de.sciss.fscape.stream.Control.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Control.scala
* (FScape)
* Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v2+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.fscape
package stream
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, Materializer}
import de.sciss.file.File
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.{Random, Success}
object Control {
trait ConfigLike {
/** The block size for buffers send between nodes. */
def blockSize: Int
/** Whether to isolate nodes through an asynchronous barrier. */
def useAsync: Boolean
/** The recommended maximum number of frames internally
* stored in memory by a single node (UGen). Some UGen
* may allow for ad-hoc disk buffering and thus can check
* this user-defined value to decide whether to keep a buffer
* in memory or swap it to disk.
* Note that because a frame is considered to be a `Double`,
* the actual memory size will be eight times this value.
def nodeBufferSize: Int
/** Random number generator seed. */
def seed: Long
def actorSystem: ActorSystem
/** Whether to terminate the `actorSystem` when the rendering
* completes. When using the default `actorSystem`, this will
* be `true`, when setting a custom actor system, this will
* default to `false`.
def terminateActors: Boolean
def materializer: Materializer
def executionContext: ExecutionContext
def progressReporter: ProgressReporter
object Config {
def apply() = new ConfigBuilder
implicit def build(b: ConfigBuilder): Config = b.build
final case class Config(blockSize: Int, nodeBufferSize: Int,
useAsync: Boolean, seed: Long, actorSystem: ActorSystem,
materializer0: Materializer,
executionContext0: ExecutionContext,
progressReporter: ProgressReporter,
terminateActors: Boolean
extends ConfigLike {
implicit def materializer : Materializer = materializer0
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext = executionContext0
final class ConfigBuilder extends ConfigLike {
/** The default block size is 1024. */
var blockSize: Int = 1024
/** The default internal node buffer size is 65536. */
var nodeBufferSize: Int = 65536
/** The default behavior is to isolate blocking nodes
* into a separate graph. This should usually be the case.
* It can be disabled for debugging purposes, for example
* in order to allow the debug printer to create an entire
* GraphViz representation.
var useAsync: Boolean = true
private[this] var _seed = Option.empty[Long]
private[this] lazy val defaultSeed: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
def seed: Long = _seed.getOrElse {
_seed = Some(defaultSeed)
def seed_=(value: Long): Unit = _seed = Some(value)
private[this] var _actor: ActorSystem = _
private[this] var _actorSet = false
private[this] lazy val defaultActor: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("fscape")
def actorSystem: ActorSystem = if (_actorSet) _actor else defaultActor
def actorSystem_=(value: ActorSystem): Unit = {
_actor = value
_actorSet = true
private[this] var _terminateActors: Boolean = _
private[this] var _terminateSet = false
def terminateActors: Boolean = if (_terminateSet) _terminateActors else !_actorSet
def terminateActors_=(value: Boolean): Unit = {
_terminateActors = value
_terminateSet = true
private[this] var _mat: Materializer = _
private[this] lazy val defaultMat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()(actorSystem)
def materializer: Materializer = {
if (_mat == null) _mat = defaultMat
def materializer_=(value: Materializer): Unit =
_mat = value
private[this] var _exec: ExecutionContext = _
def executionContext: ExecutionContext = {
if (_exec == null) _exec = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
def executionContext_=(value: ExecutionContext): Unit =
_exec = value
var progressReporter: ProgressReporter = NoReport
def build = Config(
blockSize = blockSize,
nodeBufferSize = nodeBufferSize,
useAsync = useAsync,
seed = seed,
actorSystem = actorSystem,
terminateActors = terminateActors,
materializer0 = materializer,
executionContext0 = executionContext,
