de.sciss.lucre.expr.graph.GPIO.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* GPIO.scala
* (LucrePi)
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.lucre.expr.graph
import{GpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent, GpioPinListenerDigital}
import{GpioController, GpioFactory, GpioPinDigitalInput, GpioPinDigitalOutput, GpioProvider, PinPullResistance, PinState, Pin => JPin}
import{I2CBus, I2CDevice, I2CFactory}
import de.sciss.equal.Implicits._
import de.sciss.lucre.Txn.peer
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.ExElem.{ProductReader, RefMapIn}
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.impl.IActionImpl
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.{Context, ExElem, IAction, IControl, ITrigger}
import de.sciss.lucre.impl.{IChangeEventImpl, IChangeGeneratorEvent, IEventImpl, IGeneratorEvent}
import de.sciss.lucre.{Cursor, Disposable, IChangeEvent, IEvent, IExpr, IPull, ITargets, Txn}
import de.sciss.model.Change
import de.sciss.proc.SoundProcesses
import pi4j.component.servo.impl.PCA9685GpioServoProvider
import pi4j.gpio.extension.pca.{PCA9685GpioProvider, PCA9685Pin}
import scala.concurrent.stm.{Ref, TArray, TxnLocal}
object GPIO {
private lazy val provider: GpioProvider = GpioFactory.getDefaultProvider()
private lazy val instance: GpioController = {
try {
} catch {
case ex: UnsatisfiedLinkError => // e.g. trying to run on a desktop
Console.err.println(s"GPIO - cannot obtain controller: ${ex.getMessage}")
private final class ExpandedDigitalOut[T <: Txn[T]](pin: IExpr[T, JPin], state: IExpr[T, Boolean] /*, tx0: T*/)
extends IControl[T] {
private[this] val local = TxnLocal[Boolean](afterCommit = setState)
private[this] val obsRef = Ref(Disposable.empty[T])
private[this] var out = null: GpioPinDigitalOutput
// local.set(state.value(tx0))(tx0.peer)
private def setState(value: Boolean): Unit = {
val _out = out
if (_out != null) {
def initControl()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val jPin = pin .value
val state0 = state .value
tx.afterCommit {
// XXX TODO --- is this good? does this always occur before TxnLocal update?
val _instance = instance
if (_instance != null) {
out = _instance.provisionDigitalOutputPin(provider, jPin, if (state0) PinState.HIGH else PinState.LOW)
// local() = state.value
val obs = state.changed.react { implicit tx => upd =>
local() =
obsRef() = obs
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
tx.afterCommit {
val _out = out
if (_out != null) {
object DigitalOut extends ProductReader[DigitalOut] {
/** Creates a digital output on the given pin reflecting the given low/high state. */
def apply(pin: Pin, state: Ex[Boolean]): DigitalOut = Impl(pin, state)
override def read(in: ExElem.RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): DigitalOut = {
require (arity == 2 && adj == 0)
val _pin = in.readProductT[Pin]()
val _state = in.readEx[Boolean]()
DigitalOut(_pin, _state)
private final case class Impl(pin: Pin, state: Ex[Boolean]) extends DigitalOut {
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$DigitalOut" // serialization
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = IControl[T]
protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): Repr[T] = {
new ExpandedDigitalOut[T](pin.expand[T], state.expand[T])
/** A pin configured for digital output. The low/high state is specified in the constructor. */
trait DigitalOut extends Control
private final class ExpandedDigitalIn[T <: Txn[T]](pin: IExpr[T, JPin], state0: Boolean,
pull: IExpr[T, Option[Boolean]],
debounce: IExpr[T, Int] /*, tx0: T*/)
(implicit protected val targets: ITargets[T],
cursor: Cursor[T])
