de.sciss.fscape.stream.Metro.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Metro.scala
* (FScape)
* Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v2+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.fscape
package stream
import akka.stream.{Attributes, FanInShape2}
import de.sciss.fscape.stream.impl.{GenChunkImpl, GenIn2IImpl, StageImpl, NodeImpl}
object Metro {
def apply(period: OutL, phase: OutL)(implicit b: Builder): OutI = {
val stage0 = new Stage
val stage = b.add(stage0)
b.connect(period, stage.in0)
b.connect(phase, stage.in1)
private final val name = "Metro"
private type Shape = FanInShape2[BufL, BufL, BufI]
private final class Stage(implicit ctrl: Control) extends StageImpl[Shape](name) {
val shape = new FanInShape2(
in0 = InL (s"$name.period"),
in1 = InL (s"$name.phase"),
out = OutI(s"$name.out" )
def createLogic(attr: Attributes) = new Logic(shape)
// XXX TODO -- abstract over data type (BufD vs BufI)?
private final class Logic(shape: Shape)(implicit ctrl: Control)
extends NodeImpl(name, shape)
with GenChunkImpl[BufL, BufI, Shape]
with GenIn2IImpl[BufL, BufL] {
private[this] var period : Long = _
private[this] var phase : Long = _ // internal state; does not include `phaseOff`
private[this] var init = true
protected def processChunk(inOff: Int, outOff: Int, chunk: Int): Unit = {
// println(s"Metro.processChunk($bufIn0, $chunk)")
var inOffI = inOff
var outOffI = outOff
val stop = inOffI + chunk
val b0 = if (bufIn0 == null) null else bufIn0.buf
val out = bufOut0.buf
val stop0 = if (b0 == null) 0 else bufIn0.size
var periodV = period
var phaseV = phase
if (init) {
val b1 = bufIn1.buf
periodV = b0(inOffI)
if (periodV == 0) periodV = Long.MaxValue
val phaseOffV = b1(inOffI)
phaseV = phaseOffV + periodV
init = false
while (inOffI < stop) {
if (inOffI < stop0) {
periodV = b0(inOffI)
if (periodV == 0) periodV = Long.MaxValue
if (phaseV >= periodV) {
phaseV %= periodV
out(outOffI) = 1
} else {
out(outOffI) = 0
phaseV += 1
inOffI += 1
outOffI += 1
period = periodV
phase = phaseV
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