progressReporter = progressReporter
def apply(config: Config = Config()): Control = new Impl(config)
implicit def fromBuilder(implicit b: Builder): Control = b.control
// final case class ProgressPart(label: String, frac: Double)
final case class ProgressReport(total: Double, partLabel: String, part: Double)
type ProgressReporter = ProgressReport => Unit
final val NoReport: ProgressReporter = { _ => () }
final case class Stats(numBufD: Int, numBufI: Int, numBufL: Int, numNodes: Int)
// ------------------------
private final class Impl(val config: Config) extends AbstractImpl {
protected def expand(graph: Graph): UGenGraph = UGenGraph.build(graph)(this)
private[fscape] trait AbstractImpl extends Control {
// ---- abstract ----
protected def expand(graph: Graph): UGenGraph
// ---- impl ----
override def toString = s"Control@${hashCode().toHexString}"
final def blockSize : Int = config.blockSize
final def nodeBufferSize: Int = config.nodeBufferSize
private[this] val queueD = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[BufD]
private[this] val queueI = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[BufI]
private[this] val queueL = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[BufL]
private[this] val nodes = mutable.Set.empty[Node]
private[this] val sync = new AnyRef
private[this] val statusP = Promise[Unit]()
private[this] var _actor = null : ActorRef
private[this] val metaRand = new Random(config.seed)
private[this] var _progLabels = Array.empty[String]
private[this] var _progParts = Array.empty[Double]
private[this] val _progHasRep = config.progressReporter ne NoReport
final def debugDotGraph(): Unit = akka.stream.sciss.Util.debugDotGraph()(config.materializer)
final def run(graph: Graph): UGenGraph = {
val ugens = expand(graph)
private final class ActorImpl extends Actor {
def receive = {
case SetProgress(key, frac) =>
val pf = _progParts
val clip = if (frac < 0.0) 0.0 else if (frac > 1.0) 1.0 else frac
if (pf(key) != clip) {
pf(key) = clip
if (_progHasRep) {
var i = 0
var total = 0.0
while (i < pf.length) {
total += pf(i)
i += 1
if (total > 1.0) total = 1.0
val report = ProgressReport(total = total, partLabel = _progLabels(key), part = clip)
case RemoveNode(n) =>
if (nodes.remove(n)) {
// XXX TODO --- check for error other than `Cancelled` --- how?
if (nodes.isEmpty) {
if (config.terminateActors) config.actorSystem.terminate()
} else {
Console.err.println(s"Warning: node $n was not registered with Control")
case Cancel =>
val ex = Cancelled()
nodes.foreach { n =>
private def mkActor(): Unit = sync.synchronized {
require(_actor == null)
_actor = config.actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new ActorImpl))
final def runExpanded(ugens: UGenGraph): Unit = {
val r = ugens.runnable
final def mkRandom(): Random = /* sync.synchronized */ {
new Random(metaRand.nextLong())
final def mkProgress(label: String): Int = /* sync.synchronized */ {
val res = _progLabels.length
_progLabels :+= label
_progParts :+= 0.0
final def setProgress(key: Int, frac: Double): Unit =
if (!frac.isNaN) _actor ! SetProgress(key = key, frac = frac)
final def borrowBufD(): BufD = {
val res0 = queueD.poll()
val res = if (res0 == null) BufD.alloc(blockSize) else {
res0.size = res0.buf.length
// println(s"Control.borrowBufD(): $res / ${res.allocCount()}")
// assert(res.allocCount() == 1, res.allocCount())
final def returnBufD(buf: BufD): Unit = {
require(buf.allocCount() == 0)
// println(s"control: ${buf.hashCode.toHexString} - ${buf.buf.toVector.hashCode.toHexString}")
queueD.offer(buf) // XXX TODO -- limit size?
final def borrowBufI(): BufI = {
val res0 = queueI.poll()
if (res0 == null) BufI.alloc(blockSize) else {
res0.size = res0.buf.length
final def returnBufI(buf: BufI): Unit = {
require(buf.allocCount() == 0)
queueI.offer(buf) // XXX TODO -- limit size?
final def borrowBufL(): BufL = {
val res0 = queueL.poll()
if (res0 == null) BufL.alloc(blockSize) else {
res0.size = res0.buf.length
final def returnBufL(buf: BufL): Unit = {
require(buf.allocCount() == 0)
queueL.offer(buf) // XXX TODO -- limit size?