extends IControl[T] with IExpr[T, Boolean] with IChangeGeneratorEvent[T, Boolean] {
private[this] var in = null: GpioPinDigitalInput
private[this] val valueRef = Ref(state0)
private[this] lazy val listener = new GpioPinListenerDigital {
def handleGpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent(e: GpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent): Unit = {
val now = e.getState.isHigh
private def setState(now: Boolean): Unit =
SoundProcesses.step[T]("GPIO.DigitalIn.handle") { implicit tx =>
private def setStateTx(now: Boolean)(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val before = valueRef.swap(now)
if (now != before) {
fire(Change(before, now))
def value(implicit tx: T): Boolean = valueRef()
override def changed: IChangeEvent[T, Boolean] = this
private[lucre] def pullChange(pull: IPull[T])(implicit tx: T, phase: IPull.Phase): Boolean =
def initControl()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val jPin = pin .value
val pull0 = pull .value
val deb0 = debounce.value
// setStateTx(value0) // valueRef() = value0 // a bit of a hack; assume an 'opener' circuit
tx.afterCommit {
val _instance = instance
if (_instance != null) {
val resistance = pull0 match {
case Some(true) => PinPullResistance.PULL_UP
case Some(false) => PinPullResistance.PULL_DOWN
case None => PinPullResistance.OFF
val _in = _instance.provisionDigitalInputPin(provider, jPin, resistance)
if (deb0 >= 0) _in.setDebounce(deb0)
val state1 = _in.getState.isHigh
if (state1 !== state0) setState(state1)
in = _in
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
tx.afterCommit {
val _in = in
if (_in != null) {
val PullUp : Ex[Option[Boolean]] = Some(true)
val PullDown: Ex[Option[Boolean]] = Some(false)
val PullOff : Ex[Option[Boolean]] = None
object DigitalIn extends ProductReader[DigitalIn] {
/** Creates a digital input on the given pin. It can be used to attach and listen to
* buttons on the GPIO, for example.
* ''Note:'' Because initialization takes place outside a transaction, the value of the pin
* is initially unknown and thus can be given as `init`. When initialized, this pin is actually polled,
* potentially triggering actions in the user code.
* @param pin the pin to poll
* @param pull if defined, sets a pull-up (`true`) or pull-down (`false`) resistor. Defaults to `None`.
* @param init the assumed initial state (defaults to `false`)
* @param debounce if zero or positive, specifies a debounce option in milliseconds.
* Debouncing is used when due to noise or imprecision multiple button
* clicks are detected when they should be treated as one. Defaults to `-1`.
def apply(pin: Pin, pull: Ex[Option[Boolean]] = None, init: Ex[Boolean] = false, debounce: Ex[Int] = -1): DigitalIn =
Impl(pin, pull, init, debounce)
override def read(in: ExElem.RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): DigitalIn = {
require (arity == 4 && adj == 0)
val _pin = in.readProductT[Pin]()
val _pull = in.readEx[Option[Boolean]]()
val _init = in.readEx[Boolean]()
val _debounce = in.readEx[Int]()
DigitalIn(_pin, _pull, _init, _debounce)
private final case class Impl(pin: Pin, pull: Ex[Option[Boolean]], init: Ex[Boolean], debounce: Ex[Int])
extends DigitalIn {
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$DigitalIn" // serialization
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = IControl[T] with IExpr[T, Boolean]
protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): Repr[T] = {
import ctx.{cursor, targets}
new ExpandedDigitalIn[T](pin.expand[T], pull = pull.expand[T], debounce = debounce.expand[T],
state0 = init.expand[T].value)
/** A pin configured for digital input. The expression reflects the pin's state
* as low (`false`) or high (`true`).
