Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Fourier.scala
* (FScape)
* Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v2+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.fscape
package stream
import{Attributes, FanInShape5}
import de.sciss.file.File
import{BlockingGraphStage, FilterIn5DImpl, FilterLogicImpl, NodeImpl, WindowedLogicImpl}
import de.sciss.numbers
object Fourier {
def apply(in: OutD, size: OutI, padding: OutI, dir: OutD, mem: OutI)(implicit b: Builder): OutD = {
val stage0 = new Stage
val stage = b.add(stage0)
b.connect(in , stage.in0)
b.connect(size , stage.in1)
b.connect(padding, stage.in2)
b.connect(dir , stage.in3)
b.connect(mem , stage.in4)
private final val name = "Fourier"
private type Shape = FanInShape5[BufD, BufI, BufI, BufD, BufI, BufD]
private final class Stage(implicit protected val ctrl: Control)
extends BlockingGraphStage[Shape](name) {
override def toString = s"$name@${hashCode.toHexString}"
val shape = new FanInShape5(
in0 = InD (s"$" ),
in1 = InI (s"$name.size" ),
in2 = InI (s"$name.padding"),
in3 = InD (s"$name.dir" ),
in4 = InI (s"$name.mem" ),
out = OutD(s"$name.out" )
def createLogic(attr: Attributes) = new Logic(shape)
// not part of 'Numbers'
private implicit final class LongOps(val a: Long) extends AnyVal {
def isPowerOfTwo: Boolean = (a & (a-1)) == 0
def nextPowerOfTwo: Long = {
if (a > 0x4000000000000000L) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Integer overflow: nextPowerOfTwo($a)")
var j = 1L
while (j < a) j <<= 1 // in theory would be faster to do zig-zag search
private final class Logic(shape: Shape)(implicit ctrl: Control)
extends NodeImpl(name, shape)
with WindowedLogicImpl[Shape]
with FilterLogicImpl[BufD, Shape]
with FilterIn5DImpl[BufD, BufI, BufI, BufD, BufI] {
private[this] val fileBuffers = new Array[FileBuffer](4)
private[this] val tempFiles = new Array[File ](4)
private[this] var size : Int = _ // already multiplied by `fftInSizeFactor`
private[this] var padding : Int = _ // already multiplied by `fftInSizeFactor`
private[this] var memAmount : Int = _
private[this] var dir : Double = _
private[this] var gain : Double = _
private[this] var fftSize = 0 // refreshed as `size + padding`
override protected def stopped(): Unit = {
@inline private def fftInSizeFactor = 2
@inline private def fftOutSizeFactor = 2
@inline private def freeInputFileBuffers(): Unit = freeFileBuffers(2)
@inline private def freeFileBuffers (): Unit = freeFileBuffers(4)
private def freeFileBuffers(n: Int): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < 4) {
if (i < n && fileBuffers(i) != null) {
fileBuffers(i) = null
if (tempFiles(i) != null) {
tempFiles(i) = null
i += 1
protected def startNextWindow(inOff: Int): Int = {
import numbers.Implicits._
val inF = fftInSizeFactor
if (bufIn1 != null && inOff < bufIn1.size) {
size = math.max(1, bufIn1.buf(inOff)) * inF
if (bufIn2 != null && inOff < bufIn2.size) {
padding = math.max(0, bufIn2.buf(inOff)) * inF
padding = (size + padding).nextPowerOfTwo - size
val n = (size + padding) / inF
if (n != fftSize) {
fftSize = n
if (bufIn3 != null && inOff < bufIn3.size) {
dir = bufIn3.buf(inOff)
gain = if (dir > 0) 1.0 / fftSize else 1.0
if (bufIn4 != null && inOff < bufIn4.size) {
memAmount = math.min(fftSize, math.max(2, bufIn4.buf(inOff)).nextPowerOfTwo)
