de.sciss.fscape.graph.BinaryOp.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* BinaryOp.scala
* (FScape)
* Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v2+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.fscape
package graph
import{StreamIn, StreamOut}
import de.sciss.numbers.{DoubleFunctions => rd, DoubleFunctions2 => rd2}
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec}
object BinaryOp {
object Op {
def apply(id: Int): Op = (id: @switch) match {
case Plus .id => Plus
case Minus .id => Minus
case Times .id => Times
case Div .id => Div
case Mod .id => Mod
case Eq .id => Eq
case Neq .id => Neq
case Lt .id => Lt
case Gt .id => Gt
case Leq .id => Leq
case Geq .id => Geq
case Min .id => Min
case Max .id => Max
// case BitAnd .id => BitAnd
// case BitOr .id => BitOr
// case BitXor .id => BitXor
case RoundTo .id => RoundTo
case => RoundUpTo
case Trunc .id => Trunc
case Atan2 .id => Atan2
case Hypot .id => Hypot
case Hypotx .id => Hypotx
case Pow .id => Pow
case Ring1 .id => Ring1
case Ring2 .id => Ring2
case Ring3 .id => Ring3
case Ring4 .id => Ring4
case Difsqr .id => Difsqr
case Sumsqr .id => Sumsqr
case Sqrsum .id => Sqrsum
case Sqrdif .id => Sqrdif
case Absdif .id => Absdif
case Thresh .id => Thresh
case Amclip .id => Amclip
case Scaleneg .id => Scaleneg
case Clip2 .id => Clip2
case Excess .id => Excess
case Fold2 .id => Fold2
case Wrap2 .id => Wrap2
// case Firstarg .id => Firstarg
case => SecondArg
sealed trait Op {
op =>
def id: Int
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double
/** The default converts to `Double`, but specific operators
* may better preserve semantics and precision for other types such as `Int` and `Long`.
def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = ConstantD(apply(a.doubleValue, b.doubleValue))
def name: String = plainName.capitalize
def make(a: GE, b: GE): GE = (a, b) match {
case (av: Constant, bv: Constant) => apply(av, bv)
case _ => BinaryOp(, a, b)
private def plainName: String = {
val cn = getClass.getName
val sz = cn.length
val i = cn.indexOf('$') + 1
cn.substring(i, if (cn.charAt(sz - 1) == '$') sz - 1 else sz)
private def mkIntOrLong(n: Long): Constant =
if (n >= Int.MinValue && n <= Int.MaxValue)
case object Plus extends Op {
final val id = 0
override val name = "+"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = rd.+(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => ConstantL(an + b.longValue)
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => ConstantL(a.longValue + bn)
case _ =>
val an = a.longValue
val bn = b.longValue
val n = an + bn
case object Minus extends Op {
final val id = 1
override val name = "-"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = rd.-(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => ConstantL(an - b.longValue)
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => ConstantL(a.longValue - bn)
case _ =>
val an = a.longValue
val bn = b.longValue
val n = an - bn
case object Times extends Op {
final val id = 2
override val name = "*"
override def make(a: GE, b: GE): GE =
(a, b) match {
case (Constant(0), _) => a
case (_, Constant(0)) => b
case (Constant(1), _) => b
case (_, Constant(1)) => a
case (Constant(-1), _) => UnaryOp.Neg.make(b) // -b
case (_, Constant(-1)) => UnaryOp.Neg.make(a) // -a
case _ => super.make(a, b)
def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = rd.*(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => ConstantL(an * b.longValue) // XXX TODO --- check overflow
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => ConstantL(a.longValue * bn) // XXX TODO --- check overflow
case _ =>
val an = a.longValue
val bn = b.longValue
val n = an * bn
// case object IDiv extends Op( 3 )
case object Div extends Op {
final val id = 4
override val name = "/"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = rd./(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_: ConstantL, _) | (_, _: ConstantL) =>
val an = a.longValue
val bn = b.longValue
if (an % bn == 0)
ConstantL(an / bn)
ConstantD(an.toDouble / bn.toDouble)
case _ =>
val ai = a.intValue
val bi = b.intValue
if (ai % bi == 0)
ConstantI(ai / bi)
ConstantD(ai.toDouble / bi.toDouble)
case object Mod extends Op {
final val id = 5
override val name = "%"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.%(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_: ConstantL, _) | (_, _: ConstantL) =>
val an = a.longValue
val bn = b.longValue
ConstantL(an % bn)
case _ =>
val ai = a.intValue
val bi = b.intValue
ConstantI(ai % bi)
case object Eq extends Op {
final val id = 6
override val name = "sig_=="
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (a == b) 1 else 0
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = if (a.value == b.value) 1 else 0
case object Neq extends Op {
final val id = 7
override val name = "sig_!="
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (a != b) 1 else 0
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = if (a.value != b.value) 1 else 0
case object Lt extends Op {
final val id = 8
override val name = "<"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (a < b) 1 else 0 // NOT rd.< !