trait DigitalIn extends Control with Ex[Boolean] {
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] <: IControl[T] with IExpr[T, Boolean]
trait Pin extends Ex[JPin]
// ---------- ADS1X15 ----------
object ADS1X15 extends ProductReader[ADS1X15] {
* @param bus i2c bus (default is 1)
* @param address i2c address (default is 0x48)
* @param bits 16 for the ADS1115, 12 for the ADS1015 (default is 16)
def apply(bus: Ex[Int] = 1, address: Ex[Int] = 0x48, bits: Ex[Int] = 16): ADS1X15 =
Impl(bus = bus, address = address, bits = bits)
override def read(in: ExElem.RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): ADS1X15 = {
require (arity == 3 && adj == 0)
val _bus = in.readEx[Int]()
val _address = in.readEx[Int]()
val _bits = in.readEx[Int]()
ADS1X15(_bus, _address, _bits)
// object Received extends ProductReader[Received] {
// override def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): Received = {
// require (arity == 1 && adj == 0)
// val _a = in.readProductT[ADS1X15]()
// new Received(_a)
// }
// }
// final case class Received(a: ADS1X15) extends Trig {
// type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = ITrigger[T]
// override def productPrefix = s"GPIO$$ADS1X15$$Received" // serialization
// protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): Repr[T] = {
// val ns = a.expand[T]
// import ctx.targets
// new ReceivedExpanded[T](ns, tx)
// }
// }
object RunSingle extends ProductReader[RunSingle] {
override def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): RunSingle = {
assert (arity == 2 && adj == 0)
val _a = in.readProductT[ADS1X15]()
val _chan = in.readEx[Int]()
new RunSingle(_a, _chan)
final case class RunSingle(a: ADS1X15, chan: Ex[Int]) extends Act with Trig {
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = IAction[T] with ITrigger[T]
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$ADS1X15$$RunSingle" // serialization
protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): Repr[T] = {
val ax = a.expand[T]
val chanEx = chan.expand[T]
import ctx.targets
new ExpandedRunSingle[T](ax, chanEx, tx)
private final class ExpandedRunSingle[T <: Txn[T]](a: ADS1X15.Repr[T], chan: IExpr[T, Int], tx0: T)
(implicit protected val targets: ITargets[T])
extends IActionImpl[T] with ITrigger[T] with IEventImpl[T, Unit] {
private final val chanRef = Ref(-1)
override def executeAction()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val chanV = chan.value
if (chanV >= 0 && chanV < 4) {
chanRef() = chanV
override def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
override def changed: IEvent[T, Unit] = this
override private[lucre] def pullUpdate(pull: IPull[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[Unit] = {
val opt = pull(a.received)
if (opt.isDefined) Trig.Some else None // XXX TODO is this correct?
object In extends ProductReader[In] {
override def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): In = {
require (arity == 2 && adj == 0)
val _a = in.readProductT[ADS1X15]()
val _chan = in.readEx[Int]()
new In(_a, _chan)
final case class In(a: ADS1X15, chan: Ex[Int]) extends Ex[Int] {
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = IExpr[T, Int]
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$ADS1X15$$In" // serialization
protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): Repr[T] = {
val ax = a.expand[T]
val chanEx = chan.expand[T]
import ctx.targets
new InExpanded(ax, chanEx, tx)
private final class InExpanded[T <: Txn[T]](a: Repr[T], chan: IExpr[T, Int], tx0: T)
(implicit protected val targets: ITargets[T])
extends IExpr[T, Int] with IChangeEventImpl[T, Int] {
def value(implicit tx: T): Int =
private[lucre] def pullChange(pull: IPull[T])(implicit tx: T, phase: IPull.Phase): Int = {
/*val opt =*/ pull(a.received) // XXX TODO is this correct?
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit =
def changed: IChangeEvent[T, Int] = this
private final case class Impl(bus: Ex[Int], address: Ex[Int], bits: Ex[Int]) extends ADS1X15 {
self =>
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$ADS1X15" // serialization
// override def received : Trig = Received(this)
override def runSingle(chan: Ex[Int]): Act with Trig = RunSingle(this, chan)
override def in(chan: Ex[Int]): Ex[Int] = In(this, chan)
protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): self.Repr[T] = {
import ctx.{cursor, targets}
new ExpandedADS1X15[T](bus = bus.expand[T], address = address.expand[T], bits = bits.expand[T])
trait Repr[T <: Txn[T]] extends IControl[T] {
def in(chan: Int)(implicit tx: T): Int
def runSingle(chan: Int)(implicit tx: T): Unit
def received: IEvent[T, (Int, Int)]
trait ADS1X15 extends Control {
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = ADS1X15.Repr[T]
// /** Triggers when a conversion is completed. */
// def received(chan: Ex[Int]): Trig
/** Runs a single conversion on a given channel. The trigger is fired when conversion is complete. */
def runSingle(chan: Ex[Int]): Act with Trig
/** The last conversion at a given analog input. */
def in(chan: Ex[Int]): Ex[Int]
// -----
// implementation based on `Adafruit_ADS1X15`, licensed under BSD License:
// Copyright (c) 2012, Adafruit Industries, all rights reserved.