// create new buffers
var i = 0
while (i < 4) {
fileBuffers(i) = FileBuffer()
tempFiles (i) = ctrl.createTempFile()
i += 1
protected def copyInputToWindow(inOff: Int, writeToWinOff: Int, chunk: Int): Unit = {
// Write first half of input to 0, second half to 1
var inOff0 = inOff
var chunk0 = chunk
if (writeToWinOff < fftSize) {
val chunk1 = math.min(chunk0, fftSize - writeToWinOff)
fileBuffers(0).write(bufIn0.buf, inOff0, chunk1)
inOff0 += chunk1
chunk0 -= chunk1
if (chunk0 > 0) {
fileBuffers(1).write(bufIn0.buf, inOff0, chunk0)
protected def copyWindowToOutput(readFromWinOff: Int, outOff: Int, chunk: Int): Unit = {
// Read first half of output from 2, second half from 3
var outOff0 = outOff
var chunk0 = chunk
if (readFromWinOff < fftSize) {
val chunk1 = math.min(chunk0, fftSize - readFromWinOff)
fileBuffers(2).read(bufOut0.buf, outOff0, chunk1)
outOff0 += chunk1
chunk0 -= chunk1
if (chunk0 > 0) {
fileBuffers(3).read(bufOut0.buf, outOff0, chunk0)
if (gain != 1.0) {
Util.mul(bufOut0.buf, outOff, chunk, gain) // scale correctly for forward FFT
protected def processWindow(writeToWinOff: Int): Int = {
var zero = (fftSize << 1) - writeToWinOff
if (writeToWinOff < fftSize) {
val chunk1 = math.min(zero, fftSize - writeToWinOff)
fileBuffers(0).writeValue(0.0, chunk1)
zero -= chunk1
if (zero > 0) {
fileBuffers(1).writeValue(0.0, zero)
storageFFT(fileBuffers, tempFiles, len = fftSize, dir = dir, memAmount = memAmount)
freeInputFileBuffers() // we don't need the inputs any longer
fftSize * fftOutSizeFactor
@inline private def swap[A](arr: Array[A], i: Int, j: Int): Unit = {
val temp = arr(i)
arr(i) = arr(j)
arr(j) = temp
* One-dimensional Fourier transform of a large data set stored on external media.
* len must be a power of 2. file[ 0...3 ] contains the stream pointers to 4 temporary files,
* each large enough to hold half of the data. The input data must have its first half stored
* in file file[ 0 ], its second half in file[ 1 ], in native floating point form.
* memAmount real numbers are processed per buffered read or write.
* Output: the first half of the result is stored in file[ 2 ], the second half in file[ 3 ].
* @param audioFiles 0 = first half input, 1 = second half input
* 2 = first half output, 3 = second half output
* @param len complex fft length (power of 2!)
* @param dir 1 = forward, -1 = inverse transform (multiply by freqShift for special effect!)
* @param memAmount internal buffer sizes (must be a power of two)
private def storageFFT(audioFiles: Array[FileBuffer], tempFiles: Array[File], len: Long, dir: Double,
memAmount: Int): Unit = {
import numbers.Implicits._
require(memAmount >= 2 && memAmount.isPowerOfTwo)
require(len >= 2 && len .isPowerOfTwo)
val indexMap = Array(1, 0, 3, 2)
val indices = new Array[Int](4)
val buf1 = new Array[Double](memAmount)
val buf2 = new Array[Double](memAmount)
val buf3 = new Array[Double](memAmount)
var mMax = len
val numSteps = len / memAmount
val halfSteps = numSteps >> 1
val thetaBase = dir * math.Pi
var kd = memAmount >> 1
var n2 = len
var jk = len
var kc = 0L
def rewind(): Unit = {
swap(audioFiles, 1, 3)
swap(audioFiles, 0, 2)
swap(tempFiles , 1, 3)
swap(tempFiles , 0, 2)
indices(0) = 2
indices(1) = 3
indices(2) = 0
indices(3) = 1
// The first phase of the transform starts here.