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = {
val res: Boolean = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantD(bd)) => ad < bd
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantL(bn)) => ad < bn
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantI(bi)) => ad < bi
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantD(bd)) => an < bd
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantL(bn)) => an < bn
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantI(bi)) => an < bi
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantD(bd)) => ai < bd
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantL(bn)) => ai < bn
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantI(bi)) => ai < bi
if (res) 1 else 0
case object Gt extends Op {
final val id = 9
override val name = ">"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (a > b) 1 else 0 // NOT rd.> !
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = {
val res: Boolean = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantD(bd)) => ad > bd
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantL(bn)) => ad > bn
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantI(bi)) => ad > bi
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantD(bd)) => an > bd
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantL(bn)) => an > bn
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantI(bi)) => an > bi
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantD(bd)) => ai > bd
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantL(bn)) => ai > bn
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantI(bi)) => ai > bi
if (res) 1 else 0
case object Leq extends Op {
final val id = 10
override val name = "<="
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (a <= b) 1 else 0 // NOT rd.<= !
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = {
val res: Boolean = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantD(bd)) => ad <= bd
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantL(bn)) => ad <= bn
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantI(bi)) => ad <= bi
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantD(bd)) => an <= bd
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantL(bn)) => an <= bn
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantI(bi)) => an <= bi
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantD(bd)) => ai <= bd
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantL(bn)) => ai <= bn
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantI(bi)) => ai <= bi
if (res) 1 else 0
case object Geq extends Op {
final val id = 11
override val name = ">="
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (a >= b) 1 else 0 // NOT rd.>= !
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = {
val res: Boolean = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantD(bd)) => ad >= bd
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantL(bn)) => ad >= bn
case (ConstantD(ad), ConstantI(bi)) => ad >= bi
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantD(bd)) => an >= bd
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantL(bn)) => an >= bn
case (ConstantL(an), ConstantI(bi)) => an >= bi
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantD(bd)) => ai >= bd
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantL(bn)) => ai >= bn
case (ConstantI(ai), ConstantI(bi)) => ai >= bi
if (res) 1 else 0
case object Min extends Op {
final val id = 12
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.min(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => math.min(an, b.longValue)
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => math.min(a.longValue, bn)
case _ => math.min(a.intValue, b.intValue)
case object Max extends Op {
final val id = 13
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.max(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => math.max(an, b.longValue)
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => math.max(a.longValue, bn)
case _ => math.max(a.intValue, b.intValue)
case object BitAnd extends Op {
final val id = 14
override val name = "&"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a.toLong & b.toLong
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => an & b.longValue
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => a.longValue & bn
case _ => a.intValue & b.intValue
case object BitOr extends Op {
final val id = 15
override val name = "|"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a.toLong | b.toLong
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => an | b.longValue
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => a.longValue | bn
case _ => a.intValue | b.intValue
case object BitXor extends Op {
final val id = 16
override val name = "^"
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a.toLong ^ b.toLong
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = (a, b) match {
case (ConstantD(_), _) => super.apply(a, b)
case (_, ConstantD(_)) => super.apply(a, b)
case (ConstantL(an), _) => an ^ b.longValue
case (_, ConstantL(bn)) => a.longValue ^ bn
case _ => a.intValue ^ b.intValue
// case object Lcm extends Op( 17 )
// case object Gcd extends Op( 18 )
case object RoundTo extends Op {
final val id = 19
def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = rd.roundTo(a, b)
case object RoundUpTo extends Op {
final val id = 20
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.roundUpTo(a, b)
case object Trunc extends Op {
final val id = 21
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.trunc(a, b)
case object Atan2 extends Op {
final val id = 22
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.atan2(a, b)
case object Hypot extends Op {
final val id = 23
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.hypot(a, b)
case object Hypotx extends Op {
final val id = 24
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.hypotx(a, b)
/** '''Warning:''' Unlike a normal power operation, the signum of the
* left operand is always preserved. I.e. `` will
* not output `0.25` but `-0.25`. This is to avoid problems with
* floating point noise and negative input numbers, so
* `` does not result in a `NaN`, for example.