// We still have to figure out why waiting for conversion-completion does not work
// -----
private final val ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONFIG = 0x01 // Configuration
private final val ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_LOWTHRESH = 0x02 // Low threshold
private final val ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_HITHRESH = 0x03 // High threshold
private final val ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONVERT = 0x00 // Conversion
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CQUE_1CONV = 0x0000 // Assert ALERT/RDY after one conversions
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CLAT_NONLAT = 0x0000 // Non-latching comparator (default)
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CPOL_ACTVLOW = 0x0000 // ALERT/RDY pin is low when active (default)
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CMODE_TRAD = 0x0000 // Traditional comparator with hysteresis (default)
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MODE_CONTIN = 0x0000 // Continuous conversion mode
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MODE_SINGLE = 0x0100 // Power-down single-shot mode (default)
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_OS_SINGLE = 0x8000 // Write: Set to start a single-conversion
// private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_0 = 0x4000 // Single-ended AIN0
// private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_1 = 0x5000 // Single-ended AIN1
// private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_2 = 0x6000 // Single-ended AIN2
// private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_3 = 0x7000 // Single-ended AIN3
private final val ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_PGA_6_144V = 0x0000 // +/-6.144V range = Gain 2/3
private final val RATE_ADS1015_1600SPS = 0x0080 // 1600 samples per second (default)
private final val RATE_ADS1115_128SPS = 0x0080 // 128 samples per second (default)
private final val DEBUG = false
private final class ExpandedADS1X15[T <: Txn[T]](bus: IExpr[T, Int], address: IExpr[T, Int], bits: IExpr[T, Int])
(implicit protected val targets: ITargets[T], cursor: Cursor[T])
extends ADS1X15.Repr[T] with IGeneratorEvent[T, (Int, Int)] {
// private[this] val obsRef = Ref(Disposable.empty[T])
private[this] val gain = ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_PGA_6_144V // GAIN_TWOTHIRDS - +/- 6.144V range (limited to VDD +0.3V max!)
private[this] var bitShift = 0
private[this] var dataRate = 0
private[this] var i2cBus = null: I2CBus
private[this] var i2cDev = null: I2CDevice
private[this] val _values = TArray.ofDim[Int](4) // new Array[Int](4)
override def in(chan: Int)(implicit tx: T): Int =
if (chan >= 0 && chan < 4) _values(chan) else 0
override def runSingle(chan: Int)(implicit tx: T): Unit =
tx.afterCommit {
val mux = (chan + 4) << 12 // 0x4000, 0x5000 etc.