do { // Start of the computing pass.
val theta = thetaBase / (len/mMax)
val tempW = math.sin(theta / 2)
val wpRe = -2.0 * tempW * tempW
val wpIm = math.sin(theta)
var wRe = 1.0
var wIm = 0.0
mMax >>= 1
var i = 0
while (i < 2) {
var step = 0
do {
audioFiles(indices(0)).read(buf1, 0, memAmount)
audioFiles(indices(1)).read(buf2, 0, memAmount)
var j = 0
while (j < memAmount) {
val h = j + 1
val tempRe = wRe * buf2(j) - wIm * buf2(h)
val tempIm = wIm * buf2(j) + wRe * buf2(h)
buf2(j) = buf1(j) - tempRe
buf1(j) += tempRe
buf2(h) = buf1(h) - tempIm
buf1(h) += tempIm
j += 2
kc += kd
if (kc == mMax) {
kc = 0L
val tempW = wRe
wRe += tempW * wpRe - wIm * wpIm
wIm += tempW * wpIm + wIm * wpRe
audioFiles(indices(2)).write(buf1, 0, memAmount)
audioFiles(indices(3)).write(buf2, 0, memAmount)
step += 1
} while (step < halfSteps)
if ((i == 0) && (n2 != len) && (n2 == memAmount)) {
indices(0) = indexMap(indices(0))
indices(1) = indices(0)
if (halfSteps == 0) i = 2
else i += 1
rewind() // Start of the permutation pass.
jk >>= 1
if (jk == 1) {
assert(assertion = false, "We never get here?")
mMax = len
jk = len
n2 >>= 1
if (n2 > memAmount) {
var i = 0
while (i < 2) {
var step = 0L
while (step < numSteps) {
var n1 = 0L
while (n1 < n2) {
audioFiles(indices(0)).read (buf1, 0, memAmount)
audioFiles(indices(2)).write(buf1, 0, memAmount)
n1 += memAmount
indices(2) = indexMap(indices(2))
step += n2 / memAmount
indices(0) = indexMap(indices(0))
i += 1
} else if (n2 == memAmount) {
indices(1) = indices(0)
} while (n2 >= memAmount)
// System.out.println( "part 2" );
var j = 0
// The second phase of the transform starts here. Now, the remaining permutations
// are sufficiently local to be done in place.
do {
val theta = thetaBase / (len/mMax)
val tempW = math.sin(theta / 2)
val wpRe = -2.0 * tempW * tempW
val wpIm = math.sin(theta)
var wRe = 1.0
var wIm = 0.0
mMax >>= 1
val ks = kd
kd >>= 1
var i = 0
while (i < 2) {
var step = 0
while (step < numSteps) {
audioFiles(indices(0)).read(buf3, 0, memAmount)
var kk = 0
var k = ks
do {
val h = kk + ks + 1
val tempRe = wRe * buf3(kk + ks) - wIm * buf3(h)
val tempIm = wIm * buf3(kk + ks) + wRe * buf3(h)
buf1(j) = buf3(kk) + tempRe
buf2(j) = buf3(kk) - tempRe
j += 1
kk += 1
buf1(j) = buf3(kk) + tempIm
buf2(j) = buf3(kk) - tempIm
j += 1
kk += 1
if (kk >= k) {
kc += kd
if (kc == mMax) {
kc = 0L
val tempW = wRe
wRe += tempW * wpRe - wIm * wpIm
wIm += tempW * wpIm + wIm * wpRe
kk += ks
k = kk + ks
} while (kk < memAmount)
// flush
if (j == memAmount) {
audioFiles(indices(2)).write(buf1, 0, memAmount)
audioFiles(indices(3)).write(buf2, 0, memAmount)
j = 0
step += 1
} // for steps
indices(0) = indexMap(indices(0))
i += 1
} // for (0 until 1)
jk >>= 1
} while (jk > 1)
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