case object Pow extends Op {
final val id = 25
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.pow(a, b)
// case object << extends Op( 26 )
// case object >> extends Op( 27 )
// case object UnsgnRghtShft extends Op( 28 )
// case object Fill extends Op( 29 )
case object Ring1 extends Op {
final val id = 30
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd2.ring1(a, b)
case object Ring2 extends Op {
final val id = 31
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd2.ring2(a, b)
case object Ring3 extends Op {
final val id = 32
def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = rd2.ring3(a, b)
case object Ring4 extends Op {
final val id = 33
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd2.ring4(a, b)
case object Difsqr extends Op {
final val id = 34
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.difsqr(a, b)
case object Sumsqr extends Op {
final val id = 35
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.sumsqr(a, b)
case object Sqrsum extends Op {
final val id = 36
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.sqrsum(a, b)
case object Sqrdif extends Op {
final val id = 37
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.sqrdif(a, b)
case object Absdif extends Op {
final val id = 38
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.absdif(a, b)
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = UnaryOp.Abs(Minus(a, b))
case object Thresh extends Op {
final val id = 39
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd2.thresh(a, b)
case object Amclip extends Op {
final val id = 40
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd2.amclip(a, b)
case object Scaleneg extends Op {
final val id = 41
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd2.scaleneg(a, b)
// XXX TODO --- refined apply
case object Clip2 extends Op {
final val id = 42
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.clip2(a, b)
case object Excess extends Op {
final val id = 43
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.excess(a, b)
// XXX TODO --- refined apply
case object Fold2 extends Op {
final val id = 44
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.fold2(a, b)
// XXX TODO --- refined apply
case object Wrap2 extends Op {
final val id = 45
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = rd.wrap2(a, b)
// case object Firstarg extends Op {
// final val id = 46
// def apply(a: Double, b: Double) = a
// }
// case object Rrand extends Op( 47 )
// case object ExpRRand extends Op( 48 )
case object SecondArg extends Op {
final val id = 100
def apply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = b
override def apply(a: Constant, b: Constant): Constant = b
/** A binary operator UGen, for example two sum or multiply two signals.
* The left or `a` input is "hot", i.e. it keeps the UGen running,
* while the right or `b` input may close early, and the last value will
* be remembered.
* @param op the identifier of the operator (e.g. ``)
* @param a the left operand which determines how long the UGen computes
* @param b the right operand.
final case class BinaryOp(op: Int, a: GE, b: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens(implicit builder: UGenGraph.Builder): UGenInLike =
unwrap(Vector(a.expand, b.expand))
protected def makeUGen(args: Vec[UGenIn])(implicit builder: UGenGraph.Builder): UGenInLike =
UGen.SingleOut(this, inputs = args, rest = op)
private[fscape] def makeStream(args: Vec[StreamIn])(implicit b: stream.Builder): StreamOut = {
val Vec(in1, in2) = args
val op0 = BinaryOp.Op(op)
stream.BinaryOp(op = op0, in1 = in1.toDouble, in2 = in2.toDouble)
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