startADCReading(mux, continuous = false)
// Wait for the conversion to complete
// XXX TODO this causes I/O error
// while (!conversionComplete()) ()
// Thread.sleep(1) // XXX TODO -- this works "sometimes", but on the Pi, it seems the Thread is only woken up fast if the UI moves
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) < 2) () // XXX TODO -- this "works" but is bad obviously
val value = getLastConversionResults()
// _values(chan) = value
SoundProcesses.step[T]("ADS1X15.runSingle") { implicit tx =>
_values(chan) = value
fire((chan, value))
override private[lucre] def pullUpdate(pull: IPull[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[(Int, Int)] =
Some(pull.resolve[(Int, Int)])
override def received: IEvent[T, (Int, Int)] = this
private def getLastConversionResults(): Int = {
// Read the conversion results
val res = readRegister(ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONVERT) >> bitShift
if (bitShift == 0 || res <= 0x07FF) {
} else {
// Shift 12-bit results right 4 bits for the ADS1015,
// making sure we keep the sign bit intact
// negative number - extend the sign to 16th bit
res | 0xF000
private def startADCReading(mux: Int, continuous: Boolean): Unit = {
// Start with default values
val config = {
ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CQUE_1CONV | // Set CQUE to any value other than
// None so we can use it in RDY mode
ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CLAT_NONLAT | // Non-latching (default val)
ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CPOL_ACTVLOW | // Alert/Rdy active low (default val)
ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_CMODE_TRAD // Traditional comparator (default val)
} | (if (continuous) ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MODE_CONTIN else ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_MODE_SINGLE) | gain | dataRate | mux | ADS1X15_REG_CONFIG_OS_SINGLE
if (DEBUG) println(s"startADCReading(0x${mux.toHexString}, $continuous)")
// Write config register to the ADC
writeRegister(ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONFIG , config)
// XXX TODO: this causes an I/O error
// // Set ALERT/RDY to RDY mode.
// writeRegister(ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_HITHRESH , 0x8000)
// writeRegister(ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_LOWTHRESH , 0x0000)
private def conversionComplete(): Boolean =
(readRegister(ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONFIG) & 0x8000) != 0
private def readRegister(reg: Int): Int = {
if (DEBUG) println(s"readRegister($reg)")
val arr = new Array[Byte](2)
val res = (arr, 0, 2)
if (DEBUG) println(s" -> res $res")
((arr(0) & 0xFF) << 8) | (arr(1) & 0xFF)
private def writeRegister(reg: Int, value: Int): Unit = {
if (DEBUG) println(s"writeRegister($reg, 0x${value.toHexString})")
val arr = new Array[Byte](3)
arr(0) = reg.toByte
arr(1) = (value >> 8).toByte
arr(2) = (value & 0xFF).toByte
i2cDev.write(arr, 0, 3)
def initControl()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val busV = bus .value
val addressV = address .value
val bitsV = bits .value
bitShift = 16 - bitsV
if (bitsV == 12) {
dataRate = RATE_ADS1015_1600SPS
} else {
if (bitsV != 16) Console.err.println(s"Warning: ADS1X15 number of bits ($bitsV) must be 12 or 16")
dataRate = RATE_ADS1115_128SPS
tx.afterCommit {
/*val gpio =*/ instance
// gpio.provisionAnalogInputPin(adc, pin, s"analog-in-$i")
if (DEBUG) println(s"Creating I2C for bus $busV and address 0x${addressV.toHexString}")
i2cBus = I2CFactory.getInstance(busV)
i2cDev = i2cBus.getDevice(addressV)
if (DEBUG) println("I2C created")
val res =
if (DEBUG) println(s"I2C read() = $res")
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
// obsRef().dispose()
tx.afterCommit {
val _i2cBus = i2cBus
if (_i2cBus != null) {
// ---------- PCA9685 ----------
object PCA9685 extends ProductReader[PCA9685] {
* @param bus i2c bus (default is 1)
* @param address i2c address (default is 0x40)
* @param freq servo frequency in Hz (default is 50)
def apply(bus: Ex[Int] = 1, address: Ex[Int] = 0x40, freq: Ex[Double] = 50.0): PCA9685 =