// called during materialization, no sync needed
final private[stream] def addNode (n: Node): Unit = nodes += n
// called during run, have to relay using actor
final private[stream] def removeNode(n: Node): Unit = _actor ! RemoveNode(n)
final def status: Future[Unit] = statusP.future
final def cancel(): Unit = sync.synchronized {
if (_actor != null) _actor ! Cancel
// XXX TODO --- should be in the actor body
final def stats = {
val res = Stats(numBufD = queueD.size(), numBufI = queueI.size(), numBufL = queueL.size(),
numNodes = nodes.size)
println("--- NODES: ---")
nodes.foreach { n =>
// val gs = n.asInstanceOf[GraphStageLogic]
// val conn = akka.stream.sciss.Util.portToConn(gs)
// val ni = n.asInstanceOf[NodeImpl[Shape]]
// val ins = ni.shape.inlets
// val numIns = ins.size
// val outs = ni.shape.outlets
// val numOuts = outs.size
// println(" ins:")
// (ins zip conn.take(numIns)).foreach { case (in, con) =>
// println(s" $in - $con")
// }
// println(" outs:")
// (outs zip conn.takeRight(numOuts)).foreach { case (out, con) =>
// println(s" $out - $con")
// }
final def createTempFile(): File = File.createTemp()
// ---- actor messages
private final case class RemoveNode(node: Node)
private case object Cancel
private final case class SetProgress(key: Int, frac: Double)
trait Control {
/** Global buffer size. The guaranteed size of the double and integer arrays.
* A shortcut for `config.bufSize`.
def blockSize: Int
/** A shortcut for `config.nodeBufferSize`.
def nodeBufferSize: Int
/** Borrows a double buffer. Its size is reset to `bufSize`. */
def borrowBufD(): BufD
/** Borrows an integer buffer. Its size is reset to `bufSize`. */
def borrowBufI(): BufI
/** Borrows a long buffer. Its size is reset to `bufSize`. */
def borrowBufL(): BufL
/** Returns a double buffer. When `buf.borrowed` is `false`, this is a no-op.
* This should never be called directly but only by the buffer itself
* through `buf.release()`.
def returnBufD(buf: BufD): Unit
/** Returns an integer buffer. When `buf.borrowed` is `false`, this is a no-op.
* This should never be called directly but only by the buffer itself
* through `buf.release()`.
def returnBufI(buf: BufI): Unit
/** Returns an integer buffer. When `buf.borrowed` is `false`, this is a no-op.
* This should never be called directly but only by the buffer itself
* through `buf.release()`.
def returnBufL(buf: BufL): Unit
/** Adds a node of a stage logic. Must be called during materialization. */
private[stream] def addNode(n: Node): Unit
/** Removes a finished node of a stage logic. */
private[stream] def removeNode(n: Node): Unit
/** Registers a progress reporter. */
private[stream] def mkProgress(label: String): Int
/** Reports the progress for a particular instance. */
private[stream] def setProgress(key: Int, frac: Double): Unit
/** Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible to deleting the file
* after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked `deleteOnExit`)
def createTempFile(): File
/** Cancels the process. This works by cancelling all registered leaves. If the graph
* is correctly constructed, this should shut down all connected trees from there automatically.
def cancel(): Unit
/** Creates an aggregated `Future` over the state of the graph.
* In the case of cancelling the graph, the result will be `Failure(Cancelled())`.
def status: Future[Unit]
def stats: Control.Stats
val config: Control.Config
def debugDotGraph(): Unit
/** Expands with default builder and then runs the graph. */
def run(graph: Graph): UGenGraph
/** Runs an already expanded graph. */
def runExpanded(ugens: UGenGraph): Unit
def mkRandom(): Random
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