synchronized { numFramesRef }
if (numFrames == oldNumFr) return Future.unit
// val dataSize = numFrames * ((spec.sampleFormat.bitsPerSample >> 3) * spec.numChannels)
val oldPos = ch.position
val fileSize = ch.size
(bb: Buffer).clear()
bb.putInt(0, (fileSize - (cookieSize + chunkLenSize)).toInt)
ch.write(bb).flatMap { _ =>
val futFact = if (factSmpNumOffset == 0L) Future.unit else {
//println( "factSmpNumOffset " + factSmpNumOffset )
// "With no mention of the number of channels in this computation,
// this implies that dwSampleLength is the number of samples per channel."
(bb: Buffer).clear()
bb.putInt(0, numFrames.toInt)
futFact.flatMap { _ =>
//println( "dataChunkLenOff " + dataChunkLenOff )
val dataChunkSize = fileSize - (dataChunkLenOff + chunkLenSize)
(bb: Buffer).clear()
bb.putInt(0, dataChunkSize.toInt) // data Chunk len
ch.write(bb).map { _ =>
sync.synchronized {
if (numFramesRef != oldNumFr) throw new ConcurrentModificationException
numFramesRef = numFrames
def byteOrder: ByteOrder = spec.byteOrder.get
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