Impl(bus = bus, address = address, freq = freq)
override def read(in: ExElem.RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): PCA9685 = {
require (arity == 3 && adj == 0)
val _bus = in.readEx[Int]()
val _address = in.readEx[Int]()
val _freq = in.readEx[Double]()
PCA9685(_bus, _address, _freq)
trait Repr[T <: Txn[T]] extends IControl[T] {
/** The pulse-width-modulation in microseconds. Setting this to zero turns the servo off. */
def setPwm(chan: Int, micros: Int)(implicit tx: T): Unit
private final case class Pwm(p: PCA9685, chan: Ex[Int]) extends Ex.Sink[Int] {
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$PCA9685$$Pwm" // serialization -- not needed, though
override def update(value: Ex[Int]): Unit = PwmUpdate(p, chan, value)
object PwmUpdate extends ProductReader[PwmUpdate] {
override def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): PwmUpdate = {
assert (arity == 3 && adj == 0)
val _p = in.readProductT[PCA9685]()
val _chan = in.readEx[Int]()
val _value = in.readEx[Int]()
new PwmUpdate(_p, _chan, _value)
final case class PwmUpdate(p: PCA9685, chan: Ex[Int], value: Ex[Int]) extends Control {
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$PCA9685$$PwmUpdate" // serialization
override type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = IControl[T]
override protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): IControl[T] =
new ExpandedPwmUpdate[T](p.expand[T], chan.expand[T], value.expand[T])
private final class ExpandedPwmUpdate[T <: Txn[T]](p: PCA9685.Repr[T], chan: IExpr[T, Int], value: IExpr[T, Int] /*, tx0: T*/)
extends IControl[T] {
private[this] val obsRef = Ref(Disposable.empty[T])
def initControl()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val chanV = chan .value
val value0 = value .value
p.setPwm(chanV, value0)
val obs = value.changed.react { implicit tx => upd =>
obsRef() = obs
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit =
private final case class Impl(bus: Ex[Int], address: Ex[Int], freq: Ex[Double]) extends PCA9685 {
self =>
override def productPrefix: String = s"GPIO$$PCA9685" // serialization
override def pwm(chan: Ex[Int]): Ex.Sink[Int] = Pwm(this, chan)
protected def mkRepr[T <: Txn[T]](implicit ctx: Context[T], tx: T): self.Repr[T] =
new ExpandedPCA9685[T](bus = bus.expand[T], address = address.expand[T], freq = freq.expand[T])
trait PCA9685 extends Control {
type Repr[T <: Txn[T]] = PCA9685.Repr[T]
/** The pulse-width-modulation in microseconds. Setting this to zero turns the servo off. */
def pwm(chan: Ex[Int]): Ex.Sink[Int]
private final class ExpandedPCA9685[T <: Txn[T]](bus: IExpr[T, Int], address: IExpr[T, Int], freq: IExpr[T, Double])
extends PCA9685.Repr[T] {
private[this] var i2cBus = null: I2CBus
private[this] var i2cDev = null: I2CDevice
private[this] var servoProvider = null: PCA9685GpioServoProvider
override def setPwm(chan: Int, micros: Int)(implicit tx: T): Unit =
if (chan >= 0 && chan < 16) tx.afterCommit {
if (servoProvider != null) {
if (DEBUG) println(s"setPwm($chan, $micros)")
val pin = PCA9685Pin.ALL(chan)
val servoDriver = servoProvider.getServoDriver(pin)
if (micros > 0) {
} else {
def initControl()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val busV = bus .value
val addressV = address .value
val freqV = freq .value
tx.afterCommit {
val gpio = instance
// gpio.provisionAnalogInputPin(adc, pin, s"analog-in-$i")
if (DEBUG) println(s"Creating I2C for bus $busV and address 0x${addressV.toHexString}")
i2cBus = I2CFactory.getInstance(busV)
val gpioProvider = new PCA9685GpioProvider(i2cBus, addressV, new java.math.BigDecimal(freqV))
i2cDev = i2cBus.getDevice(addressV)
if (DEBUG) println("I2C created")
for (pin <- PCA9685Pin.ALL) {
val servoName = s"Servo_${pin.getAddress}"
gpio.provisionPwmOutputPin(gpioProvider, pin, servoName)
servoProvider = new PCA9685GpioServoProvider(gpioProvider)
// val servoDriver = servoProvider.getServoDriver(pin)
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
// obsRef().dispose()
tx.afterCommit {
val _i2cBus = i2cBus
if (_i2cBus != null) {
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